Timeless Song of Life (Bhagawat Gita)

Divine Gita Chapter 9 verse 26.????

March 18, 2025

Question I left in the last verse — Can mere rituals prescribed in the vedas bring me that bliss or liberation? Can mere Tapas get me the truth?

” Whoever offers ME with devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit, water, that I accept, offered by the pure minded with devotion”.

This verse is the essence of the entire Gita. We spoke about filtering our thoughts each day and delete the junk mails that get cluttered through our own mind. This is an excercise that we have to do in order to retain our body mind senses in good condition.

What is interesting is the modern man thinks he can wind his way by fooling the rich and famous. An unethical mind with an attitude cannot succeed in getting his actions right. Negative emotions like jealousy, insecurity also hampers the growth of a person professionally and spiritually. Basically what is important is your attitude and motivation while performing your duties or actions that you are meant to do.

Dharma is not for the saints and sages, it is for you and me who are living on this earth NOW. Here the Lord says — What you offer to me is not important as I am the giver, how you offer your prayers to me or how you conduct your life for the benefit of the society, not charity but giving your grace and compassion determines your purity of mind.

Offerings are mere physical gestures, we connect with the ultimate happiness and peace by purifying our mind and know the royal secret — I AM NOT DIFFERENT FROM HIM.

Example — Ravana who was declared as the prime Bhakta of Lord Shiva acquired all the powers from Bolenath. However his mind got corrupt– He wanted to life Kailash and take it with him. He forgot the fact that the power he gained through his bhakti to Shiva! He misuses his strength and falls in to the trap of death.

Offerings to God is your bhavana, your expression but the best form of devotion is purification of the mind and not hurting anyone. ????

THOUGHTS TO PONDER ????????????☀☀☀

Frequent question I am asked — should a man renounce everything in order to get liberated? Should I live like a recluse to attain self realisation? Can a grihastha attain the path of self inquiry?

: ANSWER — It is not necessary to resign from one s job or leave home for self realisation. It is the thought of being a sanyasi that haunts you. If you go to the forest, your mind always accompanies you. It is only an exchange of thought, mental obstacles will remain the same. New surrounding may hamper your progress towards self enquiry.

It is the renunciation of ego mind, I – thought that leads us to liberation. External renunciation is meaningless, once we have given up our false identity. It is the action with an attitude of complete surrender to the HIGHER SELF, that motivates us to act. One who has given up on the Ego identity has nothing to renounce. You are fine where you are and stay happy in the body you have taken as per your karma and fulfil your desires so you are able to empty the floppy from your subconscious mind.????

Divine Gita Chapter 9 verse Whaterver you do, whatever you eat or offer in sacrifice, whatever you practice as austerity, O Kaunteya, do it as an offering to ME.”

Kindly read this with the reference to previous verses.

All actions in life becomes meaningful with a certain mental attitude. This is of supreme importance rather than the physical act. It is very common for people to get possessive about their own action and take the ownership of credits.

: We tend to act with ‘ I ‘ image most of the time and we know that I cannot exist by itself. We need a foundation and SELF a subtractum for our existence. Example — Clay pot is a form that stands on the substance clay that is nature s property. You as an individual exist because of the pancha boothas and the awareness of the SELF. Pancha boothas can exist without you but your existence is based on that.

This reality is generally forgotten by human beings and they wish to take charge of nature and future. When they fail, there is pain and frustration. To remember the SELF and the reality that I am not the doer, helps us sail through life in peace.

Just like gold in all ornaments, Divine is the foundation in all forms and names. Example — We as humans get stuck in life many times and wallow in stress and anxiety. We must remember that the actions as described in 3rd chapter karma yoga, come as a balance sheet when you are born. Thought of the SELF comes only when we get helpless, but the fact is our minds are limited by time and space.

Divine Gita Chapter 9 verse 25.

“The worshippers of Devas or Gods, to the Pitris or ancestors go to ancestor worshippers; element worshippers go to the pancha Bhutas, My worshippers come to ME.”

It is important for us to go through the single source of energy that pervades all creations that I wrote few days back to understand this verse in the right perspective.

Thoughts we entertain in our minds becomes a blue print for the individual s character formation. Devas represent various sense organs through which we experience the world. It refers to all physical experiences I mean those who think of external world of joy and success.

Some people believe only in praying to the ancestors, we still have many communities in India and ancient Egypt who live by that faith.

Worshipping nature is very common even today, initiated by the sages in Vedic times. Man was overawed by nature then, he knew it is a Divine manifestation as he has not created it. Anything that seems beyond our control causes fear and Man starts revering it. Portion of ATHARVANA VEDA gave us the accepted theories of nature and its behaviour.

Example — There are many wellness programs going around today but everyone knows that what you think, you become THAT.

Hence we stay away from negative thinking but we often hear people saying ‘ I have a right to think that way, I hate that person, I must grieve etc’. Hate is a strong word and it breeds contempt in your heart. It is man s ego that gets hurt when things do not happen the way he wants. He prefers to wallow in depression instead of redeeming himself.

All self application leads to one route and that is ME. Jnana and vijana are both important for self progress. If there is a perfect understanding of theory of karma, inclusiveness of all creations by HIM, I will get what I deserve, I surrender to HIM, I reach my liberation fast.

Divine Gita Chapter 9 verse 24.

” Everyone reaches ME in the end, I alone am the enjoyer in and the Lord of all sacrifices; but they do not know ME in essence, and hence they fall or return to this mortal world.”

Lord says ‘ I am the immutable Reality’ behind all deities that are invoked with faith be it temple, church or synagogue. You as a devotee try to limit ME and my potential to give. People ask for small sansaric things and when they do not get it, they jump to different faith and Gods, finally get confused.

People or manav jhaathi deal in this world for personal gains and profits and hence they equate the same process in their worship too. Prayer is meant to filter the impurities of the mind and make you get close to your SELF that holds the whip of action. Complete happiness and satisfaction lie in the inner sanctorium of your heart, not in the external profit, success, glory and fame.

Our floppy of karmas are stored in the SELF and the subconscious level that gets released each moment and motivates to act and react. You as a person have no choice, except you carry the false EGO that destroys your happiness.

Such delusions instigate your mental weakness, pushing you to the world of insecurity and lack of emotional balance. All Gods are same , they bless you to elevate yourself; the difference is in your mind. Status of Gods in vedas are given to one who lives to support human race and they are revered. Ultimately there is only one energy that is formless but many creations can spring from there. There is only one reality and one TRUTH.????

Good Morning ????????????☀☀☀ Thoughts on Gita saaram. ????

Smurti vaani speaks of one subtractum, one source of energy, ultimate soul the Pramathma. We often read this but not able to retain in our mind. PARAM + ATHMA is one who thinks of other jivathmas and their expansion of happiness. Hence although we keep saying ‘ every athma is divine, it has risen from the same source but has different design when it enters the body. Jivathma aspires to become paramathma and the body mind complex drag it to delusional state.

Example—– Waves have their own levels of ups and downs, different style of leaps but they have to merge with the ocean. How can ocean be different from the waves. It is only a journey of the wave that ultimately goes where it belongs.???? VV lifenliving.org

Divine Gita Chapter 9 verse 23

“Even those devotees ( Bhaktha yajanthe), who endowed with faith, worship other Gods, worship ME alone, O Son of Kunti, may be in different ways at times in ignorant ways.”

Read the verse 22 to understand this better. After we stay in sankalpa, self willed thought, one becomes true to their faith and atma vichara as mentioned in the vedas.

Everyone do not worship at the same alter, it is not natural as each one’s gunas or temperaments are different. One must understand as what Krishna as an incarnate speaks– He is not talking about himself, people pray to different incarnations but the vitality is the same, I AM THE SUBTRACTUM – the universal soul. They invoke ME in different forms, who is nirguna, has no birth and death, consciousness that manifests itself through all sages and prophets.

We are naturally tolerant as we believe in One almighty, one humanity and one universe. People who interpret our scriptures have slipped from this reality. Those who give knowledge and show us the path of salvation, we refer to them as Gods and they are worthy of worship. They may be prophets but they are not the ultimate one although the humans differentiate and create cults and become fanatics.

As the time rolls, human mind gets diluted, we need to explain the same truth in different ways. The truth does not change. Saints, and philosophers appear through the will of the supreme to show humanity the way to liberate from sorrow

Every faith has a place on this earth as long as human race exists as it is convenient for people to choose their own path but they ultimately reach ME. Some even drown in sorrow and dejection not realising the SELF, they also over time reach ME.

In short it means that we should know the essence of this Truth and till such time, we keep falling in to the mortal world. Soul energy is most important, body cannot function without it. Body and mind function may be anything but the soul sustains thought and action. Same way this universe cannot be alive without the subtractum holding it together.????

I prostrate in front of my Gurus Lord Ganesha and Lord Shiva who have hand held me to where I am. On this special day of Guru Poornima I must express gratitude to almighty, and the gift they have given me to share and impart our ancient wisdom. I have not read or acquired degrees in any university on our scriptures. My Gurus speak through me to people they wish to and I am only an humble instrument. I truly wish all the seekers here, a great journey of life with our satsang as a float to cross the ocean of sansar????

Divine Gita Chapter 9 verse 22

“To those men who worship ME alone, thinking of no other ( Ananyaschinta yantho maam ye janah), to those self controlled, I secure for them that which is not already possessed (YOGA) by them, and preserve for them what they already possess ( KSHEMA).”

Worship ME alone” here means our single pointed devotion to our karma keeping the awareness of reality. Yoga means spiritual vigour, Kshema is the liberation from this fulfilled yoga.

Man should be able to stay in SANKALPA, self willed thought and perceive the world around. Thought create actions, so we need to analyse and discriminate everything in the mind level. In order to do this we need to gain the yogic strength.

Many young people are ambitious, passionate about achieving their goals but unable to sustain in that thought or action. We have many scientists, doctors, artists, dancers and musicians today but we have not seen a remarkable personality in any field.

A true aspiring individual walks in to the field by battling the obstacles, not fear situations but standing high to conquer his goals.

Conflicts and battles differ from person to person as per the balance sheet they have bough. Two major things that dampen the happiness 1 struggle to gain 2 efforts to guard what might have been gained. These two things happen with the will of the almighty as the universal energy has the ultimate balance sheet of all beings. EGO filled humans do not accept this and struggle with questions that never gets answered.

Example — we may be working in a corporate very sincerely, at no point of time we can ever forget the rules and discipline laid by the boss!!! He stays at the back of your mind as you are afraid of being fired. There is a universal law and the moment we deviate from it, natural calamity begins. Our elevation or promotion gets hampered. ????

Good Morning #Basic cause of the stress # Thoughts to ponder ☀☀☀WHEN did we change to such lonely self centered state? Remember the family that got together with uncles and aunts, with very little money yet there was abundance of love, shared tastiest food cooked by the grandmas, surrounded by brothers and sisters who stood the test of time. Marriages, functions and festivals held in such high spirit, never anyone grumbled about feeding people or over staying, there was so much support. We need holidays for only change of scene today with high breakfast, and relaxing alone. Real holiday is always with people you love and enjoy the sound of laughter and jokes, who can take your stress away. Humans have forgotten to laugh aloud, then more sickness; not able to show compassion, forgotten charity. Hence we have very structured talks, counselling programs, packaged charity NGOS to prompt people to be liberated from self absorption. Emojis are doing our job well, let us see where it is going to take us. Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving.org

Divine Gita Chapter 9 verse 21

“Those, having enjoyed the vast heaven world, when their merits are exhausted , enter the world of the mortals; thus abiding by the injunctions of the three vedas, desiring objects of the world, they attain to the state of SAMSARA ( cycle of birth and death).”

One needs to understand the system of creation in this universe. We have talked about it in the earlier chapters, kindly refer to it. I ll anyway explain it in brief.

One who is born in to this samsara is bound by karma, I mean action and attitude. One life is not enough to fulfil our desires, the life span is too small. Hence we wonder at the happenings in our lives — ‘ Oh I never asked for this’ ; you must have desired it at some point.

Once any human being realises the futility of birth and death, sets his mind on devotion and surrender.

He goes to the next level of heavenly state where there is no sorrow. However if he Only enjoys and does not pursue the goal of his soul, he returns to the cycle again for further evolution.

Mind gets diluted in Kali yuga, it is natural. How do we know we still want to reach liberation? 1 Do things happen the way we wish always? 2 Can I decide my time of death ? 3 If I have chosen this life through my karma, then why am I not happy always? Today s emotions like depression, sadness, competition are the indicators to make you realise the goal of the soul. Unfortunately such people get exploited by psychologists, gurus and many others.

Desiring for material wealth is not the problem, turning greedy and depriving others of their rights is objectionable. Extreme attachment to your accumulation is fine as long as you are not in fear of losing it. SAMSARA is the place to liberate yourself.

Thoughts to introspect ????

Who is a Guru? One who is able to make life easy to live without dependency on him or any other object in the world. He gives Marg Darshan to evolve in to Godhood. HE IS LIKE THE OCEAN, it depends on the student what he is able to pick out of that ocean of knowledge. Guru cannot run after sishyas, that reflects his insecurity and he loses the status of a teacher.

He shows the way to keep EGO under check, tells us the importance of only pleasing the almighty through your compassion and balanced way of living life. We live in Kali yuga, we have learnt the art of building our false image in social media; no one cares or remembers.

Divine Gita Chpater 9 verse 20

November 22, 2024

“The knowers of the three vedas, accepting SOMA, purified from negative thoughts, SIN, worshipping ME ( Self), by sacrifices, pray for the way to heaven; they reach the holy world of the Lord of the Gods and enjoy in heaven the Divine bliss”

This verse is from chapter ” ROYAL SECRETS. We have been going through the slow process of teachings of Krishna to Arjuna, trying to elevate him from pain of his action. All of us go through this process even today when we have to take tough actions in life to stand for the dharma. Our scriptures like Bhagawath Gita, Atma Bodha, and vedas enable us to rise from sorrow and act with detachment to save dharmic people.

Lord Krishna continues his teachings ‘ Reading and knowing vedas is not wisdom, it is an accumulation of information. In Kali yuga, it means learn the ritual of purification of the mind each day by introsoecting and applying the knowledge you have gained to remove sorrow. Word SACRIFICE here means letting go of unproductive emotions and raising yourself to enjoy the eternal happiness. Heaven and hell are right here on the earth for Kali yuga men.

The SOMA here has to be understood as the prasada after the ritual of sacrifices, we need to accept gracefully. The desire prompted rituals and actions have no result, it induces greed and arrogance; the downfall of such humans is inevitable.

Human life is for expansion and progress. We cannot live only to survive, we need to challenge the limitations of the mind and free ourselves from EGO to transcend the finite world.
No one can find that peace and happiness unless we know our environment, existence and process of elevation. We will continue to take breaks in life as we do not enjoy our own actions.

Divine Gita Chapter 9 verse 19

“As Sun I give heat; I withhold and send forth the rain; I am Immortality and also death, both Existence and non Existence, O Arjuna.”

This is a continuation of the previous verse. So refer to it to have a better understanding.

All reflecting objects in this world seems alive due the sustained energy of the SELF. The electricity gives heat to all equipments similarly the Self is one existence.

I Send the rain – Everyone knows the fire of the Sun is important in bringing down the rain. Without sun light there is no movement of life, I activate the force of vapour to rise above, driving the force of Panchabootas.

I am Immortality and also death – realise your SELF or the consciousness to be the witness of life and death. All your actions that originate from your fickle mind are born and die a natural death.

I am existence and non existence— HE is eternal, just like your jivathma is the witness for your birth actions and death; the Universal consciousness is the sakshi for SAT AND ASAT ( the cause and effect).

Example — Without mud, no pot is possible, mud can exist without forms, Mud can claim — ‘ I am the pots of all sizes, shapes and colours’.

Example – your whole body and organs are functional only because of the vital prana that gets fuelled by your SELF. PRANA can exist without the body and not vice versa. ????????????

Thoughts to ponder
Can we not have only happiness in the world?

Sure. Every soul wants permanent happiness. Man is more attached to the things that generate temporary happiness.

Even after knowing the truth that objects in this world that we accumulate does not give happiness. Inspite of that man does not give up his greed so he lives in fearing of losing things and he is unable to enjoy his happiness. Those who dont know the truth, they live in arrogance ahankar. Where there is ahankar how can there be happiness? Greed or extreme desire intoxicates the mind, it takes away your peace.

Cause of fear is expectation and desire. When you have expections in your desire, you will have the fear of losing it. If you desire to live then you will fear death. Devas, humans, gandharv everyone are all the same. Insecurity, hatred jealousy and abuse are four pillars that induces sorrow. Fear leads to unhappiness.

Divine Gita chapter 9 verse 18

“I am the goal, supporter, the Lord, the Witness, the Abode, the Shelter, the Friend, the Origin, the Dissolution, the Foundation, the Treasure house, and the Seed imperishable.”

We continue with the essence that is behind the seemingly diverse world. The ignorance we carry as a burden creates the fragmented contradictory thought and action.

GATI – I am the goal. All our seeking will end when imperfections vanish from our mind. Example – If you mistake a rope for a snake, there is fear and delusion. Once you receive the knowledge, it releases you from the imagination.

One has to liberate oneself from all choking sense of limitations. We need to know the fact that there is no base to your frustrations and despair. It is a phase and you will get over it with time as the earth is rotating non stop hence your life also is the same.

BHARTA- I am the supporter. All the changes and parivartan is held by ME ( your athma), life goes on as per your account that is accumulated in the karma bank.

PRABHU – I am the Lord

Example – Just as the power of electricity passes through all equipments although we do not consciously acknowledge it. I am only a witness (Sakshi), but I run through all lives that exist.

NIVASAH – I am the Abode.

Awareness is the abode. When you acknowledge the energy that binds this universe, you are freed from illusions and fear of living.

SUHRIT – I am the friend.

Purusha is united with Prakriti. It is the union of thought and action. I have no other motive, except the wellbeing of the sansar.

All forms and names dissolve in to the earth just like mud pots and metals made in to ornaments. Example – Guru told his sishya ‘ your Moksha will happen only if you carry this needle with you when you die’. He said ‘ How is it possible? Guru replied ” If you cannot take even a needle, for whom are you hoarding your possessions? Man fights to accumulate land and own women, nothing goes with you except your good karmas that you have done and the blessings you have earned.

Thoughts from Bhrama Vidhya
Can we not have only happiness in the world?

Sure. Every soul wants permanent happiness. Man is more attached to the things that generate temporary happiness, even after knowing the truth that objects in this world, that we accumalate does not give eternal happiness. Inspite of that man does not give up his greed so he lives in fearing of losing things and he is unable to enjoy his life and feel any joy in anything he holds. Those who dont know any truth or disinterested in seeking, they live in arrogance ahankar. Where there is ahankar how can there be happiness? Greed or extreme desire intoxicates the mind, it takes away your peace.
Cause of fear is expectation and desire. When you have expectation in your desire, you will have the fear of losing it. If you desire to live then you will fear death. Insecurity, hatred jealousy and abuse are the 4 weapons that destroy happiness. Vasantha Vaikunth ( SPICE FOR THE SOUL) lifenliving.org

Divine Gita chapter 9 verse 16 and 17

Verse 17

” I am the father of this world, the mother, the supporter. One thing to be known is the purifier OM syllable, Rik, the Sama, and the Yajuh. ”

To know the SELF is to destroy the imperfections in the heart mainly like FEAR.

When you live in the state of EGO gives you an imaginary security and the fear gets drowned. Only an awakened intellect can realise the divinity, happiness, security and tranquility.

Fear of rejection, loss and image preservation are burdens we carry and hence we cannot liberate ourselves. Life here is conceived of the flow during all 3 different states — Waking Dreaming and Deep sleep states. The identity of these states is only ONE that is your SELF. The fourth state the Lord says represents all the 3 levels and that is OMKARA.

Lord Mahavishnu takes the role of incarnatining again and again and suffers the human sansaric emotions to set an example to humans and redeem the world from

Adharma. Lord Shiva is the OMKARA, the eternal essence of creation ( Srishti), he symbolizes vairagya.

This chapter Royal secret, yoga of maha Rahasya is very unique as it reveals all layers of creation like Bhramh vidhya. However it can be seen or realized by those who are blessed and has the grace of God. Everyone gets it at some stage.

Verse 16

” I am the KRATU ; I am the sacrifice, I am the offering (food) to PRITIS, I am the medicinal herb, and all plants, I am the mantra, I am the fire, I am the obulation.”

This verse reassures the fact that the SELF is the purusha that pervades everything, in all actions and the movement of time and space. All vedic rituals and method of worship is from the divine source.

Example – The substance gold in an ornament can always say ” I am the beads, I am the pendant, I am the chain that binds the beads, I am its shape and glory.!!!

Example — Computer created by man can claim that the software creation to hardware equipment is my creation. I know the entire wiring of the system, protect from virus, and man s hand pervades in the system.!!

Divine Gita Chapter 9 verse 15

“Offering wisdom- Sacrifice” also worshop ME, regarding me as ONE, as distinct, as manifold — ME, who in all forms, faces everywhere”

‘ekathvena prathkathvena bahudha vishvathomukham’

Wisdom sacrifice is a beautiful concept our philosophy or way of life expounds. It is not a ritual, it is an attempt to see one source in all manifested energies. It is an assertion of vedanta. Even the knowledge you acquire is offered as an obulation in to the fire of awareness of One source and that is your SELF.

The seeker of who he is, watches, observes and detects the expression of the SELF in all forms and names in all situations.

Example — Chocolates made by different companies may be presented in various colours and forms, their essential flavour and taste remain the same. Child enjoys all the different size shape and packaging.

A man of realisation does not get carried away by his multiple demonstration of emotions, he can understand the fleeting nature of such drama. He can see the Self in the sparkle of the eyes, smile of a friend, harsh words of jealousy, soft tone of love, success, failure, heat and cold. This is ATHMADARSHANA!

Example — When human brings get mentally disturbed, sad and depressed; it is their inability to see the SELF that permeates through the actions and reactions.

However I often hear in the modern world when you explain the reality of their experience ” Please stop. Let me stay depressed, lonely or cry. Leave me alone. I have a right to feel sad and many more such ignorant words. This is the reflection of their piledup negative thoughts and self pity. The total charge of your life comes from the floppy that is inserted in your subconscious mind in the form of your karma. Awareness and wisdom may help you to tide over such tragic emotions.

Lord Krishna says ” when SELF is not there, the perception of multiple existence is never possible.
Yoga Sutra talks about controlling the thoughts and then the prana followed by body stretches. BHAGAWATH GITA in all the 18 chapters explains different forms of YOGA. Human soul is the seed of holistic health, we need to preserve the seed to let it grow in to a well balanced tree. Body stays strong with nutrition, exercises, and rest; mind needs a regular filtering of thoughts and an excercise to stay away from delusional perceptions. Mental postures are important than the physical ones says Patanjali. We in this forum are very fortunate to share all the yoga shastras mentioned in the Gita by Veda Vyas. Highest form of yoga is a communion of the Soul with the almighty. What is the first step towards that?

Make friends with your SELF, learn to stay with yourself and be kind to yourself!!! Healthy mind can make you practice any yoga you wish. Stay strong and wise to attain harmony and peace.

WHAT IS YOGA? WHAT DO YOU NEED? People turn the concept of yoga into a market commodity that strips the real ethos of yoga. It is a way of life to attain the highest state of being. It is a scientific path way to health and happiness. It is one of the six orthodox schools of Indian philosophy structured by sage Pathanjali. Self perception through right understanding is JNANA YOG, keeping the body fit and flexible to pursue inner transformation is HATA YOG, devotion and total surrender is BHAKTI YOG, selfless action without attachment is KARMA YOG. Bhakti, jnana and karma yogs have to be harmonised. What helps you cross the ocean of affliction by way of love is RIJU YOG. MANTRA YOG is remembering the Jnana and quetening the mind. Concentration on the SELF is LAYA YOG or referred as kundalini yog. This can open the latent chakras and psychic energy.

SAHAJ YOG – repeating divine name, practicing concentration that bring the mind under control. We do not need any particular language to attain these yogs, they are beyond any language, caste or creed. It is the level of your consciousness that leads to elevation not language! Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving. Org

Divine Gita Chapter 9 verse 14.

“Always keeping ME( Purusha and Prakriti) in mind, striving, firm in vows, prostrating before ME, and always steadfast, they worship ME with devotion.”

This is a chapter on Royal Secret that brings out all the relevant truths of life and living. It unfolds the real goal of human birth. Previous verse explained about self knowledge, now the Lord speaks of single pointed devotion, and selfless activity as the spirit of yajna.

All types of your remembrance is acceptable to ME example – few devotees sing loudly with drums invoking me, the implication of the bhajan is more valuable. Unfortunately the crowd gets in to ahankar and start indulging in dubious activities for self glorification. So the Bhajana becomes a ritual that has no purity of mind or speech.
‘ Striving with firm resolve’ – people over look their goal and get in to some specific physical routine for a short period. This routine becomes a total bliss if we stay firm in our goal of reaching self perfection.

We tend to misplace our real values, get confused and expect results to happen thinking our prayers for that short moment will clear all our karmas. There will be temptations, distractions while pursuing eternal happiness; have to be engaged in constant self application. Prayers and nithya karma will help you raise yourself from the invaluable temptations.

All actions have to culminate in devotion so our false identity, delusions, imagination that I own this world Ahankar will get dissipated. One can win wars, arguments, weak people but cannot win Ahankar EGO. This is the cause of all unhappiness and anger.

For man everything turns in to a medium of power and acquisition. This is the burden we carry all through our lives. We need to shed each false notion, values and imaginary possessions on the way to elevating yourself. We can read, post and share any number of wise statements created to sell it to you, the fact is these are again mere words that please your intellect. Your effort to realize the truth and adjust your life style will take you to happiness ????

Scientific practice of yoga and meditation. The turbulence and loss of balance comes from the fluctuations of the mind. Patanjali- Ultimate guru of yoga talks about 5 types of vrittis- fluctuations. The one that destroys the equanimity is Viprayana, misconception of something. This makes a people feel that they either have some unknown disease or fear of a calamity, they get agitated and lose sleep. Vikalpa – is imagination – Vritti that supports wrong knowledge. Example – you mistake a pillar to be a ghost and get terrified. In life too we imagine many things about people around us and get tortured in the mind. We need to quieten these hallucinations to get over anxiety and insomnia.

Example – Bottom of the lake is not visible as it is covered with ripples and mud. Our SELF is the bottom of the lake, chitta is the lake, waves are the vrittis, fluctuations. Yoga or Meditation is almost impossible unless we get over these afflictions of the mind. Yoga will remain a mere bodily discipline, meditation will be another day today ritual. In order to elevate these sadhanas we need to purify our Thoughts to ponder

Chapter 9 from the Gita, royal secret speaks a lot on self enquiry — Bhramana vichara. What exactly is this?

Patanjali insists on realising real and momentary phases in life. Most people go through a temporary phase of dispassion coming out of personal disappointments. This is vairagya however no one can sustain this phase for long as they fall repeatedly in to the fire like a moth. One has to develop an inner discrimination called VICHARA, to know the difference between drama outside and the inner peace that is eternal.

This is the real process of YOGA that will help us to reach the integrity of mind body and inner self. Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving.org

Divine Gita Chapter 9 verse 12

Verse 12 ” Of vain hopes, of vain actions, of vain knowledge, and senseless, they are possessed of the delusive nature of Rakshasas and Asuras”

Verse 13 ” But the Mahatmas ( great souls) O Partha, partaking of MY divine nature, worship ME with a single mind, knowing ME as the imperishable source of all beings”.

Desires that are untamed are the deluded thoughts that drive people to devilish actions. In today s world everything is vyapaaram ( business), there is a place and time for commercial activities and it is only fair that the economy has to grow. Lord talks about even the selling of knowledge, Gyanam that is unstable and has no truth in it.

Negative thoughts arise from anger, greed and manipulative actions. The world we are living in at the moment, teaches us networking ( falsely praising people, pushing their ego to get your desired result.) Even charity has become a business. Such pursuits will push us in to the darkness of ignorance. We call this asuric inclinations.

We cannot find the rakshasas in their ugly external forms in this yuga, their thoughts are corrupt with negative emotions that they cleverly camouflage. We need to be more mindful and use our intellect in the right way. In order to do this, you need to dwell in your divine nature.

Verse 13 – Meaning of the word Mahathma is one who serves others and live for jan kalyan. Paramathma- One who lives for Param Asthma, uplifment of their souls.

Athma- Jivathma, individual soul who has the opportunity to elevate itself to the higher stage.

Great souls are the ones who know the imperishable source of all beings.

Ego of human beings has reached the peak, so the genetic degeneration is unavoidable and we call this destruction by the kalapurusha.

Modern saying ” If you want to win someone, praise him, flatter him and boost his EGO, he will fall and dig his own grave”. Hence awareness, mindfulness and knowing our divine nature is very important.????

Example — When a child plays with her dolls, she seems very involved and enjoys all imposed emotions; when she is done, she dismantles her play and comes back to reality.????

Divine Gita Chapter 9 verse 11

November 22, 2024

“Fools disregard ME when I dwell in human form, they cannot know the higher being as the great Lord of all beings”.

This verse has to be connected with the previous one. Fools in English gives out a different meaning for Mooda- in sanskrit is ignorance. Lord says ” People look at me as Krishna the cowherd from vrindavan and get carried away. They think I am a separate entity and begin to fight amongst themselves for my superiority !!!!

Example — To mistake the idol for God, or form of the GURU to be infinite is to mistake the container for contents.

Such misunderstanding breeds rivalry, jealousy and fanatics. People get carried away by their own ego identification while performing a puja, what are they capable of offering to me and how they can adorn me. O Partha, I do not need anything — rituals are not the only way to attain ME, attitude, humility and surrender touches my heart.

The ultimate reality incarnates on the earth for the benefit of mankind which is our own creation. It only means that all creations are my own manifestations like for example– The world of technology is man made, your creation and it is almost a reflection of human brain. Your hand is there in that, but the gadgets do not exist in you. You manage it the way you want.

Any creation has a limited life, it has to be destroyed to be reborn.

Lord — Know Me not in the human form, feel me in you each day with love and devotion I shall manifest again and again to embrace my creation.

Divine Gita Chapter 9 verse 10

“Under ME as a supervisor, PRAKRITI produces the moving and the unmoving; because of this , O Kaunteya, the world revolves.”

Run through the previous verse to know these lines better. What is this strange relationship between the real and the unreal? How do we exist in the body and mind that is in conflict most of the time? The SELF remains in it’s own infinite (reality) glory, while the nature or the mind gets dynamised to act and run after desires and arrogance.

The ATMAN just lightens up the mind and intellect, it does not actively involve in anyway in your activities. Then HOW IS THE ATMA GETS TAINTED AND DECIDES TO GET TAKE LOWER BIRTHS? Lord says I am lightening up the world but I have no connection with your illusions. The individual soul gets tainted due to dirty activities of the mind over time. It means the light in that jivatma gets blurry and the mind of the individual loses the sense of right and wrong. Example – When you throw a perfume bottle or incense sticks in the dustbin, the fragrance gets diluted. The mind is the dustbin , fragrance is the soul. Such jivatma takes lower births to get in to cycle of evolution.

Gyanam or knowledge is very important to filter the mind of all junks. The world keeps rotating because of this happenings. World is beautiful, it is the PURUSHA, our mental thinking that is steeped in attachment to the illusion drags us in to misery. We are super imposing unreal in to REAL.

Divine Gita Chapter 9 verse 9

“Sitting like one indifferent, and unattached to these acts, Dhananjaya, these acts do not bind me”.

We saw in the previous verse Lord speaking of him being the substance of every creation. He is not in them but the creations cannot exist without HIM. Such is the energy of the ultimate. That which is perishable is dependent on the ultimate. Body, mind complex is destructible hence cannot be the substance.

All ego centric actions are motivated by selfish desires, it will end in painful reactions. What takes people to the road of sorrow is their own deep likes and dislikes ( Raaga and Dvesha). Lord says your likes and dislikes do not bind me, I watch all these with detachment as there is a natural system of karma that operates in the universe.

What makes us ask this question to God in desperation ‘ Why me, What did I do wrong? Our ego is limited, it has no knowledge of the past or future. Hence they are stuck in the tragic play of life. Example — On the cinema screen, the whole murderous plot takes place for 2 hours, at the end of it the white screen is back. Infinite SELF becomes the platform for all human drama.

Good vasanas makes the mind sing the song of joy and harmony. Bad ones bring sorrow and anxiety. The world revolves around the SELF with the self as a witness and not a performer.

Why do we pray?

Prayer is for self confidence to face the challenges of life as it recharges our energy.

Divine Gita Chapter 9, verses 7 and 8

“All beings, O Kaunteya, (O son of Kunti) go into My Prakriti( nature) at the end of a Kalpa; I send them again at the begining of the next Kalpa”

“Animating My Prakriti, I, again and again send forth all this helpless multitude of beings, by the force of nature ( Prakriti).”

Sun reflects the same way in clear waters or a muddy pool, they are two different equipments. Sun is the cause of the reflection in both but seems dirty in the pool due to the nature of the pool. Lord Krishna says ” I am the vital force behind the creation and the creator.

The accumatated vasanas of the lower self at the end go in to HIS prakriti like the forms of mud pots merge with the soil. Supreme SELF animates Prakriti, vasanas have no freedom but to come under the system of Karma. Birth and death is a phenomenon that gets pushed as a helpless rotation of wheels. Sun God shines everyday bringing solar energy — we refer to it as SOUL, it energises the dynamics of the world movement. MOON refers to Mind, it fades and rises like human mind. Vasanas keep swaying along with Sun and Moon in the Prakriti.

These movements of the world and man does not touch ME. Those who wear the float of Bhakti will not get drowned in the ocean of erratic waves. Those who learn the ways of knowing me shedding their arrogance and ego, stays with MY consciousness. This is the Abyasa.

Divine Gita Chapter 9 verse 6

“As the mighty wind, moving everywhere, rests always in space (Akasha), even so, know you, all beings rest in ME”.

One has to read this as a continuation of the previous verse. Arjuna the prince is confused trying to understand the concept of the pervading Lord but He is not in you. To imagine that substance is everywhere and we live in it, yet the substance cannot be conditioned by the the things that exist in it???????

Gross can never condition the subtle. Stone wall can limit the body but not your thoughts. Example — wind can sway, swirl and curl but cannot limit the space. There will exist a right relationship between self and non self.

Real supports the unreal through its history of misery, sorrow, Joy’s and pleasures. When the wind moves, space is static, train moves the station is not moving. There exists fickle minded emotions in the infinite space of peace. HOW DOES HE CREATE THE LAW OF REBIRTH BY CREATING DURING THE DAY AND DISSOVES AT NIGHT???

LISTEN next.

Writing this explanation truly brought tears in my eyes. Great royal secret indeed. Those fortunate will set their eyes on this verse.

Divine Gita chapter 9 verse 5

“Beings do not exist in reality in ME— behold my divine yoga supporting all beings, but not dwelling in them, My SELF, the efficient cause of all beings.”

This chapter has deep content that only the fortunate ones get to know and realise. There can be no better time for us explore the opportunity of evolution. Lord says ‘ I am the reality, in pure awareness, I support all beings just like the ocean nourishes all waves in it.

Example — Gold is a natural metallic substance , we make ornaments out it, these forms are independent and the main substance is not responsible for the usage of ornaments made. The main source of energy, almighty sustains and lightens up the changing plurality. Simple truth — Gold can exist with ornament forms, ornaments cannot be made without the GOLD. We as humans can feel the excitement of the sense organs in seeing the objects, so being aware of the substance is important to elevate yourself from broken experiences. Dream and the waker seem to be together, when you wake up, there is no dream and the waker does not carry it with him.

Average man in Arjuna finds it difficult to understand the paradox of existence. Humans carry the burden of EGO and arrogance as the scrap of their own self imposed delusions. It is tuff to realise the truth unless we clear the scrap that stimulates negative emotions.

Thoughts to ponder

Asking questions is the key to learning as prescribed by the Gita. Science is also curiosity driven, so it explores the unknown. Lord Krishna talks about the importance of questioning, learning by respecting, serving the teacher who is giving out his best. Questions inspire a teacher to give more insight in to the subject. It is not to test the ability of the teacher but for your complete understanding. Our vedic and vedanta smruti stresses on questions to get the knowledge. The sages went in to forest to ask questions to the SELF and found out the truth of life that we are discussing today.

Divine Gita Chapter 9 verse 4

“All this world is pervaded by ME in MY unmanifest form; all beings exist in ME, but I do not dwell in the.”.

This is a continuation of the verse 3 of chapter 9.

All perishable, limited things must have forms and shapes. The infinite or the REAL holds all changeable substance. Example – mud or soil is part of all forms and shapes of mud. We can break them and remake them and we find dust and dirt accumalating in those forms of mud but the natural mud and clay has no such distortions.

All beings exist in me but I do not live in them’ is a statement that may seem paradoxical. He says I am the subtratum for all the manifested, chaos of names and forms, I am not a participant in their birth and death, sorrow or pain.

The Soul that comes to live in a body is a silent torch bearer, our mind and body has to see the light and learn the illusory nature of human arrogance. Example — Mother gives birth to many children, they are part of the same womb but once the child s karma starts acting, she is not part of that. Mother is always there to give a helping hand to the child who remembers her and seeks support.

Example — Nature around is not our creation, it is given for human survival but man s greed pushes the destruction of the saviour.

What do you think will happen? Bacterial virus and many other natural calamity will retaliate. How sad are we to see the pandemic crisis today, our heart goes out to people who lose lives. Why can we not show this compassion when everyone is alive, kicking and happy?
Nature and the unmanifest subtractum has life, they react when we cause pain to ourselves as we are in them.

Thoughts to ponder.

There is no world crisis or chaos! It is the social world created by us that goes through trauma and trouble. What you desire, manifests itself; humans spend time and energy in researching on the molecules of the universe without knowing the reaction of their own creation. Example – When you step out of the house ( known territory), you are mindful to wear your footwear to protect yourself. What happens when you plunge in to the social world? Do you have the necessary knowledge or discrimination to expect dangers that you may face? Humans live in theories, beliefs and herd following, so they miss the crisis that attacks them. We shift the blame to time ( kaal), nature and think it is God s fury as it is an escape from reality. Social world is created by you and learn to live with your creation.

Thoughts to ponder

Question asked – Why should humans evolve? What use of the wisdom that promises to wipe human tears?

Evolutio n is a natural universal process, man is given the opportunity to progress with awareness as he is different from the animals. If he continues to embrace ignorance, as he has a self will to progress or go down into lower species, then he stagnated. Example — when human child is born, we inspire and motivate the child to educate himself in schools and best universities to progress in career, power of money and success. When I earn money, I run after investment to double my property value– this is progress and evolution. Why are we not focusing on inner evolution that will bring luxury and peace? It will help you enjoy what you get and feel self sufficient.

Ancient wisdom has the methodology of teaching us the way to attain this peace.

Divine Gita Chapter 9 verse 3

“Persons without faith in this dharma, ( the divine self) O Paranthapa, without attaining ME , return to the path of rebirth, fraught with death.”

In this chapter of ROYAL SECRET, the almighty wants to prepare Arjuna further towards action of dharma with detachment.

Those who live in complete disregard of the SELF, spending time and energy in possessing worldly things alone, will return to the same world of illusion that is subjected to birth and death.
The light attracts the moth and it perishes, it does not learn a lesson from this. Man entertains his lower nature and gets choked by the sorrows of the perishable.

The world of names and forms is ever changing. Each change is death to the previous state of existence. When Gita says ‘ fraught with death’ it just means our changes in life that is not in our control. Adi Shankara SHRADDHA as the flight to the space of peace and happiness. It means faith in your self, and not get carried away by others opinions and mass hysteria.

Those who do not know the expanse of the Universe, its relationship with individuals, have faith in the cosmic plan, they live like animals or vagabonds.

MAN who forgets his Selfhood, comes to chase instant gratification, driven by illusions. Example — we need to know the art of living and dying to preserve our self dignity by understanding the span of life we have on this earth is so limited. It is like a king who has his palace and wealth starts roaming on the streets like a beggar, whose fault is that? Man has the path of evolution within him, yet he searches everywhere for redemption.

Divine Gita Chapter 9 verse 2

“Royal science, Royal secret, the supreme purifier in this, that can be known by direct intuitive knowledge, according to Dharma, very easy to perform and imperishable ”

There is science in every way of living, deeply profound at times beyond comprehension. It is science pertaining to Dharma ‘ Man is nothing but a bundle of gross minerals, only the awareness instinct can bring him to the level of a human being. It is not a science of psychology or biology; it is the science of SELF, essence of each individual.

Religion is a subjective technique to be pursued as per your karmic connection, it is not complete in itself. It can be biased, wars are fought over religions because it is still in the physical level. Deva Rahasya can be known and accepted by those who have enriched their SELF by going beyond opposite emotions. Example — Like Arjuna, many of us are well versed in many skills, He fought wars as a kshatriya, may have killed many soldiers. Why is he breaking down when it comes to his own relatives although they are adharmis?? He has understood how to execute his talent but not evolved enough to realise his SELF.

The pain and sorrow is felt by those who engage themselves in the gross world without purifying the mind and gaining clarity. Example In chapter 2, Lord Krishna asks Arjuna — What is tragedy? Are you crying for the minds of the jivas? Then you have to cry forever as mind and body are perishable, they have no permanent place in the world. They have to shed it right here. Are you crying for the soul? You have not understood the SELF that is within your body. It is imperishable and has no death. Where is the sorrow?

It is your physical level of attachment that makes you cry over your relatives although they are adharmis. What is blinding us? We can go in search of peace and happiness anywhere on this earth, many spiritual Gurus can promise you bliss; listen to the Guru Krishna ” Unless you repair your system as a jivatma, there is no chance of peace till you find the royal secret hidden within you.”

Art of self perfection is the journey


There is huge banyan tree hidden in a small SEED! Evolution exists in every human life. Trees, plants, birds and butterflies spread sweetness and happiness. We talk about the beautiful flower in our backyard, do we know what it does? It gives visual treat, fragrance, finally it gets crushed by us to extract perfumes. Great way to learn how to give and make others happy from flowers. They never talk about their service to humanity. The suffering man goes through in life brings out the best essence of life called WISDOM. We do not know how the flowers unfold, so also we do not know how our lives will get unfolded each day. We complain of virus and bacteria, it is the reaction of our action of violence, war and jealousy.


“The Royal secret” Deva Rahasya- the ultimate truth. Verse 1

“Lord Krishna speaks — ” Those who are with me, with a mind steadfast and not wavering, I shall now declare this, the greatest secret, most profound knowledge combined with experience or realisation, which having known, you shall be free of sorrows”.

People read, listen and engage in spiritual practices at their pace for instant satisfaction. All 8 chapter we have explored are important for living a happy peaceful life. Seekers have to be strong and focused to reach the goal of the soul we talked about in chapter 8. We saw the conflicting goals , one of the mind and another one the soul coexisting in our body.

Goal of the soul is liberation, the of mind is bondage that breeds ego, possessions and attachments. Individual becomes incapable of facing the challenges of life due his own wrong perception of life. Arjuna the seeker wants evolve from his mundane desire to fight this war. However he has set his goal and worked hard to achieve the throne and defeat the kauravas. Now he is a shattered personality; life itself has become too much to bear. All those who allow the engine of life run over them are called Sansarins.

Example we often talk about life as a relative journey. Our perceptions differ, we may come out with our own beliefs. This kind of relative right and wrong concepts breed violence and the ego does not allow us to pursue the truth.

Each of us have to bring the spark in our lives and reach the art of perfection.

Divine Gita Chapter 27 and 28

“knowing these paths, O Partha, no yogin is deluded; therefore at all times be steadfast in YOGA , O Arjuna”

“Whether fruit of merit is declared in the scriptures as springing up from study of the VEDAS, from performance of sacrifices, from practice of authorities, from charity— beyond all these goes the YOGIN, who knows the ( two paths) attains the supreme essence.”

We have come to the end of chapter 8, The imperishable Brahman by the grace of God.

Path of light and path of darkness are two opposite forces function in our mental level.

One who has withdrawn himself from all false identifications and be focused in the contemplation of SELF is a yogi. Example – When you live in this world especially in Kali yuga that fills the mind with path of darkness, we tend to lose our temper quickly, want revenge, arrogance of intelligence pushes us to the peak of ego. A wise man or a knowledgable man will realize the futility of such emotions. No one is going to change nor will they ever see your fair point; everything is need based. Why do we waste time and energy in making a point. A real yogi understands this over time and withdraws from the world of senses.

We live in this world with an awareness of the world mind sets and behaviour. In the verse 28, Lord Krishna insists on solitude, meditating on the scriptural truth, selfless charity, above all not discussing on self evolution to gain control over the mind. Example – We often find people in Kali yuga discussing on their spiritual upliftment, how special they are or how close they are to God. These expressions will only increase the Ego identification and your sadanas will go in vain. Your action should speak, not words; the IMPERISHABLE PURUSHA will manifest inside you and there is no point of return.
We have successfully completed chapter 8 of the Bhagawath Gita by God s grace

Thoughts to ponder


A. Yyou carry heaven and hell with you. Your lust, anger, frustration produce these regions. They are like dreams.

People often talk about their work as worship! It cannot be, as there is a sense of doership and ownership of ego identity. Perform your karma happily as you have no choice. Give up the sense of doership, you will start living your life. KARMA is your tool to live, everything depends on how you use it to uplift yourself from the mundane. For example FRIENDSHIP — very often people fall out from each other without any reason, children go far away from the parents, siblings change their equation amongst themselves, corporate bosses get unreasonable; these things have to happen. We have no control but the living skill we learn from our experiences, and through awareness of yourself will lead you to heavenly bliss. You learn to love yourself!

What is Diwali?

Bhakti is the ultimate essence of total surrender and acceptance of life that is given to us. Ravana from Ramayan was the greatest devotee of Lord Shiva. His devotion turned in to energy, a transformer of power. He was the ultimate in everything, prakritic and devotional.

He wanted to own and possess Lord Shiva only for himself in Lanka. He desired to imprison him in his Bhakti. No one can hold the power of the flowing river, air , or universal system. Ravana s own power became his arrogance. He turned all his energy in to negative force to destroy the bhooloka. Any human being can acquire the power of Bhakti. They can bring the creator to his space. Man has that inner strength. How they use the gained power determines their lives. Evil energy, self motivated gain brings destruction, and that is the reason mahavishnu manifests himself as a human to destroy Ravana on the day of Diwali that we celebrate today — victory of the devathas! The awakening of inner light. Who creates energy of terror on the earth? It is man himself, time will bring the end of such a yuga.

Vasantha V lifenliving.org

Divine Gita Chapter 8 verse 25

September 23, 2024

“I am not manifest to all (in my Real Nature) veiled by Divine ‘ MAYA’. This deluded world knows ME not, the unborn, the Impershable”.

Illusion born out of three gunas, the temperament, blocks science of life. One has to experiment this knowledge upon oneself subjectively to realise the knowledge. There is only ONE reality, and this realisation gets rid of multiple universe.

Man gets confused by the play of triple temperaments, and gets blind to the reality of life. Example — If you want to perceive the electric current that flows through the equipment, knowledge and experimental confirmation are essential. After gaining the knowledge of the electrical energy, the students is able to see the unmanifest electrical current.

Example – The seeker rediscoveres ME THE UNBORN THE IMMUTABLE, through self control, reflection, meditation, quietening agitations of the mind. When disappointments hit your heart, fear of losing things and relationships will not let you enjoy the moment and experience pure consciousness.

Wave is the veil for ocean, one can mistake a post for a ghost, mind cannot tear the delusion, mirage water in the desert makes you run after after it; most objects in the world get their value by your perception. Hence we need to understand and know the truth of everything we use in this world and reflect on relationships. I AM THE INVISIBLE CURRENT THAT RUNS THROUGH THIS UNIVERSE. Forms and names perish with time but not the consciousness that is eternally peaceful.

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 24

“The ignorant ( moodah), think of ME, the unmanifest, as having come to manifestation, not knowing My higher, immutable and peerless nature”.

Our preoccupation in the obvious prakriti, we the ignorant forget to perceive the subtle truth that shines through all plurality.

The real vitality behind our body organs that we term it is immune system, the potential to feel your thoughts, the light that illumines the intellect is the real SELF.

Idol worship is for convenience to focus to go within. Guru after he imparts knowledge has nothing more to do, no one can promise of true liberation unless we shed our veil of ignorance. Lord says — Every particle is strung on ME as a row of Pearls on a string. As humans you may see the diversity but in reality all of us are strung together by the supreme vitality of nature.

Example – We talk about sun rise and sun set; it is the earth that is rotating around the sun. We are aware but for the sake of easy expression we address the process differently.

Your intellect guides you to prioritize your life proceedings hence the knowledge and awareness. Those who give intellectual discourses have to make sure that seekers ignorance is deleted instead of making them depend on their speeches. We are the waves, that rise and fall back in to the ocean. Truth and reality is ocean not the waves as it is momentary.

Purified mind and sublimed thoughts, perfect understanding of the body mind sense complex can release one from the lower nature to let you enjoy life in totality.

Thoughts to ponder

Stress, helplessness, anger emerges from an extremely demanding mind. It has a capacity to swallow all ego related issues. We try to fill the emptiness with money, material things and relationships; these are temporary solutions as mind sees no fulfillment.

Emotional hassles like fear, jealousy, anger, hatred, manipulation, everyone should follow my way are imaginary swords that tear the human mind apart, in reality human nature is to live in Ananda, bliss. Humans try to mess up their own lives with shadow fights within themselves. Remember each one is as insecure and scared as you are so we get nothing from them and we run after relationships to heal ourselves!: Perception, projection, purity, piousness and perfection are important to reach the goal of happiness. SANSARIC people are confused and directionless like fishes in the water that keeps turning and tossing. There are others who will try to spread the net trap; be in the water, be aware of the net and keep floating.????

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 23

The ‘ fruits’ that accrues to those men of little intelligence is finite. The worshippers of the DEVAS go to the Devas ( heaven) but MY devotees come to ME”.

Limited understanding of people on desires that are ever fleeting, one that does not give permanent satisfaction get dissolved in finite emotions. Sorrow comes out of ignorance, we are trying to hold elements of nature in our hand and pushing the moving needle of time. This cannot happen.

Example — Something that was your passion, suddenly turns sour, relationships that gave you pleasure becomes a burden.

Lord says — Those who are invoking a desired ‘ profit potential’, cannot enjoy the complete fulfillment of life. They reach the desired DEVAS that makes them return to the earth to complete the spiritual cycle.

People often say ‘ I am only a human being, how can I understand the infinite happiness?

I would say ‘ You are the supreme being, evolved in to human life, you alone can do it!!! ” My devotees come to Me is not an assertion of a limited historical figure as the son of Devaki, it is an awareness of your consciousness that is indestructible.

Why do we need to understand all of this? Realisation wipes your tears that you shed in ignorance.

When a child falls down while playing, he thinks it is the end of life. When an adult falls, he has the awareness that ‘ this can happen to anyone in life and his mind gets engaged in fixing it rather that wallowing in sorrow. Seekers of the SELF discover themselves.

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 22

Verses 20 21 22 and 23 from chapter 7 are interconnected. Kindly go through the texts together.

“verse 22 — Connected to the form of your desire of the almighty, he engages in the worship of that ‘ DEVATA’ and from it he obtains his desire fullfilments; all these ordained indeed by ME alone.”

The SELF athma, is the source of all activities, gains, fulfilment, and despair. It is very clear that unless the energy of the SELF illumines the thought wave we cannot experience anything. Krishna stands in the battlefield as a teacher, charioteer and a counsellor; he is also a part of a bigger Divine plan. His consciousness is what he is talking about.

Example — when we plug our laptop in to the main current, the true dispenser of the screen data is the main power. All the data, chats etc is dead without the main current!

Lord speaks — Most people are deluded by obtaining their immediate gains from Devatas but the happiness is short lived. Important matter is to shed the ‘I’ and ME from your experience to attain real happiness.

Example — when we experience something unexpected, we say ‘ I am so blessed for this God s intervention, I am very special to him as I do seva everyday. This ‘I’ creates a problem as you lose the sight of real blessing and indulge in your importance as a person.

Krishna is trying his best to elevate Arjuna from delusion of life so he can perform his duties without emotional burdens.

Example — When we pray to the idol of our choice consistently, we energise the idol through our power of Bhakti and faith. That energy takes us to the ultimate cosmic space where we feel oneness with the supreme.

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 21

Kindly go thorough verse 20 before reading this one.

“whatsoever form a devotee desires to worship with faith — I shall firm up his faith through that for “.

Here is a beautiful tatwa given in the Gita. ‘ As we think so we become’ — this is the crux of our existence. The three gunas get formed by your thoughts and the actions follow. Each one of us can visualise consciousness and give it a form that will take you to the desired form of the almighty.

Example — Meera, Sri Andal, saw their soul in the form of Krishna, their beloved. Arjuna saw HIM as his friend, later a teacher, even Hiranyakashyapu wanted the Lord through his hatred for mahavishnu, which is known as Nidna shtuti which means getting the Lord to your door step by abusing him. HE says — I shall come although you hate me as you have taken my name million times and you are obsessed by ME . What a concept!!!!

This also answers the question —- Is Gita dualistic or non dualistic?

This separation in reality does not exist however for the sake of personalised worship, and to direct the vedic rituals that got high handed in the society, Adi Shankara gave the study of Vedanta, non dualism that stressed on the whole universe as ONE and the existence of divine energy in every creature on earth.

Example — When we pray to the idol of our choice consistently, we energise the idol through our power of Bhakti and faith. That energy takes us to the ultimate cosmic space where we feel oneness with the supreme.

Thoughts to ponder

Vedas and Sanathana Dharma guides us to see divinity in everything and everywhere. This is a way to worship and thank the suitable environment provided for our survival. This concept will enable us to preserve the environment for future sustainability. Now we are in the digital world, almost living our lives through mobile phones. This is also a Divine plan. On a lighter note — God decided to engage man in to the world of technology, so in Kali yuga, he does not indulge in mental and physical crimes. He is obsessed with his group chatting, image building etc.
It is an induced creation by the supreme power, we live in the most blessed time in human history. We are interconnected, interactive and we are living in a virtual space. This is for everyone and there are no hierarchies.

Misuse of technology cannot be over looked, however it is only a tool , it has no emotions so we need to know and be aware how to use it, just like the mind that is given to us which is divine. How do we use it? This is the era of artificial intelligence, you can be awed by it, staying with ethical values you still need yourself. So enjoy everything with awareness.

Thoughts to ponder

Frequent question I am asked — should a man renounce everything in order to get liberated? Should I live like a recluse to attain self realisation? Can a grihastha attain the path of self inquiry?

ANSWER — It is not necessary to resign from one s job or leave home for self realisation. It is the thought of being a sanyasi that haunts you. If you go to the forest, your mind always accompanies you. It is only an exchange of thought, mental obstacles will remain the same. New surrounding may hamper your progress towards self enquiry.

It is the renunciation of ego mind, I thought, that leads us to liberation. External renunciation is meaningless once we have given up our false identity. It is the action with an attitude of complete surrender to the HIGHER SELF (chapter 7), one who has given up on the Ego identity has nothing to renounce. You are fine where you are and stay happy in the body you have taken as per your karma.

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 20

“Those whose wisdom has been taken away by this or that desire, go to space of arrogance and imaginary Gods, following this or that rite, led by their own nature” – says Krishna

The faculty of discrimination gets clouded by the desire for the sense objects, and instant gratification. Mind becomes a jungle of fake thoughts, aspiring, competing, wallowing in jealousy, clings to attachments that are delusional. Desires are not bad at all, they are natural; our identification with them causes pain due to uncontrollable thoughts.

Example — An actor in the movie takes different roles at that moment, how can he identify with each role he takes? If he acts as a mad man, he knows he is not that, he is only adorning the role. He comes back his own self and relaxes.

It is easy to follow a structured ritual and boast about it as faith is missing in that rite. One is compelled to push it on others to follow, that is how cults are formed.

Lord says – each individual functions in the different fields of his temporary fascination, compelled by his own nature. A deluded person runs after the mirage of sensuality, hoping to gain satisfaction. One is in the pool of sansar with diverse human beings with different colour, nature, language and breed but one has to be aware of ones SELF for survival.

Many ask me this question — How can we be not affected by the environment and manage to stay calm?

Ans — Mind zone collects all the data, you as a person need to discriminate and delete unwanted dead data from there and keep yourself away from virus. This is a daily practice. Example- We have to remove the junk from the dustbin each day to keep your home clean and fresh. We need to have a shower to keep the body clean, we surely need this mental excercise to keep yourself wise.
Thoughts to ponder

Expectation has become the core of our existence. The greed based world sets self expectation standards very high through advertisements that sneak in to every channel of social media and Google network. We lose sight of what we have achieved in life, happy moments, simple friendship without agenda, as the anxiety engine is always in a start mode to push expectation button from within. Setting goals, desire to achieve them is a healthy process; inability to live life has a different hormone that attacks our immune system of wanting to be happy. The name of the virus is expectation– it may be from yourself or others, it destroys the essence of living.

Example – we wish to buy a Mercedes with the money we do not have to show my neighbour we truly dislike! Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving.org

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 19

“At the end of many births the wise man comes to ME, realising that all that is Vasudeva ( the innermost self); such a great soul( MAHATMA) is very hard to find.”

Lord Krishna explains – everyone has intellectual capacities but skip the study of scriptures, my Smriti ; even if they do they are carried away by the mere content. They are unable to live the scriptures.

Ancient Rishis have observed that it takes trillions of years for an organism to evolve from one given form of existence in to a higher form of life. For a human life too it takes number of lives to scrape off all ignorance and reach pure knowledge.

This does not mean it is not possible for others who strive hard to attain the ultimate state. Pursuit of higher life with faith and self discipline can and will make us reach the ultimate goal.

Why should I pursue for the higher goal?

Repeated births give humans a spiritual exhausion, they do not aspire for material things, no attachment to relationships, they realise the futility of running after delusional fame, name and power; what do they do? There is nothingness around and wise men pursue higher goals and realise the inner core of consciousness that is always happy and waiting for a release from this body.

MAHATMA is one who is a thyagi by choice, he sacrifices his body mind senses in to the pyre as obulations to the energy above. ATHMA waits for a release from the shackles of the body.

Even though born as human beings, are we at different levels regarding our understanding of supreme being depending upon the number of times we are born? Or it is irrespective of how many times we are born in this human form.

Birth and death may be recurring but over time your karma determines how soon you realize the supreme reality. Example – In exam paper you may not have written wrong answers or left it blank, you need to write the right answers to pass the exam. We need to have enough good karmas accumulated to feel the awakening and snap out of ignorance.

He has created a system. Is it that difficult to fo good karmas? He says I have given you the intellect, use it with end in goal. You make your own life if what you say ‘ good heart’ is true, then he is sorted. His mental structure is of no importance to anyone. His beliefs and concept may be blocking him from enjoying his own good heart. Leave them alone and time will straighten everyone.

Shravanam- listening, mananam- pondering and introspection, Nidhyadasanam- internalizing as prescribed by vedanta ???? Neccessary to live a harmonious life

Enlightenment is not to be achieved, shraddha and abhyasam removes the veil of ignorance and the light is already there.

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 18

July 3, 2024

“Everyone is noble indeed, but the wise man, I deem, as MY very Self; steadfast in mind he is established in ME alone as the supreme Goal.”

The previous verse ended as ‘ What happens to those who are not Janis, who stat dissatisfied? Are they not close to Vadudeva?

Lord Krishna declares that all creatures living approach me either for material gains or spiritual upliftment. Beautiful philosophy that is the eternal truth of Sanathan Dharma, is given with so much love and care. ‘ The man of knowledge I regard as my own SELF’ says the almighty in the form of Krishna. A man of knowledge is always happy, as he knows the cause and effect implications in life. Example — Fire is a burning element, one can use it to cook tasty food with controlled heat, or you can recklessly burn yourself.

There is a lot of difference between maintaining one s friendship with the minister, and oneself becoming a minister. A man of knowledge is one who dwells in the spirit of truth just like the tanpura that does not allow the singer to go out of tune; he alone can identify his false ego that is misunderstood to be the self. He remains in the divine sense and enjoys his body and mind, uses his senses to better himself to go towards the goal. He never loses anything as he does not believe he had anything of his own. Lord says ” This is my opinion ( Matam).

Every one of us have the potential to reach the ultimate truth by discriminating the value of the values.

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 17

“The wise ever steadfast and devoted to the ONE, excels; for, I am exceedingly dear to the wise and he is dear to ME”.
Kindly refer to the previous verse before reading this one. Lord talked about four different kinds of people who can reach him. Of these four types which is the best?
Lord declares that Jnani, who is aware of his existence surrenders himself to the Soul with devotion. He does not get broken by his aspirations, instead he pursues everything in the world with attachment to his SELF.

He knows that happiness is not invoked by the acquisition of anything, but by destroying the false ego identities that blocks spiritual evolution. Example– He knows just as the clay pot has to merge with the soil, blooming flower has to wither, Jnani knows that all his hallucinations and ego identification of his name and form has to be left in the world, what we carry is our good
thoughts and actions while living in the body.

Scientifically if the mind is charged with sorrow, hatred jealousy; it hurts the subconscious mind that is attached to the soul. We need to shed those negative emotions by cleansing yourself each day. This will help us from making karma that may affect us in the future. Basically Krishna speaks of mindful existence that can sail us through life.
What about the other three dissatisfied? Are they not dear to VASUDEVA? Will see it in the next verse.

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 16

“Four kinds of virtuous men worship Me, O Arjuna, the dissatisfied, the seeker of knowledge, seeker of wealth, and the wise, O best among Bharatas.”

The liberal philosophy of Sanatana Dharma does not restrict your roads to spiritual evolution. In the previous verse Lord said the discrimination ability gets destroyed by their own delusions. Since SELF is the source of all existence and energy, all activities come and die out in this grand force.

The ego centric deluded men live in the material existence alone, they are seekers of happiness of senses, urges of the mind, ultimately pushing them to unhappiness and sadness. They turn to Me for finding the source of energy. Seekers of knowledge try to reach Me and know my nature – I can only be felt within you and in external existence by invoking the study of scriptures with an attitude of devotion.

All those who are in pursuit of material gains alone, this includes relationships, expectations, attachments and accumalation; reach a point of exhausion as that is not REAL, the spirit has to be realised for sustained happiness.

There are few who come to my Sanatorium demanding nothing, carrying only themselves as their offerings. Every action taken by the body and mind becomes an obulation, what you get out of that offering is freedom, liberation from bondage. This is true invocation of spirit.
Lord clearly speaks ‘ I express myself in the way you desire me’, anyone and everyone can reach the ultimate state through the cycle of life. Example – All forms and shapes of clay has to break and merge with the soil on earth, gold ornaments once melted has to become the mass of gold, the space in the containers have to merge in the air. Human bodies also have to go back to five elements of nature. The substance, the source or the spirit has no death. It gets recycled until the karma that gets plugged in to the source, gets exhausted.

This is Deva vakya that is intense, kindly take time to read and understand.

“Lakshmi moksha nivasam” is the prayer for today. One prays to keep one s mind in liberation while using the wealth given by Goddess Lakshmi. May we use the material wealth in the right way for the benefit of our fellow beings and our own happiness; we enjoy the bhogam with our minds focused on release from the material world.

Lakshmi is the Maya yogini in Kali yuga, she plants the desire for material happiness to give you detachment from the world to attain liberation. If we do not understand this we fall in to cycle of repeated life in ignorance.

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 15

“The evil doers, the deluded, the lowest of men, do not seek ME; they, whose discrimination has been destroyed by their own delusions, follow the ways of the demons.”

We all are aware of the evolution process that happens according to your capacity to tame your mind. When the discriminative faculty is low, where the worldly agitations are more, lives only for self gratification, they stay deluded and follow their negative emotions. Ashurabhava is explained very beautifully by the Lord.

Example — we often wonder about people s arrogant behaviour, the streak of meanness, they follow the route of Ashura. Do not waste your time analysing or preaching to them, they go through the suffering and evolve on their own. What best we can do is not judge them, or impose your practices ; share your positive energy silently that may help them in creating awareness

All electric gadgets operate through the current that passes through the wires. The current also has a source that I do not see. True fact is the gadgets are of no use without the source. We are mere gadgets to serve the purpose of life.

Example– If I switch on the fan in summer, it cools me down and makes me happy. If I put it on in winter, i cannot complain that the electricity is cruel to me. You have to be smart to use your mind at the right time for a right cause.

Thoughts to ponder

Everyone wonders that although we are successful, amassed wealth, live a privileged life, there is a nudging dissatisfaction and emptiness. What have we contributed to life? It is not about distributing material things, it is showing compassion and care in your day today life. While we live in our comfortable zone of comfort and ignorance, we do get intimidated by the sufferings in the world. There is a guilt in everyone that is frightening and can cause physical and psychological disorder. We cannot overcome this unless we give back to the world that has supported us.

Psychologists have found scientific evidence that testifies our age old wisdom. American journal of public health found that those who find satisfaction in helping others can over come the negative emotional states easily. They feel happier, enhanced positive self evaluation, and greater levels of life satisfaction.

Scriptures tell us that we have the divine energy within and we can evolve in to God state, we need to live up to that image. Finding joy in giving is the ultimate state of Bliss.

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 14

The divine illusion of MINE, made up of Gunas caused by the qualities is difficult to cross over ; those who take refuge in ME they alone cross over this illusion.”

Lord Krishna admits that it is not easy for any ego centric individual to transcend this illusion in himself which is caused by MY MAYA. When people of today keep questioning without wanting to find an answer as the may hurt their ego identity, they are surrounded by ignorance. When kids play with kitchen sets, party scenes and barbie dolls , they get so immersed in it and forget it is a world of illusion created by them. When they dismantle it they have to go back to their real life. Man keeps weaving his own ego network, accumulating worldly things and relationships without realising that it is a world created by his desires and choice.

When something goes wrong in his placement, he blames God and questions ‘ why me’ ‘ what have I done’ etc. The way to cross the subjective delusion, that causes sorrow and pain; the ideal way is to surrender to creator of maya and the SELF. contemplate upon the self, keeping the mind steady with all the process discussed in the previous chapters. The negative thinking accumulated from the illusory world blocks the divine energy from flowing through your body and mind.


Thoughts to ponder

VEDAS say – listen carefully, practice shravanam, that listen in totality. Vyasa says ‘ Keep listening till you understand’. We live most of the time in conflicting region, — of subtle and gross body which is stable consciousness and gross disorganized energy. Anger, hatred and jealousy generate gross emotions; compassion, love, care and silence within bring out the divine energy. Example — when people pray, they feel good and calm; moment they are out of it the gross energy takes over with full vigour. Hence human beings stay in the zone of confusion and conflict.

We have symbols of ignorance in Devi Mahatmiyam in all 13 chapters referring to the demons – Madhu, Kaitabha, Mahishasura, Chunda munda, Shumba Nishumba. They get killed by Devi and ignorance is destroyed.

Ravana in Ramayana knew he had 9 more lives to live before he gets liberated from ignorance. Through his Bhakti to Shiva, he makes Narayana come to his domain and Rama cuts off his negative energies. Rama symbolises THE SOUL.

Listening to scriptures, Vedas and Upanishad will help purify the mind.

We are a bundle of Rama, Ravana and lakshmana ( intellect ), it is entirely upto us what should we retain and how can we live in the world of peace and calm within ourselves. Life journey is cultivating your ability to stay united within yourself.

“The evil doers, the deluded , the lowest of men, do not seek ME; whose discrimination has been destroyed by their own delusions, the ways of the demons.”

The last verse talked about transcending your own subjective delusions. Krishna points at the negative nature in those who cannot overcome this delusion to see the divine.

Asuric qualities will not allow the discriminative qualities to function. Such people are called Moodhah(ignorant fools) by Gita. Lord says ‘ I will elaborate different ways to reach me’, be aware and alert of your surroundings.

Instant gratification is so strong in people they do not see the consequences coming their way. Cause and effect as explained in the third chapter of the Gita is the truth of life on the earth.

In the modern world , most things are taken to the commercial level; how can I sell spirituality or the Truth to others? People feel momentarily that yoga meditation and other sadhanas work on their mind and body. In reality it is important to shed the impurities we carry in our minds knowingly or unknowingly before we could pursue the path of progress. People look for validation and imposing their beliefs on others rather than be convinced of it in their mind. Hence we have religious wars, ego manifestation in spiritual leaders( some of them), and competition in everything we do. There is one faith, one humanity and one almighty; it is your perception that causes friction. It is okay to put your faith on anyone as it happens according to the karma ( cause and effect).

Example – Rice as a grain is same for everyone, how do you cook and consume is your will and choice. The cooked product belongs to you as you are eating it. Rice does not change its quality.

We have to understand the oneness of all beings.

Thoughts to ponder.

People often ask ” Which path should they follow for enlightenment”. Before we speak of the path, we need to know where we are now. There is nothing to be reached, you are always as you are carrying the package of good and bad karmas to be executed. We need to understand the the SELF as consciousness and stay connected to experience different stages of life, youth middle age, and old age; also all states like deep sleep, dream and waking. However as people we lose the sight of our true existence and and engage in false identification with body and mind. This becomes a conviction over time and man forgets his swaroopa, his essential nature. What is to be done? Negate elements like body and mind , what is left is I ( you).

Example — when you build a house, you know we need strong foundation and people to make it for us.

Over time you forget the foundation and start living in the house decorating it, inviting people and focus only on the house. Without foundation your house cannot exist, without Consciousness your body mind cannot live.

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 13

“Deluded by these natures ( states or things) composed of the three gunas ( of Prakriti) all the world knows ME not as immutable and distinct from them.”

Why do people stay in ignorance and not perceive the the presence of divine truth in prakriti, although they know the fleeting nature of mind and body? People often say ‘ I have read Gita, attend scriptural classes, watch you tube satsangs, I know what the books talk about’. In reality no one is able to practice or use the knowledge they claim to have gained.

Deluded by the three gunas, the world of living creature becomes blind to the divine possibilities in themselves and live a life of mere identification with external matter. Example — when you see a post while walking at night on the road, you mistake it for a ghost and cry in fear. As long as you keep seeing the imaginary ghost, you cannot see the real post.

Constantly living in the world of illusions, SELF is subjected to play the tragic role of EGO cannot find out the true nature of oneself. Universal sorrow, crying on birth and death is futile, it is the process of life and inert system. Example — when we see a beautiful rose blossoming in the plant, I want to enjoy the beauty everyday but it shrinks and falls off from the plant. That is the reality of life!
SHAKTHI is the Divine force, POWER is a fleeting force, has limited purpose and usually misused. Power is intoxicating, hence when people talk about spiritual power they get in to MADAA, arrogance and lose the real goal of the divine force.

Shakthi comes from Bhakti, pure and unconditional. It gives out panchamrutham ( Bhakti, dyanam, dhanam, kshama and shakti) as prasadam. This is Navarathri in essence. It is a cleansing process for 9 days to gain the inner energy by doing VISARJAN of I the Ego and realising your true Shakti. Nine rasas, nine nerve centres, nine gates of the body get sublimated and you attain peace ( Shanthi). The demon that gets destroyed is human Greed and arrogance. May the Goddess shower her blessings on us to get rid of negative energy and make us realise the Shakti we hold within us.

Power what we refer to is mental will to devote time to get Shakti. English vocabulary does not have anything equivalent to Shakti from within as the semitic faith believes every human to be a sinner. We call the whole race as BHRAMAN which is divine. Mental power can give us arrogance as mind always needs validation. Shakti is your real SELF.???? Nandini@

International Yoga Day

June 21, 2024

YOGA is not a performance, it is an internal purification, filtering out negative energy. Body movement is symbolic of releasing knots in the mind.
YAMA – Restraints, moral disciplines or moral vows.
NIYAMA – Positive duties and nitya karma
ASANA – Posture.
PRANAYAMA – Breathing Techniques.
PRATYAHARA – Sense withdrawal.
DHARANA – Focused Concentration.
DHYANA – Meditative Absorption.
SAMADHI – Bliss or Enlightenment

One has to reach the state of yoga. You cannot do yoga.
* Not hating any being.
Friendly and Compassionate.
Free from attachment and egoism.
Balanced in pleasure and pain.
Steady in meditation.

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 12

June 13, 2024

“Whatever beings (and objects) that are pure, active and inert, know them to proceed from ME ; yet , I am not in them, they are in ME.”

All objects are strung in Me as a row of Pearls in a string” says the Lord. Matter or the worldly objects depend on the conscious principle of the divine, but the spirit does not rely on the matter. Waves rise and fall in to the ocean, water of the waves is similar but they have no independent existence.

In the structure of body mind sense complex, our illusions or Maya is super imposed on the spirit that is the energy holding the body. The term Maya in Vedantic literature is nothing other than different impulses rising from mind and intellect. That which is short lived, is not real, it seems true at that particular time. Depending on those impulses is like counting on the letters we write on the sand. However there has to be a sustainable energy to hold matter and that is the spirit. Spirit exists in the matter but matter does not touch the consciousness. It is eternal hence we pray to the soul to sustain our senses and not get carried away by mental pressures.

There are three moods that govern thoughts feelings and action — eternal moods of the subtle body — Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas. These temperaments rise from the Self, from the accumulated karma package. We will study on these dominant gunas in our next verse.

The divinity is in every matter present in the universe, but the matter does not touch the Divine.

Example — We live our lives on the earth, getting distracted with material things and get affected by them. The spirit within you is untouched but you get driven by the mind and suffer.


The discussion of verse 12 may have caused confusion in the mind. It is the co existence of matter and mind. Soul – the source energy and the external thoughts and perceptions that cause suffering.

Humanity has struggled to resolve problems of the mind since ages. We suffer from the entities of the mind , awareness has not solved the issues. Mind itself is the problem. Matter, spirit, or soul provides the energy for Prakriti that is subjected to 3 gunas or temperament so the mind gets disturbed.

Mind does not have any foundation, it is a data collector, it has no independent existence. The pain, fear and longing are imaginary emotions born out of EGO. Knowledge you study from the scriptures should liberate one from the misconception of the mind.

There is no existence of anything in this world without the divine matter but does not mean divine exists in your personal EGO as it is your imagination.

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 11

“Know Me O Partha, of the strong , I am the strength—- devoid of desire and attachment, and in all beings, I am the desire —- unopposed to Dharma, O best amongst Bharatas.”

In this yuga what makes one feel strong is the material possessions, feeling of wanted one expects from the world. Adi Shankara differentiates KAMA ( binding desires) from RAGA ( deep likes); kama is absent but there is a longing, raga is attachment to something that one already has. Lord is the strength who helps you discriminate right from wrong, truth from false. These two emotions are predominant when man expresses his might, riots, agitations, battles and wars are motivated by these urges.

Lord says ‘ I am the desire in beings, unopposed to Dharma’ , which helps humans to feel fulfillment in their pursuit, as there is divine consciousness present in each of us. Dharma takes you close to your SELF, Adharma takes you towards animal behaviour.

Example — children play with their multiple toys, making an imaginary family; it is in control of the child to move them as the story weaves in their their minds. If the toy starts thinking I have the free will to change the story or move where it wants, it is the ignorance of the toy. Same way Man is in the confinement of his karma,( action), he has to play around within that space in the sansar. The way to liberate oneself from this is to gracefully accept your life and raise from Kama and Raga that binds you in to the prison.

Desire can be anything but the means to achieve it has to be dharmic– not hurting the rights of other people. One has to know the capacity and the ability of oneself before forming a desire. Example — when I have 1000 rupees in hand, I cannot think of a product costing a lakh of rupees. Today’s credit card, bank loans and many other schemes have made us greedy and jump beyond our limits.

Mahabarath is a war between Dharma and adharma. Yuga is different where man s mind started getting cunniving, hence the Lord incarnates to take the karma on himself and releases Pandavas. Such is the Karuna or compassion of the Almighty.


#EXPECTATION — Humans think it is their birth right to expect everything from the world. In reality we have arrived on the earth to nurture, preserve the earth for future generations; enjoy the grace of this beautiful world. Man has researched enough from the resources provided by nature and feel a sense of ownership. How much can we expect from our own creation? Children who come out of us are there to take from us, we have some debts to return. They may or may not stand up to your expectations. The digital world created by humans works the same way. It stores what you feed, cannot expect anything to give you on it’s own. Network is also our creation, cannot expect anything, it works on it’s own axis of karma. Our pain starts when we depend on our own creations; we are the masters, let our minds stop languishing in fear of losing something that you dont own. You are only an instrument to create, children, digital world, and network; create your own space to walk your lives. Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving.org

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 9

Verse 10

“Know Me, O Partha, as the eternal seed of all beings; I am the intelligence of the intelligent. The splendour of the splendid ( things and beings).”

Lord speaks ‘ I am the ancient seed of all beings’, there is a difference between the gross matter that can be seen and the subtle spirit that is present in every molecule on the earth. The SELF, the source energy is the subtle power and man experiences external life and is able to express his brilliance.

He says ‘ I am present in everything and everywhere, just like your consciousness is omnipresent in all actions.

I am the light in the Sun, heat in the fire, fragrance and colour in the flower. This prakriti is Me and Purusha is Me. Example – your body mind and self are ‘ YOU’ but you talk about it in different ways knowing well it is all ONE.
Different people perceive things according to their beliefs and concepts they have formed. It is difficult to convince anyone. You need to check on your actions and be sure that you have not done anything wrong. As long you are in this body you are not aware of exchange of karma or energy. Credit and debit happens on it’s own and you have no control over it. We come on the earth to fulfill all the desires and expend the karma and leave to adorn another body.

Desireless state of mind that you reach after fulfilling all of it; which means being mindful not to make new ones. Is it possible in Kali yuga? Veda vyas in Bhagawatham talks about Bhakti and devotion – chanting the name of the Lord alone is enough to elevate you towards liberation. The reason is Kali yuga has multiple distractions and instant gratification syndrome that keeps the mind restless. When there is total surrender in the chest and no doubts, no desires ; one can think of breaking from the cycle of rebirth.


Open your heart to the oneness of life even when the illusion of diversity appears more real. Man has tremendous potential if he stays away from insignificant things of life, that is momentary. Human race is getting dragged in to instant gratification and this will become the cause of self destruction as man may wallow in mediocrity. Shake off the clutter, and bond with reality and sustainable energy. Example — In Ramayana, Sita was happy with equanimity of mind in the palace and the forest as long as her focus was on Rama( the spirit). There was a ripple in her energy, when her attention shifted to the golden deer that represented fleeting spark of sense object. What we pursue in this yuga is a reflection of my ignorant mind. Hence there is great sorrow, frustration, fear and anger in life. How will you find peace and happiness when we align with changing reflections of the world?

Bhagawat Gita has answers to all your questions.

How do I apply this wisdom in my day today life?

It means to be linked with truth at all times, regardless of worldly distractions. We learn to be aware of those passing illusions , feel them but know their quality. Example — We buy groceries at home, we know it satisfies my hunger everday but we do not rever it, we are neutral towards it as we know how to value and handle it. Stay focused on the inner energy that will over time guide you towards happiness

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 8

“I am the sapidity in water, O son of Kunti, I am the light in the moon and the sun; I am the syllable OM in all the vedas, sound in either, and virility in men”

Verse 9

“I am the sweet fragrance in earth and the brilliance in fire, the life in all beings, and I am the austerity in the austere.”

Supreme energy or the SELF is thread where the individual elements of plurality are strung together to make a harmonious universe. This is the law of being.

There is always an essence or source for everything in this world –that is subject to destruction. The energy that sustains this universe is the SELF or divine consciousness. We give several names and forms to it to express our devotion and gratitude in human plural level but the energy source is ONE.

What is a picture of Sun without the radiance, what is this body of all species without life breath that runs through them? What is it that declares you dead or lifeless? Why are you in a coma, where you still breath but no life? What happens when you are in anaesthesia? These questions are answered by the Lord who says be humble and try to understand man s ego and arrogance are the cause of his unhappiness. I have strung everyone together to accommodate each other, exchange your credit and debit, the energy source leaves the body fulfilled.

Let us be ever greatful to this human body we have acquired to serve higher goals to reach the eternal bliss and happiness.

How do we initiate wisdom of yoga ?

Man by nature is curious and has the intellect to analyse and question. Ancient vedas are revealed through smruti, by the saints who meditated upon it. There was no written document but it was passed through Guru Sishya parampara – those who had the quest to learn and know about their existence.

What is yoga? It is a knowledgable way to perceive your action on a daily basis. Are my thoughts and actions useful for building my peace within?Learn to coexist with fellow beings and species to sustain harmony on the earth. How do I live my life in a positive space.

Wisdom is the total understanding of your real SELF, value of the values, equanimity of mind in all situations. Man has to live such a life of understanding.

Divine Gita Chapter 7 – yoga of wisdom, verse 7

“There is nothing whatsoever higher than ME, O Dhananjaya. All this is strong in ME as clusters of gems on a string.”

There are two ways of reading this verse. For a Bhakta or a true devotee who has surrendered to the form of pure consciousness ( I mean you can give a form to the celestial body), nothing exists beyond the divine form. He reaches the higher realm through his devotion and surrender.

The higher view is the presence of divine within you that needs to be activated through gyanam and realising the divine self. Example — when you are in a dream state while sleeping, it seems so real and you live through it. As you wake up from sleep, there is no trace of your dream life. Who is awake and who is dreaming?

Example – you watch the waves rising and blending with the ocean. Each wave seems different but ultimately they merge in to the sea. Lord is the common factor in all forms of universal creation. Individual energy ( soul) is trapped I different bodies. People wonder how can they all be the same? The waves that arise are not of the same shape or leveles but they are arising from the Ocean.

Higher SELF is one and jeevatma separates for activity, we as humans have the ability to realise that we are not different from the higher self. However our actions form karmas and limits the evolution of the SELF. Higher self holds the universe intact just like the strings hold the Pearls in a necklace. The pearls that seem different passes through the central core of every pearl and holds them together as an ornament of beauty.

Although human beings look and behave differently they are tuned to the same tanpura shruti. This is the spiritual truth. Unity in diversity is the Universal Truth.


Seventh chapter in Gita is about knowing the source of your existence. I gave the example of the rising waves that is so momentary, quickly merges with the Ocean. Water in the ocean is the source for the rising waves.

The journey of humans is towards the spiritual energy source, the individual soul waits for the body and mind to release him through understanding of yoga of wisdom. Once the divine within is awakened , there is eternal peace, joy, unconditional love. It removes the veil of ignorance and the transformation happens. There is deep rooted fears, doubts and negative impressions in our consciousness ; we need to turn this in to compassion and love for justice. Awakening that happens just once and the old negative impressions are replaced by the seed of divine intelligence.

As we align with higher self, the real YOU the turbulence stops and the earth can make a peaceful transition.


Frequent question I am asked — should a man renounce everything in order to get liberated? Should I live like a recluse to attain self realisation? Can a grihastha attain the path of self inquiry?

ANSWER — It is not necessary to resign from one s job or leave home for self realisation. It is the thought of being a sanyasi that haunts you. If you go to the forest, your mind always accompanies you. It is only an exchange of thought, mental obstacles will remain the same. New surrounding may hamper your progress towards self enquiry.

It is the renunciation of ego mind, I thought, that leads us to liberation. External renunciation is meaningless once we have given up our false identity. It is the action with an attitude of complete surrender to the HIGHER SELF (chapter 7), one who has given up on the Ego identity has nothing to renounce. You are fine where you are and stay happy in the body you have taken as per your karma.

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 6

June 5, 2024

Lord Speaks ” Know that these ( two prakritis), are the womb of all beings, so I am the source and dissolution of the whole Universe.”

The merging moment of higher and lower nature cause the world of plurality. Matter is important for the spirit to have expression. Unless there is spirit, matter cannot exist , it starts to decay.

Example – Electricity reflects through gadgets like bulbs and becomes light. The power in the transformer cannot of use to you unless there is a bulb. The gadgets cannot get life unless the source power passes through it. Bulb is an equipment, that seems to be giving light, it can die out, you need to replace but the flow of power is eternal, it gets plugged in to different forms.

World of objects and the source of energy from nature merges from the same womb. Human ego starts identifying itself with the form and starts acting in the world of relationships. Body cannot exist without the spirit hence there is divinity around and within. The lower self like body and mind has to feel and realise the higher self to lead a balanced life.

Example — Pots are not different from the mud. The spapes can be anything but the actual spirit and matter in it are the same. Krishna the maha yogi incarnated on the earth to talk to you and me so we can elevate ourselves from the false and reach the TRUTH.

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 5

“This is the lower prakriti ( earth water fire air ether mind intellect and egoism); know O mighty armed MY ” Higher PRAKRITI, the very life element , by which this world is upheld.”

Lord Krishna again refers to his higher SOUL that resides in his body. It is the spiritual entity that makes it possible for the body, mind and intellect to act that makes you feel they have an identity.

If the source energy or consciousness is not present, we cannot experience the world outside or inside. The spiritual spark functioning from within makes us act and be aware of the interactions.

Example — I am standing on the floor of my house, it is supported by my piece of land, the land is protected by city corporation; city by the country, and country by the world, supported by ocean, atmosphere, all these are part of Planetary system!

Universe is in the space and the concept is in the mind!

Mind supported by intellect, all functions are energised by spiritual entity from within. As the Lord says ‘ The jagat has higher nature just like you have your higher self that is the Truth.

Example– My channel with higher self depends on what I feed to myself. If I entertain only my lower prakriti, then I remain in ignorance like the water in the well. To be the flowing river in happiness, I need to know my higher prakriti that is the channel to the divine TRUTH.

Jagat lives within you, man a cravings and longings push him to his lower self, hence the happiness and the present is lost.

Guru Bhrama Guru Vishnu Guru devo Mageshwarah

Guru saakshath para Bhramam thasmai sree Gurave Namah.
Teacher is one who removes all darkness and enables you to see the TRUTH.

Thoughts to ponder.

Gita talks about the gross and subtle coexistung together. The higher SELF is beyond vasanas, the stink of ego, pain, sorrow and longing. It seems tarnished due to superimosition of our desires of the mind. Example – Crystal pyramid is clear and transparent; when placed in front of different colours or the rainbow passes through it , it seems to be different with acquired colours. In reality crystal pyramid is clean and clear.

However it is not easy to shed vasanas; one needs to persistently scale up and polish the mind with pure knowledge so the self imposed impurities get washed away. We can come out of the web of thoughts and illusions of the body mind and intellect. Gross and subtle stay in harmony this way and stop us from searching.

Lower species have no free will that comes from intellect, no awareness of their brand, colour, caste or breed. Their mind is computerised and monitored by natural laws.

They are givers, not takers so they have no baggage of karma. Man is aware of the divide ( Spirit and matter), he has a will to choose and makes his karma by fulfilling his desires ( that are not analysed). Lower species evolve faster but man has the ability to reach Godly state but I chooses not to. That is his free will.

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 4

“Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intellect, ego– these are my eight fold PRAKRITI.”

Lord Krishna expounds the knowledge of wisdom further after stating the importance of centering oneself. There is a merging of opposites — between matter and spirit called Sankyan philosophy. Spiritual factor PURUSHA presides over PRAKRITI, makes each of us and matter act.

Once man comes to terms with his reality space of matter, he understands the power of the spirit from within. Example — We often mumble ” Nothing is in our hands, I made all the efforts but nothing worked. There is some hand above that makes everything work”. This statement comes out of helplessness and not of faith or knowledge. The reality is your own spirit is the source of action according to the karma balance sheet. We suffer and remain unhappy due to our identification that is not in our control. This is what the Lord calls EGO.

Example — When man dies, his body still exists until he is cremated. What is leaving, and why does the body get cold? It is the source of energy, the soul has completed the balance in that body and sheds the body. It is only a matter that merges in to the soil, the spirit moves on.

Cosmic elements represent in every body in the form of sense organs and is subject to decay. It is a channel for the world of stimuli. The impulses are analysed by the intellect. There is a sense of ‘I’ in all levels.

Where is the I or ME here? This is science of spirituality. Example – birds and animals are integrated with spirit and matter so they are always happy. Man is divided from within so he needs something or somebody to make him happy. Man always longs for things he does not have, it is an intellectual curse so there is so much unhappiness. Think over.????

Divine Gita Chapter 7 verse 3

“Among thousand men, one may strive for perfection; even among those strivers, one knows ME in essence.”

As I mentioned in the previous verse – information and access to scriptures are easily available in Kali yuga but how many of us can process the information and convert it in to knowledge?

People often go to different places searching for information and they also live under the illusion of having mastered the thatwa Gyanam. They keep questioning the giver of information trying to show their understanding more than trying to analyse what they have learnt and become a sadhaka ( one who wants to practice).

Lord Krishna wants you to take the responsibility of self application and realising the very essence of your body mind and the world around. The sanctum from within is blocked by oneself, the divine practices open the block and you realise that ME that is the essence of life and living.

Vanity, ego, jealousy, competition, anxiety, anger are the wealth of the mind ( vasanas) that keeps us in exile from knowing ME and HIM. There is always a confusion on the word ME in Gita.
There are different levels in evolution. Vedas and vedanta are not religions, they are prescription for good living. Some people feel good surrendering to the Divine deity they desire and do intense seva or sing the glory of the Lord; they also attain liberation. Vedanta has non dual existence, that of divinity that is inside you and outside. Surrender to the divinity from within which is SELF, you still evolve and get liberated.

Deity worship gives peace and protection to people, you transfer your energy of Bhakti in to the idol and you are in reality praying to the divine from within. What a beautiful concept in our Dharma!!!

Thoughts to ponder

Hunting for happiness in the finite objects bring no permanent happiness as it changes with time. The law of diminishing utility works in all our experiences. What gave us instant gratification soon becomes a source of sorrow. Friends and relatives drop you for no cause and your ego is hurt and the mind dwells in pain. The reason for YOUNGSTERS today going into swinging moods and resorting to end their lives is, they do not accept the reality of finite things. They dont read or listen to the great experiences of master thinkers. It is the responsibility of the parents to talk about our great leaders and philosophers to inspire them instead they are ready to drain their money to the psycho therapists. Success is not only connected with money. JOY related to this world is beautiful only when you know that it is like any colourful flower that blooms and fades in a day. You enjoy the beauty of life while it lasts, dont lust for things that are outside you.

Divine Gita Chapter 7 , Gyana yoga verse 2

“I shall declare to you the complete knowledge (gyanam te aham savigyanam idham) complete with realisation, which being known, nothing more remains to be known.”

Adi Shankara says ‘ Speculative knowledge is Jnana, and actual experience of perfection is VIJNANA. Lord Krishna the Guru, and a friend to Arjuna explains the art of divine life and takes him to the peak of self discovery.

It is not necessary for a perfect student to retire in to the jungle and feel distanced from sansar. Forest exists in the mind, same way sansar can stay in the mind while in the jungle; hence Vedanta is a perfect science for mental fitness. Student has to walk along with the teacher and follow the importance of his explanation. Example – The spiritual knowledge is imparted in social media by unknown people, Google scribbles by some marketing guys, quotes, forwards and many more. They sound very soothing and we get carried away by the words. Divine life is left behind and we claim that we have the information and knowledge of Thatwa. Student keeps searching and reading all his life, with no anchor. Walk through one path, need not be a cult but it is important to rediscover you real self.

Vedanta is taught only to a student who has been made fit to fly beyond. If a student is perfectly integrated inward, his thirst to experience reality makes him bond with the Guru.

Example – In today s world, everything is imparted to everyone, atleast somewhere they get initiated. However the teaching and learning has become very artificial. Example — When the student leaves his sessions with the teacher, Gurus feel very insecure. Student has other priorities, his time has not come to get in to the divine way of life. If you touch one soul like Krishna does, you are liberated.

Self realised masters are very rare in this Kali yuga. We can take baby steps and reach the spacs of peace and happiness.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 47

“And among all yogis, he who, full of faith, with his inner self, merged in ME, worships ME , according to me the most devout “.

Meditation in the beginning is a deliberate act of the seeker who tries to keep his thoughts channelised in to divine line. It becomes easy if you choose an object to concentrate on. It can be the image of Gods and Godesses, natural elements or the Guru. In this concluding verse of dhyana yoga, Lord speaks of merging of the mind – intellect and the SOUL of the self.

He says ‘ meditation is not an attempt at integrating the mind, as the sublimation of every action in life. Meditating on what? It is on the prasadam of life the Lord gives when you are born. Human mind can like or dislike what you have, it is the deep merging of the SELF and mind intellect that reveals the true happiness of life.

Word in sanskrit ‘ Bhajana’ is often misunderstood. Today it means elaborate rituals , mantras and songs that mean nothing to the priest nor to the devotees who are onlookers of the priestly performance.

Bhajana is the attempt of the EGO to pour itself out in devotion towards the principle of Reality, that makes you rise beyond the noisy mind and intellect. This is the invocation of the self, a highest form of meditation. All other identifications start withering away so you get to know WHO YOU ARE. ME here refers to your SELF and it is very often misunderstood by the cults.

YOGA OF MEDITATION COMES TO AN END. One is fortunate to get this direct knowledge of life and action from the Lord himself. Upanishads, Bhramasutra and the Gita take you tirelessly through the path of spiritual awareness.

We have concluded chapter 6 that speaks of purification of the mind and not mere information and technology of words that will bring peace and harmony. We do get carried away by words that design emotions but that is very temporary. Meditator who concentrates on the SELF the essence of our existence , is superior to those who deny all existence of sense enjoyments of the body, or those who conduct research on scriptures, or those even serve the society says Lord Krishna.

Human mind craves for attention and validation if mind intellect and SELF are not coordinated.

Ambition, achievement and fulfillment have to go together so one can enjoy total happiness. The karmas carry the seeds of their own destruction in themselves , just as our body has the seed of annihilation. Dhyana yoga is the path towards realisation. Let us start our study on ” The yoga of knowledge and Wisdom’ chapter 7 from tomorrow.????
What better day than today to start our 7th Chapter ‘ Yoga of gyanam ( wisdom and knowledge). Verse 1.???? After your seva to Ganesha , sit in solitude and see what Ganesha wrote for Veda Vyasa.
“LORD SPEAKS– With the mind intent on ME O Partha, practicing YOGA and taking refuge in ME, you shall without a doubt , know ME fully. ”

How do we with limited mind can understand the unlimited? This is a typical doubt that comes to those who indulge only in intellectual appreciation of the philosophy of Vedanta. We have completed Atma Bodha Vedanta before we began Gita; so scroll down for a better understanding.

The science of Vedanta deals with this problem by helping you to meditate upon the infinite, comes to transcend it’s own limitations and you experience the limitless present in you.

Example — In this pandemic times , the whole world realised the inner potential, reality, touch with nature and above all how to live with yourself. We have transcended the mental limitation to keep racing like herds.

From this chapter , you come to realise the term ‘ mind’ not as a debilitated one but an integral part obeying the will of the discriminated intellect. ME is the space of infinite presence who helps you to realise your potential. What blocks your view of his presence? EGO and the false thought of body existence on the earth prevents you from shaking hands with yourself.

Realising the high potential of oneself, there is an oasis that appears within yourself which always existed. Example — At time you wear your glasses around your neck or over the head, and search everywhere, get irritated angry and exhausted. Your Ego makes you search for the divine outside, as you look for someone who can be superior and you can challenge HIM. This is an illusion, you need to shed ignorance through YOGA ( Antakarana Suddhi) and breathe the limitless.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 46

“The YOGI is thought to be superior to the ascetics, and even superior to men of knowledge ( mere degree holders and who read only books), he is also superior to men of action; therefore you Arjuna strive to be a YOGI.’

This is an emphatic declaration by Lord Krishna to bring out the importance of meditation in the science of spiritual development.

At times people practice thoughtless, dull, physical denials ; Some tread along the path of selfless work in the outside world, Some students of scriptures who get carried away by the intellectual perception of the world and SELF and miss the point of self purification. Krishna concludes that all such activities are noble however MIND that should get purified and silenced is not achieved, one has not realised the truth.

In the modern context MEDITATION , YOGI mean filtering out our false perception of the world and going inwards in search of perfect understanding so you can live happily in this world. Krishna is an example — He never thought of his past, he moved on as a yogi, did what he had to do. You may think he was GOD but in the human form, he also was surrounded by evil, negativity and falsehood of life. Going inwards creates a shield of protection that keeps the illusions away.

Example — In the world of media mania , constant forwards of the same negative message gets under your skin. Your mind starts believing the untruth; how do you protect yourself? Lord speaks about it in the next verse.

Happiness and sorrow keeps moving around , time is the witness. When there is tsunami, there is a churning of the ocean and the junk gets thrown out to retain the purity of the ocean. Earthquake creates many cracks and layers by destroying the old structure; you find the mines underneath of gold, metals, precious gems, marble, granite and many more. SORROW in human life clears the old debts and karma, so you can search and find the divinity hidden within you which is a treasure. Husk has to be beaten to get pure grain, gold and iron have to be heated to get something out of it, hence equanimity of mind is needed to enjoy the hidden bliss that comes out of suffering. Our fighting and resisting karma creates friction and sets our life in to fire.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 45

May 27, 2024

What better day can there be than Janmashtami to talk about the Lord who keeps taking different incarnations to demonstrate management skills of life. A karma yogi who was born in the prison, grew up in the arms of Yashodha, blessed vrindavan, went to reach his goal of birth to Hastinapur to establish Dharma. This is not a mere story , it is the Art of living and unfolds his experiences through Bhagawat Gita.

“Yogi who strives with determination , purified from sins and comes out perfected through many births , he attains the highest goal.”

We have come to understand that mind and body are instruments through which the energy or the jivatma fulfills the desires of earlier lives. SINS  here means the attachment to the external body and imagining it to be the real YOU. Sin does not mean criminality. Individual has to plough the field of his mind through divinity. Mind is nothing but a bundle of vasanas and expectations; it dies naturally with consistent practice of mental purification.

It is about understanding the hollowness of sense life , an appetite for peace, courage to stand up for justice, he is a noble man. Example — We find more people in Kali yuga praying than ever before, it is the fear of the sins committed mentally that draws them to almighty.  Very often people proclaim ‘ I am reading, chanting, doing rituals and they imagine they get purified by these acts alone. Most important thing here is your attitude and motives that prompts you to act that helps you to reach the goal of the finite.

Sustainable adjustment in the sansar, peaceful existence, letting go of negative energies, not nurturing the wound of the past, helping others not with material things but to stay positive and happy are the essential ways to attain PEACE.

We as seekers are fortunate to read, write and share the thoughts on Gita on such an auspicious day. We are blessed indeed to chant the name of NARAYANA on this special day.

Thoughts to ponder

Happiness and sorrow keeps moving around , time is the witness. When there is tsunami, there is a churning of the ocean and the junk gets thrown out to retain the purity of the ocean. Earthquake creates many cracks and layers by destroying the old structure; you find the mines underneath of gold, metals, precious gems, marble, granite and many more. SORROW in human life clears the old debts and karma, so you can search and find the divinity hidden within you which is a treasure. Husk has to be beaten to get pure grain, gold and iron have to be heated to get something out of it, hence equanimity of mind is needed to enjoy the hidden bliss that comes out of suffering. Our fighting and resisting karma creates friction and sets our life in to fire.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 44

“By that practice of YOGA he is born in a conducive place inspire of himself. Even he who wishes to know YOGA goes beyond the SABDABRAHMA”.

Practice of yoga never goes in vain, the impressions of it has a logical continuity; this is law of life. Example – bank balance is our credit shown in our statement of account. No banker can give us more nor cheat us with a smaller amount. Similarly cultural growth of your mind and intellect cannot be taken away by even GOD or give more but can be handed over to us the exact ‘ balance’.

Anyone who has been in the state of yoga will continue inspite of himself. Example – educated cultured man cannot imitate or dwell in crudity for long. His true nature will take over and he gets harnessed with his sanskar of yoga that he practiced in the past.

We all have an instinctive bent of mind, this is not a mere theory, like Valmiki who became a seeker from a thief. This comes out of evolutionary tendencies of your nature.

Example — In the world of technology we are in multiple groups on the phone; your nature compels you to quit the group that does not connected with you.

Satsangis and classes on philosophy are many proclaiming scriptural knowledge, it takes many good births of sanskar to sustain such studies. You can check your phone and see what are the groups you are part of and you know yourself.

Important point for youngsters — this verse teaches you — when you are in the world of karma, external world it is important to know different behaviour of people. They are evolutionary and one has to learn the art of being objective and stay away from the energies that does not suit your progress. Unfortunately younsters get carried away by random people and struggle with relationships. Gyanam of the  external world along with scriptural wisdom alone stay as a float for you to swim across the ocean of life.

Adi Shankara talks about Sabdabrahman – words of vedas. Yoga makes one go beyond vedic rituals says Lord Krishna – when one has made friends with ones SELF there is nothing beyond and he is in harmony with sansar and nothing to complain. How is the path of meditation nobler than all others? We will see it tomorrow.

There is also a strong message in Today’s discourse for the Youngesters for acquiring the art of being Objective and distancing from the negativity; but unfortunately the present generation is becoming too materialistic and hardly cares for the dictum of set boundaries by Our Saints, Rishis, Ancestors& Many Prominent Personalities of yesteryear’s!!

May be in the years to come this Situation might move towards upliftment of this Syndrome!!

Materialism is a good thing, they have to get what they have brought as karma. To avoid suffering and mental illness they go through today we need to help them by explaining the essence of life. Our job is to sow the seed, tree grows on it’s own. Hence my examples are related to modern setting and language. Our scriptures evolve in every yuga.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 Verse 42 and 43

“He is even born in the family of the wise yogis; a birth like this is very difficult to obtain in this world.”

“There he comes to be united with the knowledge acquired in his former body and strives more than before for perfection, O son of the Kurus”.

Arjuna s question — What happens when the existing body and mind gets terminated while pursuing maha YOGA , an inner integration?

Jeevathma adorns another body to carry on the pilgrimage without any obstruction. We crib about the environment but it is you who have ordered the present from your past.

Does the action in environment affect the jeevathma? Athma has no action, it is the source of energy that runs body mind machine. However extreme vasana or desire that is burning in the mind leaves an impression or hampers the evolution of the soul. Example — every drunkard promises to his family that he would never drink. He does it on the sly as it is an addiction. External life and relationship is an addiction when you take overdose of that pleasure. Hence the soul takes its body according to the impressions of the desire.

Rebirth of an Ego (jeeva), departs from one embodiment arrive again to continue its pilgrimage to perfection.

There is a fear that one can forget the knowledge , spiritual practices of the previous life and have to start all over again. Pursuit of yoga gets united with the wisdom of the previous birth and He completes his education. Example — People study same scriptures, attend satsangs; some are naturally dedicated to the process of learning. They feel very familiar with the knowledge that bubbles up from within. Those who leave half way and have different priorities have time to evolve to that level. This is fine. There is no race here. One who is naturally attached to his internal wisdom , he has an easy journey towards liberation.

Self respect is making sure you are valued in the right way. Ego is an extension of your confidence and want people to recognize your value. Ego is a demand and self respect is your harmony  example — People demand from children certain things , may happen or may not happen. It forms in to ego and hurts you. How a relationship should be formed and lead is always connected to your karma.

Relationship gets firmed on it’s own. Example — you are born in a certain family with siblings is your karma. Whether you will continue that relationship or break away from it depends on blood related karma.

An outsider whom you may not even know will stand with you as a friend, he is your soul connect. Hence Vedanta talks about only universal karmic relationship.  Reminds me of vasudeva kudumbam. If a relationship breaks, do not get upset, that karmic time bar is over.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 41

“Having attained to the worlds of the righteous, and having dwelt there for long years, he who falls from YOGA is born again in the house of the pure and the wealthy”.

There are two ways of action performed. 1 Actions performed with desires 2 those that are performed with a sense of divine worship. We spoke about the attitude of prasadam in life. As Ramana Maharishi says ” every species in this world are animals including humans.” How do we fine tune the frequency or the link with the divine that every human intellect is aware of in their consciousness. However the mind has to be prepared to take that command and accept life as a prasadam that you have offered in your past lives in the form of action.

All the burning desires of humans will be fulfilled at some period of their journey. One takes a body and space to fulfil the path of yoga that was left half way. Example — When you wish to travel, you work towards the destination, plan and wish to make the most of your trip. Same way your trip inwards will help design your course of action in life that will elevate you to reach heavenly consciousness.

Nothing comes free and without efforts; spiritual journey is no exception. YOGA truly means a way of life that helps you to stay in harmony with yourself. It is not about success or failure, it is life itself.

Divine Gita chapter 6 verse 40

“The Lord speaks “O Partha, neither in this world   nor in the next world is there destruction for him ; who strives to be good, O my Son, ever comes to grief.”

These words are science of life, and not based on blind faith. Krishna supports his statement with the philosophic truth ‘ there is no woeful end for those who do right action”. Future is the product of past and present.

Death is for the body and mind , as it belongs to this world. We cannot feel complete in knowledge if you think this is the only one life. Then why I am I wasting my desires , mental agony on the things that I know one lifetime is not enough. We create blue print of our future.

No seeker is ever lost, he may slip or fall, he continues his pursuit in a modified body. The energy of your vasanaas, likes and dislikes , hatred love jealousy gets stored in your memory stick that is connected with your soul that can never be slayed. Example – Our question ‘ why do people who are evil, are enjoying and why good souls suffer?’

Each of us come with our balance sheet that gets rolled out and universal law sees multiple lives the jivathma has adorned. Hence there is no death at all. What exactly would be the destiny of a man who could not complete the pilgrimage in Yoga?

DIVINE GITA Chapter 6 verse 39

“This doubt of mine, O Krishna, please dispel completely; because it is not possible for any one but you to dispel this doubt.”

Krishna alone has pure wisdom not swayed by personal desires or agendas. Arjuna looks up to Krishna for the first time to get him mind quietened.

Self realisation is impossible if the mind is turbulent. Example – In sansar, everyone wants to be treated well with respect and dignity. Does it really happen in reality? The moment you rise, progress and are successful; instead of respect we do get brickbats and bullied. There is a negative lobby who wants to see your end. How can there be no turbulence? Can you reform, explain or get justice to your helplessness?

Gita gives you the answer. Rebooting of attitude and a serious aptitude to spirituality can save you from this turbulence. Arjuna asks ” what if untimely death or serious temptation takes you away while in pursuit “?

Mind is mere impression that we collect, it gets turbulent with binding desires. I am not talking about what we get in return for our good deeds. That is karmic related and you have no option. Arjuna s question is what if I die before I achieve my realisation or get swayed by temptation?

Rebooting is very important in different phase of life. Changing oneself to the situation, getting your priorities right, the satsang you attend, gives you the strength and wisdom to adjust your attitude that will heal you and put you at peace.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 38

“Fallen from both , does he not , perish like a rent cloud, supporters and deluded in the path of Bhraman?” Arjuna s doubt ” what if we let go of vishaya Ananda the sensual pleasure and not accomplish shraddha “?

This is a very poetic metaphor in sanskrit literature. In summer mushroom shaped clouds arise behind the mountains to peep into the valley below.

Strong current of wind tears the bulk cloud and summer cloud- lets get kicked around according to the whims of the winds. So Arjuna s question ” the aspiring self can be tossed around and finally get lost totally unfulfilled”

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 37

Arjuna said, “He who though possessed of faith, is unable to control himself, whose mind wanders away from YOGA , to what end does he, having failed to attain perfection in YOGA go, O Krishna?”

Arjuna also a modern mind, voicing his vague doubt. Those who strive with deep faith (Shraddha), but fails to accomplish complete self control during his life time, or lack of it may fall from Yoga. Such people may lose both Joy’s of the sense object and total bliss.

Vedanta however does not deny the or condemn sensual pleasures; they feel it is part of ( vishaya ananda) and also part of your living. Most importantly, death clips on the body mind and senses; soul Carries the memory stick in the subconscious mind and unfolds itself all over again. Your pursuit of YOGA as prescribed by the Lord is the karma you carry forward and  you acquire a body conducive to pursue your NISHTA and finally evolve.

Devotion that gets inspired from faith can move mountains, can bring heaven on the earth. Example — Ravana born in the world of demons was a devotee of Shiva not in one life but his tapasya ran in to many lives. He wanted liberation from his accumulated karmas, did not want 9 more lives; his devotion and faith brought Narayana to his domain to destroy 9 lives in one go and released him from human birth. Your devotion and dedication runs through many lives. Hence practice of such discipline never goes in vain, it is the good karma you carry forward to attain absolute bliss.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 36

May 17, 2024

YOGA , I think is hard to be attained by one of uncontrolled self ; but the self controlled , striving can obtain it by proper means ” says Krishna

People who sells himself and become a slave to sense objects, or gets dragged by the demands of the ego cannot have peace of mind. The thoughts that get collected and stored as the data turns in to virus and the symptoms are mental agitation.

Rajo guna and Tamo Guna (temperament) start controlling the mind and Sattwa guna that gives peace and steadiness of the mind gets drowned in the self. Example — When you want to achieve something in life, we do control or put aside other mundane preoccupations. Think about reaching the goal of YOGA ( absolute bliss) how many false sense objects we need to let go.

This is not about Self denial, it is not about insulting and persecuting biological needs. This kind of pursuits bring out the satanic forces from within. Use all the purushartas intelligently , I mean Artha Kama Dharma and Moksha have to be pursued to fulfil your karma and desire. KNOW THEM TO BE TEMPORARY PLEASURES and move towards your goal of happiness

Example — you sow mango seed, and wait all your life for jackfruit to come out; it is ignorance. At times people talk about the rituals they practice , like fasting, keeping themselves away from worldly things ; this does not indicate self control. It becomes a forced punishment. Intelligent seeker knows how to navigate his way through this world of sense objects and reach his state of liberation. Lord Krishna , karma yogi, did not shy away from the world, he extended his energy to his devotees, and finally prompted to wage a war to bring back justice. He was totally untouched by things around. Who can be an example to us other than Krishna himself.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 34 and 35

Arjuna ” The mind is O Krishna is restless, turbulent, stubborn and unyielding; I think it is like the wind that is uncontrollable”

Mind is external ‘ Krishna’ here is the SELF. It is not possible to fight mind with thoughts that originate from the mind. Man searches for happiness in the external world ; how can his eternal happiness that is connected with his SELF be searched in the temporary world of falsehood? Mind is compared to the wind as it keeps moving, cannot be stopped. It draws all vasanas like the Garbage can collects everything that is thrown in to it. Man Carries the junk all through his life and searches for happiness from that junk, gets entangled in to the same garbage.

Verse 35 — Lord answers – there is a method by which the invincible mind can be brought under control.

“Lord Undoubtedly, O mighty armed one , the mind is difficult to control and restless; by practice , O Son of Kunti, and by dispassion , it is restrained.”

The greatness of our incarnations, divine celestial bodies can be seen here, Lord descends on the earth to take all the karmas on himself by giving a satsang in the battlefield for Arjuna.

Very unique way of imparting knowledge!

Let us see tomorrow what the Lord wants us to know on mental balance.

What is balance and equanimity of mind? Can it be forced or taught by anyone? Can meditation be coached? It has to be realised over time , through experience, suffering, hurt and delusions. The classes on meditation, mind control and several training programs are only waves that rise at that moment and it crumbles at the same speed. Balance of mind comes from a complete sense of fulfillment, understanding the futility of pursuing ego centric activities that causes pain. Awareness of such false existence makes us reach a state that is tranquil and confident.

We can float in this world with freedom and happiness. This pursuit can only be done individually.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 continuation of Krishna s methods of training the mind.

Lord Krishna admits the wandering nature of human mind. Humans layer of consciousness is opened in the form of knowing and understanding unlike animals.

The swaroopa of the mind is to wander and your SELF holding it in the body. The reason you need to tame it is to stop the mind from becoming your enemy.

We think we live in brick houses with bank balance; we live in the space of the brain that is capable of collecting huge data from the external world.

How do you control the data from destroying you? They get infested with virus if you do not contain them.

Nothing comes easy in this world; you need to practice (abhyasa), that will generate detachment to falsehood ( Vairagya), strengthens renunciation ( Sanyasa).

Renunciation is not physically giving up the world, it is to live with understanding. Example — know your clinging attachments to the objects of the world, longings, expectation of fruits of action and take your journey forward.

Practice is reassuring study of scriptures, as mind has the ability to erase positive notes in Kali yuga. Hence in Bhagavata Purana, Vyasa says, chanting the name of the lord in Kali yuga with Bhakti is enough if you do not want to know anything else. Practices like pursuit of Gyanam, introspecting what you know, Bhakti, devotion to what you do, chanting mantras, or just the name of the Lord will take you Vairagyam. Again such detachment brings a dry deserted feeling in few, it turns in to arrogance of knowing it all. While doing all these you need to have an attitude of surrender.

This is free spiritual growth. Mind comes under your control and you have conquered your ferocious enemy that was a block to enjoy and feel happiness. What will happen to those who have no self control?

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 33

Arjuna speaks ” This yoga of equanimity taught by you, O slayer of Madhu, I do not see a continuity or sustainable because of the restlessness of the mind”.

Arjuna, man of action could not accept this ideology of right knowledge or the meditative pursuit. He was craving to live like any of us; the shift of thought in this chapter confused him.

Detachment from the illusions of life that has limited life is a sure way to higher contemplation.

Equanimity or steadfastness of the mind is not a forced action. It is like faking yourself ; however it has to be realised over time , through experience, suffering, hurt and delusions.

Can it be taught? The classes on meditation, mind control and several training programs are only waves that rise at that moment and it crumbles at the same speed. Equanimity comes from a complete sense of fulfillment, understanding the futility of pursuing ego centric activities that causes pain, holding the memory of such false existence; one reaches a state that is tranquil and confident.

We can float in this world with freedom and happiness. Nothing can touch your mind. This has to be realised individually.

Arjuna feels that Krishna s philosophy at this point may not work for him. He says it is not practical. It is the responsibility of every teacher to answer and clear the doubts of the seeker. Arjuna asks ‘ Is it a sustainable state’?

Mind is always wandering in different direction, realisation is a very momentary experience. What should I do?

A sincere teacher should not get disturbed by such questions. It is not personal, however modern teachers at times feel challenged and lose the track of teaching.

Here we have our Master Lord Krishna who has a gentle smile of compassion who is ready to raise Arjuna from the world of ignorance.

The following verses are meant for all yugas. Those fortunate get to read and listen to the almighty in Gita.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 32

“He who through the steadfast SELF O Arjuna sees equality everywhere, be it pleasure or pain, he is regarded as the highest YOGI”.

True meditation brings out the intellectual understanding and spiritual experience that makes us feel the divine presence in everything. The awareness that body functions only through the SELF , the thoughts and action are from the treasure of karma in the subconscious level, brings the equanimity of the mind.

Highest yogi feels the pain and joy of others as his own as he has already shed his body and lives in his SELF. What should come out of spiritual practices and realisation is compassion and kindness towards the society. He knows the functioning of the world, just like all the parts of your body belongs to the body; they cannot be separated. The whole universe is ONE, the different forms we see is part of the same SOUL.

Spiritual sadhana is important for everyone born on this earth as that is the only track that takes you to happiness. Once you realise that the universe , you, and all species are packaged with links of karma, there is no pain or happiness.

Example — Why is it that some people do not realise the value of dharma, ahimsa, or the study of our scriptures even though we tell them about the treasure they have? There is no package of knowing the SELF in their memory stick. This link will not pick up in their mind computer.

We can sow the seed, it may grow in to tree in any one of their lives. Be understanding towards them, do not force them in to satsangs as they are not ready to evolve. The mental exhaustion happens to everyone and their SELF will bring them to the learning process of life.

Arjuna, man of action is stuck here , raises doubts on his incapacity to see the goal of human life , asks Lord Krishna the divine teacher, the flute player, charioteer for the yoga of right knowledge.

The almighty in the human form says’ there is nothing called happiness or pain for a yogi. He acts according to the situation and retains his peace from within. Krishna can play the flute and take sudarshana chakra at the same time without attachment.

Krishna in his incarnation he was human but he sets an example to us on life and living. HE is the paramapurusha and Nara Narayana.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 31

“He who, being established in unity, worships ME , dwelling in all beings, that YOGI abides in ME, whatever be his mode of living”.

Lord speaks of the perception of unity in diversity. We need to recognize the divine in every being by knowing the divine in ourselves. When I am unable to love my SELF the source of energy, I cannot love anyone else. We will have pre conditions and that is not love.

Man of realisation should not retire in to the secret cave or a valley but can maintain his Divine consciousness in all states of existence be it happy or unhappy. When we are ill, we go to the hospital, after we recover, we do not need medical help. We come back to our field of work and live, more active than before.

Man of unhealthy temperament gets treated through meditation, knowledge, regains his vitality, he should be in the field of activity and maintain his equanimity and composure.

Example — Very often people misunderstand life and living. They feel only mountains, ashrams can retain their meditative mode; hence they distance themselves from active life of sansaar; there is no need. One needs to exhaust the karma to remain free of mental burden. Krishna in the human incarnation, shows the way to shed all karmas by attaching yourself to the unbroken AWARENESS of the SELF that has come on the earth with a purpose. ‘ Whatever his mode of life be ‘ is a powerful phrase ( sarvatha- vartamanopi) ; which means your mental state and attitude matters more than your action. What is your motivation? This verse clarifies the doubts in our mind ” How should I live after obtaining this knowledge?” What will happen to my identification with my ego?” Will there be emptiness within me ?

It is treating yourself of a disease and sustaining your health after that in the state of happiness.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 Verse 30

“He who sees ME everywhere, and sees everything in ME, nor do I get separated from him.”

I and ME have to be understood as the SELF. When you transcend the intellect, the ego imaginations become insignificant as everything merges in the self (Shivoham). The dreamer becomes the waker; although they seem different in the sleeping state. When there is ignorance looming , we see the self and mind as different, in reality they are ONE. Bodily vanities and crimes are entertained by those who do not believe or feel the oneness of body mind sense complex. The meditator becomes the SELF as he realises his Divine potentiality.

Ego is a rebel, it keeps demanding , craving, and wanting to hold on to false praise and thrives on fake adulation. There is a confusion of reality and falsehood. Example — An actor playing the role of a beggar, is not a beggar. He sheds his make up , he comes back to his own self. Even when he was playing the role he was not a beggar. It is an illusion caused by ignorance.

Example – When a mother takes care of a baby, her role is different from when she has to take of the same baby when he becomes a teenager. Your drama and acting changes. These scenes keep happening as long as you in the sansar, Lord says ‘ It is natural and normal, the problem starts when you look for permanent happiness in this external drama. You cannot find, sansar is a changing dynamic force that gives superficial comfort. The real YOU and the happiness is within you that cannot be taken away by anyone.

Man of perfect self control and meditation becomes only SELF who embraces the destiny as it comes, takes it as prasadam which is PRATYAKSHAM SAAKSHATH DARSHANAM.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 29

“With the mind harmonised by YOGA he sees the self abiding in all beings, and all beings in the self; he sees the same everywhere.”

Science of self – perfection , that vedanta proclaims is the unchallenged truth as self knowledge is not only about self realisation, it is experiencing the divinity inherent in all creatures.

Man of realisation can never address the world as ‘ children of sin’, the ancient dharma refers to the living kingdom as ‘ Children of light’. If the almighty or Nature has manifested on this earth, then we cannot be sinners, the substance of our life and living has to be divine. Whatever happens in the realm of crime originates from ignorance and lack of self understanding. One cannot blame the almighty for treachery of human mind that pollutes the world and the SELF.

The essence and substance of existence I mean in all names and forms is the transcendental self. Example — Mud in mud pots, gold in all ornaments, ocean in all waves, electricity in all gadgets, SELF is the essence and substratum for the world of objects.

One has to go above the physical and emotional world ; most important from the intellect , then he rediscoveres his DIVINE NATURE. You will see mud in every pot, gold in every ornament; they cannot be separated. This is pure logic that is in front of us, yet we keep searching for truth and reality. Each one of us have come to serve different purpose in life; yet we are all in the same light of substance. We see unity in diversity, and that is true self realisation that comes from yoga of meditation.????

Thoughts to ponder

Happiness and sorrow keeps moving around , time is the witness. When there is tsunami, there is a churning of the ocean and the junk gets thrown out to retain the purity of the ocean.

Earthquake creates many cracks and layers by destroying the old structure; you find the mines underneath of gold, metals, precious gems, marble, granite and many more. SORROW in human life clears the old debts and karma so you can search and find the divinity hidden within you a treasure. Husk has to be beaten to get pure grain, gold and iron have to be heated to get something out of it, hence equanimity of mind is needed to enjoy the hidden bliss that comes out of suffering. Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving.org

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 28

“Yogi engaging the mind in the practice of yoga, shedding impurities , liberating from external objects, easily enjoys the INFINITE BLISS of BRAHMAN contact.”

When we engage ourselves in the battle of inward mastery, we can grow out of spiritual ignorance and imperfections. Kali yuga has a unique way of taking the world towards destruction through human intelligence. It makes the mind agitated, restless, inquisitive and jealous. The dynamic reality is like the moon behind clouds.

Example — man invented nuclear weapons, machines, satellite, farmland chemicals, smart phones, and there is no end. Does he know how to control the adverse effects of these or Is he capable of balancing his inner and outer world? Saturn in Kali yuga instigates man to get arrogant with his own intelligence. Children today feel they know much more and smarter than adults; parents have experience and maturity behind them. Mind will become the cause of destruction in Kali yuga. You cannot Google check this fact but time is proving it already.

Lord Krishna talks about Bhraman contact which means Self Contact. As we practice this dhyana yoga with dedication, ego that rises like a balloon gets busted in higher altitudes and balloon space merges with the space outside. Mind at the height of meditation shatters itself, drops the ego and merges with supreme self.

This verse reveals one of the best divine vision if you read it carefully and absorb. Nothing more in meditation or yoga.

Thoughts to ponder

We need to be relevant to ourselves at every stage of life. Age is never a barrier, let life flow like a beautiful river, there are rocks on the way but we gallop and move.

You need to stop yourself from stopping yourself. Every game in life is actually played on a 6 inch ground –MIND, the space between your two ears.

Your body lives in huge mansions, You live in your MIND which is an unlimited area. Life is great when things are sorted and uncluttered there.

Keeping the mind messy with hatred growing on the table, regrets piling up in corner, expectations boiling in kitchen, secrets stuffed under the carpet and worries littered everywhere ruins this REAL HOME.

The key factor to performing well in life and in every arena, is the ability to control the quality and quantity of your “internal dialogue”. Performance is potential minus internal interference. VV

Thoughts to ponder on much talked about depression.

There are many asymptomatic cases of depression in this world. Failure can be handled by many and there are supportive people around to understand that failure is common. SUCCESS takes you to the tower of loneliness, people admire you and want to know you; yet you remain different in people s eyes. Everyone drops you, cannot help yourself as that is a space you aspired for. Fulfillment of your desire does not allow you to enjoy or stay in that moment as it gives you fear of losing that spot. There is a spiritual dimension to your life, not connected with religion ; that helps you to float above success and failure. This energy acts as anaesthesia in times of depression.Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving.org

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 27

May 10, 2024

“Supreme bliss comes to this YOGI , whose mind is quite peaceful, whose passion is quietened, who is free from sin( negative emotuons) who has become Brahman.”

Individual mind wanders in the realm of expectations, demands, greed , false glamour, social media race and agitations from within. Experience all this as you have no way to get out of the racing mind. The prescribed practice of dynana yoga by the Lord, will slowly heal the painful consequences of a racing mind.

Mind ends where the thoughts end; however the yuga environment will pin you down to the clutter and garbage we collect in the process of living. We have to relate this verse to today s situation. As the recycling of human soul happens, the chemical body you acquire is already genetically different. ( Genetic conditions are related to food, thoughts, environment, and emotions). Will the silencing of mind work?

We often find people reading , listening and at times absorbing the vibes of satsang, at times it remains as an entertainment or a temporary intellectual satisfaction. It is difficult to hold steadily in the inner atmosphere of silence. Impurities of the mind have to be shed.

Veiling power (Avarana) I mean ignorance generated by the inertia of Tamas guna, the lazy temperament creates agitations in the mental zone. As long as there is agitations and unsteady mind with heightened EGO , peace is not possible. Our visits to the temples or ashram is like an escape from reality. Enlighten your ego and try to silence your mind to reach the level of self realization.

Hatred itself is in the surface of the mind and has no deeper value. It is connected with our feeling of hurt. As I mentioned in the earlier chapters on carrying a floppy or a memory stick from the past that holds grudges and the reasons not known. One can with awareness and introspection get out of such emotions. Keep a distance and try to understand the nature of different personalities. Hatred is a harsh emotion, it will destroy us.

We need to be relevant to ourselves at every stage of life. Age is never a barrier, let life flow like a beautiful river, there are rocks on the way but we gallop and move.

You need to stop yourself from stopping yourself. Every game in life is actually played on a 6 inch ground –MIND, the space between your two ears.

Your body lives in huge mansions, You live in your MIND which is an unlimited area. Life is great when things are sorted and uncluttered there.

Keeping the mind messy with hatred growing on the table, regrets piling up in corner, expectations boiling in kitchen, secrets stuffed under the carpet and worries littered everywhere ruins this REAL HOME.

The key factor to performing well in life and in every arena, is the ability to control the quality and quantity of your “internal dialogue”. Performance is potential minus internal interference.

Divine Gita chapter 6 verse 26

“From whatever cause the restless and the unsteady mind wanders away, from that let him restrain it, and bring it back under the control of the SELF alone.”

Restless ( chanchala), and unsteady ( asthira) are the nature or swaroopa of the mind. After all the sadhanas and discipline of the seeker, mind goes in to despair and gets rattled by the past memories, temptation, aversion and sadness. It is the nature of the mind to wander, these practices are for keeping a check on the mind.

Lord Krishna says ‘ let him bring back’ ; withdrawal of the mind by will power may seem successful but it will rush back in to fanciful thinking. Mind is only flow of thoughts so the seeker has to shift his thought to the contemplation of the self after understanding and knowing your mind.

Example– Every seeker tries to focus on an object, the best option is the Gods and Goddesses who incarnate on earth to lead the way. Your energy gets transferred in to the statue and your self gets elevated by yourself. Ask me on this point if you have difficulty understanding. Most beautiful truth.

Just like we clean up the place after you finish your cooking, however fresh and tasty it might be; same way after we have acted in our lives, we need to clean the mind and get rid of negative emotions.

In today s situation, we can see how people cling to negative news , it is almost like they are craving to hear. They also want to share it with others to make everyone like themselves. It is the human tragedy today, cluttered mind cannot think positive, why die before the death really happens? This chapter gives us the weapon to protect ourselves from negative emotions.

Effect of the yoga of meditation on it’s true sadhakas. Next verse.
I am talking about idol worship? How does it help meditation on the ‘SELF’? Example – you have shiva s statue in your home temple, it becomes a bundle of energy because you focus on his idol with your unconditional faith. It is your faith that has given life to that idol or it remains as a show piece. This deep concentration , faith and attachment helps you to elevate yourself. Easy way to meditate.

Dwaitha and advaitha, our vedas speak on the importance of both. Idol can represent nature as it is the almighty. You merge with nature, you feel energetic

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 24 and 25

‘Abandoning all desires born of sankalpa, and restraining the whole group of senses by the mind from all sides’, let him slowly attain quietude by his intellect, held firm; having made the mind established in the SELF , let him not think of anything.”

Chapter 6 on Dhyana yoga (meditation) is a very important one for all seekers of truth. We do not need any reference or teacher to teach us to meditate, guided meditation is a temporary peace you experience. Chapter 6 of Gita gives you the true essence of meditation.

In the previous section the focus was on restraint of the mind, and how one can experience pure bliss without attachment to external objects. Art of meditation is explained well, showing the secret path towards single focus and how to approach the truth and reality of life.

Understanding all desires fully (sarvaan) by the mind, restrain emotions arising out of sense objects, you reach a certain level of balance in yourself for self realisation. ‘ Renunciation of desire’ in this verse is always misinterpreted. Hindu philosophy was twisted and made to believe that there should be no ambition and a life of indolence has to be practiced. Example – We often find aging people trying to cling to the study of scriptures, chanting mantras and shlokas to redeem themselves.

Renouncing desires truly means – ” GIVING UP ALL AGITATION BREEDING DESIRES”. When we become aware of this, your energy is conserved for higher pursuits. Constant agitation in the mind makes it addictive to such emotions and makes you weak.

Meditation cannot be done in haste or by any imagination. Spark of knowledge has to burn the longings, anxiety and endless greed for objects; patiently one can rest in the contemplation of SELF. Lord Krishna has given an exhaustive wealth to a true seeker who desire to experience the ultimate bliss.

LORD even says ‘ the desire to reach total bliss also should be avoided as that is a different kind of stress. IT WILL HAPPEN.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 20 21 22 23

“When the mind , restrained by the practice of yoga, attains silence and when seeing the SELF by the self, he is satisfied ‘

‘When the yogi feels that infinite bliss — which can be grasped by the pure intellect and which transcends the senses — he never moves from reality ‘

‘After having reached , he thinks there is no other gain superior to it; when established he is not moved even by heavy sorrow.’

‘The severance from the union- with – pain is YOGA. This yoga should be practiced with determination and with a mind steady and without despair.’

When the individual ego is destroyed through introspection, one can go above body, mind and intellect identification. Most discourses remain as entertainment for the intellect , one feels that they have understood everything. The fact is to see if your expectations, demands and longings are not haunting you.

Silencing of the mind comes from rediscovering your Self that knows the past present and the future. One can aspire and even make efforts to achieve it ; compete and feel jealous, form negative emotions ; we come with our own package of karma that gets released in our life time.

Today everyone does yoga which is a good beginning and they think it is physical stretches for fitness; in reality one has to attain that Dukha samyoga viyoga. Detachment from pain more than the material things that uplifts your soul. Mind becomes non existent once your thoughts are in your control. Example – if we feel uncomfortable near the fire place, it is natural to move away but humans are unable to give up the heat of attachment that causes pain and sorrow. To live with objects with its limited joy and sorrow is futile. You need to move in to the realm of BLISS and this YOGA.
It is not detachment from showing compassion to others. In fact if you are detached from the pain of attachment which means a binding one, you can help many people on the earth. Binding attachment brings expectation acknowledgment but a compassionate detachment wins over pain and sorrow. Arjuna had binding attachment hence he could not stand for dharma Lord takes it upon himself to explain the core of bliss that humans can experience on the earth.
Binding desires and attachment —- when someone reaches a point where they cannot live without that object goes into grief, anxiety, depression and sorrow. Lord Krishna is showing you a path where you can enjoy life more if you are aware of the binding nature of our attachment.

Maya is an illusion so it is your mind that gives value to the objects. World is full of limited nature of objects, you are born to live with it knowingly. Example — When a child throws tantrum to get chocolate , you try to pacify him and wonder why should he howl so much for a piece of chocolate? His binding desire craves. When you show him a bundle of rupee notes, he does not care as he is not aware. Each object has a value only upto to a certain level, our attachment over values and makes us suffer.
#Spiritualscience on ENVIRONMENT

Why do we find unknown bacteria, insects and virus today? Researchers and scientists have limited practical knowledge on these occurrences. Creation has water and heat under the earth to protect many tiny creatures who wish to survive. Man digs the earth for crude, oil, minerals, gems and get engaged in mines.

We also take out gas from the earth that makes bacteria breath. It is like taking away oxygen from the air we inhale. They come out of the earth in distress and attack humans. Their qualities are not known to us.

Those virus that cannot push their way through, fight under the earth in pain and destroy the product we consume. We throw chemical fertilizer on top of it that is causing the damage. Development does not belong only to humans, it is for 84 lakhs of different species. Be humane, live and let live. Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving.org

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 19

“As the lamp placed in a windowless place does not flicker”— is a simile used to describe the YOGI of the controlled mind, practicing and absorbed in YOGA OF THE SELF.”

This chapter 6 is very unique as it truly deals with the dhyana yoga that is not related to the situation of Kurkshetra. However Lord Krishna wants to impart complete knowledge of supreme YOGA to the world through this battlefield.

Once the mind is integrated and aware, how does it seem? It is like a ‘ Lamp in a spot sheltered from the wind that does not flicker’. Mind is unsteady as the tip of the flame, thoughts appear in the mind, in a continuous stream so we feel it is so real. The tip of the flame flickers and gives us the illusion of swaying. It becomes steady in upward flight once it is protected from the wind.

Our passing desires, motivation and fancies gets arrested in meditation, becomes steady contemplation. It becomes YOGAMANTANA. You will be reliant on truth and do not get swayed by the external world.

When you have been through meditation, become single pointed, what would be the stages of progress accomplished?

Humble information from me — All these interpretations examples and meanings are my own. The translation of the verse is also done by me from my Old Bhagavat Gita text. Thank you.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 18

“When the perfectly controlled mind rests in the SELF only, free from longing for all objects of desire , then it is said ” HE IS UNITED’ ( yuktah).

Desire in itself cannot bring any storm in the mind, it is how you deal with it brings turbulence in the mind. There is no birth if there is no desire. Imbalanced attachment to the desire and longing to achieve it create agony in the heart.

Example – Money or desire to possess wealth is not unhealthy; the value we give to that material accumulation makes us hysterical. Every action in this world cannot be associated with money; we undermine everything that is done without money. Success or happiness has nothing to do with it. Money is a need and enjoy what you have and make use of it.

An uncontrolled mind seeks satisfaction in sense objects and there is no end to it as objects keep multiplying. This does not mean renunciation of desires, it is an attitude to your longings.

It is about a steady contemplation on the self , however some people experience fear, loneliness or confusion when they try to sit quietly with themselves. This is an indication that you do not approve of the thoughts that you have accumulated. Take time to eliminate slowly saying ‘ This is gone, this is not me anymore, I am going towards the light of awareness. This is the mantra to chant along with your regular Divine mantras. The emotional blocks slowly get released.

The limited and the finite sense objects agitate the mind and infinite self brings joy. The condition of sense withdrawal and entry of the mind into the self is called steadfastness, he is fully integrated. Fragments of emotions can always haunt us. Self brings permanent happiness.

Divine Gita chapter 6 verse 17

“Yoga is not possible for him who eats too much, nor for him who does not eat at all; nor for him who sleeps too much, nor for him who is restlessly awake, O Arjuna.”

Lord speaks of moderation in indulgence and activities at all levels of living for meditation. The energy folders in the body loses integration when we lose the system of balancing our mind and body. Term ‘ EAT has to be taken in a comprehensive way that includes sense enjoyments, mental feelings, and intellectual perceptions. Loading the stomach creates disturbances in the body and affects the mind, starvation or extreme fasting frustrates the body. Too much sleep induces tamasic temperament and dulls our faculties, no sleep at all or sleeping after sun rise depletes the energy in the body.

Example — when the body experiences too much pain after a trauma, it goes in to a state of coma for a while to numb the pain. When we impose excessive strain and stress on ourselves which we do , how can we protect our mind or release it from distress? Meditation becomes a medicine that does not penetrate and in some cases, it can give adverse effects. It is like suppressing water flow from a broken dam.

Discipline of mind and body is not for others, it is for the SELF alone that witnesses your erratic mental behaviour helplessly. The day comes to vacate your body as we are only tenants, not permanent residents; we realise our dependency on wrong imbalanced way of life. Soul departs helplessly to adorn another body to live the life that we designed. This is the ultimate TRUTH.

How does karma become suffering? Karma is a package you bring along with you on the earth. It is very clear to our seekers here that incidents and reaction to it are inevitable.

What makes it really hard to bear this karma? It is the MIND that elaborates the incident or karma. Example – Any situation comes from your package, but the perception of the mind makes it worse as the ego and ignorance blinds the reality. If we keep devotion and prayerful attitude in our hearts, the mind cannot magnify your suffering and you get over it fast. ???? vasantha vaikunth lifenliving.org

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 15

April 3, 2024

“Thus , keeping the mind balanced, the YOGI, with his mind controlled, attains to the peace abiding in Me, which culminates in total liberation ( Nirvana or Moksha).”

We come to experience infinite peace when we reduce craving and greed in our thoughts. Agitations, anxiety keeping up with the race of the world and confusion do not touch your soul. It appears to be real and dissapears when you get in to another net of anxiety.

Dying Ego gives a sense of loss in the beginning as it is addictive. If you get to know or be aware of the false ego, you become ready to receive peace. ‘ The peace that resides in ME is the rediscovery of the divine in the SELF.

Example — There is uncertainty, sense of loss materially and emotionally at this pandemic situation. World mind is confused, unable to change the attitude to life, what can save individual mind and give energy? It is your own practice or sadhana of self discipline, awareness and meditation. Reach out to the peace ‘ within you’ accepting the churning of the universe.

All external disturbances create imbalance , hence retain the internal connect. Acceptance of life, doing your best to save the situation, not creating negative panic around, learn to live in your sacred space.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 13

“Let him firmly hold his body, head and neck erect and still, gazing at the tip of his nose, without looking around.”

The mediator with his mind and intellect firm at a single point supported by his body posture that is firm. Body is relaxed yet it stays stable. Adi Shankara says ‘ Tip of the nose should not be taken literally, it only means that mind should not be wandering around.

Example – When someone is confused, his gaze is never steady. He can never look in to your eye, if has a negative motive.

Chapter 6 verse 14.: ” Serene minded, fearless, firm in the vow of Bhramacharya, having controlled the mind, thinking on ME ( self, Athma) and balanced, let him sit, having ME as the supreme goal.”

When the mind goes in to silence after much practice, there is an inward peace known as PRASANTA. The inward silence is contentment and extreme joy; individual expresses nobler and divine qualities.

Fear of that realm prevents the meditator to scale up his reach. It is his own cruel embrace of mental conditioning. ‘ Nothingness’ is scary as it reality, and the addiction to stress and anxiety is intense in people. Unless we are away from pain induced by ego, infinite bliss is scary.

Bhramacharya in Upanishad is not only celibacy but practice of self control. The world of objects has way to flood your heart to bring chaos; such a mind gets ruined. BHRAMA VICHARA is the real meaning here, to engage yourself in the contemplation of SELF.

Example — When the child engages too much in smart phones and social media, we give them options to divert from this addictive machine like learning fine arts, sports and many other practices. Similarly when you engage yourself constantly on worldly objects and ego play; mind gets rusted. Engaging yourself towards inner peace helps you lead a balanced life. Your intellect gets sharpened to tun your life wisely.

‘Having ME as a supreme goal’ — This Me here is the quite mind and flowing divine energy. Depending on the athmic strength, one can fix their goals. We have several incarnations of the almighty who have proved their divinity and shown us the way towards sensible living. We can fix them in our minds as goals and meditate upon them. It will give us the same inner peace. We will wake up to realise our blissful state.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse12

“Having made the mind one-ponited, with the actions of the mind and the senses controlled, let him, seated on the seat, practice YOGA for the purification of the self.”

Physical condition is to generate right mental attitude for the spiritual practices, but a mere physical posture in itself is not enough. ‘ You should make the mind single pointed’ is possible only when you bring about the necessary conditioning in yourself. We are translating philosophy in to life, not only for Sansari but also for a renunciate.

Mind gets stunned by it’s own silence, unknown zone so it can lead to confusion and madness. It is a withdrawal from your addiction to constant self absorbed thoughts. One has to bring an alignment of thoughts , good or bad, then eliminate what is hurting you. Of course mind will run towards the forbidden, but they are your creation; understand and accept them. Let go of likes and dislikes, demands on relationships, expectations out of your actions, self obsession and bring a certain condition of mental wellbeing before you attain single pointedness.

Hallucinations of the sense organs, inner imaginations have to be pulled back so you can focus on the flowing divine energy inside and outside. Example – We do find our activities in sync with time, natural changes of the season, body and mind. There is a harmonious flow of your blood, air, fire earth and space in your body along with the outside flow. Human mind becomes an exception as it has no limitation, such agitations are impurities. Lord describes the process for us to know that meditation is not possible unless we learn to purify our thoughts and come to terms with reality. When you see yourself in the mirror , you correct your shringar, this is the process of reflecting on yourself.

Most beautiful technique and a process I have ever seen is presented by the Lord himself.

Social structures as customs are made for our convenience, it need not fit in to the universal space that follows network of karma theory. Lord Krishna says ‘ When we discover our delusional EGO , I mean ‘ how can they do this to me’ , what did I do wrong, do I deserve such hatred? ; when we realise that these are rattlings of my EGO, and it has no validation, we should drop it and focus on greater fulfillment in life.

Most of the time we create an illusion and live in that space ; when the illusion explodes, and it will, we get shattered. Example — As a family parents expect the children to be kind to them as that is the social illusion we have built around us. Karmic link is not restricted to blood connections; it is beyond the ego manifestations. When it does not happen, we live tragic lives. Parents and children relationship also is restricted according to the karma. Example – Devaki gave birth to Ktishna but she could never live with him, Yashodha had the fortune of raising the great incarnation. The networking of karma cannot be understood by mere mortals.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 11

“Having , in a clean spot, established a firm seat of his own, neither too high, nor too low, made of a cloth , a skin and KUSA grass, one over the other.”

Lord Krishna gives a complete explanation of the technique of meditation. For a beginner, it is important to find a steady position as the swaying mind makes the body to swing. One can sit in any comfortable seat, with straight back and fingers inter locked.

During meditation, heart rate gets low and blood pressure falls a bit, to avoid dampness on the seat Kusa grass is recommended. Of course we do not have that situation while meditating. Today s obstacles are the thoughts that flow without a dam of wisdom. Mind causes physical debilitations, there is speed in thoughts, palpitation, anxiety flowing very fast. One has to take time to mellow the greed and anxiety before getting on to the mat of meditation. Greed in everything takes away the happiness of acquisition. It is not just material greed , in fame, power, looks and nothing ever ends.

When people say ‘ I am learning to meditate, it is a delusional statement as one cannot learn the mental processes from others. Each of us are made differently. Lord speaks only of the positioning and mind in the next verse. ANTAKARANA SUDDHI, purification of the self is more important than any other modern prescription for meditation.

Good Morning. In the Uddhava Gita Lord Krishna talks about the wrong human perception of dharma and promises. Nothing is superior to jana kalyan I mean the larger interest of the people , society and world at large. Each of the Pandavas , and the maha yodhas like Bhishma Drona Kripa had their strong ego identify that stopped them from surrendering to the Ultimate who could have saved the situation. Krishna exposes Arjuna s ego by showing him the vishwaroopa darshana yet he is unable to value the great teachings. As we talked about it in chapter 5 , the divine tuning while performing all actions alone saves you from doing wrong.

Man made delusional thoughts and actions cannot be answered by any incarnation. Lord himself says ‘ I have not on anyone s side, I am on the side of dharma. I become a chatioteer almost the ATHMA who gets carried by the body and mind that is ignorant. As an incarnation I shall reveal the TRUTH , it is for you to understand ; I cannot hand hold you as you are tied to your karma.????

Divine Gita Chapter 6, verse 10

“Let the YOGI try constantly to keep the mind steady, remaining in solitude, alone, with the mind and body controlled, free from hope and greed.”

Pramathman Sri Krishna speaks on self development and the techniques of self perfection. Lord does not say that he will struggle for you or take the responsibility. He tells the yogi to practice concentration alone and introspect on the truth you have learnt. Solitude is to prevent your mind from getting distracted, stay alone so your mental preoccupation will subside. One has to mentally withdraw from the world outside for that moment of meditation. One who meditates on desires , aspirations and sense objects need to pull away from the noise pollution.

SOLITUDE ( Rahasi) suggests secretiveness, saying religious practices should not become self advertisement, must remain in the heart. ALONE ( Ekaki)- For the purpose of meditation, you have to free yourself from the ‘ eagerness to possess’ and anxiety to hoard ‘.

We cannot renounce anything with the preoccupation of possessing that builds anxiety and fear. This process is personal and others knowing it will not serve any purpose. One has to feel established in the SELF to acquire the highest possible liberation in life.

Freedom and liberation bring joy and release from the karmic burden you carry in your shoulders. Death ofcourse snaps you from the present mind and body; it retains the desire in your memory stick in the subconscious. Liberation when you are alive helps you to enjoy your present and future.

Divine Gita chapter 6 verse 9

“He who is of the same mind to the good hearted, friends, enemies, the indifferent, the neutral, hateful relatives, the righteous and the unrighteous, he excels.”

Man of perfection treats the world with equanimity as he knows and has accepted that every being comes with their own karma. Will he live in, negating the world as unreal? No he is very clear in his mind that he is a mere drop in the ocean of sansar, he cannot judge people and dislike them or like them.

He is connected with the SELF that is untouched by any external happening or misbehaviour. Who is the sinner? He is only an EGO living in its misunderstandings. We get punished by the sin itself, not for the sin. Learned man discovers a unity in diversity and a rhythm in chaos outside. Relationships are part of the universal plan; people who are meant to connect with you will walk in to your life. Breaking from relationship especially in wedlock that you see very often today is adding karma to your credit. The balance sheet becomes large and one has to take many lives to endure the karma.

For a man who feels the entire universe to be his SELF , all lives are the same. The change in other lives need not affect him in anyway. Depression is the effect of plunging in to the whirl pool of sansar that does not belong to us. We are visitors here for few years. Example – I get hurt in the hand or leg, back or front of the head; it is same to me as I identify all parts of the body as MYSELF.” I become part of this entire universal space. I need to stay with poise, dignity and happiness.

Thoughts to ponder

PRAYER – What does it do? When you are already living with a package of karma, what does the prayer do? While executing your karma, you can feel ups and downs on the way; can lose direction, can do it the wrong way. Prayers stimulates an energy that acts as a kavacham, a protection , does not allow you to make new karmas.

PRASADAM – Why do we offer prasadam? Why do you eat it with respect? Whatever you have you keep it in front of God as a thanks giving gesture. Prasadam – Prathyaksham ( totally real), Sakshatkaram ( HIMSELF)

Darshanam ( vision). We see and feel HIS presence in the offering. Hence we often comment ‘ ladoos are the same but in Tirupathi, it tastes different.’ It is the exchange of positive energy that makes prasadam Divine.

Divine Gita Chapter 6 Verse 8

“The Yogi who is satisfied with knowledge and wisdom, who remains unshaken, who has conquered the senses, to whom a lump of earth, a stone and gold are the same, is said to be harmonised (is said to have attained NIRVIKALPA SAMADHI)”

The knowledge gained through study is jnana, when the seeker experiences the bliss of the SELF – direct perception is Vijnana.

Kootasthah — This is the term used for the eternal self. Koota means ” Anvil” that is used by blacksmith as a base to hammer red hot iron bits in to different shapes. Anvil resists all changes and modifications but allows all other things change. Lord says remain firm in your self like the anvil, and watch others change. He is a saint who has found a perfect contentment in the experiences of life with equanimity of mind. Such a man is the true saint!

Nature that touches the Self alone brings joy to the yogi, he treats everything related to the external world in the same way. True saint need not speak, preach or create faith; his SELF is very active and it transfers the energy needed for the seeker. He does not have to acquire followers as people who need jnanam and those who are connected to the saint, will reach him. The body and mind that make karmas are important and should be preserved to uplift the soul.

Karmas alone make the body take further lives; soul is a mere witness.

Miracles do not exist in Kali yuga, people may learn more, gather more unprocessed information and think they know everything. People who testify the knowledge learnt will become speechless. It is called direct perception, no hand holding needed. Upanishad says if a man is thirsty, he will reach the pond, if he needs only one glass of water, he cannot drink the extra water you give him. Our world of technology in Kali yuga keep forwarding quotes from unknown sources and we read it but shed it in few seconds. This is known as intellectual appeal, word play ; it does not touch anyone. Why should one go through such an inward training and self discipline? Your inner SELF gives certifies you to bring your mind to SILENCE.

Gita says that ‘ Action from your side is in your hands, you have no control over other people s minds. Rude reactions just mean that you have nothing to take from them. Your own family , children and close friends can turn that way. You may get love and kindness from some other space where you are connected through your karma. Example — we think or expect our blood relations to reciprocate our good emotions; karma is related to the soul not mind. Blood relations happen for a reason and most painful reactions come from them.

It is better to be what you are and do not try to change others towards you.

#WAKING UP FROM A PREDICTABLE SLUMBER. Change is the unchanging law. Every calamity is an opportunity and we have witnessed it after the world wars and 9 11 attack. Covid 19 pandemic has forced us to reflect on our lives, given us the time to look at relationships, love and compassion. MOST IMPORTANT CONDITION IS SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY that modern society totally lacked. We need to walk together to reach our goal. We have realised the importance of human touch, expressions, smile, and laughter; NOT MERE EMOJIS! Lockdown has messed up relationships, increase in abuse at home, handling children ; be patient and support eachother so you do not lose your dear ones to a passing phase. COVID has taken away other looming fears of board exams that did not get 99% Marks, inflation, even terror attacks. Government or any institution cannot hand hold you anymore; learn social responsibility and the ability to convert every crisis in to opportunity. It is easy to plunge in to negativity as everyone cannot digest the hollowness of this unknown crisis. We live in a sceptical age and we live in constant fear of everything. Trust me this phase has taught us to respect many things in life. You will march towards success. Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving.org

Divine Gita chapter 6 verse 7

March 12, 2024

“The supreme SELF of him who is self controlled and peaceful, is balanced in cold and heat, pleasure and pain, as also in honour and dishonour.”

When a seeker meditates or thinking he is meditating; it is meant to be Yogarudhah. It is a state of balanced mind and emotion , focused on contemplation on the ultimate truth, in all serenity. Guided meditation by others induces stability in the mind for the moment, it slips away in few minutes.

What is it that we should be aware of and how to deal with opposite emotions that is the cause of anxiety?

Heat and cold
Pain and pleasure
Honour and dishonour

Heat and cold is felt in the physical level and you are aware of methods to deal with this. Health and disease, youth and old age are all part of these opposite occurrences. We know how to deal with this change although we cow down to the shrinking body and a mature mind.

Pain and pleasure are for the mind. Destiny experienced is in the mental zone. Different emotions arising from expectations, demands , greed hurt the mental arena. Hatred and love, affection and jealousy, —- friends who show care and love suddenly turn jealous, kindness becomes cruelty; how can I depend on such a mind that gets swayed in the storm of their own imagination and ignorance? This condition of the mind cannot help you seek inner self.

Honour and dishonour is for our ego satisfaction. People who speak highly of you can express opposite opinion so we cannot trust public opinion and run our lives.

Example — when you are very kind and focused on your guests, they do not want to leave your home. Similarly you focus too much on your ego satisfaction and waveting mental state, demands such a mind never ends. Try to be kind to your SELF that is stable and gives you guidance to meditate upon THAT.
Why should he go through such a laborious inward training and self discipline?

We will see in verse 8

Divine Gita chapter 6 verse 6

“The self is the friend of the self for him who has conquered himself by the self, but to the unconqurered one , the SELF stands in the position of an enemy like the external foe.”

The new trend is to get a validation for our own divine pursuits if any. ‘ I do my yoga, meditation, bhajans, do ramayan study etc sounds familiar; it is a good mental excercise to start with. Do we believe that these divine vibes exist in us? Do we know that we are that energy we are addressing?

We discussed in the previous verse on the duality of humans — what we think we are and what we do are always in conflict. The ideal me and the real me are in loggerheads, there is no meeting point. So our pursuit as human beings is to make friends with the ‘ SELF’ which is not easy. We tend to know about other people s lives and make quick judgements on people as that is an escape route for us from our SELF.

The ideal me gets acknowledged if I get connected with my diviner self. Lower Ego withdraws itself from identifications with body, sense organs and ideas relating to the extrovert life.

Conclusion — Higher self who becomes your real friend is able to conquer your lower self. Krishna does not deny the existence of soul and body together; however is it not important to know what is productive and a priority in life? There are no external enemies, He is within you, perceiving the world with the veil of ignorance. Example — when people hurt you, or being rude; they are not your enemies as they are meant to do it to you and it is your karma to receive it. The depression you wallow in after that is your own mental frame; that is your FOE! The enemy within does not allow you to rest, it keeps puncturing the wound and does not allow you to forget.

If you can make friends with your higher self then you develope the ability to conquer your lower self.

Divine Gita chapter 6 verse 5

“Let a man lift himself by his own SELF alone, and let him not lower himself ; for, this SELF alone is the friend of oneself , and this self is the enemy of oneself.”

“Man should uplift himself by himself ” is the opening statement of Lord Krishna. Everyone of us have an ideal picture of oneself. It remains in thoughts and not lived in the world of activity. The gap between ‘ ideal me’ and the ‘ ‘actual me’ is the conflict man Carries while acting. There is duality in every human being.

We know what we should be; it is a pretence when people ask what is the right way to act? The deep likes and dislikes, love and hatred, appetites and passion, bring us to the level of wayside goons. In Dwapar yuga, we saw human weaknesses, lust, greed, at the moment of crisis until the Lord himself decides to descend and save human dharma and values. We are in Kali yuga, constantly nurturing selfish and self glorification thoughts, how can the teachers penetrate such a wall of ignorance?

Religion is only a crutch people use , no one knows what it is. It is a way human beings try to keep a balance between his lower instincts and higher self. Mind becomes a conditioning that distorts the ideal and creates lower sensuous self in us, which should be brought together.

The process of self rehabilitation and self- redemption cannot be executed by inviting tenders. No Guru can take the responsibility, no scripture can promise liberation; we have to learn to bring ourselves to the level of accepting the duality in us. Lord Krishna says it is not enough to only look within, note down your weaknesses, erase them, balance it with positive qualities.

The reason we need to reassure ourselves through scriptures and good words of the Guru is to prevent ourselves from falling and getting dragged by negative energy. Hence we become our friend and our enemy; depends on whom you cultivate. It is for the aspirant to decide and take the responsibility. You can achieve your desired result in spirituality only by yourself.

Good point Shilpa. Living a human life itself is a heavy task. Lot of effort goes in to earning material gains, balancing relationships, living for the society , and many more. This exercise of knowing our own dual nature is no exception. However if we attempt to clear our weaknesses or even know it ; living human life becomes easy.

Divine Gita chapter 6 verse 4


“When a man is not attached to sense objects or to actions , having renounced all thoughts , then he is said to have attained YOGA”.

To renounce all activity and then pursue mental mastery is unhealthy as it sets the process in reverse gear. An individual has to live through his road toward his destiny ; over a period of time the sorrow and pain will exhaust him and he learns the art of withdrawal from the external world.

The identity of names and roles we play are in a state of dream; we need to wake up and see the real world of your SELF. Example — Waves the rise in the ocean is beautiful and scary but it merges with the ocean in few seconds. Our identity of names and roles also cease to exist until the new wave arises.

What should I do with this body and mind? Know your mind, withdrawing yourself from the world of senses at the time of meditation, lose the ‘I’ at that moment , let it go, do not worry about your social image or identification. Your thoughts slowly will get silenced as you are aware of the moment.

Very often in Kali yuga, people pursue the path of meditation thinking it will lead them to liberation. It is for our mental peace so we will attain the strength to create a channel with the divine for getting released from disturbing external sense objects.

Thoughts get silenced after the perfect channel is established with the supportive WIFI password — positive, happiness, surrender. This is a true state of meditation.

Postures , music, place of comfort induce the process ; what is important is silencing hurtful thoughts.

This chapter is very different from the rest as Lord speaks of the conditions needed to initiate spirituality. Today a world is very confused hence there are many groups who teach how to meditate. There is only one way prescribed by the Lord.

In pursuit of our desire on this earth we do make good and bad karmas. It is natural. No one is perfect in the human body. As we cannot peep in to anyone a future, we have no knowledge of their past. What unfolds is all stored in the balance sheet. When wicked conniving people are in their act, they also make some good karmas in the process and the law of karmas has to give them good results. When the good karma gets exhausted , the bad ones are very severe but we may not be able to see it happening. Body has limited life to enjoy or suffer ; Athma and floppy moves to next life to fulfil their bad karmas. Hence Krishna says ” Soul knows past present and future and not the human mind.”

Divine Gita Chapter 6 verse 3

“For a Muni or sage who ” wishes to attain yoga” , action is the means; for the same sage ‘ who has attained yoga’ , inaction is said to be the means.”

To start with we are mere workers in the world; desire prompted and ego driven, we sweat and toil, weep and sob. Example while mounting on the saddle of the horse, individual is hanging between the horse back and ground. He needs to kick himself off the ground until he mounts and sits comfortably on the saddle. He controls the horse. If mind control is needed, action of life that gives pain and pleasure has to be experienced.

One gets tired of activities and wants to mount the steed of the mind. Till such time the activities you have chosen needs to be honoured. You cannot escape due to selfish thoughts. Man today wants to have the cake and eat it too. Desireless activities with the spirit of yajna, cleanses the mind of past impressions and integrates the inner self. One developes sama chitta ( equipoise) while performing any action. For a beginner like an infant can only digest diluted milk, we are aware that bread and butter will choke the baby.

Indulge in activities without gyanam but eventually one has to learn from experience and evolve to a state where we digest all ups and downs and stay stable. We continue to act with the spirit of sacrificing the karmas in the memory stick forever and not make new karmas on the way through agitation of the mind.

Great saints have lost their way , people who claim to do charity to the poor also get in to ego identification. Hence the knowledge of life and living keeps pushing us back on track.

Divine Gita chapter 6 verse 2

“O Pandava, please know yoga to be that which they call renunciation; no one becomes a yogi who has not renounced thoughts.”

Lord Krishna is reasserting his words by saying ‘ mere physical and mental calming solutions cannot make you a renunciate, it is the renunciation of thoughts that makes you a sanyasi. It is natural for man to think of things that is hurtful or imaginary thoughts of the past, still heading towards different goals.

How do we tame such a mind? Very often people think by giving up worldly life, one can attain that status of a sanyasi. Our minds are constantly engaged in the fruits of action, making us anxious and restless ; such minds cannot give up anything in the world. Mind is trained to be tense and worried so it becomes an addiction for humans. Example– When we pray for 10 minutes , we seldom carry the impact of prayers in our lives. However when someone hurys you , the memory and impact is very strong and until this hurt is avenged, mind never rests. Why? EGO creates an addiction and we need to keep ego pleased and rested.

Where is SANYASA yoga?

It is the introspection and a conscious effort to shed those ego filled thoughts and live a life of peace and happiness.

Prayer is meant for mental peace and not change our destiny. The positive energy and the vibration one has to carry with oneself like the tanpura stuti that plays at the background when the musician sings to keep up with the tune. We need to hold our prayer energy at all times to keep our lives in tune with nature.
Renunciation of thoughts is a process of discrimination that happens in the intellect as we discussed it in chapter 4 and 5. Your mind is not an organ, it is a collection of thoughts from the environment. Just like we delete not useful data from the computer, we need to erase or let go of unproductive negative thoughts from the mind. This excercise has to be done everyday and that is what we call ME TIME.

Leave all those memories of the past that hurt you; the easy ways are either you chant your desired mantras to pump up positive energy or introspect and be aware of your mind and see how you can let go of unwanted thoughts.

Chapter 6 verse 1

“Lord speaks”

‘He who performs his duty without depending on the fruits of actions — he is a sanyasin and a YOGIN ; not he who (has renounced) is without fire and without action’

Arjuna wanted to escape from the battlefield and embrace sanyasa. The true selfless worker is the greatest sanyasi without renunciation.

This is a very common reaction of every average man , when struck by sorrow wants to run away from conflicts. Misery, failures and depression are the roads that revolutionize our mental attitudes, and inner motives. We believe every cause brings desired effect but the law of destiny works differently.

We talked about the memories we carry in our subconscious mind as a floppy ; it pushes you to act directed by your mind to attain your desire. What can you renounce? What is the purpose of changing your attire, place of stay or giving up food? All these actions are for the mind , so it can stay still for that moment. Thoughts keep flowing, it has no limit ; it gets burdened with the memories in the floppy, what are we meditating on?

State of yoga is attained in the mind by draining out impure thoughts for which I need to shed my EGO. To let go of my imaginary identity I have to understand and accept the reality of life that I am living. When you arrive at this truth, you have to SUSTAIN it so you can pursue all actions in the world with zest and enthusiasm.

Example — When people take certain action in life, most of the time is lost in worry and anxiety to achieve the result. The attachment to the action is so strong they cannot enjoy the action or the result of it. Hence they jump to another desire hoping to experience joy and happiness. What are you meditating on?

We begin our chapter 6 verse 1 after understanding the yoga of renunciation in chapter 5.

In chapter 5 , we speak about mental immunity from reactions while engaged in activity. The ‘ spirit of yajna’ a dedicated activity for the benefit of the society and not to feed arrogance. ‘ Renunciation is not giving up the material body gains, it is the spirit of sacrifice , living in this very same world. ‘ One can carry the forest in the mind and wander in the world, someone can carry the sansar in to the forest’.

Divine Gita chapter 5 , verse 29

February 15, 2024

“Knowing me as the ME as enjoyer of sacrifices and austerities, the great Lord of all worlds, the friend of all beings, he attains Peace.”

In Gita, whenever Lord refers to ME or I , he does not mean himself , the mortal being of Devaki s son. He indicates the SELF in the individual the eternal consciousness. The SELF that is behind the ego (jiva) that enjoys the doership of actions.

Actions performed as Yajna (as a sacrifice), nothing mystical or spiritual as we as individual jiva are limited in the body and mind. We fulfill every desire and offer it to the timeless SELF. TAPAS is a practice that should revive the real SELF and not stay as mere self denial practice.

SELF is maheshwara , activities of perception, expression and action are DEVAS the illuminaters. Example – faculty of seeing, hearing , tasting, feeling are supported by the soul athma or eternal consciousness. Example — The electric power house has no action, you come to experience it through different electrical gadgets. Do we think or thank the power house everyday?

Spiritual experience is the realisation of the TRUTH ; it has nothing to do with outward appearances, ritual demonstration, it is the space where EGO surrenders all spiritual activities and live as a happy , compassionate human being.

We conclude chapter 5 of the glorious Gita YOGA OF RENUNCIATION. Indeed fortunate to share our Divine scripture with each other.

Divine Gita chapter 5 Verse 28

With senses, mind and intellect ever controlled, having liberation as his supreme goal, free from desire, fear and anger — the sage is liberated forever.”

To elaborate on the knowledge that was imparted in previous verses, Lord Krishna teaches the path of meditation in the above verses.

Meditation is the most misunderstood word and practice in today s world. True seekers should not get carried away by mere words on intelligence or get enamoured by the dream content of mysticism. Lord gives you practical ways to attain the state of perfection.

The external world of objects cannot bring any disturbances by itself; it is our contact and attachment to it causes agitation. Example — When you stand on the banks of the sea, you enjoy the beauty of the waves, when you jump in to it, you have to get tossed. That is the nature of the sea. I cannot jump in to it and expect to stay still.

Forms, sounds, tastes, smell and touch when in contact with the turbulent world, bring sorrow. One cannot shut one s sense organs, or the external objects; it can be done by a DISCREET INTELLECTUAL DETACHMENT from our mental reactions to the external world of objects.

We have discussed enough on the intellect that helps you to discriminate true and false. This is the first step toward MEDITATION. Seekers often take instructions too literally and not realise the importance of it. Adi Shankara says — Gaze as it were at the point between the brows which means our gaze will automatically turn upwards, about 45 degrees to the vertical bone. It uplifts human mind physically for further contemplation.

Meditation follows after purification of the mind. Longings, expectations, demands and dependency are bags of anxiety, fear and stress you carry. How do we shed it while meditating? Knowledge of our scriptures have to be understood. One can tame desires but cannot renounce as sansaris; it is not needed. Where there is desire, there is fear, followed by anger. One cannot sit still with this baggage of emoticons so being aware of it can put you in the path of realisation. When we realise our misconceptions and false sense of beliefs; we experience GODHOOD. Nothing to discuss or reveal; it is a gift you have earned. So cherish it and do your DHYANAM.

Divine Gita chapter 5 verse 27

“Shutting out all external contacts and fixing the gaze between the eye brows, balancing the prana by feeling your breath”

Divine Gita chapter 5 verse 26

“Absolute Freedom ( Brahmic Bliss) exists on all sides for those self controlled ascetics, who are free from desire and anger , who have controlled their thoughts and who have realised SELF.”

By ‘ lokaseva’ a man of self discipline can reach the Godly state here and now. Immunity should be maintained just like doctors who do not get tainted by the disease although he treats and operates on many patients. This immunity to the world outside and staying in the glorified self one can attain detached pure : How do you conquer lust, greed and desire the true appetite that causes mental disease? People resort to different aides to reach the state of meditation. Meditate on what? There will be threats and murmurs of desire that will come out from within while meditating.

Suffering , tears and helplessness makes you realise the fakness of the world around you. It is painful but one who addresses the threats from within regularly alone can overcome the disease of the mind. Example — we depend on many things in the world ‘ love for material things, affection and care from children, friends and family, words of praise makes us happy and fulfilled. In the process we forget the fact that all these demands and expectations will change and go away from you. This is the truth of life.

Any dependency, even on your own skills, will desert you with time and age. Meditate on this truth and it will help you shed pain and sorrow. This will free you from anger and dependency. We secretly cry over spoilt relationships, our failures, and many other worldly delusions. Veda Vyas tells his mother Satyavathi ” Are you going to live a tragic life in the emotion of being a mother or do you see a broader view of life that gives you peace and bliss “. Meditate on this truth says Lord Krishna.

Divine Gita chapter 2 verse 25

“Those RISHIS obtain absolute freedom or MOKSHA — whose sins have been destroyed , whose dualities are torn asunder, who are self controlled and intent on the welfare of all beings.”

When a man of introspection, with the understanding of his sense organs gets to destroy ignorance, it is the agitations of the mind, sorrow gripped emotions, revengeful heart that is looking for negative things to happen to those who may have hurt our feelings. Word ‘ sin ‘ does not exist in any species; we use it in our translation; everyone is tied together by karma, our own actions. We refer ignorance or lack of knowledge as sin.

Unless we let go of agyanam, or the veil of darkness from from within, there is no happiness or liberation. Self realisation is a joyous ride to the abode of truth. It is painful when you reach there as it shatters all your illusions of life and living structure.

Why should he live or what is his take after he reaches the TRUTH?

LOKASEVA becomes his way of life, not by force but out of will. He has no intention of collecting money to maintain anything, as there is nothing to maintain. He walks and talks like any of us but always rests within himself with his connection with the divine who takes care of him. Lokaseva is often misunderstood — people say ” I want to give back to the society, I have to help people in distress and run after people to follow them. There is nothing to follow, you impart your good will and move on, do not get attached to lokaseva.

Attachment to spirituality, rituals and above all public is more dangerous than simple family bonding. Let yourself free I mean your mind and things will get unfolded for you. Today a world being busy with something is a fashion or a fad, do your work as it comes to you, if you are a full time working person, it will emotionally tire you and that is the indication that you have something more to understand in life.

Learning our scripture has never been a teaching with general do s and dont s. We are trying show cause and effect of various situations and reactions. We cannot practice anything virtually, as the subconscious memories in the form of a floppy will keep ticking all the time to act. At these moments we need to apply our cause and effect knowledge and try to neutralise your karmas. I have written something today for working people too.

For working people with kids , this knowledge is a must. Our scriptures are a guide to life skills and those who are in the Lion function of life, initially have to start accepting their choices. Having kids is your choice, taking up jobs is your choice, then learn to enjoy the present and sleep well. The beauty of our life is it changes colours every minute so enjoy the excitement and to start with accept your life.

Divine Gita chapter 5 , verse 24

“He who is happy within, who rejoices within, who is illuminated within, that YOGI attains absolute FREEDOM OR MOKSHA, himself becoming BRAHMAN.”

This verse consolidates all the previous verses in to one thought. We spoke of living in the moment of joy or sorrow as that is all there is left for us. Mind and emotion is never stable; example – Arjuna at Draupathi s vastraharan , wanted to kill his cousins , at the injustice done to them by the elders in the family made him frustrated and his wish was to fight them. However when he stood in kurukshetra, he trembled, cried and wanted to drop his weapons and run away in to the forest. How can you trust your own mind?

A real YOGI conquers love and hatred and attains the realm of bliss, he need not be physically away from the worldly objects, everything touches him but burns in to ashes.

Most of the time we create an illusion and live in that space ; when the illusion explodes, and it will, we get shattered. Example — As a family parents expect the children to be kind to them as that is the social illusion we have built around us. When it does not happen, we live tragic lives. Parents do not deserve it, they have a life to live.

Social structures as customs are made for our convenience, it need not fit in to the universal space that follows network of karma theory. Lord Krishna says ‘ When we discover our delusional EGO , I mean ‘ how can they do this to me’ , what did I do wrong, do I deserve such hatred? ; when we realise that these are rattlings of my EGO, and it has no validation, we should drop it and focus on greater fulfillment in life.

Renunciation does not mean living in emptiness or darkness ; it is like swimming towards the known hence no fear, pain or sorrow. Every living creature has an assignment, and they keep doing it with the knowledge of their work.

When an individual withdraws himself within, out of his will, he does not need any assurance or validation as he has come to know BHRAMAN who is pure, without any external pollution. TRUTH does not need any support , it is not a belief or a religion, it is what it is — REALITY.
Number 9 is a spiritual number as any parivarthan that happens takes 9 days, there are 9 gates in your body that needs cleansing, 7 chakras + 2 sense organs to purify. Number 9 is the last single digit and gives you a wholesome feeling of the divine.

Divine GITA chapter 5 verse 23

“He who is able, while still here ( in this world) to withstand, before the liberation from the body ( death) , the impulse born out of the desire and anger , he is a yogin , he is a happy man.”

If a way of life or a philosophy is only an idealism that has no contact with practical living, or a pocket book of dos and don’ts , it is only a pleasant idea or poetry.

The inner instruments have to be tuned to suit your life you are living. The old instruments have to be set right and played with care that will not step out of tune. The problem with our society is we shelve the scriptural essence for later age, ‘ I have no time for introspection, busy running everywhere, ‘ I think this is more for my grand parents, they need it’, — totally wrong attitude to life. When you get older, your pattern of thinking is set, desires are deep rooted, there is so much pain of expectation. This scripture is for now or never.

To a modern student of Freud and others, that speak of behavioural patterns more on the symptoms that the root cause is more appealing. There is heaven and hell right here says Lord Kridhna – you choose your design of life like the artist holding the brush in his hands waiting to touch the canvas.

He visualises his pattern on the canvas with his mind heart and body. His colour touches on the empty canvas and brings out a beautiful piece of art. Similarly when you start expressing your desire, visualise a larger picture that is going to unfold before you pitch in your desire. You need to be young to know this methodology of living life.

ANGER is the symptom of desire that is unfilled. You create your heaven around you to live peacefully before your death embraces you. Those who have won over joy and grief, desire is a very pleasant pursuit and feels fulfilled and move to another without any other attachment. YOU ENJOY EVERYTHING WITHOUT JUDGING OR OVER THINKING ; LIFE CAN ONLY BE HAPPY AND JOYOUS.

So we don’t have to anticipate death for liberation; this life alone is enough and we can break from the recycling of the universal law and structure.

Mental accumulation of negative emotions affects the body in terms of hormones , cardiovascular etc. Very often we hear the doctors ask you if you have any stress. In terms of Arjuna — He trembles and releases his Gandibam that is his strength due to his passion and unfair attachments that causes stress.

Statues are manmade. They will surely depict such expression. Godly state is calm, and they smile at all our imaginary agitations.

Divine Gita chapter 5 verse 22

“The enjoyments that are born of contacts are only generators of pain, for they have a beginning and an end. O son of Kunti, the wise do not rejoice them”.

Kindly tun through the previous verse to understand this one better.

Hunting for happiness in the finite objects brings no permanent happiness. The law of diminishing utility works in all our experiences. What gave me instant gratification soon becomes a source of sorrow.
Example — when you are hungry , the first morsel of food is so gratifying as you keep eating the same food causes stomach pain if you do not stop.

As parents we don’t understand that the baby has already grown up, the same baby causes pain when they talk their minds. We are attached to the image or the concept of holding on to the baby; not realising he has slipped out of your hand.

Anything related to finite world has to end. We chase all objects in this world with a hope of getting permanent joy and gratification. The reason for YOUNGSTERS today going into swinging moods and resorting to end their lives is they do not accept the reality of finite things. In the verse 21 , I have explained that joy related to this world is beautiful only when you know that it is like any colourful flower that blooms , fades in a day. However you enjoy the beauty of it while it lasts.

Lord Krishna brings out the idea how sense objects and their Joy do not impress a wise man but he enjoys it at the present moment without attachment. When you realise any relationship causes pain , it is not meant for you as it creates a karma in you. Do not cling to anything that wants to leave you, as better relationships are waiting for you as there is a karmic link.

These words are not to take you away from the world as your karma will not let that happen. This is a methodology, a very practical but a sure way to live in comfort and bliss.

Divine Gita chapter 5 verse 21

February 05, 2024

“With the SELF unattached to external contacts, he finds happiness in the SELF ; with the self engaged in the meditation of BHRAHMAN , he attains endless happiness.”

Kindly refer to the verse 20 before you proceed.

We might misinterpret this verse as many scholars do and that is spiritual life is a static existence and such people vainly comes in to contact with the world of objects. Contact with the world is a joyous experience and why should I deny such flashes of joy?

No true teacher can ignore these questions. Lord Krishna realises the bliss that is the very nature of YOU OR SELF when one gains complete detachment from the external objects. This is a process of self development, and a journey of detachment. Example — When you are a child , you play with toys and get so attached to them , you sleep with them. The journey helps you realise the change of phase and you get detached from them. When you have children, you become stern when they reach their teens, you detach yourself from the baby you gave birth to and move on to correct them. We shed everything on the way ; not by force but by will and feel.

This does not mean we are going in to an empty and purposeless Zero as few new religious thoughts proclaim. We come to negate all that is false as they are temporary; we come to experience total positivity and we call it PURNAHA wholesome living.

The dreamer renounces all his contact with the dream world; he rediscovers himself and rests in peace. The external contact is experienced through the media of body mind and intellect and you realise the passing nature of all lives. You wake up and rediscover the God consciousness and come to life full on in the world as it does not affect you.

A seeker who redeems his mind from the external preoccupation atleast during his ME time, attains total happiness. Heart refers to knowing and experiencing the inner instruments that helps us to withdraw from the sense objects.

People are flooding me with calls on present situation. Churning of the ocean , samudra manthan happened in the puranas to get amrita, the world shook in shock and did not expect poison to come out and consume lives. Today there is a eco churning happening after all the smacking we have done to nature and this is their way of adjusting flora and fauna for the future. War, advice or preaching does not help anyone because of their inflated ego. Actual demonstration of mother nature makes man realise that he is not even a drop in the ocean.

Divine Gita chapter 5 verse 20

“Resting in BRAHMAN, with steady intellect and undeluded, the knower of BHRAMAN neither rejoices on obtaining what is pleasant, nor grieves on obtaining what is unpleasant.”

Kindly refer to the previous verse before you read this one. Man reacts , responds gets desperate, anxious and feels a sense of loss. All these actions are imaginary as we are not reacting to the actual incident or a tragedy that happens; we are possessed by passion and attachment to our ego identities. Example — If anyone dies in the city, it is no tragedy to me. When there is a death in my immediate family, it is a calamity. Hence DEATH itself cannot create any disturbance but it is our projected relationship that creates sorrow.

Arjuna was a great warrior , battlefield is his second home, why was he breaking down? His relationship with his family who were adharmis caused the pain. Example — Just as the artists who work on the canvas, go back to his art to add final strokes to his picture and keeps gazing at it as if it is not perfect. Lord Krishna tells us in different angles to perfect his words of wisdom.

Not reacting to pleasant or unpleasant external happenings does not mean, man of perfection is made of wood or iron. Man of INWARD CULTURE discovers a balance, equipoise which cannot be destroyed.

His intellect is steady since it is not poisoned with ego-centric misconception. Delusions end at this point and the intellect becomes the instrument of ‘ knowing the self’. He is the GOD MAN and not mere preachers or those who demand followers. Ramana Maharishi says’ you dont need words bhajans chanting or preaching ; all you need is the transfer of energy from the self realised saint through silence. You are a breathing JIVA , it picks up the divine energy in silence.

The noisy obulations are stepping stones to reach up the ladder of your goal, only silence can take you to liberation.

Silence happens often in our minds, we need to capture it and pursue to know your self. As I said Buddha also had difficult time in solitude as we are so used to getting validated by others.

Thought to ponder

BLOOD is only a FOOD for nurturing your GENES. When you take blood transfusion, your nature and behaviour will remain the same. Blood is a composition of many chemicals, even if it is given to another person of the same group, the genes and root of your karma cannot change. Your individual genes will transform the transfused blood in to your original COMPONENT OF BLOOD. Your Body, mind and genes will remain the same. Similarly, you may exchange many things from your fellow beings as per your destiny, you may be affected by the environment, opinions, behaviour of the external world; your genes, nature, personality should remain the same. The struggle starts when you COMPETE, want to be like someone; there is a conflict. The genes pull you back to your own nature! Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving.org

Divine Gita chapter 5 verse 19

“Even here ( in this world) , birth ( everything) is overcome by those whose minds rest in equality ; BRAHMAN is spotless indeed and equal ; therefore, they are established in BRAHMAN”.

Puranas and all semetic religions promise a Heaven as the glorious goal of existence and spiritual effort. It is a fair basic goal to set ; however the reality is one can live in the consciousness of God , evolving oneself from the immaturities of the deluded EGO SENSE.

Lord speaks ‘ your cycle of birth and death has to be taken as how you discard worn out clothes after many washes, your body gets disintegrated after the span of years set for you.’ One can fall in to the hallucination of external world of money , accumulation, intoxication of fame and name with the awareness of ART OF DYING . You can fear life but not death as it is certain.

Example – we adorn our body with new clothes and jewellery each day ; it is a feel good factor for my living, my existence but those clothes and the body is subjected to destruction. Are you future ready? (Corporate language I often use) hence introspection and ME time is important.

When Lord Buddha sat alone under the tree, he did not find peace or divinity. He saw symbols of scorpions and deadly insects coming out of his mind. He realised it is ME time, I need to be patient till all of it goes out my system. He went on fasts, did not realise anything, he focused on his prana and surrendered to his karma cycle.

The equanimity of thought action and reaction is achieved by cleansing the impurities. All of us can see the light of BHRAMAN. Patanjali a yoga Sutra explains ” life is expresses as a limited ego when we separate Divine and ourselves. When this notion ends, samsara ends so you discover your real SELF.

BHRAMAN is all pervading, everything happens in it and yet nothing happens to it. The glass prism is clear but reflects different colours and images externally but does not lose its clarity. Jiva or individual becomes a victim of all passing disturbances, the SELF ever remains the same. This is the perfect state.

Divine Gita chapter 5 verse 18

“Sages look with an equal eye upon a BRAHMANA endowed with learning and humility, on a cow, an elephant, and even on a dog and an outcasts.”

Wise and knowledgable can see the same presence of divinity everywhere. The waves the rise and merge in the ocean is all the same; small or big. Gold as a substance cannot differentiate in multiple ornaments. Soil in all mud pots are the same. We give different names to the shapes but the content is the same.

An egoless man who has realised the truth of divine existence cannot find any difference in the outer world of names and forms. Life is same everywhere at all times. Greed, Ego, selfish motives and above all fire of jealousy, takes us away from truth and reality. Equal vision is the true spirituality.

Adi Shankara in his Goutama Smriti ” It is not only sinful if we do not respect others differences and similarities, it is sinful to respect those who are not worthy of it”. This may sound a bit contradictory; however Sankara s words have to be read with great understanding. Example — In today s world the ego of money and power is so deep, people show respect and humility to them for favours. This is more to do with your attitude than the person in front of you who wants praise and respect to satisfy your ego.

Respect is from the heart that can be felt to all creatures but with the attitude of awareness of the divine. People pretend to be in admiration and use false words of praise to men of power is letting down your self worth.
However there is a scope for even egoists and arrogant people to raise above the ignorance as after all they also have the divine content in them. Example — Mahabali in Bagavatam. Lord appeared as a dwarf to finish his illusion of ego only to liberate him from MADAA (arrogance).

This verse has to be understood in all perspectives so we can apply it in our day today life.

One important message is — Hindu philosophy does not profess caste system. Lord has made it very clear in this verse. It is your temperament and karma that decides your guna and action.

Divine Gita chapter 5 verse 17

“Intellect absorbed in That, their self being That, established in That, with That for their supreme goal, they go whence there is no return, their sins dispelled by knowledge ”

When reality dawns, the seeker in all his personal identities comes to live in union with That Divinity. His intellect gets absorbed in the jnanam. Such an individual will have no reason to get caught up in the world of likes and dislikes.

How can we say that the EGO will not rise again in the man s heart? Krishna says ‘ Those impurities in Man has been shaken off by knowledge’ will not go back to false illusions. Spiritual ignorance is the virus that stays until KNOWLEDGE becomes an antidote. The ego becomes enlightened, and intellect understands its existence but does not acknowledge. Self realisation is the final experience in the pilgrimage of evolution.

Example – world calamities like the one we have now is the effect of the cause made by humans. His ego refuses to accept the concept of co existence, and express greed for possessions. Nature has its limitation and patience to hold adharma to this level. We as humans have to understand that there is a soul in every creature; who can hit back at humans it is hard to tell.

World is getting imbalanced as animals are on the decrease, it is nature s way of detoxing itself. We may ask ‘ what is the value of human life?’ What is the value we give to the creation and nature that is protecting us? Wait and watch. This is the war between the lower creatures and humans.
#Testingtime#detoxtime#turnovertime Good times to come. All you have is yourself, recognize the power that can battle anything in life. Fear and panic is like holding on to negative power of the external world AIR – carties dust with force and drops it on the way and stays pure.

WATER – ocean absorbs all the muck and pumps it out by self churning and leaps in happiness.

FIRE – Helps ocean water to rise in to the space, purifies to drop as rain for you.

EARTH – takes all the burden, yet keeps nourishing human requirement through its resources.

SPACE – absorbs polluted fumes and clears the atmosphere through change of temperature. Life is about change and not getting entangled in to the changing mess ; keep your inner mind safe and well protected.

Divine Gita chapter 5 verse 17

“Intellect absorbed in That, their self being That, established in That, with That for their supreme goal, they go whence there is no return, their sins dispelled by knowledge ”

When reality dawns, the seeker in all his personal identities comes to live in union with That Divinity. His intellect gets absorbed in the jnanam. Such an individual will have no reason to get caught up in the world of likes and dislikes.

How can we say that the EGO will not rise again in the man s heart? Krishna says ‘ Those impurities in Man has been shaken off by knowledge’ will not go back to false illusions. Spiritual ignorance is the virus that stays until KNOWLEDGE becomes an antidote. The ego becomes enlightened, and intellect understands its existence but does not acknowledge. Self realisation is the final experience in the pilgrimage of evolution.

Example – world calamities like the one we have now is the effect of the cause made by humans. His ego refuses to accept the concept of co existence, and express greed for possessions. Nature has its limitation and patience to hold adharma to this level. We as humans have to understand that there is a soul in every creature; who can hit back at humans it is hard to tell.

World is getting imbalanced as animals are on the decrease, it is nature s way of detoxing itself. We may ask ‘ what is the value of human life?’ What is the value we give to the creation and nature that is protecting us? Wait and watch. This is the war between the lower creatures and humans.

Divine Gita chapter 5 verse 16

“Those whose ignorance is destroyed by the knowledge of the SELF , like the sun, to them knowledge reveals the supreme BRAHMAN.”

We spoke about discriminating your thoughts and reach a level of priority balancing priorities. Knowledge and wisdom that comes out of it is the shield or the float that stops you from sinking in to the sansaric pollution.

The man of realisation is one in whom , knowledge has lifted the veil of ignorance. Ego centric concepts thrives in human system due to ignorance in the body mind and intellect. At times the dualists, I mean Dwaita, fail to understand the experience of the SELF when the instrument of feeling and thinking have all ended. This is a vedantic discussion that is necessary to understand at this point.

The goal of the dualists and non dualists are the same, however Lord gives a beautiful analogy of THE SUN. We as humans while observing from the surface of the globe with our tiny eyes and perception think that sun has come under the clouds! Similarly the EGO ( jiva) looking up to the athma finds ignorance is enveloping the infinite.

Spiritual reality is stable, never moves ; we keep attributing reasons for our ignorance. It is ever shining. Your ignorance or ego that has found a permanent seat in your heart is creating false notions. We often hear people say ‘ what an experience I had in the temple today, Things changed on it’s own and paved my way, we often propagate different chanting that you have experienced ; these are glimpses of the SELF alone. We get carried away by the medium I mean the ego and forget to experience the silence of the self.

To see the SUN we do not need another light, to experience the SELF we dont need another experience.

The art of rediscovering the relationship between ego and Athman is your life journey. Example – A dreamer becomes a waker, once his dream career ends. There is nothing to understand the procedure, dreamer transcends the world of illusion when he wakes up to the SELF.

WHY DO PEOPLE CRUMBLE UNDER PRESSURE? Collection of unproductive matters and junk in the mind remains unsorted that produces toxins in the body and mind. Example — when the mobile phone cannot take the load of the content, we need to shift to the hard disc so the phone does not crack. There is also need of an adaptor. There is a hard disc that we need to develope from within by shedding ego centric attitude and surrendering to the laws of nature through awareness. VIRUS that attacks humans is the toxin created by our habits and attitudes. How can you fear your own creation? Stay brave and positive. Time to detox. Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving.org

Divine Gita Chapter 5 Verse 15

January 08, 2024

“The Lord takes neither the demerit nor even the merit of any; knowledge is enveloped by ignorance, thereby beings are deluded.”

The all pervading supreme Lord does not take any note of merits or demerits of the living creatures. There is no day of the judgement after observing your activities. The creations, incarnations are all from the supreme energy ; once they are on the earth, the finite principles start working which is ‘ every action has a reaction’, the quality of life you wish to lead is in your hands as the power of intellect is within you.

You have to wake up from the ignorance and see what is false and true; discriminate it and live your life. Example – light passing through a plain glass that is clean, enters in it’s pure nature. Light that passes through a prism, splits in to 7 colours. Actions and thoughts passing through knowledge has no cause for pain or split personalities; the same Self that passes through ignorance ; it splits into the world of plurality.

It is how you reflect in to the world. It is what you perceive in objects. You come to realise the EGO as a hurdle for any progress as it is self created VIRUS from the accumulated ignorance.

Example — A dreamer rediscovers himself as a waker. The dreamer himself transcends the dream world and enters the world of reality. Deluded EGO identity walks out of ignorance and gets enlightened enters in to pure consciousness.

It is the real pursuit of every human being whether in the world of sansar or mountains. This is true meditation ; one does not need an allotted time to meditate if you can remove the veil of ignorance and see the light.

You will start seeing your own life as a beautiful dream that you wished for and all characters in it are connected temporarily. Let them go and also the attachment and pain.

Divine Gita chapter 5 Verse 13

“Neither agency nor actions does the Lord create for the world, nor union with the fruits of actions. But it is Nature that acts.:

Lord Krishna indicates to Arjuna the function and nature of the self and relationship with the 3 bodies- physical, mental and the causal. Example – electricity is not seen but when it gets moulded in the wire, it is charged and comes out through instruments like bulbs, AC , fan, and many other equipments. The bulb can die just like the body ; the electricity keeps flowing all the time. Dying of the bulb has nothing to do with the action of electricity, it is the temporary life nature of the bulb. The SELF that is pure and ever flowing, the body gets in to contact with it and performs actions.

Athma has no action or motives, I function through the equipments that are natural to me. Craving EGO demands fruits of the action and today it is all about instant gratification. This causes anxiety, stress, fear of losing things or people I have no control on, sorrow and pain. The performer and enjoyer of the fruits of action is the EGO not the ATHMAN. Example — When my reflection in the water shakes, I do not move. I am stable. Each of us move or shake according to our nature — gunas or swabhava. In reality the Lord in his absolute nature is ever uninvolved. We call him karma phala daatha and blame him for everything that happens to us. HE is indeed, but he has created a system , a structure that rotates this world and that is the network of KARMA. You bring your own destiny and enjoy it, when you remember him , he takes you out of the misery without a scratch. He is the Aprameya, the supreme, divine energy that operates in this universe.

Kali yuga has to end, somethings have to become a cause to destroy to bring in the new Sathya yuga.
God does not do anything in our day today life. Reality is you carry the floppy in the subconscious mind full of impressions I mean the emotions that you got attached to. That floppy is guiding you to act. In reality you are the soul that is eternal however there is body that has acquired by the floppy to fulfill your attachments and desires. That is all. Nothing more to it

We have to understand the value of scriptures to be able to know that all that is filled in the floppy is not good for me. Hence prayers and study of our wisdom.

Divine Gita chapter 5 Verse 13

“Mentally renouncing all actions and fully self controlled, the ‘ embodied’ one rests happily in the nine gate city, neither acting nor causing others ( body and senses) to act”.

Sanyasa is not a physical escapism but a mental withdrawal from things that are unproductive and that which causes illusory pain. We discussed on the discrimination of thoughts by human intellect in the last few sessions. The knowledge of the object that gives you a perception so you can be mindful of your actions and reactions. For Example — you set a trap for the bird, he does not have the knowledge of a trap, so he falls in to it. Human being who has this special intellect falls in to illusions of the world knowingly and suffers.

He who keeps the wisdom of truth as a tune for the swaraj play of life, he learns to enjoy his life in peace and contentment in CITY OF NINE GATES.

Sorry Swara play of life. Your life is set in rhythm that you are not aware, the tanpura tune of wisdom at the background should be able to bring you back on track.

Nine gates — 2 eyes, 2 nostrils, 2 ears, and one mouth, naval, genital organ and excretery organ. Athma soul or energy within the physical structure, though not acting vitalises various organs and action. One who governs past present and future is almighty. If his presence is vital I mean you keep acknowledging him in every action of yours, the vital energy keeps cleansing the dirt that mind collects.

Example — we humans when in helpless distress say ” Nothing is in our hands, HE is the supreme, what can I do? Better to tun away to the mountains. This is to say that the almighty gives us misery and helpless conditions! If we acknowledge our vital energy at all times ; HE stands with us in the process of finishing our karma.

Lord Krishna the ultimate tune of life, says ‘ An individual ever identifying with the self in humility observes life unaffected, unattached and without any agitation does not take actions and reactions upon himself.

Nine gates of the body that is well maintained creates a healthy mind that merges with the vital energy. Aberrations will happen in human life, being attached to the wisdom gained one can overcome the negative distractions.

Divine Gita chapter 5 Verse 12

“The united one ( the well poised or the harmonised), having abandoned the fruit of action, attains eternal peace ; the non united ( the unsteady or the unbalanced), impelled by desire and attached to the fruit , is bound.”
Peace is not a commodity to be manufactured, it is a mental condition in the heart of the individual when his inner world is not agitated. One can experience this only in the spirit of yajna( we have discussed this in detail in chapter 4) , which means you offer all thoughts and actions as an obulation in the fire of knowledge.
One always searches for the result of actions, he gets bound by his own reactions, gets trapped in the binding desire. Desire by itself is not bad, binding desires bring sorrow which means our own defence instrument become suicidal if you do not know how to handle. We get bound to the desires that are formed in the mind, and we believe we cannot exist without them ; surely causes distress. Example — Most successful actors and businessmen are very prone to depression these days. Question here is not money or fame, it is their inability to carry the burden of desire that they think should live with them forever.

Life does not work that way. We ordinary mortals take ownership of our actions and results of them, the balance sheet is brought by you when you arrive on the earth. In this churning world there will be more dirt surfacing, if we try to embrace the it, there is more suffering and pain.

Future is not known and the past is not in your hands; all you have is now and try to make valuable karmas for greater peace and evolution.

Divine Gita Chapter 5 Verse 11

“YOGIS having abandoned , perform actions merely by the body, mind, intellect and senses, for the purification of the EGO.”

A karma yogi keeps within himself but a keen observer of all the happenings and seem to involve himself in actions. While observing a karma yogi is ever conscious of the observer.

The light that keeps the observer constant and alive is the spiritual centre. Upanishad declares this.

If the SPRITUAL CENTER is something beyond the observer why should a karma yogi practice self observation — ‘ witness attitude’ ( Sakshibhava)?

Lord says this is necessary for the purification of ego. The seeker has to enter the field of activity without arrogance and ego so it becomes easy for him to purge his vasanas and desires not suitable for liberation. It is mandatory to be in the society to impart our positive energy for the upliftment of fellow humans. This alone helps you accumulate good karma. Charity, NGO, organizations bring self centred motives at times; blessings you get when you transfer kindness, compassion in silence to others truly elevates you.

Example — we often see people who give knowledge, money, donations get into the administrative hazards, it may seem structured ; it leads to ego and greed for power. Ramana Maharishi , true saint in the Kali yuga says ” your clean thoughts and positive energy will transmit the spiritual power to others in silence. You will be acknowledged by the Lord above.” Our lectures and discourses may go into deaf ears if the receiver is not ready. They will read satsang sessions if they are thirsty for real knowledge. Karma yogi knows this universal plan and he feels fulfilled from within and continues his journey. All of us attempt to do something for the society but we have to be fortunate to give and not turn back. Ego impurities have to be cleansed through activities with right attitude.

Our karma should support the giving opportunity. One should get the blessings of others to go higher which means following ashatanga yoga that includes Ahimsa (not hurting consciously, no abuses from the heart.

GITA talks about ashtanga yoga in later chapters.

Expectation is very common and people in today s world live on getting returns. What we need to understand is it is not in our hands. This awareness will get you out of expectations

Divine Gita Chapter 5 Verse 10

“He who does actions, offering them to BRAHMAN , abandoning attachment, is not tainted by sin, just as a lotus leaf remains unaffected by the water on it”.

I would request you to run through the earlier verse to absorb this fully. Why is there so much stress on life of detachment for a sansari?

We have aspirations and desire to fulfill our dreams or what we think is our goal. Where is the detachment?

Resigning to Brahman — Total detachment is impossible for the human mind as it is a blotting paper.

Detachment to the false identity is possible when you become aware of the real. Example — World of glitter, managing self image in social media, sense of power over others are intoxicants and addictive. Pain is certain as it does not touch your inner self but externally sends you on a high. How do I detach and why?

Real nature of merits and demerits of body mind and senses are realised, the frequency of our thoughts upon the Lord becomes intense. One cannot consciously shed Ego as he does not even know he has an ego! Discrimination, devotion and dedication will remind you of madaa( arrogance), and release you from the bondage of EGO.

EGO comes to suffer the perfect and imperfect reactions of it’s own actions. Reflecting mirror has to be clear and perfect to show your ‘ Self’ or it will remain distorted.

The ‘Enlightened Ego’ does not get surrounded by the world of objects although it seems to us that way. Though the Lotus leaf exists in water, draws its nourishment from the water filled at times with dirt, dies in the same water; it does not allow itself to be moistened by water. A seeker draws his food from the world for his existence but remains detached from opposite emotions, likes and dislikes in the outside world.

Basic example– A doctor s attachment to his wife makes him fumble on the operation table, same doctor proves efficient on a patient whom he does not know or attached. We get wasted by our self imposed ego and keep talking about depression , sorrow and bottled anger. Psychologists make the most of today s situation!!!! Lotus blooms towards the SUN , never allows the dirt filled water to touch it although it stays there forever.

Chapter 5 Verse 8 Divine Gita

“I do nothing at all”, this would the harmonised knower of TRUTH think, seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, going, sleeping, breathing, speaking, letting go, eye movement, —- convinced that the senses move among the sense objects.”

Movement and action of nature are unavoidable. Sense organs do not take any ownership. In deep sleep we still breathe, but we are not conscious of it as the EGO in us is not functioning. Activities happen instinctively, a true seer will know and is aware that ” I do nothing at all”.

Sage is ever conscious of the consciousness. The knowledge or jnanam has to be like the tanpura or the perfect background tune that keeps a check on our alignment of thought and action. Your life becomes besura or out of tune when the awareness gets derailed.

Man of perfection enjoys every action and also in harmony in solitude. I am not the doer but I am aware of what is happening; I surrender to the one who is the motivator of all actions. I am only a small particle in the cosmic space.

As I am typing these lines, I can watch my own fingers typing and the more detached I grow, more entertaining becomes the play of the fingers on the keyboard. He who can engage himself on the truth knows public opinion, fame and name, ego illusions are all short lived and not to pin your faith on such transitory things. You will get what you deserve, no one can take it away, enjoy the process of getting there and feel empowered.????

Every HUMAN ACTION produces energy that travels in to the mind that becomes thoughts. We form that accumulated energy as the NETWORK for our living. When the demands, expectations, greed and ego takes over, we exceed the limits of our network strength. The power that is over used ELECTRICUTES the mind.

We have created TOXIC GENERATION that has no fulfillment and no wonderment, very self absorbed, no romance and detached from nature.

Virus can invade computer and data can be erased, Internet service continues to support; it does not get affected by any invasion. Human mind (computer) gets corrupted by environment and it searches for peace without connecting itself to the natural inbuilt Internet service that has a password— Be cheerful, happy and confident. Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving.org

Divine Gita Chapter 5 Verse 7

“He who is devoted to the path of action, whose mind is quite pure, who has conquered the self, who has subdued his senses, who realises his self as the self in all beings, though acting , is not tainted.”

Krishna is talking about the state of inward revolution that that happens in the journey towards the divine from within. One who is practicing karma yoga achieves purification of the intellect.

Desires expectations anger frustration are logical sequence that hurts; it breeds hatred and one cannot see other people s success. We have to train the mind to be quite at times to absorb the TRUTH of life. Actions with realisation that results of my effort is not in my control helps to reduce VASANAS. When the waves realise its nature to be the ocean, there cannot be any wave identity.

Gold ornament has been made by the goldsmith from the main substance called GOLD. Ornaments can be melted but cannot destroy the concept of gold. Karma gets imprinted in the mind and the subconscious mind carries it forward when the individual gets over powered by their ego identity. Such people start suffering after every action hence they cannot experience any happiness.

Example — One can always ask ” we are humans, how can we not have motivated desires, or ego centric activities? I generally smile and say ” who needs this knowledge? Animals and plants do not cry, they live in the present, human race cries, suffers and run around everywhere looking for peace , in frustration pollutes the environment, wages wars, brings down the world.

The essential nature of man is to feel and experience eternal divinity through his discriminative awareness.

Divine Gita chapter 5 verse 6

December 12, 2023

“Renunciation O mighty armed , is hard to attain without YOGA ; the yoga harmonised man of steady contemplation quickly goes to BRAHMAN”.

Lord explains renunciation by saying ‘mind gets purified from the blemishes of vasanas by the process of right action. With such a purified mind alone we can renounce activities during deep meditation. If we try to renounce activities , we may remain physically inactive but mentally very aggressive.

Example – polishing the mind is very similar to cleaning a metal ware by using metal polish. The object gets darkened by the external air and pollution, you treat it with chemicals and the the object is hidden under the solvent. When you remove the polish it shines and retains its brightness. Action is the process, attitude is the real polish that purifies the mind that gets dusted everyday with vasanas and expectations.

YOGA YUKTAH – One who is fixed in the path of selfless , unattached activities soon develops great poise and dignity. Karma we carry will exhaust itself in it’s own way. What makes life miserable is the over anxious reactions to the to the result of action. It comes along with our karmic balance sheet.

Time is only for the human mind, we are trapped into that mental concept. Soul is timeless, when will the TRUTH dawn on us no one can tell, we are given the body and mind to act and fulfill our desires; in the process there can be adverse situations , scriptures help you to understand and accept life as it comes.

Performance of action takes the lead to get you to renunciation of action.

Divine Gita chapter 5 verse 5

“That place which is reached by the SANKHYAS (jnanis) is also reached by the YOGINIS (karma yogins). He sees , who sees Sankhya and yoga as one.”

Lord Krishna insists that the goal reached through sanyasa yoga can be obtained by karma yogis. He who ‘ sees’ is not physical understanding, it is a feel from the atman that is beyond doubt. Example – we can miss an object right in front of our eyes as your feel is elsewhere.

Very often sansaris grumble ” I am giving up everything and running away to the Himalayas, I cannot handle this world”. When they reach Himalayas, they miss the hustle bustle of life, their stress and worries!

It is the attitude to life as vedanta puts it , actions that purify mental aberrations takes us to greater poise and meditation (sankhya) and you arrive at a greater experience.

Renunciation is not easy, karma yoga also has its demands of dispassion hard to practice. However your mental goals are achieved even by the labourers as ambition and greed becomes a driving force.

What is your motivation to attain peace? Your suffering and exhaustion of possessions as you realise nothing belongs to you or in control. Money leaves, fixed assets move away, relationship have time limits, children drift apart, parents have age limits ; the best way is to work on a mental attitude while living your life of action.

Yes correct however jnanam which the Lord is speaking is not much possible after sathya yuga. Kali yuga is driven by extreme desires and selfishness. Jnanam I’d a long route , so the Lord says use your intellect to discriminate right and wrong ; what is truly hurting you and then arrive at the jnanam.

Divine Gita chapter 5 verse 4

“Children, not the wise, speak of SANKHYA (knowledge) and YOGA (yoga of action) as distinct ; he who is truly established even in one obtains the fruits of both.”

Every action in life if sublimated I mean turn in to a divine action of dedication and worship; gives you liberation. It can be done by the renunciation or abstaining from the anxieties of the fruits of action.

Renunciation of action is called SANKHYA yoga, life of action is KARMA YOGA. Sankhya is not easily available to everyone as it is not mere wrapping of saffron robe, it is a capacity to see collective universe in action. Lord uses the word ‘children’ as we have to accept the ignorant people as kids who have to evolve and support them. Many who are in the path of spirituality tend to look down on people who are ignorant and not capable of knowing the higher truth. This is wrong. Every life on the earth will evolve at the right time, wiser ones need to support them if they can. Krishna does not demean anyone.

One can lead a life of a sanyasi but how much is he able to live up to that world of dispassion no one knows.

World of action meant for sansaris also demands detachment from the fruits of action. Enjoy the world without anxiety, nervousness, everything has a time and place. The goal is the same of happiness and peace.

It is important to note that all Divine incarnations of Mahavishnu lived a life of karma yogi. Lord Rama in treta yuga saw his own athma darshan by performing his duties, separated from Sita for 14 years, never saw his children, lived for others by releasing good souls from the earth. He still was the prince. Krishna born in a princely home, saw the prison first, never grew up with his parents, wandered everywhere to establish dharma on the earth in dwapar yuga. He still was the king of Dwaraka. Examples of yoga of action.

Divine Gita chapter 5 verse 3

“He should be known as a perpetual sanyasi who neither hates, nor desires , free from the pairs of opposites, O mighty armed, he is easily set free from bondage.”

Lord Krishna gives more importance to the internal mental condition than the external uniform. One needs to be away from deep likes and dislikes, success and failure, joy and sorrow, such other opposite emotions.

Life is full of contrasts, without darkness we will not know what life is but this does not mean you allow your mind to fluctuate aimlessly. One has to gain knowledge of self and life from this contrasts and comparisons.

We are using the vehicle called mind and intellect, SANYASI is one who has gone beyond this contrast. He does not depend on the mere instrument that changes moods and emotions; he is happy in all situations. HE IS THE SANYASI

Krishna has Arjuna s growth and development in mind. One has to follow the path that is meant for their temperament. SANSARIS have to deal with the world around, there is an urge to keep themselves active all the time. That is the desire and one has to follow that path and reach a point of exhausion which they will as desire fulfillment cannot give permanent happiness

Hence we seek for something else. Why? Ask yourself, after living a fulfilled sansaric life, you should be the happiest. The instruments like mind and intellect will keep craving for more and the happiness move further away.

Gita speaks of mantra shakthi in Bhakthi yoga in detail. Bhagawath purana also stresses on namaavali can lead you to liberation. We ll come to that soon.????

Gita says the same thing on goals , achievement and success a more positive way that western psychologists.

Make your efforts , anticipate anything on the way but the goal that is set is certain. Enjoy the process, path and the stimulation instead of thinking negative all the way. Handling the situation is more important than self analysis, I mean whether life is fair to you or not; as that will lead you to lack of self worth. People often say ” I have a right to be sad” this is a sure way to hell. No one has the right to be negative as your soul suffers and withdraws the spirited energy.

Divine Gita chapter 5 verse 2

Lord Krishna finally takes over as a teacher when Arjuna starts to respond.

“Renunciation of action and yoga of action lead to the highest bliss; but of the two, yoga of action is superior to the renunciation of action”.

Karma yoga and karma santas yoga are different paths leading to the same goal. Man is prone to be lazy, majority of people would like to live in sleeping inertia, food, least amount of work and plenty of idle hours are preferred. Desire prompted activity takes man out of his intellectual inertia to action.

In the second stage man gets tired of the desire motivated activities, and feels energetic while spending time on service to his race. His ego gets subdued works with devotion and dedication. He gets exhausted of his own vasanas. His mind gets in to subtle space of joy and peace through meditation. Third stage — we learn to deviate from ego motivated activities and learn to take to selfless activities.

Renunciation technically is easier but still we can carry the mind burdened with vasanas to the forest and hide desires under the saffron robe. These days the sanyasis have become more needy, they want money to run their ashram and followers to get in to fame. This Bhavam will bring you further down, we are not judgemental here , just expounding reality. Karma yoga is very difficult although we are all practicing it in our own way. Yoga of action helps you burn down the vasanas after fulfilling all desires, and sends you in a vacuum. Ego is left panting for breath and your realisation takes you to the desired goal of happiness and joy.

Karma yoga simply means work and engage in to activity with a mind of a sanyasi and that is superior to any mode of life. How do you impart the tested knowledge to others?

You only need your positive energy to touch people s souls and minds; no other requirement. Lectures and over speaking without the sense of service or devotion, does not touch the heart.

Divine Gita chapter 5 verse 1

“Renunciation of actions, you praise and again you uphold performance of actions. Tell me conclusively that which is the better of the two.”
This???? question is from Arjuna who represents humans.
Arjuna for the very first time has jumped out of his confused space and taking interest in following the arguments of his friend and Sarathy Krishna. One has to make peace with oneself, inorder to absorb the truth. Example – If we throw incense sticks in to the dustbin thinking the bad smell may go, we are wrong. Garbage is an accumulation of pure filtered junk. It has to cleared and washed.

Arjuna here lacks confidence, after shattering experience of emotional neurosis , he still is not capable of discriminating or understanding the discourse of the charioteer.

He wants Krishna to give him an order of one path; Hindu philosophy does not believe in commanding religious or spiritual order. Individual realisation takes you to the path of truth. Renunciation is hidden in every action. They are a way of life chosen by you and they lead you to the same goal. However Krishna gives a beautiful explanation to Arjuna by elaborating the content of both way of life.

KARMA of birth and death is fixed and no one not even the creator can change it. Body mind sense complex is a web spun by our balance sheet of past lives, hence it turns in to ashes when the circle of web is completed.

Example — In the puranas the Garuda the vehicle of mahavishnu was flying over beautiful trees and saw this colourful bird sitting on the branch and relaxing.

Lord Yama passed by and kept staring at the bird for a long time. Garuda felt that this was dangerous, yama s dtishti will bring an end to the bird s life. He took pity on the bird and flew him down in to the deep forest far away so he can be spared from yama.

Garuda met yama and asked why were you staring at the bird? I left him so far away that you cannot reach him.

Yama smiled and said ” I knew this bird has to die now in a far away forest in the mouth of a python. Was wondering how can this bird fly so far away at this moment. Thank you Garuda for supporting me. Garuda was speechless.

Divine Gita CHAPTER FIVE – Introduction

Thank you almighty and the all the Gurus and Saints for extending your blessings to pursue the yajna of knowledge through Bhagawat Gita. We are stepping in to the chapter ” Yoga of Renunciation through Action.”

Chapter 3 and 4 explains art of living through yajna and introspection. Chapter 5 stands as a bridge between karma yoga and pure meditation. We do not find this subtle point in the VEDAS ; this chapter rediscovers the path of mental attitude towards action.

To whip man out of his sleeping inertia, being proactive is the first step. Activities are motivated by the ego centric desires. Tamas (dullness of the mind) gets stimulated by rajas (dynamic activity); it transcends in to action in good will and love for all known as YAJNA.

Vedas elaborate on rituals and mantras that are very essential for purification of the mind and environment; the essence of it all is expressed by the Lord. Example — When a flower matures into a fruit, it is a destruction of the flower , however the essence of the flower is the fruit, its fertilised ovary finds fulfillment. Science of plant life is necessary to know that the essentials in the flower has grown in to a fruit.

The self evident science of life is brought out from the essence of the vedas. Adi Shankara in his Bhashya clearly indicates and explains the contradiction of thought when Krishna urges Arjuna to engage in action and talks about renunciation of action. Lord takes it upon himself to to clear this doubt and I in a very humble way with the blessing of God will give you the interpretation of this chapter.

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 42

October 30, 2023

“With the sword of knowledge , cut asunder the doubtful self, born of ignorance, risiding in your heart, and take refuge in “YOGA” arise O Bharata.”

Lord Krishna advises his warrior friend to follow the dharma of a kshateya to protect people from the hands of adharmis. How to live a life of perfection and dedication in action. Sword of knowledge alone can tear open the veil of ignorance accumulated by humans over janmas. The collective thoughts and human karmas move the yuga, and we become the helpless victim of ‘ TIME’.

However the Lord wants to clear the spiritual doubts that come from intellect. Heart is the source of love and sympathy noble of all emotions. Rishis of vedanta talk of the doubts lying crystallised in the heart, the rishis mean the intellectual perversion in some of the seekers that make them incompetent to feel and appreciate the vision of the soul.

This can be achieved by yoga, that is not a mere physical exercise or the mystical practices in the cave; it is the 12 techniques , explained as yajnas. Yoga is an attitude of surrender that sublimates every action.

This verse indicates that Hindu philosophy is not fatalistic in nature; he calls for action from Arjuna with the spirit of yajna and come out pure and cleansed of the karmas. This is the final fulfilment of evolution.

We conclude the most important chapter four that teaches us how to end action in knowledge and the yajnas or offerings that will bring supreme peace.

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 41

“He who has renounced actions by YOGA , whose doubts are destroyed by KNOWLEDGE, who is aware of the SELF , actions do not bind him, O Dhananjaya.”

YOGA is nothing but sublimation your action that makes you a karma yogi– one who has learnt to renounce attachments to the fruits of action , yet working actively in the world. The individual ego is an illusion your attachments and expectations create , it merges peacefully with your real self – Atman. No actions can bind you.

Example — when you dream of being chased by a Tiger, I feel as if I am caught by him, when I wake up from my dream, I am alive and not dead. Dreamer also end along with the dream. Similarly ego centric actions can bind and suffocate only the ego that is an illusion. Just like the dreamer loses identity when awake, you also lose your ego identity when you get awakened by the KNOWLEDGE.

Desire is the cause of your birth , man is given a choice or a free will to fulfill those desires with the realisation of the SELF. This releases you from the binding desires that causes pain and suffering. Example — We often see people saying ‘ no I do not want to be in the lime light, no fame or popularity; how much do they mean it? They suffer more, instead enjoy what comes your way as no one knows how your life can turn. This simply means surrender yourself to time and space that is not in your control.

‘I feel very hurt and upset when my children and family do not turn out the way I want. I cannot follow the GITA at that time’.

Arjuna is suffering the same way; Lord says ‘ your family is special to you but in the eyes of law, and karma everyone is the same’. Once your child is out in the world, his karma starts working. We can only do our parental duties and keep away from unnecessary expectations. Creator knows what you deserve as he knows the past present and the future.

Every HUMAN ACTION produces energy that travels in to a zone that becomes thoughts. We form that accumulated energy as the NETWORK for our living. When the demands, expectations, greed and ego takes over, we exceed the limits of our network strength. The power that is over used ELECTRICUTES the mind.

We live with a TOXIC GENERATION that has no fulfillment and no wonderment, very self absorbed, no romance and detached from nature. Actions are for instant gratification. Time has no mercy, it keeps moving; we have to get in to the Grove of peace through awareness. Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving.org #lifenetwork

Divine Gita verse 40

“The ignorant, the faithless, the doubting self goes to destruction ; there is neither this world, nor the other , nor happiness for the one who doubts.”

Lord Krishna is reasserting the importance of supreme peace that is important. Faith in one self leads to wisdom and divine knowledge. IGNORANCE, SELF DOUBT AND FAITHLESS live in a limbo forever and they get mentally destroyed. Even if it is not spiritual realisation, it should be a clear understanding to walk the path of happiness.

Example – Some people keep asking the same question in different ways , either to exhibit their knowledge or they have no clarity of mind and no faith in themselves. When you listen to atma gyan; it needs to be processed in the mind and derive your related answers. It takes years or janmas ; there is no other way to reach peace on this earth.

There may be temporary happiness; such people need crutches to live as they have no faith in their own existence. They are psychologically not capable of enjoying any situation as the doubting nature will poison all their experiences.

Example – House made of bricks turns in to a home by your love and faith. You make it a home. The healthy harmonious body mind sense network also depends on your love and faith on yourself. It is not just going to the gym , diet or focusing on meditative posture ; it is a commitement to life and living, deriving knowledge from experience, ability to enjoy every situation.

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 39 (contd)

It is the sense organs that seduce us in to the world of materialism and sensuous perception of life. When the inward serenity and deeper peace dawn, the darkness of animal appetites and ignorance has to go away. The seeker should be aware of aberrations that can happen in the mind.

Why should one live renouncing sense enjoyment? Why should we be aware of our existence? The EGO is always hunting for it’s own motive. Remaining in the intellect level alone; it is hard to understand the sacrifice of his ego motives.

Krishna explains here ” when you internalize the divine knowledge, we can reach the supreme peace we keep searching for. People run to temples and prayers when they realise the helplessness in life and want instant correction. It is about shraddha and Jnana that needs to be practiced. The term PEACE here is not the undefined vague concept ; it is to realize the happiness through activities of life. No action is possible unless the actor is motivated by an urge to seek fulfilment and joy within himself. Very often for example people hold negative tone while performing an action, they keep saying , oh my God there is so much going on , I am overwhelmed”. They forget to enjoy the happiness of the action that they chose and fall in to the rut of unhappiness.

When you experience absolute joy , there is no body fatigue or helplessness. Reason enough to follow the path. People who keep doubting the SELF can never find happiness.

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 39

“The man who is full of faith , who is devoted to it, and who has subdued the senses, obtains this knowledge ; and having received it, he goes in to supreme peace”.

This verse clearly says that knowledge is not something you merely read, listen or do it like a ritual. There are certain qualities to be acquired through good karmas to deserve the adornment of knowledge.

FAITH DEVOTION AND SELF CONTROL are imperative necessities.

FAITH – we often find devotees rendered , sometimes fanatical and poor in mental growth, due to compulsion of shraddha translated in to ‘ blind faith and unquestioned acceptance of any word as divine ‘. ADI SHANKARA explains it by saying ‘ Shraddha as ” that by which an individual readily understands the text in detail, and absorbs the content’.

DEVOTED Tatparah – Self development is a necessity that the seeker must give attention to and maintain a continuous consciousness of the DIVINE. Intellectual study will not help us purify , we need to pour out our mind and intellect in to scheme of living.

SUBDUED the senses – shraddha and Jnana cannot sustain themselves until he tries to live in a spirit of self control.

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 38

“Certainly , there is no purifier in this world like ” knowlwdge”. He who is himself perfected in YOGA finds it in the self in time.”

Self knowledge is the life belt to protect you from the deluded EGO , there cannot be a greater possession for you. The mastery of the self is not given by the look or touch of the teacher, or Arjuna would have released himself from ignorance.

Many devotees expect their Gurus to impart their acquired wisdom, they feel doing seva to the teacher can purchase the wisdom; there are many such gurus available in the market and sell their wisdom in the ashram.

Swayam (himself) has to be purified by oneself, and realise the truth in good time (kalena). 12 different yagnas mentioned in previous verses have to be pondered upon and reach the state of god- hood.

Everyone gets to reach there with time however no specific prescription is given. Shraddha and devotion with consistent pursuit will help us attain perfection. Example – we often find people running to different classes , gurus with the hope and in the instigation of other devotees. This increases the vanity and demands recognition for whatever. Hence the wandering mind has to understood and you should have the wip to tame it not others. Patience and faith are very important to attain self knowledge.

When we cook the food to satisfy our hunger, we need to control the heat, add required spices so it tastes good. If you forget the food on the stove and over cook it, it gets burnt. Similarly in Life if you are not aware and alert, life gets burnt and becomes unlivable.
If we do not take care of the spices added, food turns unedible. In Life there is a balance of emotions and it needs to be monitored as it is connected with your role play. Anything in excess becomes poison, hence awareness of ‘ self’ and alertness of mind are the living skill tools. It is within you! Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving.org

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 37

“As the blazing fire reduces fuel to ashes, O Arjuna , so does the fire of knowledge reduce all actions to ashes”.

Divine Gita is a scripture of life written for man, and it assures man that everyone can cross over the painful destinies of the present and reach the shores of perfection with the right attitude. No scripture in the world has penned such words. When you get awakened to your real nature, cravings and greed will have no place in our SELF. KNOWLEDGE becomes a raft that alone can help you cross the ocean of sansara without pain and sorrow.
This is in reference to the previous verse. When we keep the knowledge of our scriptures alive, it turns in to an energy that consumes all our sorrow, longing, greed, pain, and karma.

Fire burns everything and becomes one homogeneous mass of ash! We cannot recognize any specific particle in the ash; all karmas , good or bad get burnt in the fire of knowledge.

We come to terms with cause and effect so life becomes light, and easy. ACTIONS HAVE REACTIONS, it is common sense. Example – we often wonder on the system of justice related to karma. Why am I suffering more than others?

Reactions mature at different period of time depending on the intensity and the balance of good and bad karma. A person who has done evil actions will pay for it once his good karmas get exhausted.

When the bad karma starts hitting back such people will crumble they will crave for death but they cannot have it.

Karmas manifest itself in our ego-centric vanity and they leave their impressions that we have to live through.

The entire karma system has been scientifically explained in the next verse.

PRARABDA ( operative), SANCHITA ( not yet operative), AGAMI (to be operative).

Thoughts to ponder while bringing in the new year set for us

We ring in the new year after every 12 months with resolutions, greeting friends and family with positive feelings. We recharge our energy on that day but it runs out with time. Mind goes in to recession , we need to replenish it with everyday with compassion, forgiveness and devotion. Economic recession gets resolved as man is keen to work on it. Mental recession needs your channel connection with the main source of power supplied by Almighty. Everyday is a new year and learn to celebrate your life ???????????? ????????????????????

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 36

“Even if you are the sinful of all sinners , yet you shall verily cross all sins by the raft of ‘ Knowledge’.
Arjuna has been listening to the ultimate Guru Krishna himself and lacks confidence to accept. He feels that he is not fit for such a great inner experience as he is aware of his weaknesses.

Vedanta does not believe that sins committed are beyond redemption. Every man reaches a point where he gets exhausted with his emotions and seeks perfection ; our scriptures and saints can hand hold you to the right direction.

Divine Gita is a scripture of life written for man, and it assures man that everyone can cross over the painful destinies of the present and reach the shores of perfection with the right attitude. No scripture in the world has penned such words. When you get awakened to your real nature, cravings and greed will have no place in our SELF. KNOWLEDGE becomes a raft that alone can help you cross the ocean of sansara without pain and sorrow.

Divine Gita chapter 4 Verse 35

“Knowing that(the truth, knowledge) you shall not, O Pandava , again get deluded like this; and by that , you shall see all beings in your SELF , and also in ME.

After attaining knowledge and understanding one can slip in to the mental domain and forget what you learnt. The imprint of the knowledge that gets used and when you learn to apply in your daily life, stays with the soul that takes several bodies.

One cannot understand the thrills of the Divine or the eternal nature of the soul ; unless we grow yo the required maturity. The ME and I we refer to is related to what? It is for the body that will disintegrate with time so has no memory ( includes mind). Soul or energy has no name , it is part of the universal manifestation. Deluded living causes pain and suffering. Waves in the ocean are nothing but the ocean.

We come to realise that the whole creation is nothing but our own self, which is as divine as the Lord of Dwaraka himself so the relationship should not be forgotten. The following verse is totally self revealing.????

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 34

June 26, 2023

“Know that by long prostration, by question, and service, the ” wise” who have realised the truth will instruct you in the “knowledge ”

This verse explains the qualities of a teacher. A perfect knowledge of scriptural knowledge , subjective experience of the infinite reality above all the inner silence that makes him treat his knowledge as a gift and learns to impart. It is a sacrifice after realising the TRUTH.

Student has to have a mental attitude to connect with the teacher (Guru) to get maximum essence of the truth. Student should be ready to surrender and have trust in the teacher who is instructing on the secret of life. Example — Our path to wisdom is through tharka and vivaada ( questions and discussions) which makes our scriptures go one notch higher; however students trying to display their half information for the sake of demeaning the guru or teacher stand ignorant.

By raising doubts to the teacher you are opening the treasure of knowledge from the master s heart. The real teacher detects the wrong thinking and reorganizes the thought process. It is an old practice amongst Hindus to have open discussions called SATSANGA. Blind faith cannot answer intellectual imperfections, your inner thirst and the power to Express your doubts alone can make you fulfilled. Guru can manifest himself or herself in any form or means.

Guru plays the role of teaching and imparting from his anubava; he is silent from within, has no agenda while teaching. He or she needs no material gains, they have a wealth that cannot be matched with money, they are never alone as they form a channel with the ultimate truth.

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 33

“Superior is ” Knowledge – Sacrifice” to ” Sacrifice with objects” , O Paranthapa. All actions in their entirety, O Partha , culminate in Knowledge.

Sacrifice of the material obulations , the ritualistic karmas produce results to enjoy to fulfil individual ego. He has to go through this process time and again as karma never ends karma.

Action cannot be a complete fulfilment in itself. SACRIFICE OF IGNORANCE IN KNOWLEDGE ( Jnana Yajna) is more noble as the deluded ego destroys itself in the light of SELF KNOWLEDGE. Ignorance breeds desires and all actions and emotions related to it manifests as happiness and sorrow.

Action and desire cannot be avoided as that is why we are here; then how to gain this knowledge by which all actions can be exhausted?

Example — Body function has a system, when you disturb it through your ignorance by feeding it with wrong food ; it gets imbalanced. You go for your blood check and replace the necessary lose of minerals.

Brain has a function , you keep collecting thoughts from everywhere and get disturbed , you go in to depression, insecurity loneliness and many other mental issues.

What do you do? You try to understand the knowledge or wisdom behind your actions and desires. You learn to introspect and learn on mental wellness. We are talking about the awareness of your existence, the products you use to satisfy your mind, things you feel you need for happiness. You get tired of all material things that gave you happiness and joy ; you need a crutch at that time , that is PURE KNOWLEDGE without a trace of ignorance.

Where is karma stored?

How does it function?

Old karmas are stored in the floppy in the subconscious mind connected with your soul. It keeps flashing your desire and action ; but you still have the knowledge and wisdom how to avoid certain actions.

Example – floppy says you hated this person in the past, so take revenge now. Your wisdom will help you realise your revenge on this person is going to bring your life down. You hate it for sometime and learn to forget.

The cycle gets broken on its own by your accumulation of good karma in this life. Why do we harp on prayers and positive thinking and action? This becomes your shield, kavacham along with knowledge of your existence ; you make sure nothing affects you. Soumya@

Word karma yogi is not taken well by youngsters so I try to arrive at the same thing from different angles to suit our time. Prayers with no motives and giving nature with compassion truly takes you to the heights of divine plane.

Kali yuga which is the energy formed by mutilated human mind will take its toll. No one will want to understand anything that is good for them as we are heading towards total annihilation. Those who seek and become aware will be on the boat with Lord as the boatman says the purana.

BLOOD is only a FOOD for nurturing your GENES. When you take blood transfusion, your nature and behaviour still remain the same. Blood is a composition of many chemicals, even if it is given to another person of the same group, the genes and root of your karma cannot change; your individual genes will transform the transfused blood in to your original COMPONENT OF BLOOD. Your Body, mind and genes will remain the same. Example –you may exchange many things from your fellow beings as per your destiny, you may be affected by the environment, opinions, behaviour of the external world; your genes, nature, personality should remain the same. The imbalance starts when you COMPETE, want to be like someone; the genes drags you back to your own identity! Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving.org

Thoughts to Ponder

We as humans are individual soul once we take a form . We can only retain our purity and integrity; we have no control over others. Calmness and happiness you talk about does not depend on others as they bring their our karma and floppy in the subconscious mind. I have discussed this in detail in chapter 3 of the Gita. If you can scroll back, you will find examples too.

We cannot know or be aware of what is spiritual best in terms of evolution as our knowledge is limited.

Any dependency causes pain as it is not stable and changes with time. Psychologists have their way of dealing with emotions, they go round the theories of pain and sorrow; we are saying there is no sorrow at all. When people hurt you, compete or damage your ego then there is something I need to introspect from within. I cannot control others and no one can reform the genetic mutilation that is happening today. We can try and sow the seed , I do not know whether the soil is fertile or not.

Being good is for yourself, you do not have to show others as it is again image building tricks. Krishna says the same thing; please fight this war and finish your enemies. Why? It is because Arjuna has the capacity to act with dispassion. Hurt, depression, sadness sorrow are my own mental conditions at different levels, so the accumulation of wisdom burns the ignorance down.????

Psychologists limit themselves to stored thoughts ; there is something beyond the mental periphery, and man is the only species who can discover this truth. Hence we try to remove the veil of ignorance and life is your test.

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 32

“Innumerable sacrifices lie spread out before BRAHMAN, know them all as born of action, and thus knowing , you shall be liberated”.

All 12 yajnas prescribed are different but the goal is the same. The beauty of our sanathana dharma, way of life or religion is very futuristic; it applies to every yuga and generation.

We believe that the goal may be to attain liberation, but every individual is born with certain qualities and temperament; each of us need different roads to evolve and Lord Krishna expounds different paths for you to attain him.

Every action is born out of desire, we cannot misunderstand the yajnas to be your goal; it is a road to shed the load of your ego and the burden of the past. Understanding or awareness is not a mere intellectual apprehension but a spiritual comprehension.

Purusharthas will be pursued by you regardless as you carry that energy when you are born. Efforts will be made by you without prompting as your soul knows the desire you made. What are you in the process?

Example — we play with toys and imagine the characters and attributes; the toys do not have any choice; they are moved by you as per their temperament you have attributed. If suddenly the toy starts identifying itself with the role given to it; there is disaster as the toy is living in a world of illusion that does not exist and suffers.

The above is the truth of life for us. All yajnas or practices are done to realise this factor alone and nothing more.

DESIRE that gets formed in the mind is natural like the flower bud that has to bloom. Flower that is bloomed does not have expectation of going only to the feet of the Lord. It can whither away alone, it can be crushed for perfumes, it can adorn somebody ‘s hair. NATURAL LAW applies to human beings too. You are aware of the the desire and its result that is not time bound, expectations from that attachment makes us restless, anxious and competetive. They are beyond your control as the design of destiny is done by your desire. Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving.org

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 31

“The eaters of the nectar — the remnant of the sacrifice — go to the eternal BRAHMAN . This world is not for the non performer of sacrifice ; how then the other world, O best of the Kurus?

EATING THE SACRIFICE REMNANT OF THE YAJNA is the ancient ritualism of fire sacrifices, things that were left over in the pot from which the offerings were made. This is eaten by the devotees with respect and reverence so the mind gets purified.

This is a metaphor and we need to relate to our living world. All sacrifices or yajnas mentioned are for self integration and inner poise that leads to intense meditation. SACRIFICE OR OFFERING are very symbolic that indicates constant effort with the right attitude towards life. Nothing external belongs to you, not even your body and memories ; it is your action, attitude and acceptance of your life as a prasadam that keeps your mind at peace.

Sacrificial materials are symbolic too, it is how you accept gracefully the happenings in your life and sacrifice pain and sorrow in to the pit of yajna so you come out totally purified.

Example — People set out to perform good charitable actions without the purification of the mind or the clarity, it takes them to the path of arrogance and expect glorification. Fighting the war for Jan kalyan is different from self motivated grudge.

LORD says — O Arjuna your action is performed as a yajna a sacrifice that will elevate you to the divine domain; fear not the consequences of your action when it is SELFLESS.

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 30

“Others, with well-regulated diet, offer vital airs in the vital air. All these are knowers of sacrifice, whose sins are destroyed by sacrifice.”

Kindly read the previous session to understand this one better.

The ancient rishis knew the caloric and vitamin values of various food materials. They knew the scientific combinations that suits the temperaments, function and duties of people from all levels of the society.

Regulated diet reflects man s character and behaviour ; his cultural quality and purifies his body and mind. Knowers of Yajna should practice it with dedication and selfless enthusiasm. Gita uses the word purification of sins — For Hindus it is a wrong pattern of thought channels that is entertained by a deluded EGO. It is these sinful vasanas that make people commit lowest criminal action. Today we pay a fortune to learn the art of eating the right food that our rishis practiced all along.

Meditation is the path in which the ego learns to withdraw its false evaluations, and comes to experience it’s own divine nature. Arjuna gets enlightened of the fact that all ” Paths” are noble and great however they are only means and not an end in themselves.

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 29

“Others offer as sacrifice the out-going breath in the in- coming and vice versa, restraining the courses of the out going and in- coming breaths, solely absorbed in the restraint of breath.”

We saw in the last session five different ways of offering or sacrifices to control the mind and senses. Yajna that helps us to burn the ignorance of man, and tear the veil of false perceptions.

This is a technique of pranayama called Puraka, meaning the process of breathing in and out also is a yajna as the person who practices learns to offer all the sub pranas in to the main Prana.

Sub prana — The activities that we indulge in gives out different patterns of breathing, For example — In anger your breathing gets faster, in sadness your breathing stumbles, in anxiety the breathing almost stops and so on. All these different breathing merges in to one main prana like the waves settle in the master ocean.

Prana is not just breath; it is manifested activities of life in a living body. Five different pranas are different physiological functions in every living body.

1 the function of perception

2 function of excretion

3 function of digestion and assimilation

4 the circulatory system

5 the capacity in a living creature to improve himself in his mental outlook and intellectual life.

These conscious activities of life within are brought under the perfect control through the process of Pranayama.

Pranayama is a physical cleansing and it does not liberate you. All the offerings have to be done only for personal cleansing and you have to feel the purity. Reading listening and meditating upon it induces mental cleansing; how many janmas one has to practice this to attain the state of freedom no one can gauge. Practices and yajnas have to be consistent with strong will and determination. In the sacrifice you offer all the negative perceptions and raise yourself from false living.

The above verse is beautifully rendered by Krishna, enjoy the rasa of bhakti

Divine Gita – Chapter 4 Verse 28

“Others again offer wealth, austerity and yoga as a sacrifice , while the ascetics of self restraint and rigid vows offer study of scriptures and knowledge as sactifice”.

Offering of wealth ( Dravya yajna) — Charity of honestly acquired wealth with a spirit of devotion and in the service of the community. This includes more that just money and food.

Dravya includes our world of emotions and ideas, natural urge to give, support people in need and this is called wealth sacrifice.

One does not have to be materially rich, even the poor , disabled people from bed can be charitable as the inner treasures of love, kindness and sympathy do not depend on wealth or physical condition. A word of kindness, smile of affection, maintaining true friendship not only to get benefits from that friend; enrich your life and neutralises your karma.

TAPO YAJNA — Some live a life of austerity, every religion prescribes this way. This is more for the devotees self control with the spirit of dedication. Lord of compassion who feeds and sustains does not feel joy on your self denial.

YOGA YAJNA– This is an attempt of the gross in us to grow into a better level of realising the divine within is called YOGA. UPASANA is important for this path, it is an offering without any desire or motive ; feel the silence.

SWADHYAYA YAJNA — The study of scriptures as a daily practice for yourself. Without the study of our ancient scriptures, we will not know the logic of our existence. Many questions will haunt you, so you give up the pursuit. Even after self realisation, the sages spend time reading and contemplating on the wealth of scriptures.

It helps us to know our weaknesses and gives you a technique to overcome the obstacle

JNANA YAGNA– The sacrifice of knowledge. This is an activity where man renounces all his ignorance into the fire of knowledge kindled in him. As we pray and pursue all the simple yajnas, there is a divine energy that springs from within, one has to sacrifice ignorance like ego, likes and dislikes, jealousy, evil thoughts in to that fire of wisdom. 1 Negation of the false 2 Assertion of your real self ; have to be effectively done during meditation.

All these five methods of self development are sure ways to raise your level of evolution. However consistent and sincere practices are important

Thoughts to Ponder

Deep sense of likes and dislikes does not come from the object you see, it is our inner feeling of inadequacy that mind picks up and communicates to your ego. There is nothing in the world that gives you permanent happiness; so do not come under their sway. However one cannot run away from the material world that you have opted for. Knowledge gives you a road map to teach your goal of happiness. Man gets swayed by different emotions and snap ties with reality. What do we truly need to shed, is the ego that demands constant gratification for money fame and power. In the changing world with focus on media messages, there is always an urge to make yourself heard, this induces anxiety, opinionated views and arguments that lead us to darkness. Such gratification causes more demands on the mind and ego. VV lifenliving.org

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 27

May 4, 2023

Lord Krishna speaks to Arjuna as a Guru who guides and leads the mind of the humans that can wander from the goal. We saw in our previous sessions how an offering or an obulation is done so the fire of knowledge is kindled in us to burn our ignorance.

“Others again sacrifice all the functions of the senses and the functions of the breath (vital energy) in the fire of the yoga of self restraint, kindled by knowledge”.

All the activities of the sense organs ( Jnana indriyas), and the organs of action ( prana indriyas) are offered in to the fire of knowledge. This purifies the mind and body that stays as a sharp instrument to destroy our ignorance and false illusions of life. EGO which is a mind product gets enlightened as it cannot be destroyed.

The path of discrimination ( Vichara) which is our subtle intellect helps us to know the limitation of the mind and the divine destinies of the spirit.

Example — we often say ” There is nothing in our hands , wisdom from within prompts you to speak at the helpless moment. How much do we really believe it and how much do we internalise our situation? We again come back to our world of ego and get affected by everything in the world. Ramblings of your perceptions and actions can be restrained and conquered by ATMA SAMYAMA, by being aware of your real SELF.

In desperation we run everywhere to find a solution for our misery or misfortune. Astrologers will give us the guidance of the star positions, temples will give you the energy to face reality, Swamijis can show you gyan marg but no one can change your mental blocks.

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 26

“Some again offer hearing and other senses as sacrifice in the fires of restraint ; others offer sound and other objects of sense as sacrifice in the fires of the senses.”

We saw in the previous session an elaborate view of Deva yajna and Brahma yajna as sacrifices in the fire of self. These ways are meant to remove the sorrow of man and make him realise the equanimity in existence.

The metaphor used here of offering is a familiar ritualism known in that era. Obulations offered in vedic rituals into the sacred fire to invoke the blessings of the deity. Offering of the materials is no different from sacrificing the senses that build up through the external stimuli. World outside you has multiple issues that you hear , offer it in the fire of knowledge that will burn negative things and keep your SELF pure and clean

There is great freedom and joy in the inner life of man. More you try to satisfy the sense organs the more chaotic it gets ; by introspection and self restraint all sense organs can be can be controlled.

Sound is the main obstacle to progress if it is not monitored. Noise pollution, disturbing modern techno music that shatters your nerves, abusive language that is used with so much ease pollute the sense organs and create anxiety.

Mind is maintained by the sense objects perceived by the organs. Mind is only collection of thoughts so it depends on the quality of thoughts that determins your happiness or unhappiness. Lord says ” mind control is not possible directly, sacrificing the existing impurities in to fire of SELF may release you from future accumulation of junk in your mind”. Improve the level of perception through yajna I have mentioned says Lord Krishna.

Context of Arjuna — He has to perceive kurkshetra as a battle for justice and not his personal fight against his relatives.

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 25

“Some yogis perform sacrifice to Devas alone ( Deva yajna) ; while others offer ‘ sacrifice’ as sacrifice by the self , in the fire of BRAHMAN (Brahma yajna)”

A yogi is one who tries to raise himself from physical and mental imperfections to a more perfect state of existence. Yogi transforms every action of his to the state of sublimation.

DEVA means illumination. The greatest Devas are the five sense organs. Eyes that illuminates forms and colours, ears for sounds, nose for smells, tongue and skin illuminating tastes and touches. Yogis perceive it all , but for them it is a mere world of objects. They invoke the source of these perceptions and offer it in the yajna of life. They do not get attached to these objects.

Brahma yajna — The yogis ” offer the SELF as a sacrifice by the SELF in the fire of the SELF”. As long as you have the body and mind, these external objects exist and they do give us joy and sorrow not by itself but it is a result of our healthy or unhealthy attitude towards it. Objects do not have life.

Perfect masters understand that the sense organs are mere instruments of perception, they work only when in contact with the supreme the ATHMAN. Seekers and yogis use the instrument called body and mind as a sacrificial material where they perform actions with the awareness. They are not a slave to their attachments and possessions.

Example — Significance of body and mind is seen after death. No one keeps the body once the soul leaves as all perceptions are lost and forgotten. Most of the time the body is not even addressed by the name identification. Knowledgable people engage themselves in the service of the society to purify the body and mind. Ego centric actions pollutes heart and mind. Lord Krishna speaks more methods of yajna in the following verses.

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 24

“BRAHMAN is the obulations; Brahman is the clarified butter , constituting the offering; by Brhaman is the Oblation poured into the fire of Brahman; Bhrahman shall be reached by him who always sees Brahman in all actions.”
Why do we not see the expected result of our action? Where does it dissolve? If the result is not meant for me , then why do I act?

This is the philosophic content of Vedanta. The infinite reality which is the changeless substrstum behind every changing panorama of the world , is indicated by the verdict term as Bhraman. Example — gold ornaments. Gold that pervaded the ornament does not change its identity , it is the base of every form. Similarly the entire creation has different form and modules but the essence of their existence is ONE and that is Bhraman and Athma.

Sun rays do not discriminate , it falls on the earth everyday; that is Bhraman, how we receive the infinite truth depends on our wisdom. Example – if I shut my doors and windows, I do not experience sunlight, that does not mean the sun does not exist.

Yagna — Truth is the ultimate, one can be blinded by several mental illusions , truth takes out the veil of ignorance. Performer, performing, materials, sacred fire are all one and cannot exist without on it’s own. Example– waves may seem to jump but has to merge with the ocean. One has to see the source of all existence ; this way man can raise himself to higher goals and perfection.

Lord Krishna explains further — all our actions have to be converted in to yagna, right bhavna makes every act an offering. This is the truth, but man often wanders from this and thinks he is in control of his life and he is the creator and the destroyer. Such ignorance put him in deep ocean of sorrow. Arjuna stands spell bound as it is hitting his ego as a Prince.
Nature of HAPPINESS?

If man thinks that his happiness is due to external cause and his possessions, it is reasonable to conclude that his happiness must increase along with his accumalation ( wealth, relationships, friends, likes on FB). Does this happen? His stress and anxiety of losing increases. Example — In deep sleep man has no possession, no ego identification; he is very happy without the mind functioning. HAPPINESS is inherent in man, and he lives in denial of this truth. Life mission — Realize the store of unalloyed happiness. Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving.org

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 23

“Of one who is devoid of attachment, who is liberated, whose mind is established in knowledge who acts for the sake of sacrifice, all his actions are dissolved”.

One needs to go through the previous sessions to feel the continuity. We talked about staying in perfect equilibrium in success and failure as the cycle of life takes its turn according to the cause we make for the effect to manifest.

Devoid of attachment — (gatasangha) It is not about renunciation, it is a rediscovery of the perfection that exists in each one of us. We often stay imprisoned in the world of illusions and self imposed attachment and lose sight of wisdom and awareness that exists within us.

Why do you need to understand all this?

There is always a time in our lives where are exhausted of experiencing same emotions, times where our desires are not fulfilled, our expectations are high, there is anger and unhappiness; what do we do?

People jump from one distraction to the other, this does not solve the problem. It is a matter of understanding your relationship with the world.

Liberated — (Muktah)– Bondage created by us, compulsive obsessive disorders, feeding the ego, clinging to objects of desire and become a slave to the world of emotions and destroy our very being.

Liberation is from your binding desires and not from the objects. ” you can carry the mind to the jungle and suffer, or you can be free of your mind in the world of chaos.”

Knowledge is like the tanpura in a music concert. When we go out of tune in life, tanpura brings you back on rhythmic track. If we seek harmony and peace it is important to stay in tune with knowledge ( wisdom of life). All actions and results are offered in the Yagna, the celebration of life so no impressions stay in the mind to haunt you. Question — why should the action dissolve? Why can I not enjoy the result of my action? Will be answered tomorrow!

Divine Gita Chapter 4 Verse 22

April 17, 2023

“Content with what comes to him without effort, free from the pairs of opposites and envy, even minded in success and failure , though acting, he is not bound”

Pairs of opposites — heat and cold, success and failure, good and bad, joy and sorrow are the interpretations of the world of objects by the mind. We get agitated due to the pulls of success and failure, in the world of TECHNOLOGY , it gets worse as there is a constant demand on your ego to be competitive. The world is getting fake and wearing a mask of what they are not ; so when you keep up with false identification , it is lot of effort and causes stress.

Mind perceptions are fine , worldly objects and relationships are meaningful as long as it is not hurting you, not becomes a block to your progress. We waste so much energy in calculating every action ; instead allow yourself to progress and learn to liberate from the mind that is constantly fluctuating.

Moon represents mind that goes fades every 15 days, it is not constant; SUN represents the soul that is ever shining. The darkness of ignorance puts the soul in veil, our life journey is to realise the light of the SOUL that is ever bright.

Such wise people live in the midst of the crowd, carves out a more complete and enduring success and stays as a karma yogi rolling in happiness. He knows the art of living, he desires, enjoys everything in the world but does not bind him. So material world is not to be renounced , it is your attitude to the world has to change for your happiness.

Divine Gita Chapter 4 Verse 21

“Without craving, with the mind, self controlled, having abandoned all possessions, doing bodily action , he incurs no sin.”

Reaction to action happens in the mental and intellectual zone. Action leaves a mark on the soul, only when we act with ego centric consciousness, and strongly motivated by cravings and greed.

When we talk of the ‘ Possesions’ , it is not about renouncing it; the binding desire and slavery to possessions cause the pain and sorrow. Illusory concept of ego makes people act in a certain way that brings unhappiness. One has to be aware that possessions are not yours forever, enjoy while you have it, extreme identification with it will cause distress.

Creator has very sensibly given us every equipment in the body to live happily, he has given us the mind or intellect to be able to discriminate, how do we use the mind is entirely on your wisdom.

Example – Musician has a violin, it is crafted perfectly; what music the violinist is able to play depends on him and he has to have knowledge of the instrument.

An egoless man of perfection is the wonder instrument and the Divine orchestra plays peaceful notes. Cravings and greed bring stress and anxiety as it is God s way of saying ‘ you will get what you deserve (through karma), not what you desire’. So relax and enjoy the world go by and be part of it on your terms.

Divine Gita Chapter 4, Verse 20

“Having abandoned attachment to the fruits of action, ever content , depending on nothing, he does not do anything, though engaged in action.”

This verse may seem very difficult to understand or practice ; however let us see the reality of these words.

Result or the fruits of actions are not to be renounced or ignored, we are warned to give up mental slavery and intellectual clinging to the results of actions as the energy gets depleted and our actions are not efficient. Example in today s world — There is more of shifting and quitting jobs, instant gratification, false anxiety on quick results; we often see lack of commitement, and quality of work and action.

‘Contentment ‘ is a dynamic flow of action in reality as it is not to be taken as a passive reaction to your achievements. It is a positive feeling that needs to be experienced with a sense of gratitude until you experience the next wave of action. CONTENTMENT is a beautiful sense of success and happiness. If you are feeding the demands of your ego, then there is always agony and craving for things in the world.

DEPENDANCE on anyone or any object causes pain as no one can fill the content of your desires. One cannot depend on others who are equally suffering from ego centric diseases. Are we to live in an isolated island?

No not at all. The helping hand comes to you from your karma and people who are meant to support you. NETWORKING efforts made by man is very superficial, unfortunately everyone wants to be seen with the hope that they can get help from the group. It not work that way so we break relationships that are motivated.

Network of the universal energy works on us with mercy if you deserve to achieve your goals.

The body mind and intellect act in the world of objects, but not the All pervading Self. The train may move but it is a fallacy to say that steam is moving.

Our collective karma we think is in our control is really beyond our mental perception. Mam made net work is with the agenda to get help and support without any relationship compassion, it may work or may not ; creator s plan on the debit and credit of your karma alone works. So what I mean is do not stress and create sorrow and anxiety. God made net work is not known to us but it works at the right time.

Q2 Everyone s action is being watched and judged by us at all times. If it is related to you, it affects you. Example we wonder why do people suddenly move away from our lives when nothing has really happened? The net work is over and we keep wondering on their action. Emotional dependency is very normal in relationships hence Lord says ” try to understand the pain and sorrow comes from expectation of results of action and dependency on people and material world.

It only means “surrender to the will of God” which is difficult in this ego centric world.

Anxiety itself is an illusion. It is a mind creation , things will happen at the right time and place whether you are anxious or not

Divine Gita Chapter 4 Verse 19

“Whose undertaking are all devoid of desires and purposes, and whose actions have been burnt by the fire of knowledge , him the ‘ wise call a SAGE”

Action as we have seen, is a gross expression in the outer world of known and unknown deep desire in the intellect. We also saw that Lord insists on the motive of every action rather that the external activity. Every action in general gives immense stress and anxiety ; such an action causes karma. ( from the previous verse)

Man in today s world is lonely and want to be in a crowd, to get recharged in the so called high energy music with intoxicants as there is no depth and honesty in relationships. There is always an agenda in every connect and friends, so there is no emotion of compassion felt. They have no anchor in life, so life feels messed up and confused.

Any desire for results during any activity dissipates our energies. People when they work or engaged in activity particularly in a place of work, calculated his action according to the payment. This is a total disrespect to oneself, expected result will follow your actions as per your destiny; living in fear and anxiety will destroy the quality of your work. Being a slave to people to get favours and losing one s esteem brings down the confidence with time. You will lose your identity and respect for yourself.

What should be the mental attitude and intellectual composure while engaging in activity? Example When you wish to make your son a doctor, you do explain the struggle and hard work that is needed to attain the goal. Same way Arjuna is initiated in to the path of self development if he has to get over his grief. The knowledge of life has to be the fuel for living. One has to recharge the depleted organs and the mind energy to live a life in happiness. So you work, enjoy, be happy while living your life.

Thoughts to Ponder

Time keeps moving like the river flows through obstacles like stones, rocks, trees ; life has to flow with time that brings sorrow, happiness, war, peace, love hate and many difficult situations. Moments pass through life that changes colours. We get affected at every passing of incident, hence life seems so complicated and difficult.

In Kaliyuga, people do not understand by reading or listening; they learn only by suffering. The individual EGO is strong, with Google informations and many people claiming to be spiritual gurus; there is no value for the scriptures and the process of cleansing. ONLY YOU CAN COMMAND YOURSELF AND CLEANSE YOURSELF. Man creates from nature but he does not know the art of self control and preservation. YUGA S goal— Fame and Money.

As long as EGO is exalted, one cannot learn anything, they can only hear their own voices. Hence introspection– shravanam and mananam is important to help us know our imperfections. What is hampering us? Satsang is a good place to cleanse as there is sharing of thoughts of like minded people. Reading puranas help as it touches our soul, that will open up your real SELF. What is needed is sincerity and honesty in action.

Gita is derived from upanishads but presented to suit the time.

I can confidently say my interpretation of vedanta and Gita is futuristic; that is the beauty of our ancient scriptures. It is a timeless reality

Divine Song Chapter 4 Verse 18

“He who recognises inaction in action and action in inaction is wise among men ; he is a YOGI and a true performer of all actions. ”

Action as we have seen, is a gross expression in the outer world of known and unknown deep desire in the intellect. We also saw that Lord insists on the motive of every action rather that the external activity. Every action in general gives immense stress and anxiety ; such an action causes karma.

There has to be an inaction in the mind as in your understanding and wisdom should keep you away from stress in action. Such people reach a state of equanimity. This is meditation. There is devotion behind every action. Example – we compare artists of the ancient times to today; something is missing, what is it? It is the devotion that makes the artist disappear and makes art immortal.

Inaction does not mean a person is not acting; he is a creative thinker. Buddha under the tree, musician, writer live in still moments. Mind and intellect function in high velocity, such introspection detect perfect action in inaction.

Intelligent philosophic mind can detach itself from activities even when it is engaged in the outer world. As I am writing this I can visualise myself and the words pouring in without my effort. Example – The train runs, but not the steam, fan moves, not the electricity, fuel burns but not the fire. The body mind and intellect function and act, but not the SELF. He is known as BUDDHIMAAN!

Knowing the nature of the desire, function of karma, one has to perform action with dedication and devotion and get purified in the process. Observe yourself as an actor on stage, one cannot be playing the role forever; snap out of it and come back to your SELF.

Lord Krishna manifested himself in different places at different times. He adorned himself everyday in colourful silks, he played in vrindavan, he was tied to the stone by his mother, he was insulted in Hastinapur, he stood as a charioteer, as a Guru and showed his Vishwaroopa darshana to Arjuna. He stayed untouched by all of these and stood as an example of life and living to all generations.

Life is full of surprises, we cannot get swayed and disturbed; it is what it is.

Divine Gita Chapter 4 Verse 17

“True nature of right action should be known; also that of forbidden action (unlawful) and of inaction ; imponderable is the nature of action”

What does this really mean? ACTION is inevitable as our minds are governed by desires and motives. Life has to be like the flowing water, it is dynamic, stagnant water gets impure. Hence the quality of the action has to be take care of and need analysis to protect yourself from deterioration.

Destiny, karma, desire, floppy that holds past karmas, nithya karma and there are many more to be handled. In Kali yuga, the interpretation has to be different. Everyone wants benefit, profit and ‘ fayda’ for every action ; hence they suffer. Constructive and creative activities of self development will bring in your desired results.

Karma package is sent along with you when you take your life; no change in that at all. However being a human being your intellect should guide you towards right action with your self development as your goal. Karma of getting material things, fame and power is already there in your package. The only thing you have in your hands is the motive behind your action, a real road to success and happiness.


Divine Gita Chapter 5 Verse 16

“What is action? What is inaction? As to this even the ‘ wise’ are deluded. Therefore , I shall teach you ‘ action’ I mean the nature of action and inaction; knowing which, you shall be liberated from the evil of SAMSARA- the wheel of birth and death.)”

The common understanding of the word action is reacting to the outer world on impulse, inaction means no vigour to act on anything.

Philosophic understanding is an action by itself does not have any quality, it is the motive behind the action that determines your personality. Seemingly good action may be low and vicious; such actions indicate bad karma.

Action in life is inevitable, that is why we are born. Life is dynamic, as a stagnant pool gets impure, our inaction in the physical sense is the same. Periods of activity depends on what action are you venturing upon. Constructive activity- Nithya karma, Naimittika karma, Kamya karma and they take you forward to self development.

Example — Most achievers in life cannot handle their lives when the action slips away due to age or time. They get bitter, sad, rude and destructive. What use of such achievement or action? Action with awareness and right attitude is the key to happiness and progress. We often find people who are busy also is sad, those who are idle are even worse. WHAT IS MISSING? It is the motive that is not clear, understanding the fact that everything in life has a beginning and end; nothing stays permanent.

Example – WHOM ARE YOU ACTING FOR? If it is for the public adulation alone, then you will be sad for ever. Public memory is very short and they have no value for your creative work. If you want personal satisfaction even then there is an end, if you are proud of your talent, that creates turbulence in your mind.

Hence no one knows what they want out of life and action. Why should there be no INACTION? Lord Krishna promises Arjuna and us that he will elaborate on the right action that can save one from all EVILS.

Divine Gita Chapter 4 Verse 15

“Having known this, the ancient seekers after freedom also performed action; therefore you too perform action, as did the ancients in the olden times.”

Lord is speaking on how to life your life on the earth. He says ‘ after knowing that I have no longing for the fruits of action, realising self-hood there is no desire or egoistic vanities “. He was a true karma yogi,

Example – Can we change any situation that happens in life? Do I even have control over my mind and body? I can only deal with diseases that attack my body, I can accept situations gracefully and change it to my advantage. Where is the fruits of your action? My ego that has been groomed and nurtured will not accept anything and push me to suffer mentally and physically. We pass on the blame to others, condemn God but verbally acknowledge HIM.

Karma yoga is not about performing duties, or embracing your work or family; it is the attitude you adopt to live your life with an understanding. ????

Divine Gita chapter 4 ,verse 14

March 23, 2023

“Actions do not taint ME, nor have I any desire for the fruits of actions. HE who knows me is not bound by his action.”

Lord is slowly unfolding his swaroopa and says he has nothing to do with cause and effect of actions as Krishna as he has taken that form out of his own will and he is not affected by anyone or any action.

He neutralizes the karma of the humans as and when he needs to protect dharma. He hammers the EGO and arrogance of even saintly humans who lose their sense of direction. Example Everyone from Hastinapur royalty was shown their place, Duryodhan was visibly adharmic, what about Bishma, Dronacharya and even Ghandhari? Bhishma on the bed of arrows, Dhrona lamenting his son s death, Gandhari lost everything.

Pandavas who gambled had to pay a price of living in the forest. There is no escape from the what you have sown as a seed, it has to grow to destroy you.

Lord Krishna says “what really disturbs humans is the anxiety for the fruits of action. Your thoughts that is filled with moha, over a period of time taints the soul or the spirit. Your body is subject to destruction so whatever you desire taints the subtle body. Example — The Sun reflected in the bowl of water, is dependent on the condition of the water. Reflected Sun seems shaky when you disturb the bowl and gets dull when it gets muddy. Sun still is pure like the soul but our finite body and objects defuses the energy of the soul trapped in the body. Lord is infinite with a body created of his own will so he is not affected by delusory disturbances of reflections.

Divine Gita chapter 4 , verse 13

“The four fold caste temperament has been created by ME according to the differentiation of GUNA and KARMA ; though I am the author, know ME as non doer and immutable.”

The priorities in life give you the natural temperament I mean your gunas or nature. In the cycle of birth no one can escape temperaments dominating their actions I mean karma.
I ended last session with these words. This verse is misused in recent times as caste system. VARNA means different shades of texture and colour; Man is essentially the thoughts he entertains. It is very visible in his body language, speech and his comments.

For example — Just as we divide our profession into doctors, advocates, traders, politicians, carpenters and many other jobs; so also the karma and the nature of thoughts give you temperaments that should complement professions. Veda Vyasa says ” By the differentiation of the mental quality and physical action, they settle in their jobs.

Bhramin is not by birth, through his action he becomes a Bhramana. He is known to have good intentions, noble thoughts and saatwik by nature. A sudra governed by tamasic nature, wants to satisfy his basic animal passions and low endeavours has his temperament suitable for his job.

Krishna when he says I am the author of everything, just means that the ocean could say that he is the author of waves, ripples, foam, bubbles; GOLD can say it is the source of all ornaments.

However the infinite cannot participate in this cycle of action, HE is NIRGUNA. Ocean cannot control the number of waves that rise yet their origin is OCEAN. All five elements of nature seem so different yet they become the cause of your existence, they complement each other. The varnas are natural and it comes from your karma, some have to impart knowledge, some have to wage wars, some have trade, some have to do basic cleaning jobs. No one is superior, your thoughts make you what you are and what you are going to be in future.

Humans have to learn that the varnas or different castes are not to feel superior or inferior, temperaments find its place of work and passion. We have to complement each other by sharing our expertise so the society can flourish.

Thoughts to ponder

All of us wonder on people s unwanted opinions and judgments; why do they get after others? Human beings are like mosquitos, they keep humming around you till they suck the blood, if they cannot do it, they keep criticising and hurting. Nature of people in Kali yuga. Mosquito curtain is the kavach of Bhakti that you wrap around you and stay happy.

Some people demand importance and respect so they go to the level of splitting relationships, using situations to their advantage; little they realise that karma has it’s own plan and such manipulative behaviour will back fire on them. Be with everyone only as a giver, as you have nothing to take from others; it comes to you according to your destiny, this helps you maintain distance from every relationship from family to friends.

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse verse 12

“They who long for satisfaction from actions in this world, make sacrifices to the representations of Gods ; because satisfaction is quickly obtained from actions in the world of objects.”

Lord Krishna is answering the question we all raised in last session. ” If people know the divine pursuit will give them happiness, then why are they not seeking it?”

He answers with do much swiftness; MIND will pursue the life external or internal according to the capacity and capabilities of the ATMAN. Mind will only chase external sensual instant gratification as it is easy and stimulates laziness. Most of us inspite of our best efforts, live a life of animal passion. Why? Success coming out of such action is faster. Spiritual strength gets wasted along with thought produced energy, as we know everyone has the divine energy. What are we doing to recharge the Soul?

For example– entertainment for human beings. Man misuses the power of technology by wasting time on phones and TV sets. He does not need human interaction, as it is difficult and have to make an effort and create a mind set of care and trust. How easy it is to spend time in pubs where you find repeated tunes called techno music in the name of energy booster? How easy it is to stay without knowing there is a world outside the phone?

These pleasures are fleeting in nature hence it becomes an addiction. CAN WE SAY ALL SOULS ARE THE SAME?

Soul energy is the same but we all are in different levels; depending on our priorities in life. In this crazy world if you are able to give time to realise your divine self here, your soul has the potential.

The priorities in life give you the natural temperament I mean your gunas or nature. In the cycle of birth no one can escape temperaments dominating their actions I mean karma. ????

Divine Gita chapter 4 , verse 11

“In whatever way men approach Me, even so do I reward them ; My path do men tread in all ways, O son of Partha.

Lord Krishna reveals his real self as the ultimate source of energy. He is not touched by opposite emotions like attachment and aversion

HE is the dynamic energy and he passes through us every minute. We are given the body as an instrument to use it rightly to achieve our goals. If we rightly invoke and carefully use the equipment we are hand held by HIM to reach your destination. Misuse of the instrument can become the cause of our disaster.

For example people often say ” what have I done in my life that I deserve such misery? Why me? God is blind, he is not following his duties and so on.” We forget the evil thoughts we hold in our hearts, the indifference to justice, over praising people you dislike, cruelty to the labour class ; and still want the best in life ! This does not mean all those who suffer have done the above, we are bound by time and space; we do not know our past.

Lord says I have given the same power and energy to everyone, so whatever form they invoke me I shall come and serve them. What a beautiful divine concept. Example — Electric plug in the house can be made use to connect any gadget ; they are not partial, it all depends on how and what you are using. Eternal force of life can be invoked and HE can come in any form you desire.


Divine Gita chapter 4, verse 10

“Freed from attachment, fear and anger, absorbed in ME, taking refuge in ME, purified by the fire of knowledge, many have attained My Being”.

Lord speaks of ” Path of self developement” and the final goal to be reached by every soul. Sanathana Dharma talks only about antakarana suddhi ( purification of the mind) before you seek the path of spiritual knowledge. What is it?

Once you realise the futility of attachment to things, people, money, fame and power; you withdraw in to mental silence. However the ripples in the ocean of mind create turbulence but you know the art of silencing the disturbance. Mission of self perfection should become a passion. He alone becomes fit for the study of BHRAMA VIDHYA ( Upanishads)

The opposite emotions that your mind experiences of love and hate, fear and anger, cannot allow you to assimilate any knowledge. It will drag you to sorrow and suffering. There are 3 ways one can reach some perfection. The only practicing ancient religion gives different paths to different temperaments. Example – Some identify themselves with their bodies, others live in mental zone that is confused, few are rational personalities. All these varied personalities cannot follow same prescription or medicines to purify their minds.

1 the study of the scriptures at the feet of the master
2 independent analysis of VEDANTIC truths by oneself and practice in real life.
3 seekers slow and steady attempt at balancing himself in single pointed meditation.

All these are possible only if you prepare your mind by shedding illusions of the world, realising your existence in the world that is impermanent, not giving importance to opposite emotions, not deviating from your study of scriptures.

In Kali yuga, people make everything in to a commercial venture especially spirituality. Meditation has to happen on it’s own when you understand all the above???? mentioned practices. Time set for each of us is different, we make the effort to reach the goal. Common question ” Do you think if I peruse spiritual knowledge, I will lose interest in life?

Your interest in life does not depend on the study, it only enhances your living; desires are determined by karma. You keep enjoying your life with an understanding so no opposite emotions touch you.

Divine Gita chapter 4 verse 9

“He who thus knows, in true light, My divine birth and action, having abandoned the body, he is not born again ; he comes to ME O Arjuna”.

Mahabarath happened in Dwapar yuga, man s mind was already filled with ego and caught in the web of attachment. However when Arjuna surrenders to Krishna as a student, it is the teacher’s obligation to lift him up from the suffering of his karma by providing the ancient wisdom.

After explaining the process of reincarnation in general, he talks about himself to his friend and a student Arjuna. In Kali Yuga, people are totally blinded by their ego, jealousy, and a futile act of superiority ; no student can surrender and listen to the teacher. For Example – when the Guru is explaining , the attitude of the student today is to show his knowledge; he will learn nothing, he will wander with his own ego and finally perish in ignorance.

In this verse the Lord talks about the supreme state of perfection. Repeated chanting of name of the Lord is as effective as meditating on the formless. Bhakti and Gyana cannot exist in isolation. Pure knowledge can make you agnostic, devotion and surrender will bring in humility and compassion needed for breaking the chain of rebirth.

Saints had sharp intellect and yogic vision to perceive the futility of rebirth; death never scared them as much as rebirth. When the Lord talks about “abandoning the body”, it is not abusing or neglecting the body ; it is how much value it adds for you to attain the state of happiness. We connect everything with the body today, caught in the social media, we focus more on body measurements, trainers, adornment etc but fail to groom our mind and recharge the soul.

Body is the medium to get your soul recharged just like money is needed for food and shelter. One has to know what they are consuming and how they live to keep the body in tact. However money cannot be over valued , it is a medium and it comes to you according to your karma.

Divine GITA chapter 4 verse 8

“For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the wicked and for establishing righteousness, I am born in every age.”

“Parithranaya sadhunam vinashaya cha dushkrutam

Dharmasansthapanaya sambavami yuge yuge”

The modern mind questions ” Look at those people enjoying life after being unethical and sinful, why are the good people suffering?”

Very common question. We have discussed on theory of karma in Vedanta and Gita many times. If all of that knowledge is logical ; everyone comes with the balance sheet of good and bad karmas. Their good karmas have to be exhausted first for them to face the bad time. Our own political scene today is an example.

Pandavas and kauravas had to fight the war of dharma; to finish the evil karma of many. There is no escape from facing the consequences. Lord Krishna talks about his desireless state, from the infinite womb, cannot have any form unless there is an intention to serve mankind. The most divine desire is a selfless thirst to serve the world.

The word destruction is not annihilation, it is crushing the ego in individuals. Prophets keep appearing on the earth unidentified or they conceal their true self do people do not corrupt them. Swamijis today have become greater sansaris than us, as the followers drag them and make the Gods.

The main point here for example- There cannot be any electrical gadgets working unless powered by the a source of energy. The source does not differentiate, it operates through effective gadgets. You throw away the old and worn out ones and replace it with new. Divine stays only in pure, positive and compassionate heart.

One kalpa is certain trillion years with sathya yuga treta yuga Dwapar yuga and Kali yuga. This is not divided by the creator but our karma and mind turns the key and we go towards destruction the great deluge as we call in the Vedas. The pancha bootas are still until the mighty energy moves and starts manifesting itself all over again.

Divine GITA chapter 4 verse 7

“Whenever there is a decay of righteousness, O Bharata, and a need to establish dharma, then I manifest myself”. (This is the most popular verse)

This is a clear indication that all species are subject to change and deterioration as they are only a particle in this universal expanse. However the Lord has to hold the responsibility to protect goodness and those who have surrendered to him. For Example Draupathi s call, Prahalad s call to Narayana, Gajendra s cry to the Lord, in the present times — Narayana Battathri in Guruvayur, Ragavedra Swami, Ramakrishna, Ramana and the list is endless.
When the human mind gets filled with greed, and lust; there is conflict and binding desires that force him to do unlawful and adharmic actions. For Example- you may ask ” why cannot the righteous people protect themselves with their positive energy”? The saatwic and good humans cannot stoop to the level of rakshasas. In today s world there is a rakshasa hidden in every human being in the form of jealousy, greed, competetion, big fat EGO ; it is hard to identify. Hence HE has to arrive in every yuga as per the need of the time.

He is taking upon himself to save faith and dharma. Religion is man made, we are talking about the cosmic plan, where every human is equal in spirituality. The means and the prophets may be different.

What desire does HE have to descend, what is his package of karma?

The very desire to redeem mankind and a strong call of the devotee makes him adorn the matter. Here Arjuna has not accepted HIM as anything more divine than himself. There is a child like simplicity when he accepts him as a teacher. Guru sishya connect is important to embrace Bhrama Vidhya.

Darwin’s theory is limited in perception as the human life did not necessarily evolve from lower animals. There are 84 lakhs of different species on the earth that came from the natural manifestation of the supreme energy. Vedas have been factual in this — How do we control so many species on the earth. Universe created a system. As you sow, so shall you reap which means your karma decides your form. If our actions are beastly, you deserve to take that form to enjoy what you have sown.

Who can perform actions using self will? MAN alone has the power to do it. Here Darwin s theory fails. Man can also take the life of lower species if he so deserves. For Example– King Gajendra who took the form of an elephant. There was a saint in the purana who desired for mangoes so intensely but could not get one and that was lurking in his mind at the time of death. He fulfilled it by becoming a worm inside a mango and lived for 15 days.
So evolution happens through karma.

HOW do animals evolve? They have no karma as they have no intellect, no memory, they have an in built system that is natural and they do not challenge it. They evolve naturally, it is a process. Human form co existed with lower forms and plant kingdom.

Does that mean if you come as an animal it means it could be your last birth as you have fulfilled all your karmic obligations? As they have no karma.. Just wondering?

Just as humans can turn in to animals, they come to the natural cycle of humans. For Example There was a time there were more animals and less humans, people naturally hunted them down for various purpose; now the animals are less, insects and Bacteria have increased because there are less animals to eat them. JEEVAN JEEVANASYA BHOJANAM. We as humans are still killing the animals. Hence there is an imbalance and unknown diseases. This is off the track. However the cycle keeps moving from humans to animals and vice versa. Recycling of birth and death.

Divine GITA chapter 4 verse 6

“Though I am unborn and am of unperishable nature, though I am the Lord of all beings, yet , ruling over my own nature, I take birth by my own MAYA.”

It is one of Krishna s daring statement that puts him beyond the role of a charioteer. He demonstrates free will, takes the conditioning of matter, and manifests himself in the world to serve deluded generations. His ” ignorance is a garb for the drama and he is aware of it.

He is conscious of his divine self but under plays himself to keep his contact with the devotees as a friend, husband, lover, child, teacher and many more. Common man wonders how can he do his raas lila and kill the evil manifestations, why should he steal butter and play pranks in Gokul and get tied by Yadhodha to a stone? He was a simple cowherd boy, who enticed the world with his melody from the flute. Who is HE?

The real divine master will not want people to know his real self. His purpose is to teach and guide the generation towards the right path. He decides to come on the earth picking his own so called desires to redeem us. His MAYA is under his own control. For Example– the difference between a tenant and owner of the house. Owner has a free will to do what he wants with his property; the tenant has to be aware that he has to maintain and slog in the house yet it can never be his own. We carry the body as a tenant, Lord owns his own.

Why should he be bound by the karma on the earth? I will explain it tomorrow.

Divine GITA chapter 4 verse 5

March 17, 2023

The Lord speaks

“Many births of mine have passed as well as yours, O Arjuna ; I know them all but you know them not, O Paranthapa ( scorcher of the foes).”

Vyathethani janmaani (individual jivathma births)

Krishna starts answering Arjuna s doubts and also ours. Theory of incarnation ( Avatara) in the puranic literature is explained. It is connected with theory of karma; how is it possible that equally qualified professionals do not have the same luck? Where is the accountability of the action we do? Where will be Dharma be?

Darwin s theory of evolution also accents on rebirth however the western modern philosophy or the sematic religions have caused enough confusion. EACH BODY HAS A LONG STORY OF ITS EGO that carries the vasanas to the next life? Where will the energy of desires go? It is pure logic.

Lord Vishnu the energy embodiment is the preserver of your karmas, hence he alone takes avatars to redeem mankind and lead them to the path of righteousness. We in satsang today will not be discussing on dharma and right way of living if the almighty did not come in the human form. He is beyond all levels of consciousness of humans and his soul is aware of our balance sheet. He is omnipresent hence he taught the Sun God the Bhrama Vidhya and he is aware of it.

Divine GITA chapter 4 verse 4

ARJUNA said ” Later was your birth, and Visaavan (Sun) ; how am I to understand that you taught YOGA in the begining.”

Krishna in Mahabarath says that he taught this eternal truth to Lord Sun in the begining of creation. It is a natural doubt from Arjuna — Was nt Krishna the son of Devaki? How could he have adviced Sun when he is my contemporary.

Krishna took his form in Dwapar yuga, that does not mean he was never there before. Vishnu was the infinite like Shiva; Krishna is one such Avatara, we understand it through Vedic concept of creation.

Krishna takes upon himself the matter envolopements and plays the game of the immortal among the mortals. He is ever conscious of SELF but we are not.

There is a long autobiography of human ego that blinds the cycle of existence for a man. Krishna explains in the next verse about his nature and eternal existence.????

His Grace dawns upon us only when my thoughts and actions are devoid of cunningness and selfishness. HE comes to reside in pure hearts. Example — Would we like to enter a polluted house, or walk along the road that is filled with garbage? Our actions and above all thoughts have to be pure and ever smiling.????

Divine GITA chapter 4 verse 3

“That same ancient YOGA has been taught to you by ME, for you are my devotee and my friend. This is a supreme secret.”

A teacher, master or Guru can instruct only when he establishes a certain rapport with the students. It is a very profound statement of Krishna where he calls Arjuna his friend and a devotee.

Lord manifests himself in the human form to be with you as a friend, lover, child, father, mother or brother so you do not perceive him as any different from you. He allows you to take him for granted, such is his compassion. When he steals butter, or teases gopikas or bows down to humans; he wants to make you feel worthy and wish to satisfy your wishes. Such is the karuna of the almighty.

HE knows it all so he realises your true Bhakti, we do not need to demonstrate anything. We need to only hold him in our hearts while doing our duties.

The secrecy mentioned here indicates however wise or smart you are, you still may not know the existence of ATHMA without HIS Grace and a selfless Guru. This is beyond intellect. Science of truth is called ” SUPREME SECRET”.

To get his Grace our karmas should open the doors to receive his blessings.

He knows no difference in caste creed colour religion rich or poor; he goes by your thoughts and action.

Divine GITA chapter 4 verse 2

“This knowledge, handed down in regular succession, the royal sages were well aware. This YOGA, by lapse of time, has been lost here, O Paranthapa (burner of the foes).”

Vedic teachings regarding activity (Pravritti) and retirement ( Nivritti) were comprehended and passed down to generations who really seek and those who care destined to receive such knowledge. Time changes with the change of human mind, greed lust and materialism takes over life and the aura of the universe changes.

People suffer and groan under negative values. Untruth seems real and collection of such values create genetic disorder in all species. Hence we refer to change of yugas. Lord Krishna rightly evaluates the period of Mahabarath and declares ” This yuga, by long lapse of time, has lost the spiritual aura and has fallen in to the hands of weak who could not control their senses, hence fell in to the trap of conflict and suffering.”.

Creator never fails those who trust the divine, they are not left to suffer, great masters, teachers and prophets appear on the horizon to inspire, to encourage, and lead the generation from the ruts of sorrow in to the path of cultural revival.

Kali yuga is the extreme time and space of genetic mutilation, as the generation is totally derailed from real human values. Those who can dust out dirt from mind and liberate oneself to see the hidden divine escape from the clutches of Time change.

Divine GITA chapter 4 verse 1

Karma yoga is an intellectual theory given by Krishna to suit its time. Vedic science is the ultimate truth that has not been challenged till now and Krishna is a teacher and a spiritual guru who is expounding the ancient wisdom.
As I said earlier, the Lord is shedding his role in the sansar and adorning the aura of omnipotence. Krishna has a specific role of a charioteer in kurukshetra in his birth and yet he has to under play the real HIM so he does not shock people around him. Such is the compassion and humility of GOD. Divinity does not need validation or followers, they fulfil their purpose and shed their body on the earth.

However Arjuna is stubborn and unable to grapple with the situation. Lord has no option but to reveal himself to Arjuna.

Chapter 4″ Ending action in knowledge” ( How does knowledge help you end your delusion of action)


Lord says he imparted this knowledge of the Vedas to the SUN, later sun God conveyed it to his son MANU the ancient law giver. He declared it to IKSHAVAKU the solar dynasty that ruled over Ayodhya for a long period of time.

The word ‘ Veda ‘ comes from the root vid– to know, the knowledge of divinity lurking in man and the methodology of knowing that spirit. For Example- Just as the electricity is eternal, even before the scientists discovered it.!

You may not discover or you may forget the existence of the power, but the knowledge of the divine content and it’s possibilities in man are indeed eternal.

Sun is the source of energy accepted by modern science; hence all ancient civilizations worshipped sun God. In India, the time honoured traditions are handed down to generations by true masters as BRAHMA VIDHYA, we are fortunate indeed to be part of the study.
Man and 84 lakhs of species came along the way. Animals after their karmas are over get human life. Manu was the first law giver, who through his wisdom laid down certain disciplines of life. This happened naturally as man got the mind and memory so he can be distracted from the goal. Hence Manu laid laws for survival

Dear seekers it is a great blessing that we could share Karma yoga as explained by the Lord. This chapter is very unique as it is a teaching to suit Dwapar yuga as more people were involved in action and the rajo guna. In anticipation of Kali yuga, Lord Krishna explains in chapter 4 ” Ending of action in knowledge”.

This is yet another gem from Gyanam that teaches methods of dissolving actions. Bhagawath Gita has the ability to get transformed in to relevant knowledge in every era as it is based on human history and behaviour. It does not preach, has no self proclaimed rules, it gives you facts and TRUTH of life perceived and experienced by the saints and incarnations.

A secular science does not need faith or devotion, the teacher is only an instructor; here the teacher is morally responsible to take out the student from the veil of ignorance. The student has to have respect and reverence in order to seek and learn. Google information or mere chanting of the Gita will leave you in confusion as the EGO is not tamed by an able teacher.

Krishna is steadily taking Arjuna to the path of reality on his terms. Today we are still studying Gita to understand on our terms ; however the attitude of the teacher and the student cannot change if you wish to attain the divinity within you.

Lord is shedding his role of a friend to Arjuna and adorning the divine apparel, one who descended upon the earth to resore justice and help mankind.

Divine GITA Chapter 3, Last Verse 43. 44305

March 1, 2023

“Thus knowing HIM (soul), who is superior to intellect, and restraining the self by the SELF, slay you, O mighty armed, the enemy in the form of ‘ desire’, no doubt hard indeed to conquer.”

The greatest pursuit of human life is know the divinity that is within them as that knowledge alone can end the ‘ IGNORANCE. Desires thrive in the field of sense organs, mind and intellect. When we introspect on the reality of life, we learn to withdraw from our false identifications with the objects, body and mind.

We always bring ourselves down to nothing more than an ever sobbing being with limited ego. Buddha perfected the art through introspection and felt that there has to be something more to human life than my limited life in my mind. He captured the moment of his divine self and meditated on it to realise himself.

GITA gives you a constructive re-organization of life and not the destruction or rejection of life. Mastering the art of life does not mean giving up on Life, that is escapism, man has the potential to seek his divine energy within.

For Example– In our growth as a human being, we keep harnessing and living every role we adorn. As a daughter, mother, wife, grand mother we get fixated on each one and find it difficult to move on. Every mother is attached to the child, and they cannot handle any prick that happens in the relationship. It is not about the prick, so many people hurt us, it is your attachment to your child. The society also taunts you on many things, you try to live up to their expectations and paint a perfect picture of yourself. For whom? For what?

Your entire life is wasted on investing in different roles you are meant to play to pay back your karmas. Where is the time to seek divinity hidden in you? The term YOGA means the act of connecting the lower with the higher through your self evolution. The training of KARMA YOGA prepares us for greater battles in life.

End of karma yoga chapter from the GITA. Open to questions.

Verse 42

“They say that the senses are superior(to the body) ; superior to the senses is the mind ; superior to the mind is the intellect ; one who is even superior to the intellect is HE (the Atman)”

Senses that can turn in to awareness is unique to human life, mind that stores the memory controls and orders our sense organs, so we know the mind is subtler than Indriyas.

The intellect is far superior to the mind as it has the ability to give you a road map to the truth. What is the supreme energy that motivates all actions and thoughts? It is the soul, the source transformer that keeps providing energy and it depends on your intellect power to use it the right way that will help you evolve further in life. This awareness has to come from shravanam mananam and nidhyadasanam, the meditation follows on its own as silencing the mind is not possible.

The goal gained by pursuing this art of meditation will be explained tomorrow.

Divine GITA Chapter 3 Verse 41 and 42

“O best of Bharatas, controlling first the senses, kill the sinful bondage to desire, the true destroyer of knowledge and wisdom.”

The Lord speaks of the obsessive compulsion of desires formed in the mind where the very foundation is illusive. For Example — the desire that gets formed has to manifest itself at some time in the span of your several lives. We have no control over the time and space. When the formed desire gets realised, you do wonder ” Did I ask for this in life”? You never get anything in life without you desiring for it. Mind keeps changing the object if desire.

Thought to ponder.

WORLD SYSTEM functions like business contracts. We sign deals in our minds on networking. Our intelligence works out a plan on give and take with people who are useful to us, hence we have so many networking platforms. These deals do not have the endorsement of our INDIVIDUAL DESTINY. We find our plans and expectations do not come along with our desires. PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT AS THEY BRING THEIR OWN BALANCE SHEET. PAIN THAT IS HURLED AT YOU IS PART OF THE PACKAGE TO ELEVATE YOU FROM THE ILLUSORY WORLD.

The forced networking for spot benefit is a waste of time and energy, one has to feel the relationship bonding to achieve results. Setting goals are important and relating to people is more important than network relationships. How do we know the real emotions of people other than “likes” we see on the screen? Universal network is already in your cards and it gets unfolded at the right time. Vasantha

Yogmaya was the power that came to clear the way for Mahavishnu to take his life on the earth. Her work was to remove negative vibrations, as she is a form of Durga. Female power has always been prayed in our scriptural history in different forms.

Verse 40

We know the enemy within that disturbs but I have no weapon to destroy it. We indulge in the activity of the mind, senses, and superficial adulation hence not seen or understood the self defence weapon we carry within ourselves. Vedanta says the fire of knowledge you absorb will burn the ignorance and reveal knowledge from within.

The sense organs functioning without restraint in the world of sense objects, is the space for DESIRE to function. The deluded ego identifies with the body, desires and sense enjoyments. Thirsting only to experience emotional satisfaction leads to total ignorance. It is like remaining stagnant in the well, the very pursuit of human life is to raise from the well of ignorance.

Good morning. We are almost coming to the end of KARMA YOGA chapter 3 which is a very important one as designed by the Lord himself for the yugas to come. I request all of you to take time and run through this full chapter before we move to Gyana yoga.

Verse 39

Knowledge and discrimination of it in any field of action is necessary to live your life in harmony. The faculty to analyse gets veiled by extreme burning desire, that cannot see any boundaries.

Desire is the foundation of your birth on this earth, however being a human being, one has to see the sorrow and anxiety the untamed desire brings. Expectations, longing, binding cravings, anxiety brings MENTAL RECESSION. Example – Every thought and action consumes energy from your system, one has to replenish it with compassion, selfless service and devotion to get recharged to continue the journey of life.

Divine GITA Chapter 3 Verse 39 and 40

“Envoloped , O son of Kunti, is ‘ wisdom ‘ by this constant enemy of the wise in the form of DESIRE which is difficult to be appeased, like fire”

“The senses, the mind, and the intellect are said to be its seat; through these, it deluded the embodied by veiling his wisdom

Divine Song Chapter 3, Verse 38

“As fire enveloped by smoke, as a mirror by dust, as an embryo by the womb, so this ( wisdom) is enveloped by that ( desire or anger).”

Lord Krishna talks about different textures in the veils that cover the purity of the soul. It depends on different types of desires one entertains. One cannot see the flame in its full force due to the smoke that surrounds it. Even sattwic desires veil the infinite glory of the spirit. Ritualistic obsession, desire for spiritual gains also blurs the vision of truth.

As DUST ON A MIRROR — inner agitations due to attachment to the desire (rajasic in nature), collects thick dust on the wisdom that is common to all. The smoke clears with the gentle breeze, thick dust on the mirror needs hard scrubbing. Dust can be cleared only by us and our willingness to do it. Reflection in the mirror is dusty just like our pure soul is not visible due to collection of desires.

AS THE FOETUS IN THE WOMB — the diviner aspect is screened off by the low animal instinct and desire only for the sensuous. The cover of the FOETUS is very strong, it tears open after maturing. One has to take several lives to evolve and break away from strong veils, deluded mind (tamasic) and get to the discriminative power of the intellect (sukshama buddhi).

The journey of man is to stay away from worldly traps, learn to swim across the ocean with the float of wisdom to reach the real goal of life.

Mental goals keep changing and mind goes in to conflicts. The real goal of the soul is to release itself from the cycle of karma and rebirth. Hence you take a float of bhakti and wisdom to help you cross over distractions.

Divine song GITA Chapter 3, Verse 37

Lord speaks “It is desire, it is anger born if the “active”, all devouring, all sinful, know this as the foe here.”

Desire is nothing but spiritual ignorance expressing itself in our intellectual personality. DESIRE for objects is normal as your mind gets drawn to it, agitation to achieve it is the craving, owing what you achieve and feel possessive of your ownership causes obstacles.

Frustration, helplessness blurs the view of higher values of existence. For Example – If you desire to own a luxury car, you have to check your ability to own it, the burning desire is so strong, it makes you borrow money that has to be repaid. Your mind dwells deep in that thought and the fire of ” wanting” takes over your being. You reach a level where you cannot exist without owning the object of desire.

You hit the symptoms of anger, and anxiety that binds you to the object of desire. Our scriptures help us to handle such emotions.

The journey of life is half spent on dealing with desires and expectations. Lord says ” Wise man is one who understands the nature of oneself and the elusive character of objects if desire.”

The best of GITA is it hits even the common man s senses and hand hold one to cross the obstacles in life, teaches the knowledge of desires and the value of the objects. Introspection on yourself and life around you is the key for cleansing the mind.

Divine Ssong GITA Chapter 3 Verse 36

“What prompts man to commit sin, though against his wishes? It almost seems a compulsion”.

Arjuna after listening deeply to Krishna, has come to terms with his inner self and curious to know human behaviour. The balance sheet of your karma is inboxed and the energy you have accumalated in different lives in the form of desires, obsession and anger will have to find an expression at some point in the physical life.

The knowledge you gain through your scriptures, help you to guide yourself to the right path. For Example — There is no living man who does not have sufficient knowledge of right and wrong. When one has to act, we get tempted by our obsessive instincts, and the action becomes wrong. We want basic instincts to be fulfilled and let go of the higher. Arjuna is asking a direct question ” what is the exact nature of the SATAN in our heart, that loots away the good in us?”

In the physical form, your desires overpower right and wrong; that is how the human cycle moves. As human beings it is our privilage and honour to use the intellect for analysis and discrimination. You can stay calm only if you control your reactions, and take charge of your life. We have no control over others or their actions; they are what they are and will evolve in time.

Lord Krishna starts his real teaching from now. When you ask questions, you will get suitable answers.

Maya again refers to objects and people; there is nothing good or bad in them. It is how you handle it and use it without binding it to your life makes you feel empowered.

Chapter 3 verse 34

November 10, 2022

“Attachment and aversion for the objects of the senses abide in the senses ; do not come under their away, they are your enemies”.

I had mentioned in the earlier verse that man gets bullied by his own inner mind, where he has collected his deep likes and dislikes on the basis of his obsession.

Man who is well read in the Sastras also finds it difficult to follow highly ethical life that is demanded of a spiritual seeker, as his lower instincts are still strong.

Meditation, chanting, reading, are all rituals that has to lead one from weaknesses to an ideal state of perfection. Lord Krishna says ” The objects of desire exist and they have no capacity to bring happiness or sorrow ; it is our senses that are tuned to obsessive attachment creates ripples of agitation. Mind that is fed by the senses makes its judgments and craves for it to feed ego centric mind. (Any doubts on the above please clarify). You cannot come under this sway as man should be the master of the car he is driving and not the vehicle.

FOR EXAMPLE — Money is important for survival, how much you need or get is in your destiny. Money by itself is not bad or evil, it is divine; but what makes it an object of suffering? How do you get that money, how do you use it, what is the value you give to it in life matters as your attitude to the object brings sorrow and happiness. So running away from money does not solve the problem.

Our body mind and intellect are the sacred vehicle, a wise man should be a master of that and not a helpless victim of temporary existence. Deep likes and dislikes disappear if you meditate upon this truth.

Chapter 3 verse 32 and 33

“Those who carp at the teaching and do not practice it, deluded in all knowledge, and devoid of discrimination, know them to be doomed to destruction.”

“Even a wise man acts in accordance with his own nature; beings will follow their own nature; what can restraint do?”
One gets in to more delusion and lose the power of discrimination by discarding the guidelines given by the ultimate teacher or Guru. Man of today finds every action a grind and burden as he has lost the ability to appreciate the way of life and the gift of taking human life for further evolution. Karma yoga is a way of life, one has to learn the art of living it.

Today s man looks for selfish fulfilment alone hence there is much sorrow as material comforts, power, name and fame are achieved not by your desire but through your good actions. Intellect is a divine gift given to us for better understanding of our life style.

Man gets bullied by his own lower instincts of miserable passions. We do blame others for our miseries but it is our own misinterpretation.

For Example– Can I ask the monkey on his nature of jumping around on the trees, can we ask the birds why are they flying in the sky? It their swaroopa, nature they are born with. Similarly humans are born with different temperaments and we cannot question anyone but we can learn the art of living and co exist with them.

‘What can the restraint do?’ This only means that higher ways of life is a slow evolution so not meant for everyone. Krishna shows his true divine nature when he gives an opportunity for everyone even though they are driven by mundane passion, to get back to the right path and action.

Divine GITA chapter 3 verse 31

“Those men who constantly practice this teaching of mine, full of faith and without too much argument and futile discussion (One who is interested in knowing the answers ), they too are freed from actions.”

Verse 29 and 30 from chapter 3 are important to understand and absorb to know what the Lord is speaking to us from now.

In the modern world with so much information on every subject, man has lost the capacity to think and the application method of knowledge. Mere study or intellectual analysis of spirituality will lead us nowhere. Several books, Google informations, lectures are available to us today, but never has the world seen humanity steeped in such misery and confusion.

This clearly shows Sharadha, faith an ability to absorb and practice to test yourself, accept the declaration of our scriptures that has stood the test of time are the real saviour. RELIGION differs from prophets, they come to guide varied generations who get caught in the zone of environment. For Example — The desert region, the nomadic race needed certain discipline to keep their minds from criminal distractions, hence pray 5 times a day and rules to follow. We respect that. Time of MOSES, he needed to get ten commandments to discipline the mind, CHRIST wanted to restore Love amongst people at a time when religious corruption started.

VEDIC thought believed in universal spirituality, one man and one God. One should not live life as a burden, the inner personality has to be groomed well to enjoy the external world.

Our ignorance of spiritual nature gives rise to desires that brings agitation and sorrow. The Vedic way of life also brought abrasions over time when rituals took over reality and spirituality. Adi Shankara set right the path of understanding through the essence of knowledge, Ramakrishna Parama lived his life of Bhakti and attained knowledge hence great souls keep incarnating to hand hold us towards TRUTH. Google cannot replace that.

Practicing what you learn is more important says the almighty. Ignorance will force you in to becoming a fanatic and make you follow self made gurus blindly. Introspection, knowing your self worth and keeping a happy state of mind will empower you act without anxiety and sorrow.

Karma takes over and you have to pass through pain and pleasure with a certain balance. That is why we learn GITA and we need to practice it. That is your journey.

WORLS SYSTEM functions like business contracts. We sign deals in our minds on networking. Our intelligence works out a plan on give and take with people who are useful to us, hence we have so many networking platforms. These deals do not have the endorsement of our INDIVIDUAL DESTINY. We find our plans and expectations do not come along with our desires. PEOPLE ARE

The forced networking for spot benefit is a waste of time and energy, one has to feel the relationship bonding to achieve results. Setting goals are important and relating to people is more important than network relationships. How do we know the real emotions of people other than “likes” we see on the screen? Universal network is already in your cards and it gets unfolded at the right time.

We need to try and raise above the mundane, the very goal of our scriptures that will heal you over time.

Divine song GITA CHAPTER 3 Verse 30

“Renouncing all actions in me, with the mind centred on the SELF, free from hope and egoism, free from mental illusions, do you fight!

We know and experience everyday our limitations and helplessness in getting the result of our action and desire. The bondage of emotions that includes hurt, expectations, sense of rejection and above all our refusal to accept our uniqueness. We carry the burden unknowingly and struggle with present moment.

Mind gives out thoughts according to your data accumalation. Most people suffer from fear of losing things and relationships. Lord here says ” You own nothing in this world, so your expectation of permanency in life is foolish. Your mind is knitted in man made time Zone and it is hard for you to perceive your future. You have no control on anything except to act on time without ego and delusions.

Divine song GITA continued verse 30

This is very important to understand the entire approach to GITA.

Mere renunciation is not enough, Lord indicates ‘ without hope’ and ‘ without ego that is mostly misunderstood by people.

Superficial study of the stanza will confuse the students and they believe that Hinduism is not a dynamic conscious life but a mere existence of hopelessness. There is a great truth in this verse.

HOPE is the expectation of a happening that is locked in the time Zone of future. It refers to the period of time not yet born. EGO centric concept of ourselves is a bundle of achievements that happened in the past. EGO is a shadow of the past, it refers to dead moments. We try to live either in the dead moments of the past or unborn moments of the future. We miss the active dynamism, that is given to us to create, to achieve and enjoy. Lord tells Arjuna to give his best in the present by shedding his anxiety and surrendering to the almighty. Get rid of selfish motives and attachment to the ego, learn to live your life to the fullest.

Divine song GITA chapter 3 verse 29 and 30

“Those deluded by the qualities of Nature, (Gunas), are attached to the functions of the qualities. The man of perfect knowledge should not unsettle the ‘ foolish’, who are of imperfect knowledge.”

Many of us know that all actions are our mental impressions of the past, wise man is one who knows this truth and is unattached to the result of his activities. Majority of the people are victims of their own mental temperaments.

They are bound by their own desires and helplessly get caught in the web of sorrow. This does not mean the wise should mock or look down upon the ignorant, he has to sow the seed by referring to his delusions, so he helps himself.

What is the solution for those who do not understand the power of life?

How does he liberate himself?

Verse 30– ” Renouncing all actions in me, with the mind centred on the SELF, free from hope and egoism, free from mental illusions, do you fight!

Arjuna is not in a mode of higher contemplative self, action at this moment is inevitable. New vasanas cannot be formed in the process of action, so what should he do?

Renounce all actions in me, which means to not take the ownership of your action, let go of ego identification.

Action gives rise to bondage only if it is performed with selfish desires. Self motivated actions will give us pain, however renouncing of action means not to live an insipid life but letting go of EGO and a sense of doership.

Thoughts that heal.

People ask ” everything in life goes according to the balance sheet or karma one brings from the past, why should we practice devotion or any other worship?

I said ” where is the balace sheet coming from?” Is it not formed from your desires? You design your own destiny.

Why don’t you think the same or feel the futility of desiring anything in the world and leave it to karma? Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving.org

Divine song GITA chapter 3, verse 28

“He who knows the TRUTH, O mighty armed, about the divisions of the qualities and their functions, and he who knows that GUNAS as senses move amidst GUNAS as objects, is not attached.”

A wise man uses the intellect and discriminate the actions that belongs to the world of the mind, and settles his anxiety. Success and failure belong to the mind, likes and dislikes, love and hatred in short all opposite emotions arise in the mind that wanders aimlessly.

Complete freedom is possible only when you enjoy the activity of the world and not look at the score. You are born with a temperament (Guna), yet your awareness of action will keep you away getting attached to the fleeting objects of desire. It is like standing in the battlefield and tirelessly fight in the inner world and gain victory over one s attachment in the mind. Resisting the arrows of attachments is the meditative journey, a spiritual living!

Divine Gita chapter 3 verse 27

November 09, 2022

“All actions are performed, in all cases merely by the qualities in nature ( Gunas or temperament). He, whose mind is deluded by EGO, thinks ‘ I am the doer’.

Ahankara vimoodatma– one who is filled with egoistic thoughts are fools. Where there is mind, actions must be performed. These actions are generated by the mind, strengthened in the mind and ultimately performed with the mind. Man with his wrong identification with the mind which is ever changing, gets in to the muddle of ignorance and starts thinking that mind is everything. Action + ego+ arrogance initiates anxiety and burning attachment creates problems. : Example — In the dream world, we adorn many roles and situations, the dreamer is liberated from his identification once he is liberated from the dream world. So the attachment is a mental condition, which needs to be sorted.

An actor on the screen is only playing a role, he has return to his real domain as himself. We on this earth are performing different roles with different People; if you get attached to every role you play, returning home is painful
I mean coming back to the ” SELF”

Divine song GITA chapter 3 verse 26

“Let no wise man unsettle the minds of ignorant people, who are attached to action ; he should engage them in all actions, himself fulfilling them with devotion.”

We are able to relate to our ancient SCRIPTURES even today is because of the vision and the truth our saints and incarnations absorbed and imparted to us.

This verse will clear most of our doubts like ” Is Hindu philosophy fatalistic? ” Am I supposed to renounce the world to gain knowledge? ” Should I stop acting and control my desires to attain mukti? Should I fast to oblige the Gods in heaven?”

It is a wrong conclusion that renouncing activity is the path to truth. Teachers of our SCRIPTURES at times indulge in holding people in the ashram with the promise of liberation, they induce people to take to sanyasa lifestyle to understand our existence in this world. All these are not needed says KRISHNA. It is about your ANTAKARANA SUDDHI, I mean purification of mind that will help us evolve without binding yourself to anything worldly.

LIFE is dynamic. No one can halt the activity, you can guide mankind and lead them back to their action with a mind that is cleansed of its impurities. FOR EXAMPLE — What is binding desire? People in the world who are seeking knowledge are innocent, when they reach a certain Gurukula, they get trapped in to the system of the place. It is like us shedding our attachment to home and building another desire to be trapped. Set yourself free and act as no one who is born on this earth can be idle!

FOR EXAMPLE — If you are going to Hardwar, get lost on the way, there is a method of guiding us back to the right road, instead of halting our us from travel itself. By doing this we will never reach any destination. Action alone can bring you to perfection by exhausting you of your desires, and bring you back to diviner activities. No ” wise man” should unsettle the generation s faith in action.

Divine GITA chapter 3 verse 25

“As the ‘ ignorant’ men act from attachment to action, O Bharatha, so should the ‘ wise’ men act without attachment, wishing the welfare of the world.

Our entire life is spent on active participation in our mostly self centred activities. Average man wears himself out in the strain of constant action; he strives to earn, hoard, to gain and to enjoy.

Krishna says – Man of self realisation also works in the world with as much diligence and sincerity, tireless enthusiasm, joy, hopes, competetion; the difference between the ignorant and the wise — self motivated actions leads to attachment to the fruits of action and expectation from the effort made creates anxiety, fear, anger and stress.

Men who has realised his connection with the world, works with perfect poise, composure and without attachment. It is the anxiety towards your work, or lack of confidence in executing the work that dissipates the finer energy and condemns his activity to utter failure.

How can one act without attachment? Valid question of the modern mind! ” Detachment of the mind” is only the detachment from the binding desires, craving for instant results, and inability to control the reactions on failure.

Attachment becomes a painful chain on us when it is ego centric. When there is an inclusiveness of the larger community in mind, while acting, the divine energy from within removes the pain of action

FOR EXAMPLE Poison is given as medicine in its diluted form that is necessary, the same thing when it is taken in its concentrated form can cause death. Lord tells Arjuna to work and take action without getting attached to his ego, and enter the battlefield which is his dharma as a warrior and protect people from adharmic rule.

Divine song GITA chapter 3 verse 24 and 25

“These worlds would perish if I did not perform my action ; I would be the author of confusion of lawlessness and ‘ Castes’ and would destroy these beings.”

The phenomenal happenings, the movement of the planets, rhythmic change of seasons, music of creation, harmonious colours (varna), the law is known as Mighty power of Nature or GOD.

Lord is present in every action and the nature around us is HIM, hence there is a reaction from nature for every human action. This is not a blind faith or superstition, it is a statement of fact.

When he talks about the VARNA, he is referring to the human temperament. It is a great management theory; getting the best out of the GUNA of a person. Caste of a person depends on his Guna or temperament and not by birth. Each of us are good in doing something, our sanskara gets carried to several births that determines our temperament. Krishna is talking about dignity of labour. Nothing to do with upper or lower caste.

This division of labour is not a divine sanction of caste tyrannies, it is a misuse of human race. The creator has to govern the law of inner space as much as control the Nature. Varna or Caste is on the basis of MENTAL TEMPERAMENTS. Varna sanskara today is abused like never before.: FOR EXAMPLE — Lord Rama set an example by holding the hand and embracing Guha, a boatman and gives him mukti; he eats the fruit tasted by Sabari; he becomes one with vaanara sena to fight his battle.

2 — Adi Shankara a Bhramin by birth in 6th century was conditioned by the environment of caste differences. When he reaches Kaashi, a lower caste labourer crosses his path, he is worried and wants to take a dip in the Ganges; Lord Shiva was in the form of the labourer and Adi Shankara realises the meaning of VARNA. Shiva says ” You are in search of me, here I am”. Unfortunately we have taken the caste system to a level of holding power and suppress people who do menial jobs!

Lord in the GITA does not speak of superior or inferior caste, you take your birth according to the balance sheet you bring from past karmas, but you can be on any level according to the mental temperament. Dignity of Labour in our SCRIPTURES.

Divine song GITA verse 22 and 23

“There is nothing in the three worlds O Partha, that has to be done by Me, nor is there anything unattained that should be attained by Me; yet I engage Myself in action.”

“Should I not relax without engaging Myself in action, men would follow my Path in every way, O sin of Pritha.”

Most beautiful verses in the Karma yoga chapter that clearly tells us that every man can potentially evolve to the state of divine. Being a perfect yogi, Krishna had nothing to lose or gain from three worlds.

He was in the battlefield to fulfil his duties and to restore the righteous cause the Pandavas stood for. Work was a game of enthusiasm and joy.

For Example — What was Krishna s life? He was born in the prison, did not see his own mother for 14 years, grew up in Gokula, was haressed by his uncle, saved himself from negative energy. He steals butter, the boy who brings the cows home, performed all these actions to show us how to live happily in all circumstances. He gets pushed to Brindavan, plays with the Gopikas, it is to show the shift of age, above all he was blessing his devotees without expectation and attachment. Krishna was setting an example to us.

He rescues his parents by killing his uncle, but leaves them as he wants to cut off the Karma of the womb.

Verse 23 Krishna is asking Arjuna “Why should I work? I have to set an example to others as to how to live happily on this earth after all it is our creation. Here we cannot take Krishna as a boy from Vrindavan, but as a soul that is liberated self realised master. He lives his life like a dream that snaps when you wake up.

He says I need to set an example to humans, my life is a book of scripture. One must understand ” waves cannot exist without the Ocean”. Soul is the Ocean, mind is the wave. So Arjuna ” wake up from your grief and hold the weapon high and make your road to heaven by defeating adharma, it may be your own family or relatives.

The amblical cord gets cut off at birth. It is the duty of the mother to nurture the child but he is born with his own karma that he needs to fulfil. For a spiritualist the womb is a temple, they respect it and cherish it but cannot get attached to it as they need to shed the body. As Vedanta says Womb changes in every birth, your goal is to fulfil your karmas and break from the cycle of birth and death.!

What Krishna means is be fair to the world, be aware of your responsibilities, the karmic link will take care of your life as it is pure designed.

We see the beautiful example around us — the birds and animals, nature s gift, let the young ones go without expectation. They do not hold memories, or attachment.

One can do seva to the parents only when there is destiny to do so. For Example Parents may have 5 children, but no help from anyone, they all live far away; compare that situation with a parent who has only one child and he gets the opportunity to serve the parents. However it is the duty towards the parents that one has to keep in mind; if you get the opportunity you are blessed

When we send the children to far away countries, it is physically not possible to take care and it has become part of our lives. Question is sending money and providing them with luxury is good enough?

Divine Song GITA – Chapter 3 Verse 20 and 21

July 12, 2022
“Janaka attained perfection by action alone; even you with the intention of protecting the masses should perform action”.

“Whatever a great man does, the others also do it ( imitate); whatever he sets up as the standard, that the world follows”.

King Janaka was the living karma yogi and he attained Moksha through action. He attained Samasiddhi, perfection, through actions performed in a spirit of detachment and self dedication. He set an example through life of service. It included all types of services, charity, generosity, compassion and sharing of Atma Gyan.

Krishna means that Arjuna, a prince by birth and one who has mobilized this war should respect his prarabdha karma, and not run away from the battlefield. Arjuna has to exhaust his vasanas, be more responsible and execute his duties.

“Why this hesitation to fight the war?” Was he nervous ever before in the battlefield facing his enemies? Why is he so shaky now? His passion and attachment has taken over his valour and responsibility to finish the adharmis. For Example — In the modern world, we argue selfishly for our family, we do not accept their mistakes or have the courage to speak up the truth. It is the vasana for the family, however we are ready to judge and pass on our advice to act for others!

Verse 21 — man is an imitating animal. He follows the herd, hence we say that children follow the parental behaviour, yatha raja, thatha Praja. Parents have set an example to mould a child s behaviour.

Most parents suffer from emotional disorders and stress related complications, they are unable to chanelize the energy of the children.

What Krishna really speaks here is Arjuna, a warrior, kshatriya has to set an example to the world that he is beyond compassion when he has to establish Dharma.

Krishna indicates himself as an example. Lord though already a liberated soul, is acting without attachment as a model, for his generation to rise above inertia into vigorous activity.

THE BEAUTY OF OUR SCRIPTURE is it valid for ever and has no expiry date.

The incarnations help human race to evolve at any age and circumstances.

Divine Song GITA – Chapter 3 Verse 18 and 19

“Man who rejoices only in the self, who is contented, for him there is nothing more to be done, he follows the revolving wheel.”

“He is not dependent on anyone or anything mentally to live his life in peace”.

Lord spoke of yagna attitude towards action, he explains on a KARMA YOGI and his life. There is nothing to renounce, give up or condemn anything in the world to attain harmony or peace. MAKE FRIENDSHIP WITH YOURSELF — is the key for happiness.

What does this mean?

In the modern society, there is lot of loneliness and depression that looms. We are unable to live with ourselves hence we depend on many material things and people to give us momentary happiness.

While you are enjoying that high, you fall right in to the pit of insecurity as the worldly dedendancy is temporary. We start craving for more appreciation, fame, name and money and start living for others.

You become an alien to yourself and start depending on others for your living needs. The vacuum cannot be filled by anyone, as everyone around you is also as insecure as you are.

For Example– we are attached to our social media connections more than the real friends and relatives. It is natural as your real friends do not express their ‘liking’ everyday! DESIRE cannot be dependant on others and each one of us are so diverse in our needs; we have to come home (SELF) everyday to relax and enjoy your life.

Any dependency will bring sorrow. Example we find many parents who invest their lives on their children, are totally dependant on them emotionally, they do not want to let them go, there is so much pain and tears!

You have to walk alone and your yagna attitude to life will bring support and help from the Lord above.

Chapter 3 Verse 14 and 15

“living entities come in to being from food (Anna sambhavaha), food produced by rainfall, performance induced by good action and thoughts offered as yagna(sacrifice).”

“Know that action comes from the creator(Brahma, Vishnu and Mahadev), and they come from the unperishable Supreme, hence the entire universe is action motivated.”

It is due to actions that the earth keeps revolving so one cannot remain without doing anything. Why do we till the land, produce food grains, why are we so creative in making the food so edible?

It produces energy in us for further action in this world for creations. Where will you get rainfall from?

In the Manu Samhita 3, it states that the pure cow ghee offered into the sacrificial fire ascends to the sun and manifests clouds full of rain. From rain, there is growth of food, and followed by creations.

The word AKSARANI refers to the eternity of the Supreme Lord the energy that motivates the movement, emotions, actions and finally the cause to perish. It is a flaw to think that Vedas were created; they are eternally manifest, the Vedic SCRIPTURES reveal that they were exhaled by the breath of the Supreme energy. Hence we call our philosophic truth as SMRUTI, a revelation that come from seeking, listening, and meditating upon it.

This is the eternal cycle, the yagna in today s context has to be understood as the ability to remain positive by sacrificing your fears and negative thoughts at the feet of the Lord and try to understand your universal connection in the wheel of action and existence.

Lord Krishna says ” He who lives in Union with this wheel of action, is contributing to the harmony of life”. It has deeper meaning in today s world. FOR EXAMPLE — people often question the old discipline of life , like why should I wake up early in the morning? Why can’t I go out late at night, let yourself go the way your mind tells you? MORNING represents sunrise which means energy, positivity, zest for life and creativity. Time to think and achieve your goals. Night fall is to give rest to your body and mind, the coolness of the moon is a gift to calm your body and mind.

We have stepped out of the wheel in every way be it relationship, attachments, material possessions; hence there is so much suffering. We try to find medicines to heal the permanent scar; it keeps popping up and you feel helpless. Nature has its way of healing if you fit in to the wheel of action.

The teachings are meant for only seekers and that is the way wisdom is designed for evolution. Layman also has his own way of native perception for survival. He takes his own time to evolve falling in to the cycle of birth and death.

Repeated birth and death gives you spiritual exhaustion and there comes an awakening of reality.

Birth and death is for the body, soul is eternal so everything depends on how you make use of the body and mind.

One understands the futility of attachment to the worldly things as there is no permanent happiness in that. When the realisation dawns, you do get exhausted with your own desires. Awakenening happens.

One understands life and its journey through scriptures and application of that gyanam, then you do not get affected by anything in the world. You do not have to give up anything in the world. Enjoy and feel fulfilled

Negative emotions you absorb from your actions, wrong motivation and self centered behaviour create unhappiness and that is a karma.

Divine Song GITA – Chapter 3 Verse 13

“The righteous, who eat the ‘ remnants of the sacrifices are freed from all sins ; but those sinful ones , who cook food only for their own sake, is sinful”.

As I mentioned in the earlier verse, the attitude of sacrifice which means you are using everything that is nature s abundance and we have to learn to preserve it, gaurd it and be thankful for the Grace showered on us.

“They who feed themselves upon the social wealth without effort, and do not share with other lives on the earth are sinful ones; actions that are motivated for only selfish reasons can never find peace as they are always haunted by fear of losing things. Even in relationships, you do not meet people by accident, they have to take something from you, be it wealth or emotions; you have to be the giver to
attain perfection.

What do you get in return? A common question in your mind. The returns come to you when you need from any other relationship you may not even expect. Give and take is the process of life, why not we do it with happiness and grace!

For Example — Children and parents. Some parents give a lot of themselves to the children, can you measure the returns from them? You will be miserable. Some parents do nothing much to impact their children, but they get great returns from them. How do you explain this?

Sins of the past are the causes for the present pains, the present sins would be the cause for the future sorrows. All causes for the sorrows in social life would be removed if one is conscious of the community around and enjoy their work together in the true yagna spirit.

Be open to giving without expectation as the result of giving is never in your hands.

Spirit of yagna is the life you have got now has to be cherished and offer your action and result of the action as an obulation to the creator, in today s world it means acknowledge the deities by offering your prayers as Nithya karma.

The pain of action comes only when you take the ownership of your action. I reality we do not have any control over our karmic results so fulfill your desires but do not carry those impressions burn it in the fire as an offering to the almighty.

One does not have to give to people they are not comfortable. It is okay. At times you cannot help yourself and at such times as Vidhya said ‘ your account is closed and stay happy. What is the crux if all these teachings? The creator wants all the species in the world to stay happy. Animals and plants do not have an issue; it is the humans who keep wandering aimlessly and make things complicated. One has to be aware.

When you act to fulfill your desire, there will be extreme joy of success, or pain of not being able to fulfill your desires. Both these extreme emotions become a burden in your subconscious mind and leave impressions. We fall again in to the cycle of karma.

Divine Song GITA Chapter 3 Verse 12

June 09, 2022
Karma yoga as expounded by Krishna is a way of life style with an attitude that brings peace through your action. In today s world the action that is selfish and greed motivated seems to be bringing stress, sorrow and anxiety.
Hence there is something that is missing in your style of living. As we mentioned in the earlier verse there has to be an attitude of being greatful and thankful to nature the five elements that support our existence.

The Vedic people worshiped every embodiment of nature and gave a firm and name to them. They are indeed celestial bodies! Any giver becomes a deva, takers and snatchers become thief.

Verse 12 “The DEVAS nourished by the sacrifice, will give you the desired objects, given by the DEVAS, without offering in return to them, is a thief” says Krishna

One has to understand this concept with depth. No one can take this world for granted, be it relationship, emotions, or actual nature around. What does he mean by sacrifices? For Example — Today we see water crisis around due to our negligence and not acknowledging or preserving nature. You are enjoying the benefits of natural elements without offering your gratitude, it causes pain to the giver. Vedas keep talking about nature worship and sacrifices in the form of havan and mantras. We may discard it as a ritual, but the thanks giving expression is important.

FOR EXAMPLE — Mother gives birth to a child, if she thinks I don’t have to express my love and feelings for the baby as he is mine; how will the child grow in to a proper human being? Similarly, the child when grown takes his mother for granted and does not show his love to her, it becomes the most painful moment for her.

Devas who keep the balance on the earth has to be respected in anyway you prefer. People say ‘ there are so many Hindu Gods, whom should we pray to? As I mentioned earlier, it is the Vedic way of acknowledging the giver as Gods. There is only one energy that governs devas and us.

Divine Song Chapter 3, Verse 10 and 11

“The Prajapathi (creator), in the beginning of creation, with sacrifices, said ” by this shall you prosper; let this be the ‘ milch- cow of your desire ( The mythological cow which yields all desires objects).

“With this you nourish the Gods and may those DEVAS nourish you; thus respecting one another, you shall attain the highest GOOD”

The whole VEDIC concept of DEVAS is that of one universal power, ever active in the world of phenomena, acquiring names because of its multiple functions. Vedic Gods are functional names of one supreme creative energy and power.

When the creation happened , it was executed without attachment and as a sacrifice says Krishna. That is the way to action without sorrow. THERE IS ONLY ONE POWER IN THIS COSMOS, the multiple Gods we worship is the respect we give to the nature that is supporting us to stay alive. Vedic concept is about thanksgiving to the divine celestial bodies. For Example – In any corporate, there is only only boss, there are various departments with different expertise; you have to report to the respective department. It is the most beautiful concept we have in the Vedas of worshiping nature as deities and offering them YAGNA you receive their blessings. It gives the opportunity to every section of people to feel the law of seva by which they lessen the burden of arrogance and ego

People who are still in the state of desiring or in the pursuit of purushartas, the deities bless them with their desired expectations. However one must understand the duality of existence to know the non dual awareness in us. All the Gods and goddesses have lived on the earth as humans and then attained liberation or Moksha.

The important thing to note here is human birth is a gift and an opportunity to evolve in to status of God. As Swami Vivekananda said ” every human being has the potential to become THAT if they nurture divine qualities.

Not only performing the karma but with an attitude of sacrifice( not taking the ownership)and a bit if detachment. Nithya karma of doing Bhakti paves the way to awareness if the above????

Krishna is only a teacher here, he does not proclaim himself to be God. You can pray to anyone you like.

>Divine Song Chapter 3, Verse 10 and 11

January 11, 2022
“The Prajapathi ( creator), in the beginning of creation, with sacrifices, said ” by this shall you prosper; let this be the ‘ milch- cow of your desire ( The mythological cow which yields all desires objects).

“With this you nourish the Gods and may those DEVAS nourish you; thus respecting one another, you shall attain the highest GOOD”

The whole VEDIC concept of DEVAS is that of one universal power, ever active in the world of phenomena, acquiring names because of its multiple functions. Vedic Gods are functional names of one supreme creative energy and power.

When the creation happened , it was executed without attachment and as a sacrifice says Krishna. That is the way to action without sorrow. THERE IS ONLY ONE POWER IN THIS COSMOS, the multiple Gods we worship is the respect we give to the nature that is supporting us to stay alive. Vedic concept is about thanksgiving to the divine celestial bodies. For Example – In any corporate, there is only only boss, there are various departments with different expertise; you have to report to the respective department. It is the most beautiful concept we have in the Vedas of worshiping nature as deities and offering them YAGNA you receive their blessings. It gives the opportunity to every section of people to feel the law of seva by which they lessen the burden of arrogance and ego

People who are still in the state of desiring or in the pursuit of purushartas, the deities bless them with their desired expectations. However one must understand the duality of existence to know the non dual awareness in us. All the Gods and goddesses have lived on the earth as humans and then attained liberation or Moksha.

The important thing to note here is human birth is a gift and an opportunity to evolve in to status of God. As Swami Vivekananda said ” every human being has the potential to become THAT if they nurture divine qualities.

It is again very individualistic. It is what makes you happy to pray. Example – Lord says to Arjuna ” your road to heaven in Kurukshetra, do not compare yourself with others. Be steady in your vision and finish your karma”.

Not only performing the karma but with an attitude of sacrifice( not taking the ownership)and a bit if detachment. Nithya karma of doing Bhakti paves the way to awareness if the above.

Krishna is only a teacher here, he does not proclaim himself to be God. You can pray to anyone you like.

Divine Song GITA Chapter 3 Verse 9

“The world is bound by action other than those performed ‘ for the sake of sacrifice’ ( YAGNA) ; so you therefore , O sin of Kunti, perform action for that sake alone, free from all attachments”.

Action does not bring bondage and sorrow says Krishna, it is the attitude with which you perform those actions bring emotional bondage. PURSHARTHAS —- Ardha Kama Dharma and Moksha are the motivating aspects of action.

Ardha is accumalation of things including the desire to possess relationships. Kama is sensual desires, art appreciation, and staying with physically motivated desires, Dharma is generosity that leads to charity, Moksha is total liberation.

Once the human life is taken these purushartas you will pursue helplessly. These pursuits will bring ups and downs in life and the wheel of time never stops. When you realise that TIME has its own design, you will know how to manage your emotions without getting too involved with the passing phase of your life. Let it go. When the wheel of Time rotates nothing stays permanently with you.

What do you mean by ‘ Yagna’?

The Havan we do as a sacrifice adding all the necessary ingredients in to the fire as an obulation is symbolic of your own life. Perform your duties in the firm of action and offer it to the almighty, so you are released from the bondage of negative emotions.

If you make a mistake in life, let it go and start fresh from the wisdom of experience. You are nobody in this chakra of TIME. It drags everyone along with it towards one s destiny.

What is the attitude that Lord talks about? EXAMPLE – When it comes even to dharma- charity, most people have an agenda behind like fame and name, such charity holds no positive karma for us – says Krishna. Your action has to become a sacrifice, offer all cause and effect as an obulation, sit back and enjoy your life. We have forgotten to love life, our tensions and self created EGO have become addictive!!!

Divine Song GITA Chapter 3 Verse 8

“You have to perform your duties as action is superior to inaction. Even to sustain your body you need to act”

Duties mean NITHYA KARMA, obligatory actions of an individual at home, office and society related work. We falsely propagate that action leads to bondage, it is not true. Action is the discipline that maintains our wellness of body and mind.

Inactivity leads to destruction of the nation, society and home. For Example — we see so many mental wellness centers opening all over the world. It is the discipline of the mind and body they curate for you. We are lost in today s world. We are unable to explain to the generation the importance of keeping the body and mind in harmony with Nithyakarma.

Certain time to bathe, eat, meditate, indulge in arts, physical excercise, proper sleep are the obligatory activity to be done at a certain time. Rising Sun brings natural energy so waking up in the morning pumps good air in to the system. Bhrama muhurtam at 4 30 am till 6 am is the best time to abdorb divine energy, it helps us to use our creative energy.

The intellectual deterioration happens in a society when man becomes a victim of his own idle mind and that impairs body and behaviour. Lord Krishna takes it upon himself to go to the basics of human existence as Arjuna had lost the ability to think straight and he was in deep grief. Such is the karuna or compassion of our divine incarnations.????

Bad buddhi is not given by God. Man pollutes his mind by his own selfish thoughts and gets corrupted. God has no option but to leave him to his karma phalas. Such a man cannot help himself, he will act according to the floppy he brings from his previous life.

If man understands this, he can lessen the pain of his bad karmas by surrendering to him. He can pray and create a painless journey????

Divine Gita Chapter 3 Verse 7

“Whosoever, controlling the senses by the mind, O Arjuna engages his organs of action in KARMA YOGA, without attachment he excels.”

These lines summarise the science of right action and the technique of right living. Spiritual culture if India that stands as a protector is unique and our great RISHIS have left it for us.

Mind is not an organ, it is only collection of thoughts that is fed, nurtured and nourished by the organs of perception when it comes in contact with the objects. It depends on your focus. For Example—
When you are engaged in sending a message in your cell phone, your mind is totally in to it, you cannot hear anything around you. Brain has to cooperate in action. What makes it a thought that gets accumalated in us?

The inner vasanas and attachments form an opinion on the Objects and your perception gets coloured. FOR EXAMPLE — your children are like any other human being on the earth, but very special to you. We get involved in raising them and do not realise when it becomes possessive attachment. How do we control the sense organs? It is like trying to construct a dam at the time of intense flood!

The vasanas and binding attachments bring sorrow as your mind has certain demands and expectations and fulfilling those desires may not be possible. This is the root cause of SORROW and
DISSAPOINTMENT. Lord Krishna says ” be aware of yourself while performing your duties and save your inner energy by keeping up the attitude of Non Attachment during activity.

It may sound difficult but TRUTH and FACTS can be painful and that is the ” WAY OF LIFE”. In fact you will realise the liberation and freedom you enjoy while living your life. People carry the burden of attachments that are unproductive and waste of energy.

Instead of gathering new impressions, let us make use of our activities for emptying the vasana dirt of the past and set ourselves free.????

Divine Gita Chapter 3 Verse 6

“He who retaining the organs of action, sits thinking in his mind of the sense objects, he of deluded understanding, is called a hypocrite.”
Indriyarthanvimoodathma mithya charaha

To sit back physically retired is not the way to reach anywhere, or even hope to feel a state of perfection. If one has to withdraw from the world, one has to be mentally also withdrawn from the sensuous world. A misinformed seeker assumes the physical attire, action, pessimistic thoughts, discourages other true seekers to be rigid in rituals and developes egoistic superiority on his practices.

The mind has a tendency to repeat its own thoughts particularly negative ones. Constantly indulging in thoughts of competition, comparison will create a sense of hatred towards the other person. We try to hide those emotions and act over friendly with a hurt mind. What purpose does this serve?

Every action of your will be coloured by the thoughts created and nurtured in the mind. YOU BECOME WHAT YOUR THOUGHTS MAKE YOU TO BE! To physically and verbally show our morality and ethics, while living a life of low motives and negative thoughts is a self deluded hypocrite says Lord Krishna

Mind and action should be together to attain peace. Being aware of the negativity around is being wise but within yourself you should hold truth and integrity. For Example In today s world the disconnection of mind and action is being fueled by social media. I feel this technology is a great tool to reach out to people for good purposes and staying productive. We should manage the hypocrisy that can rule over us or One can lose the discipline of life.

Arjuna is a KSHATRIYA a warrior, he cannot jump his gunas, it is simple management theory — make people do what they are good at by getting the best out of them. This is a great service to humanity.

Divine GITA Chapter 3 Verse 5

January 03, 2022

WRITING THIS FROM vana hidden sacred forest in Uttarakand.

“None can ever remain, even for a moment, without performing action; as everyone is made to act helplessly, indeed by the qualities born of PRAKRATI.”

Man is ever agitated by the influence of three GUNAS, Sattwa, Rajas, and Tamas inherent in him. These temperaments are born out of karma of the past. It is like what you grow in your garden, or what you want to grow and you nurture it accordingly.

Even if we are physically at rest, mentally there is a constant push to act. We get helplessly prompted to labour and act. The sattwa is spiritually inclined pious heart, Rajas is action in the world, fulfilling desires, Tamas is laziness and may indulge in mindless activity or go in to cultural deterioration through inactivity.

In the state of sleep, the unconscious mind is still active except that you have no control over those scenes. Lord Krishna advises us to act with full intensity with a right attitude of mind that is aware of the world and above, the real goal of our coming to earth.

For Example every creature is in harmony with nature, they follow the rules of the universal creator except human beings. We act with selfish motives at all times, mindless on the world around us, not aware of the mind, body and soul although it is a gift very special to humans. Destruction of nature is a reflection of self destruction.

PRAKRITI here indicates your qualities and personality which is very individualistic and personal. It is futile to compare or compete with other humans as the balance of gunas differ from each person. We get judgmental and frustrated looking at somebody’s success or happiness and that truly hurts our inner self.

Gita Divine Song Chapter 3 Verse 3
November 12, 2021

WRITING THIS FROM vana hidden sacred forest in Uttarakand.

“The Blessed Lord says – In this world there is a two way path, as I said before, O sinless one; THE PATH OF KNOWLEDGE of the sankhyans and the PATH OF ACTION of the yogins”.

GYANA YOGA and KARMA YOGA are complementary to each other. To think which is superior and inferior is to understand neither of them. Example different diseases need different medicines for cure and our SCRIPTURES have expounded the individual path and not any group path for liberation.

Krishna indicates two paths not as a boy from Vrindavan, but as a Man of self realisation, a seer who lived in that period of History. Path of action is designed by you to prepare yourself for path of knowledge. Action itself performed with a certain attitude turns in to knowledge. This is because human beings are not pre programmed like the animals. We have the power to excercise free will at times to think and act.

Karma is not simple vaidika karma or a ritual, you have to gain a mind to receive the Gyana for Antakarana suddi. One has to shed the desires by fulfilling them to raise oneself to the level of understanding. Example In the process of life, how much or how long do you enjoy the success of your desires? It is very short lived. So your mind jumps from one desire to another to feel momentary satisfaction. The gap between the desires cause stress and anxiety. To get to the gyanam, one has to understand the futility of this cycle and try to reach inward.

Instant gratification is the modern disease and an outcome of this ????process of living. World is the same, your mind is racing and getting stuck at different levels. Lord here is the teacher, charioteer who leads you to the path of heaven.

People of today are looking for immediate satisfaction of their desires so they can jump to another one. Nothing wrong ofcourse but you burn out too fast in life. No sustained interest in life will make you directionless and restless.

Divine song GITA Chapter 3 Verse 4

“Not by non performance of actions does man reach actionlessness; nor by mere renunciation does he attain ‘ Perfection.

Lord speaks these words after showing us 2 paths to liberation. He goes further to tell us that by keeping quite and not doing anything one does not reach a state of actionless; the desires keep disturbing the mind, gets formed in to thoughts and your head is filled with actions. Physically not doing anything means nothing, it leads you to ignorance.

It is important to reflect on what I spoke on floppy the memories of your desires you carry each life. Even the Chinese philosophy believes you carry the energy of your desires formed called OHI CHI after death.

While we are involved in action, in the world it does not mean you are in a condition of aggressive performer. The attitude with which you lead your life brings in the perfection.

Floppy you carry I mean the destiny that is interlocked with your existence will push you to act and fulfill your desires. One can exercise free will here by choosing the right way to act but cannot avoid action totally.

Renunciation of action, I mean sanyasa does not make you perfect. Running away from life does not give you highest goal of evolution. In fact your actions in active life cleanses you of your karmas if you do not get entangled again in the vasana again that comes out of actions.

For Example if you turn inward in to silence for a few minutes, you will realise the release of the burden off your chest. When we get involved in the upbringing of a child, we enjoy his helplessness as he is all yours. It becomes a possession for you to feel empowered. After 15 years they start questioning your authority, you are baffled and upset. When someone or something leaves you, it is a release of karma; learn to enjoy that and that is what makes you perfect.

There is a time and place for sanyasa, for example Swami Ragavendra when he went to his Guru to become a sanyasi, he refused to give him Diksha as he said I can see your karma looming over your head, go back to the world of sansara and cleanse yourself of it.

Action or actionless is not important, how you shed your vasanas through awareness of your existence really matters.

Divine GITA Verse 5

“None can ever remain, even for a moment, without performing action; as everyone is made to act helplessly, indeed by the qualities born of PRAKRATI.”

Man is ever agitated by the influence of three GUNAS, Sattwa, Rajas, and Tamas inherent in him. These temperaments are born out of karma of the past. It is like what you grow in your garden, or what you want to grow and you nurture it accordingly.

Even if we are physically at rest, mentally there is a constant push to act. We get helplessly prompted to labour and act. The sattwa is spiritually inclined pious heart, Rajas is action in the world, fulfilling desires, Tamas is laziness and may indulge in mindless activity or go in to cultural deterioration through inactivity.

In the state of sleep, the unconscious mind is still active except that you have no control over those scenes. Lord Krishna advises us to act with full intensity with a right attitude of mind that is aware of the world and above, the real goal of our coming to earth.

For Example every creature is in harmony with nature, they follow the rules of the universal creator except human beings. We act with selfish motives at all times, mindless on the world around us, not aware of the mind, body and soul although it is a gift very special to humans. Destruction of nature is a reflection of self destruction.

PRAKRITI here indicates your qualities and personality which is very individualistic and personal. It is futile to compare or compete with other humans as the balance of gunas differ from each person.

We get judgmental and frustrated looking at somebody’s success or happiness and that truly hurts our inner self.

Arjuna is a KSHATRIYA a warrior, he cannot jump his gunas, it is simple management theory — make people do what they are good at by getting the best out of them. This is a great service to humanity.

Introduction to Karma yoga
October 26, 2021

One cannot ignore the dynamism in Hindu way of life that leads to spirituality. If rituals alone can lead you towards God, then all the priests in the temples must be doing the right thing. If relocating to the forest or mountain gets you the liberation, then all rishis should have left in peace. If one does his duties and thinks that is worship, then there should be no sorrow in the world.

Arjuna wants the Lord to appreciate his cowardly act of running away from the battlefield. He was confused — Did not Krishna speak of steady wisdom some time ago? One can attain that state of wisdom with clarity only when you complete your karma you have designed. Arjuna and his brothers waited in the forest sharpening their swords and mind with a single goal of fighting the kauravas.

How can he let go of the energy he built over the years? Even in the modern world, people run away from responsibilities when it is convenient for them and talk philosophy and pearls if wisdom! Life that 2 sides, Happiness and sorrow ; you have to deal with it in the life style you have chosen.

What is it that makes your karma a yoga? There are many ways to attain the feet of the Lord, it is the attitude, acceptance and awareness that makes your action pure and divine. Gita always directs us to King Janaka in Ramayana as a karma yogi. He knew his daughter s destiny yet he did exactly what he was meant to do.


Understanding KARMA YOGA

Day today karmas are born from the floppy or the memory card that is inserted by you in the subconscious mind. When the body and mind leaves, we think that person is dead forever. What will happen to the energy of your newly formed desires and demands from life and people?

All unprocessed memories are recorded and stored in the floppy that your consciousness carries in to the next appropriate body only to fulfill your demands. Those cells of energy produce thoughts in your mind to act through your body. Being aware of the unfolding of the subconscious mind is ATHMA GYAN. This is pure logic of action, energy and movement; there is nothing super natural about this fact.

Until the floppy that your subconscious mind carries get exhausted, there is no release of life. For Example people wonder on the choices they made on marriage, education, career, material comfort etc as they are not aware if the fact that choice was never theirs in this life. Very often people have regrets in life as they think they are the sutradhar of their lives; this causes more pain and sorrow.

Arjuna is in the same ignorant condition. He is breaking down and wants to argue that running away from the situation is a better option but his floppy will never allow him to be in peace until he completes his karma.

Speaking from Badrinath and Kedarnath. OM NAMO BHAGAWATHE VASUDEVAYA NAMAH!

What better opportunity than to speak on KARMA YOGA verse one Arjuna ” if knowledge is superior to action O Janardhana, Keshava, why are you engaging me in this terrible action?

Arjuna is still stuck in his ignorance and refuses to accept the words of the Lord. In Upanishad the very first criteria to learn Atmagyan is a certain surrender to the teacher or the scripture to understand the wisdom of living.

In today s world although there is abundance of words of wisdom floating around, people still live in doubts and confusion. The reason is there is no inner surrender to gain knowledge, smart words tickle the mind but does not seep in to the soul.

After Krishna spoke on yoga of knowledge, Arjuna still wants to know why should he engage himself in action. At this moment he finds the path of renunciation very comforting and wants to run away from responsibility as he could not let go of his egoism. He wants Krishna to prompt the course of action he should take. We in the modern times also forget the cause and demand solutions from God. HE CAN ONLY GIVE YOU A SYSTEM IF CAUSE AND EFFECT, HE CANNOT INTERFERE IN OUR KARMA LINKS.

After Krishna spoke on yoga of knowledge, Arjuna still wants to know why should he engage himself in action. At this moment he finds the path of renunciation very comforting and wants to run away from responsibility as he could not let go of his egoism. He wants Krishna to prompt the course of action he should take. We in the modern times also forget the cause and demand solutions from God. HE CAN ONLY GIVE YOU A SYSTEM IF CAUSE AND EFFECT, HE CANNOT INTERFERE IN OUR KARMA LINKS.

You take action regardless of your thoughts in the mind. As I had mentioned the floppy you bring in the subconscious mind will pressurize to act. Well here you can apply your free will to neutralise your action through athma gyan. Hence we need this wisdom. Dharmic nature is a sanskar and here Arjuna is a kshatrya, he has to act as per his swaroopa.

Krishna is trying to tell him to put away attachment and fight like any kshatrya would. Why should Arjuna hesitate? He has been wronged by his family and they also become like Aam janta in front of dharma.

Divine Gita verse 3 WRITING THIS FROM vana hidden sacred forest in Uttarakand

“The Blessed Lord says In this world there is a two way path, as I said before, O sinless one; THE PATH OF KNOWLEDGE of the sankhyans and the PATH OF ACTION of the yogins”.

GYANA YOGA and KARMA YOGA are complementary to each other. To think which is superior and inferior is to understand neither of them. Example different diseases need different medicines for cure and our SCRIPTURES have expounded the individual path and not any group path for liberation.\

Krishna indicates two paths not as a boy from Vrindavan, but as a Man of self realisation, a seer who lived in that period of History. Path of action is designed by you to prepare yourself for path of knowledge. Action itself performed with a certain attitude turns in to knowledge. This is because human beings are not pre programmed like the animals. We have the power to excercise free will at times to think and act.

Karma is not simple vaidika karma or a ritual, you have to gain a mind to receive the Gyana for Antakarana suddi. One has to shed the desires by fulfilling them to raise oneself to the level of understanding. Example In the process of life, how much or how long do you enjoy the success of your desires? It is very short lived. So your mind jumps from one desire to another to feel momentary satisfaction. The gap between the desires cause stress and anxiety. To get to the gyanam, one has to understand the futility of this cycle and try to reach inward.

Instant gratification is the modern disease and an outcome of this ????process of living. World is the same, your mind is racing and getting stuck at different levels. Lord here is the teacher, charioteer who leads you to the path of heaven.

People of today are looking for immediate satisfaction of their desires so they can jump to another one. Nothing wrong ofcourse but you burn out too fast in life. No sustained interest in life will make you directionless and restless.

Gita Chapter 3 Divine song KARMA YOGA
August 30, 2021

This 3rd chapter is the most important one for sansaris who also need to follow the path of wisdom to run their lives. It gives more opportunities to question Lord s verses for self development.

Vedantic philosophy is taught to the student in the natural environment and encourages free discussion ( tharkam ). No other sect gives you the freedom to ask questions, or argue with the teacher. GITA setting in the Mahabarath is timeless as humans in each yoga ask questions according to their understanding. One cannot by pass the intellect of the disciple.

The arguments raised by Krishna in his teachings create a doubt as to which is the path of self realisation. 1 knowledge 2 Action 3 synthesis of both 4 is it through total renunciation? Adi Shankara as we studied before GITA had laid down the ultimate truth of life in Vedanta and showed the methodology of silencing the mind.

Krishna is talking to Arjuna, a kshatrya who has to act and protect his Nation and set an example to the posterity. THIS IS THE ULTIMATE LEARNING AND FEEL HOW VASANAS DESTROY THE HAPPINESS OF LIVING.

GITA is born from Upanishads but has a different approach to suit the time. Krishna reinterprets the Vedic truthsin the context of HIS time. We will try to use HIS words to fit our times. This is just a small introduction. More to come

Introduction to Karma Yoga

In the Vedic times the concept of work was limited to ritualistic sacrifices. When it was done consistently it purified your heart and brought about single minded focus on the goal. It prepares you to pursue self enquiry. Many people think that this activity has to be saved for old age which is very wrong. You do not need anything in old age and you are on your way out .

Our Hindu SCRIPTURE is a thought, one practical methodology of living. No one can stop the churning of time as mankind makes it happen through their ego filled mind. GOD does not create yugas, we do and our thoughts bring about the changes.

Well we have to reinvent and revisit the methodology to make the world condusive to live. With God s Grace I am trying to reinterpret the Vedic truths that will suit you and me. This is the beauty of our smrutis, it is the ultimate truth, we are using different language, examples and platform. Who would have thought we will be doing a satsang on this Media?

Out dated thoughts and rituals become lifeless and we cannot nourish our culture. We often find that the younger lots do not understand your methodology of praying as they have not seen what you have seen. They need a different approach of logic and rational that Lord Krishna is infusing in to Arjuna s mind. KARMA YOGA will be ‘re interpreted.

Thoughts on Karma Yoga

KARMA is not mere action or expression of your skill. The action you do has to produce an energy that is useful for you and the society. We often hear people say ” I am not hurting anyone, just doing my work everyday so I am a karma yogi. My work is worship”. This is a misunderstanding of karma yoga.

Every action produces energy and it has no form, it goes in to the mind and becomes a network. There will be a constant demand from the network to increase the power of greed and demand. The power of selfishness and greed accumalates and gets electrocuted in the mind. Cause of stress and anxiety.

This is not karma yoga. Every action has to have the essence of panchamrut and that is DHAYA, DHAAN, BHAKTHI, GHYAN AND DHYAN. These flavours teach you the art of living and balancing of your karmas.

The previous paragraph explains it however I will explain. Karma in Sanskrit has many connotations; your action merely fulfills your desire which is fine but if you want your action to help you elevate to the next level, you have to act selflessly and keep the end goal in mind. For Example In a corporate every employee thinks of himself, the employer wants to take maximum work by exploiting their emotions, where is the GOAL? Action with awareness becomes karma yoga

Introduction to chapter 3 karma yoga

FAQ ” How do I know whether I am making a good or a bad karma”?

You are well aware of your thoughts and actions; we do pretend ignorance of not being aware due to the compulsive desire of wanting something. Essence of the this thatwam is ” Do not do anything to others that you do not want them to do to you.”

The most important symptom of knowing your karma — When your action makes you peaceful then it is a good karma, you do not need to ask anyone. Your classroom from within will teach you this subject.

Animals for example do not know what is boredom. They follow a pattern and an inbuilt system. Man in today s world is constantly bored with himself and needs constant external stimulation to keep himself happy. Hence the instant gratification makes him wander aimlessly and indulge in negative thinking, competition, jealousy, anger and many more unproductive thoughts.

Man has a toy in his hand now and that is the smart phone; market keeps creating things to encash on your weaknesses. This gadget will take away your creative emotions and slow down your concentration.

In a way it keeps our mind away from criminal activities as everyone is so engrossed in networking and do not know what comes out of it. KARMA YOGA is way beyond all these actions. It is an ability to connect with yourself and stay at peace after performing your duties.

Introduction to Karma yoga

One cannot ignore the dynamism in Hindu way of life that leads to spirituality. If rituals alone can lead you towards God, then all the priests in the temples must be doing the right thing. If relocating to the forest or mountain gets you the liberation, then all rishis should have left in peace. If one does his duties and thinks that is worship, then there should be no sorrow in the world.

Arjuna wants the Lord to appreciate his cowardly act of running away from the battlefield. He was confused — Did not Krishna speak of steady wisdom some time ago? One can attain that state of wisdom with clarity only when you complete your karma you have designed. Arjuna and his brothers waited in the forest sharpening their swords and mind with a single goal of fighting the kauravas.

How can he let go of the energy he built over the years? Even in the modern world, people run away from responsibilities when it is convenient for them and talk philosophy and pearls if wisdom! Life that 2 sides, Happiness and sorrow ; you have to deal with it in the life style you have chosen.

What is it that makes your karma a yoga? There are many ways to attain the feet of the Lord, it is the attitude, acceptance and awareness that makes your action pure and divine. Gita always directs us to King Janaka in Ramayana as a karma yogi. He knew his daughter s destiny yet he did exactly what he was meant to do.


Adding a point. We often accept and have the right attitude when things go right, unfortunately the same theory applies in all situations in life.

Understanding KARMA YOGA

Day today karmas are born from the floppy or the memory card that is inserted by you in the subconscious mind. When the body and mind leaves, we think that person is dead forever. What will happen to the energy of your newly formed desires and demands from life and people?

All unprocessed memories are recorded and stored in the floppy that your consciousness carries in to the next appropriate body only to fulfill your demands. Those cells of energy produce thoughts in your mind to act through your body. Being aware of the unfolding of the subconscious mind is ATHMA GYAN. This is pure logic of action, energy and movement; there is nothing super natural about this fact.

Until the floppy that your subconscious mind carries get exhausted, there is no release of life. For Example people wonder on the choices they made on marriage, education, career, material comfort etc as they are not aware if the fact that choice was never theirs in this life. Very often people have regrets in life as they think they are the sutradhar of their lives; this causes more pain and

Arjuna is in the same ignorant condition. He is breaking down and wants to argue that running away from the situation is a better option but his floppy will never allow him to be in peace until he completes his karma.

I will start the actual verse from chapter 3 soon. Meanwhile I request my dear friends and seekers to run through the introduction part of karma yoga. It is very important to understand the verses.

What better opportunity than to speak on KARMA YOGA verse one Arjuna ” if knowledge is superior to action O Janardhana, Keshava, why are you engaging me in this terrible action?

Arjuna is still stuck in his ignorance and refuses to accept the words of the Lord. In Upanishad the very first criteria to learn Atmagyan is a certain surrender to the teacher or the scripture to understand the wisdom of living.

In today s world although there is abundance of words of wisdom floating around, people still live in doubts and confusion. The reason is there is no inner surrender to gain knowledge, smart words tickle the mind but does not seep in to the soul.

After Krishna spoke on yoga of knowledge, Arjuna still wants to know why should he engage himself in action. At this moment he finds the path of renunciation very comforting and wants to run away from responsibility as he could not let go of his egoism. He wants Krishna to prompt the course of action he should take. We in the modern times also forget the cause and demand solutions from God. HE CAN ONLY GIVE YOU A SYSTEM IF CAUSE AND EFFECT, HE CANNOT INTERFERE IN OUR KARMA LINKS.

Yes Meena, karma is a shadow, it goes with you. Yes the intensity of karma reduces or I can say your suffering lessens when your unconditional Bhakti increases. For Example The patient on the surgical table is sure to go through the operation, the anaesthesia knocks him out. Your Bhakti, humility, compassion act as anaesthesia for the suffering

After Krishna spoke on yoga of knowledge, Arjuna still wants to know why should he engage himself in action. At this moment he finds the path of renunciation very comforting and wants to run away from responsibility as he could not let go of his egoism. He wants Krishna to prompt the course of action he should take. We in the modern times also forget the cause and demand solutions from God. HE CAN ONLY GIVE YOU A SYSTEM IF CAUSE AND EFFECT, HE CANNOT INTERFERE IN OUR KARMA LINKS.

You take action regardless of your thoughts in the mind. As I had mentioned the floppy you bring in the subconscious mind will pressurize to act. Well here you can apply your free will to neutralise your action through athma gyan. Hence we need this wisdom. Dharmic nature is a sanskar and here Arjuna is a kshatrya, he has to act as per his swaroopa.

Krishna is trying to tell him to put away attachment and fight like any kshatrya would. Why should Arjuna hesitate? He has been wronged by his family and they also become like Aam janta in front of dharma.

Divine Song GITA Chapter 2 Verse 72
August 4, 2021

“This is the Bhramic state, 0 son of Pritha. Attaining this, ‘ yeva Bhrami sthithi, Bhrama nivarana muchyathi’, even at the end of life, one attains to oneness with Bhraman.”

Chapter 2 of the Gita summarises the essence if the vakya. We are in the last verse, I request you to run through the 2 chapter verses just once before we step in to the famous KARMA YOGA.

Understanding of the desires, handling of it, and feeling fulfilled are the proceedings of the life journey. This will lead you to the question ‘ Who am I’. We are not talking about giving up of desires and embrace sanyasa yoga, we have talked about it in the last session.

It is the negation of the false and assertion of the True that is indicated here and the Upanishads. For example- Even in old age people don’t feel a sense of fulfilment, or understand the pain caused by their own delusional EGO. I would take the liberty of using the word ” Enlightened Ego” to make your life easier.

This means know and be aware if your ego manifestations so it will bring you right back to the truth. The general doubt that comes in the mind is what if I fall back in to the world of egoistic imperfections? ABHYASA— It is a constant practice with a STHITA PRAGNA that will help you reach the pinnacle of happiness.

For Example — When you do your physical work outs to stay fit, you are perfect. With a deviation from the workout, you lose the fitness. What do you do? You go back to the gym and start all over again to get back in to shape. Mind is the same; practice, and excercise of the mind alone can help you retain your sanity.

When we go out in a group, there are different people with multiple energies; we cannot absorb it all, we need a mental practice to stay the way you are so you go back home the same way.

Ending of Chapter 2 that is the GYANA YOGA

What should we do , how to train our mind to protect ourselves from negative energies?

World itself is a formulation of energy and with creation of human beings it gets diversified. The reason is humans are aware of themselves and the surroundings; they keep learning from their interactions with others.

The same awareness we have to apply when there is unwanted or something that is not suitable for you. We cannot run away from people, the challenge is to stay here and live our lives. Create positive thinking through sadhana of prayers, meeting satsangis, exchange your thoughts on the understanding of the divine.

Your positive energy will battle the negative one and save you from falling in to it. Feel complete within yourself, yet never fail to give positive appreciation to people. Create your own aura that will protect you.

The wise man is one who learns the value and the difference between EGO CONFIDENCE AND IDENTITY. The awareness of this knowledge is a constant tune while living your life. We live in a world of unstable emotions , where people lose their temper, feel anxious on the fruits of their action, self image building that is false, and return to the empty self.

We can at no point of time lose our identity and yet have to deal with the world. People who change colours are human too and may be they are unable to be confident. We as a human being should respect ourselves and not expect others to do that to us.

Divine GITA Chapter 2 Verse 71
July 19, 2021

Kindly read this verse along with the previous one.

“That man attains peace who, abandoning all desires, moves around without longing, without the sense if I- ness and MY – ness.”

Lord Krishna does not speak only on sanyasa yoga although it seems that way. Example One can live in the world and hold the forest in his mind, or One can live in the forest with the world in his mind.

There is a certain attitude we need to develope to live peacefully in this earth.

Today s world of technology has helps you to create jungle of network and we imagine that the decision of connecting with people is taken by us; it is a fallacy. The universal network that has your complete data alone works. Marketing net work is temporary and has no value added to your life.

One can think of abandoning desires but will not happen until you finish your social network obligations and feel fulfilled. Sanyasa yoga is the extreme abstinence and one cannot come in to the world to preach. Karma yoga is the most difficult and appropriate for a perfect man. One lives in this world without longing for anything as HE knows what is meant for him will come yo his door step. He is not taking any sense of ownership as he is aware of the un8versal law.

Why Arjuna? EGO is the cause of all sense attachments and longings. Arjuna cannot think of taking Sanyasa in the battlefield; his destiny is fixed and He has to act with total dispassion to enjoy a peaceful life. Running away to the mountains is escaping from your reality, it will haunt you. Sanyasa is sacrifice, sansaram is thyagam which is superior as it means you are letting go of your false EGO.

Man s usual tendency is to take credit of anything positive happens in his life and never hesitates to blame the creator for the negative happenings. Why not we think of the mind we seem to own where we cook our negative thoughts? Karmas breed in the mind and the effect if the cause is constructed. Any longing that does not belong to you will cause pain.

Divine Song Chapter 2 Verse 70
July 19, 2021

“He attains peace into whom all desires enter as waters enter the ocean, which filled from all sides remains unmoved ; but not the ‘desirer of the desires’.

Shanthim aapnodhi na kama kamani

Millions of gallons of water reach the ocean through various rivers, yet the level of water in the ocean does not change. Number of sense objects pour in the stimuli and reach the mental Zone through man’s five sense channels, if they do not create any turbulence, he is a man of wisdom who stays in happiness.

We have to find our own levels although we are living amidst the sense objects, we have nowhere to go in search of peace. The MODERN materialists believe that by fanning up their desires and satisfying them, one can experience joy. The society today is a consumer unit, the more you feed, the more it demands as mind is never satisfied with one time desire. We keep searching for more satisfaction through the external

Your remote is in many people s hands. Television ads, social media communication, marketing agencies use your weakness to find happiness in the external objects and the cycle never ends. You still remain unhappy.

What type of desires do you entertain? Mind is a data collector, your intellect helps you to discriminate the data and detele what is unproductive. Scriptural masters lived in the society of men, and did everything in silence to those who were seekers of TRUTH. The modern prophets for profit are busy increasing the number if followers and lost the path of contributing to the quotient of happiness.

Hence the desirer of desires can never come to perfect peace. Outer world can hurt you only when you allow it, your greed is under control, attachments to the wrong objects.

Divine Song Chapter 2 Verse 68 and 69
July 19, 2021

“O mighty armed, his knowledge is steady whose senses are completely restrained from sense objects.”

“That which is night to all beings, in that the self controlled man keeps awake; where all beings are awake, that is the night for the sage who sees.”

A wise man stays rooted in joy and bliss as he knows everything is subject to change including our happiness. The ego centric existence becomes a victim to the sense organs; one who has conqurered the ego comes to live in freedom.

The metaphor that clearly explains the difference between the perception of body- intellect and the eye if spirituality. The data mongering modern intellect cannot comprehend the beyond due his ego.

The ignorant never perceives the world as it is; he taints it through his mental colour and presumes the imperfections in his mind to be part of objects perceived.

The wise is awake to his consciousness and He knows the selfish under current if the world and does get trapped in to it. He puts his ego to sleep when the world us awake to the finite experiences, sobs and thrills of the mind.

Knowledge of your existence and the world around you is very important for happy living. For Example we keep saying ” sun rise and sun set is so beautiful”. The knowdge application tells you it is the earth that is rotating tirelessly and you get to see the SUN and the MOON. This is the awakening that helps you to accept your karma and life.

Reflection of the ignorant.
OCA (obsessive compulsive addiction to relationships)

One of our members wanted to know about an incident in Mahabarath when the game of dice was happening in king s court between the pandavas and kauravas. WHY DID KRISHNA NOT COME TO

RESCUE THE PANDAVAS while they were being cheated and bullied by shakuni?

Lord Krishna tells Uddhava, his childhood friend and very worthy of receiving the athma gyan from the Lord. Krishna imparts the real essence of life to him which is called Uddhava Gita that features in Bhagawath purana.

The Lord says ” Did Pandavas consult me before entering in to the game if dice? When Duryodhan s uncle played it on their behalf, they should have thought of me as I am their uncle. I was waiting at the door step of the palace waiting for them to call me.

Even God cannot interfere in the system of karma. Draupadhi called out to me and I went to her rescue. If you call out to the Lord and surrender at HIS feet, he takes over your karma and releases you from the situations.

ALMIGHTY is all pervading, it is your gesture of love and devotion that brings him alive. We as humans think we should be smart and alert in conducting our lives but the very LIFE is given to us by HIM

Divine GITA Chapter 2 Verse 66 and 67
July 19, 2021

“There is no knowledge of the self to the unsteady; and to the unsteady no mediration; and to the unmeditative no peace; there is no peace, how can there be happiness?

“For the mind that follows the command of the wandering senses, carries away his determination, as the wind carries away a boat on the waters”.

The mind of the humans that is given free handle can accumalate every good and the bad things from the world and suffer unless we learn the art of decluttering as and we required. Meditation that we understand is a mere ritual at that moment, rest of the time the mind is unsteady.

For Example When we pray or do our day today ritual, it is feels good at that time; what happens to our minds during the balance period? Do we remember the peace that we experience while praying at all times?

Example of a human mind. Do we forget people when they hurt us, is there a time lapse for that? We nurture that wound forever. Why can we not remember the peace that we experience during the prayer all through the day? We find several excuses for our bad behaviour and call it being human!

Lord Krishna says Such minds can never find peace or happiness. How can such a mind meditate? If so meditate on what? The discrimination ability gets carried away by the storm and waves of the reckless mind. Understanding of what we have collected in our minds and learning the art of deleting the accumalated junk is called as MEDITATION.

Time rolls on and it finds solution to the problems we create for ourselves as no one has been able to control the ticking if time. We run behind the clock set by us.????

Divine Song GITA Chapter 2 Verse 64 and 65
July 19, 2021

“The self-controlled man, moving among objects, with his senses under restraint, and free from both attraction and repulsion, attains peace”.

“In that peace all pains are destroyed; for, the intellect of the tranquil minded soon becomes steady”.

As human beings we are given the responsibility to discipline ourselves. All other species have self regulating machine from within. The inner disturbances does not depend on the sense objects of the outer world, it is the mind s agitations for possessing the desirable objects, or wanting to get rid of something.

Wise man with self-control, moves around in the world with neither any special love, nor any aversion. For Example, when I move, my shadow follows me according to the position of light; but the shadow cannot love me, hate me or destroy me. A lunatic whips himself and suffers in pain, he can be released only when he stops hurting himself. To live in self control, not demanding anything but accepting life as it comes and find happiness and peace without giving the handle to others to manipulate your life; you are travelling towards reality and peace.

When the mind attains peace, it can still go in to ripples when someone throws the stone in to the pond. You have to let the stone drown and stay in peace.

For Example we go to the temples to pray and accept the prasadam with devotion; this is symbolic of accepting your life, as it is the prasadam of your ritual of karmas. In this tranquillity, all pains and aches get destroyed, the intellect becomes steady.

Divine GITA Chapter 2 Verse 62 and 63
July 19, 2021

“When a man thinks of objects, ” attachment” arises; from this the desire is born, from desire arises anger and anxiety.

“From anger comes delusion; loss if memory from delusion, then comes the destruction of discrimination, and He perishes”.

Ambition, Aspiration, Action, Achievement, Accumalation, Attachment Desire, Expectation, demand for possession, negative emotions that arise are jealousy, competition, longing and then What? ALL THESE FRINGE EMOTIONS ARE DESTRUCTIVE IN NATURE and leads you to delusion.

Achievements and accumulations happen regardless of your wanting, your efforts towards success comes as a package of destiny. You are not to worry.

We often young people saying ‘ Oh I forgot, I did not realise, memory loss etc. This is the process of mind destruction. They are self absorbed to the point of nurturing negative emotions that takes a toll on their lives. Man is born to give like any other beings on the earth, take what comes out of your destiny. Modern society has engaged itself in accumalation and keeping up with their delusions. The ability to discriminate is given only to humans, and it can save them from destruction.

When the mind has become so delusional how will a man act? Impulsive, selfish, demanding , needy, angry, and start finding fault with everything. Extreme anger leads to destroy others in some way.


He has given a smartphone in everyone s hand so man does not harm the society, he is engrossed in to it and starts living in another delusional world. This keeps his mind from indulging in criminal activities, mentally and physically.

Divine Song Chapter 2 GITA Verse 60 and 61
July 10, 2021

“The turbulent senses O son of Kunthi, violently carry away the mind of a wise man, though he be striving to control them”.

Lord speaks of Spritual Reality that is the truth of our existence. We as humans are ignorant of its functions. We are governed by Sattwa (unactivity), one who has realised, Rajas ( Activity) and Tamas (Unactivity ). When the sattwa guna gets veiled by the intellectual logic (rajas), and the laziness of Tama guna, you lose the tranquillity of the mind. Sense organs drag the mind to the sense objects and we plunge in to the sea of ignorance and take it to be reality.

This can happen even to a highly evolved seeker. Try to quiten the mind for a second , there is no world outside, it is your imagination, relationship chaos, expectations, wanting to be loved by the children and many more dangerous network you have created as memory.

For Example The most learned sanyasi who has spent time in the forest and mountains craves for followers in the name of spreading his knowledge. Lord says the way of life you choose is pre destined, it is the OBJECTIVE MIND that should be kept alive.

One cannot demand love, respect, power, money from others; it is your destiny and behaviour that earns respect and love. Your life pursuit is self development and not instant gratification. The ulceric mind heals in silence and helps you to recover from sorrowful mind.

Any forced abstinence from sense organs will not help cleansing our minds. One has to learn to tame the unproductive thoughts and surrender at HIS feet so you will realise your journey of discovering yourself.

Divine Song Chapter 2 GITA Verse 59
July 10, 2021

“The objects of the senses turn away from the abstinent man leaving the longing behind; desire to possess also leaves him on seeing his determination.”

Ramana Maharishi says ” longing for anything causes pain and distress, we lose sight of our very purpose of living”. In the modern society, there is longing, craving and obsessive compulsive relationship that tears the very core of living styles. Anger, abuse, desire for self destruction comes out of EGO which is nothing but a dream.

Man is addicted to his self created ego that has no reality. For example – you are whipped in your dream state , when you wake up, there is no scratch on your body. Wake up to the enlightened EGO that will give you strength to battle falsehood in this world. Sense objects reach those who are addicted to their emotional cravings, and cannot let go of any external forces.

For example when we use our laptop we know it is a machine that can store so much data and memory; we see and use only what is useful for us. We ignore the existence of unwanted data or block encroaching marketing nonsense. Why?

It is an irritant and distracts you from the main work. Your EGO becomes an irritant and creates certain body language, changes on your pleasant face and finally hits your mind.

Lord here speaks of Determination, Dedication, Devotion that comes from your ability to identify your harmful EGO and try to enlighten your thoughts.

Divine GITA Chapter 2 Verse 58
July 10, 2021

“When, like the tortoise that withdraws its limbs from all sides, he withdraws his senses from the sense objects, then his WISDOM becomes steady”.

Modern society today is involved in some kind of spiritual study like never before. Multiple conflicts, stress, anger jealously are haunting their minds and they feel going in to the world of knowledge, bhajans or discourses can give them a solution. Lord spoke in the last verse on a perfect wise man but he wants to tell us on how to sustain the state if wisdom!

He uses the example if the turtle that cringes as and when he wants, so also as human beings should learn the art of withdrawing all his antennae that peeps from his sense organs when it starts hurting.

In Upanishads there is a mention of Light of consciousness that illumines each sense organ. For example the ear by itself is a mere shape until it has the power if hearing, eyes are of no value unless it has the ability to see. Brain is of no value unless you use its discriminative ability. Body, when dead loses the light and senses.

The awareness of wisdom is like the unseen electricity that passes through your multiple gadgets like fan, light etc for your use. This knowledge is called in YOGA Shastra as Pratyahara that one accomplishes through pranayama and mental exercise of withdrawing from the taste of senses. Ultimately we are a part of the wheel that rotates with time.

Divine song Chapter 2 GITA verse 57
July 10, 2021

“He who is everywhere without attachment, on meeting with anything good or bad, who neither rejoices nor hates, his wisdom is fixed”.

Example An artist, who expresses his vision on the canvas through language of colours, will very often stand back from the easel, then fondly add strokes and correct lines that went out of his vision.

It is natural for humans to melt away in despair as the external forces thrust their energy in to us.

This verse clearly says ” mere detachment from things of life, or only the discriminative ability cannot attain wisdom. Arjuna wanted to run away to the forest to escape from his duties and to stop himself from fighting the war.

Detachment from the suicidal affection alone cannot take man to the space of divinity. There has to be a balance in ourselves to face all challenges in life. Very often people in distress talk about ‘renouncing the world with mind full of desires, it only aggregates if not sorted within yourself.

Who is the perfect one?

A wise man is one who with divine freedom lives in the world, with diverse people around but not exhibiting himself as agent of the divine, but healing them quietly and enjoy his life in its full glory.

He experiences the best and worst in life with equal detachment as he is forever in tune with the eternal. He sees things as they are, uncoloured by his mental moods. Things and destiny never change, we add our colour of sorrow and feel unhappy.

There are 84 lakhs of different types of life on the earth one can check scientifically as well. All creations on earth except human life knows the art of living. Human beings need life coaches, counselling, reassurances and many more crutches to live on this earth. Animals live in harmony with nature, man lives to satisfy his greed for fame and money and encroach in to lakes and forest. Humans want approvals and acceptance from others, it will never happen as everyone feels as inadequate as you are. They may ‘Like’ what you say or show, in reality, no one cares. If man can understand the art of multiplying money, he knows Art of living too.

Divine Song Chapter 2 GITA Verse 56
July 10, 2021

“He whose mind is stable in adversities and one who is not greed driven in prosperity, who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called a sage of steady wisdom”.

This statement can baffle a modern mind and particularly the mind that is entangled in electronics. Lord Krishna talking about the role of the experiencer. We play so many roles in life in different relationship and we try to find out who is the real ME? None of these roles from your life can give permanent satisfaction. Hence we seek from the saint or saintly people to instruct us.

Attachment will bring fear and anger in the mind. Fear of losing, fear of rejection that leads to anger. Adi Shankara speaks about this in ATMABODHA ” fear is an imagination that has no beginning or end, you keep floating in it forever and one day your life ends”.

Animals never get bored, they do not want to be famous or popular as they are computerized by God. Man should have been better with the intellect and awareness provided to him, he wastes his energy in things that are not productive for evolution. The satellite has taken over in a big way in our lives so the fearful mind will not indulge in criminal activities.

Solution– Understand your life without competing, feeling inadequate or trying pull down others. Accept your desires, karma of your past desires and fulfill everything you need to and be fulfilled at that moment.

Man jumps from one desire to another without enjoying the present. Fire increases when you add fuel, your pain doubles up when your desire increases.????

Divine Song Chapter 2 Verse 55
July 10, 2021

“When a man totally casts off, O Partha, all the desires of the mind, and is satisfied in the SELF by the SELF then he is said to be one of steady wisdom”.

An intellect contaminated by ignorance is a breeding ground if desires. However is there a life on this earth without desires? Every man has a right to the germ that travels through human system and manifests symptoms of stress, anxiety, expectation, anger and inability to let go of anything in life.

Modern man has way to argue ” How can I not expect? How can anyone live without desires? A sansari who is caught in the web of society’s expectations, falls in to the trap. The Lord speaks with conviction that it is natural to get in to the external world, he alone is wise who is able to see the transitory nature of the world. We need to know how to live in harmony under the situation.

For example When you are young, you have playmates but you let go of that relationship and move on to your other object of desire, there is no end to this process and it cannot give the eternal peace you are seeking. You need to come back to your SELF so you have to love yourself, prepare the ground for evolution.

Wise man is one who is aware of the worldy matters and stays happy within himself. External world will create turbulence of anger, feeling cheated, humiliated etc if you are integrated with your SELF, nothing affects you. This is the Abayasa to be practiced.

No one understands the easy way. We have to live in the midst of them, accept it as our karma to be used by them and move on. This teaches us a lesson and helps in detaching oneself ????

Divine Song Chapter 2 GITA Verse 54
July 10, 2021

“What O Keshava, is the description of him who has steady wisdom and who is merged in the superconscious state? How does one of steady wisdom speak, how does he sit, how does he walk?

The grief stricken hero Arjuna is coming to terms with the situation and seeks help from the master himself. His anxiety to know the TRUTH is intense as we know man does not learn his lessons unless he suffers that helplessness. It is like the oyster when uncomfortable gives out a pearl. Wisdom springs from sorrow and experience.

Spiritual knowledge does not expect a dress code, it is in the heart.

A sanyasi chooses his own pattern of living, I mean real sanyasi! He has no need, his job is to pursue his meditative state and impart knowledge to those who seek.

Samsari also is the same, has to identify truth in everything he does but it is difficult to keep the distractions away. Hence you need the master to guide you and reassure you of your existence when we become helpless. GITA is an age old scripture and yet we need to assure ourselves that we are not inadequate but complete human beings, come to serve our karma

The insecure feeling is a mental creation, unless you will it the feeling keeps hovering around you. This takes you away from wisdom or the TRUTH and you suffer

We often hear people say ” we need all this knowledge business in old age”. Our SCRIPTURES give a methodology of thinking to live your life.

Divine Song Chapter 2 Verse 53
July 10, 2021

“When your intellect, though perplexed by what you have heard, shall stand immovable and steady in the self, then you shall attain SELF REALISATION”

Mind gets agitated due to the flooding in of new stimuli from the world. One cannot help this from happening. Sense organs are the antennae that picks up signals and disturb the mind. The real YOGA is your ability to keep your inner poise and serenity regardless of external disturbing factors.

Lord Krishna talks a bit more elaborately in later chapters on STHITA PRAJNA, steadfast mind. Arjuna is trying to get out of his hysteria the result if his guilt, sorrow and sadness. There is no other way Arjuna to do your duties in peace. The intellect is a gift for man, do not go with the herd, learn to discriminate and live your life.

Example When you watch television with multiple channels, you cannot watch it all at a time. You make the effort to choose what makes you happy. This does not mean the other channels do not exist, you ignore them for your peace of mind.

Divine GITA Chapter 2 Verse 52
July 10, 2021

“When your intellect crosses beyond the mire of delusion, then you shall attain to a state where heard, unheard and sense experiences do not affect you.”

One has to sharpen the intellect through self awareness and the ability to sustain it. Observing life that gives you temporary satisfaction, and the untamed mind that craves for validation each moment makes you tierd of MAYA.

Our purpose in life is to remove the veil of ignorance and do our duties without getting entangled in the net of distress. Example just like you clean your body everyday, you have to dust out the avarana shakti that keeps circling around your intellect.

People in general think meditation classes, pranayama exercises give you a solution. MEDITATION is to correct the mind not use the polluted mind that will take you to unknown space of confusion.

Srutam and srotavyam the seen and the unseen, heard and unheard, touched and untouched are all like the roller coaster that gives you a hormonal kick and you come back feeling safe. The purified intellect that practices and sees reality of life has nothing to gain or lose. We become part of the hysteria of falsehood. It has taken so long for Krishna to set Arjuna s mind to ask sensible questions. ????

The wise man is one who learns the value and the difference between EGO CONFIDENCE AND IDENTITY. The awareness of this knowledge is a constant tune while living your life. We live in a world of unstable emotions , where people lose their temper, feel anxious on the fruits of their action, self image building that is false, and return to the empty self.

We can at no point of time lose our identity and yet have to deal with the world. People who change colours are human too and may be they are unable to be confident. We as a human being should respect ourselves and not expect others to do that to us.

Anger is a kind of unpleasantness that creeps without your knowledge and it is waste of time to control it. Understanding human structure and emotional network may help us to take it out from the root.

Divine Song Chapter 2 Verse 51
July 10, 2021

“The wise, possessed of knowledge having abandoned the fruits if their actions, freed from the fetters of birth, go to the state which is beyond all evil”.

The knowledge of the world and beyond is like a float in the ocean of sansar. Lord Krishna has taken upon himself to give that float so he does not drown in his grief. He is not talking about blind faith, he is being logical and trying to shake the foundation of EGO that every man on the earth has built his life.

The wise man is one who learns the value and the difference between EGO CONFIDENCE AND IDENTITY. The awareness of this knowledge is a constant tune while living your life. We live in a world of unstable emotions , where people lose their temper, feel anxious on the fruits of their action, self image building that is false, and return to the empty self.

O Arjuna rise from this fake world with awareness and perform your duties with a mind that is free from the untruth ( what I mean is the temporary nature of situations and emotions) and be fearless and truthful says Krishna

Chapter 2 Divine song Verse 50
July 7, 2021

“Endowed with the wisdom of evenness of mind, one casts off in this life both good and evil deeds ; therefore devote yourself in YOGA. Skill in action is YOGA.”

Lord Krishna s teachings step up from here to make us aware of living skills. The concepts, beliefs and opinions are for the mind that fluctuates and reacts to external situations.

He who identifies with the stormy sea of the mind, will be thrown up or sunk down by the large waves of vasanas. Man is the supreme creature of in the living kingdom because of his disctiminative intellect. One has to use this and go in the path of evolution to feel peace from within. One turns to external props created by other men to search for harmony and answers for their longings. Desire or vasana is the mental craving and nothing wrong in it as your untrained mind has no rightful values however any longing or expectation will create turbulence in the mind. I do not know how to handle longings unless I use my intellect or awareness. For example I am not aware of the depth in the ocean, I guard myself before I jump in to it as I understand the value of my life.

Lord speaks of yoga in the context of training your mind and not let it wander without any direction. The evenness of mind is not inaction, it is an understanding that you carry with you in your mind while indulging in action.

Pressure of vasanas create restlessness and the living skill dissipates in to nightmare. Fear, anxiety, comes from untamed mind. YOGA is a shruti in music to keep up your tune in life.

Chapter 2 Divine song GITA Verse 49
July 7, 2021

“Far lower than the yoga of wisdom is action, O Dhananjaya, seek thou refuge in wisdom ; wretched are they whose motive is the ‘ fruit.

The difference between the mind and intellect is clearly defined. Nischayatmika is Intellect Samsayatmika is mind. When the thoughtflow is in the state of flux and agitated, it is called the MIND. When it is single pointed, calm and serene in its own determination, it is called INTELLECT.

There is a reason why we should live under the control of intellect. Those who live in the mental Zone, with anxiety, for fruits of action, they wallow aimlessly in the well and start believing it as life. You can desire the fruits of action but cannot rely on that emotion of attachment to the desire as it is not in the frame of your control.

Enjoy the work and the effort that comes your way and move happily towards your progress.

Chapter 2 Divine song GITA Verse 48
July 7, 2021

“Perform action, Dhananjaya, abandoning attachment, being steadfast in yoga, and balanced in success and failure. Evenness of mind is called YOGA”

The most misinterpreted word today is YOGA. Let us take our desire to act — the mind goes in to the mode of attachment and expectation and we call it a normal way of living and thinking as we are addicted to that system.

Every action has to be done with the awareness that the result of my action is not in my hands as we are truly a product of destiny that we have carved for ourselves. Hence the logical conclusion is we have to embrace what comes out of our action.

The only option we have is stay balanced in success and failure as that is the cycle of life and that s the way it is structured. The evenness of mind without wrong imagination, false expectations, anxiety for the result, fears of future calamities (attachments) is real YOGA. Body yogic exercise is a mere beginning of physical preparation, the actual living of life has to be monitored through your awareness and knowledge.

Chapter 2 Divine song GITA Verse 47
July 7, 2021

“The right is to work only, but never for its fruits; let not the fruit of action be your motive, and let there not be any attachment to inaction”.

Students of GITA have to learn it with patience and not jump to conclusions and judgements. Action without expectation almost seems impossible when you read in books and listen to it in talks. When we walk in to the open fields of life, you will discover that this is the only reality available to you.

The fruits of action is not known and man imagines that he holds the power to produce expected results. We fear to undertake tasks due to fear of failures or suffer from anxiety and stress.

The future is always carved out in the present , tomorrow s harvest depends on today s sowing and ploughing. Past is dead, future is not born so all you have in hand is the present. To worry over the fruits of action in anxiety is to escape from dynamic present.

Spirituality is being fearless and an ability to accept life as you have designed in the past. A karma yogin is one who is concerned only with action, with no concern with results. At the same time he cannot sit back courting inaction as the karma of the past will force him to act. The work you do itself is a reward.

Chapter 2 Divine song Verse 46
July 7, 2021

“To the Brahmana, one who has known the SELF, all the Vedas are of so much use, as is a reservoir of water in a place where there is flood everywhere”

One who has known, understood, and internalized all means to the end is useful like the rituals in the Vedas should not practiced without knowing, it remains mere ritual; for a wise man the reservoir of water I mean the root of wisdom and the flood around becomes one.

Rituals have to understood as a mere means to an end. There is a vein of water running under our feet, but separated by the crust of the earth. Veda is the only source of true knowledge as it is beyond the mundane discrimination. However you may wonder on pujas we do to please the deities, it is of value only if the individual is devoid of delusory desires for sensuous satisfaction.

Gaining of eternal peace and happiness is only for those who feel secure from within with faith in the reservoir of knowledge and one who has developed living skills.

Divine song Chapter 2 Divine GITA Verse 45
July 7, 2021

“The Vedas deal with three attributes; be you above these three gunas. O Arjuna , free yourself from opposite emotions and ever remain in SATTWA ( goodness) , freed from ALL thoughts if acquisitions and preservation and be established in the self”

Three gunas or temperaments remain in the inner constitution of every living creature in varying proportions. To go beyond the 3 gunas is to go beyond the mind. For example if there is an alloy constituted of copper, Zinc and tin, and a lot is made if this alloy, to remove the elements means to destroy the pot itself.

Tea is made of hot water, tea leaves, sugar and milk; if I have to remove these four components of tea, it amounts to emptying the cup.

If the Lord speaks of neutralizing the gunas, it means go beyond your mind and intellect at that moment. We are humans and we can be aware of actions and reactions hence we are capable of streching ourselves beyond our scattered mind.

You need to understand 3 different gunas. Rajas — people in the world of action. Tamas– dullness of its mind, sattwa– pious nature of man.????

Divine GITA Chapter 2 Verse 42, 43, 44
July 7, 2021

“Flowery speech is uttered by the unwise, taking pleasure in eulogising words of Vedas with full of desires, with heaven as the goal, and perform actions for the attainment if pleasure ; for those who cling to their possessions, whose minds are drawn by such teachings are neither determined nor are they fit for meditation and Samadhi”.

The rituals we perform are based on the attachment to pleasure and power as each jiva starts building reflections of ego. It is based on rewards of karma.

The inner personality of man remains dormant and has no chance to get integrated. The rituals are just the means says Krishna for your mental peace, and gaining clarity of the mind so the real knowledge can happen in your being. For example when you swim in the ocean, you stay focused on the nature of the ocean and build skills from within to tide over the obstacles in the ocean. You build your knowledge before stepping in to it, same way living skills and integrity of the self is important to swim through life you have designed with your desires.

Ritualistic living I mean following your day today chorus is a means to study and understand the life style that is necessary for the evolution. Man has the potential to evolve yo higher stage of life and all other species live a computerised living.

Destiny, Determination, Desire, Devotion and Dedication—- the PASSWORD for peace and harmony. They are stored in our system and signed in forever. Remember to open the page for happiness each day.

Body and mind are perfect creations, we dress it up with a cloth called ‘ thinking’ that starts stinking; WORN OUT GARBS NEED TO BE DISCARDED!!

Divine song Chapter 2 Verse 41
July 7, 2021

“Here, O joy of the kurus, there is only one thing, a single pointed detrrmination; many branched and endless thoughts can only bring down you focus.”

Man, victim of his own ego, entertains many desires, expectations, and get himself exhausted of his mental strength. We lose the potential of our strength, and indulge in negative escape of situations.

Metal goal comes as a package of your karmas which you will pursue and fulfil it. The goal which is a real one is evolution of the soul. Each action you do has to be focused in a way that you end your karma with full contentment

Determination Balance and awareness of your action are the key notes.

Yes but all actions that we bring as a baggage has to be fulfilled

Divine Song GITA Chapter 2 Verse 40
July 5, 2021

“If anyone has a little knowledge of sankhya yoga or the wisdom of living, one is protected from the great fear.”

Gyanam or wisdom of living is of great importance than unfinished ritualistic acts. There is a certain pattern in life just like ploughing, watering, sowing, weeding, guarding and harvesting. There is a technique of action that needs to be followed to prevent any calamity in life.

Selfish motives with no faith in your action will bring disastrous results and put you in the mode if fear.

There are 2 main diseases that plague man today, one is fear and the other is loneliness.

Both of these have no reality. It is how you perceive your life. For example when the world was not connected through technology, people lived with real support system with few friends around them.

They believed in the system and did not experience any fear. Today with high networking system, almost connecting to 1000 friends, there is loneliness in our lives and fear of losing them when they are not even with you. It is a game, as long as you feel you are in the game, you feel good. This is a bubble yet be there with an understanding. Lord speaks of awareness in action.

Divine Song GITA Chapter 2 Verse 39
July 5, 2021

“This, which has been taught to you, is wisdom concerning SANKHYA. Now listen to the wisdom concerning YOGA, having known which O Partha, you shall cast off the bonds if action.”

Sankhya means logic of reasoning through which the true nature of the absolute truth is realised. One way to end all sorrows arising from grief, attachment and expectations. Lord Krishna as a charioteer promises Arjuna that he will explain the technique of attaining wisdom, the Buddhi yoga ” devotion through work”.

One must notice here that the kind of work you do or the attire you wear comes through karma and Krishna proves here with him taking the role of a saarathy and yet reveals the truth to Arjuna. Guru is one who removes darkness, HE can be in any form. We place him in uncomfortable position and lose the point of wisdom.

We will talk about karma phala and law of destiny. They are two different entities. Karma is present design of destiny that frames your life in the future. Destiny is the effect of the cause you made in the past. There is a mind intellect equipment in each of us to formulate our karmas. WILL WORK ON THE EXAMPLES TOMORROW.

Karma is what you make today and now, your SCRIPTURES guide you to be mindful of your actions and their purpose. Hence an awareness of truth is necessary to live on this earth.

Destiny is the floppy you carry from the past I mean many lives. We have to understand that we are role playing. For example an actor on stage adorns different roles but once he steps out of it, he has to shed the role along with make up. Role confusion brings you to the level if conflicts. Your mind carries the impressions from the environment and that can be wiped out only with waters of tears, sobs and sighs. It is not so sorrowful after all as you get relieved of your mind baggages.

For example my mobile phone may be most expensive, with lots of data and apps, unless I insert a sim, I cannot use it. If I do not have the internet service, again sum is of no use. The internet is the universal energy that connects us all to settle our accounts and move on.

Perfect equanimity is needed to remain calm as nothing is in your hands except to make karma in the NOW.

Kindly flip through this today to ask questions. Important message from the GITA.

Divine Song GITA Chapter 2 Verse 38
July 5, 2021

“Having made pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat, the same, engage in battle for the sake of battle; thus you shall not incur sin”

Lord Krishna gives you a hint on karma yoga in this verse. If you have understood the diverse nature of the cosmic creation and the nature around us, opposite emotions indicate the joy of meeting and the pain of parting.

We as humans expect life to be a smooth flow, it is an ocean where the waves never stop, there can be high tide, or ocean breaks. The opposite cross currents have to be managed and you are born to handle it by your choice.

How do I realize the art of living? For example — when you enter the ocean, there are fishes and sharks; your understanding of it will make you wise and you will learn to swim through life.

For the eastern mind, inspired living is the godly destiny of man, when he lives in perfect union with the self. A balanced life, unaffected by the changes as you know changes are the most permanent features in human life alone can get you the peace you are searching for.

Rishis practiced yoga the real meaning of it is they brought the mind and intellect unconsciously to steadiness and poise.

Every action has to be estimated from spiritual point of view, reason from the intellect that helps you discriminate the values, ethics and morality. Arjuna got overpowered by sentiments and was breaking down. Lord tells Arjuna to fight the war with detachment as enough anger and desire has lead him towards the battlefield.

EQUANIMITY is the key factor to ensure success in life. You are living in kurukshetra everyday as a sansari, you are fighting the battle from within, all Krishna says is that Do it with understanding.????

Every action has to be estimated from spiritual point of view, reason from the intellect that helps you discriminate the values, ethics and morality. Arjuna got overpowered by sentiments and was breaking down. Lord tells Arjuna to fight the war with detachment as enough anger and desire has lead him towards the battlefield.

EQUANIMITY is the key factor to ensure success in life. You are living in kurukshetra everyday as a sansari, you are fighting the battle from within, all Krishna says is that Do it with understanding.????

Divine Song GITA Chapter 2 Verse 36 and 37
July 5, 2021

Lord Krishna talks about the material world where people talk on your failures more than success. They will try to hurt you, knowing your weakness and fear. What can be more painful oh Arjuna?

“Slain you will obtain heaven ; victorious you will enjoy the earth ; therefore stand up O stand up, sin of Kunti, determined to fight.”

In case you fight this war for a noble cause you will go to heaven – veera swarga. In case you win, then you will enjoy the kingdom. There cannot be any other way. You have dharma on your side, as your war aims are righteous. Krishna asks his friend to come out of this moodiness and dejection and do his duty as a KSHATRIYA. Important thing to understand!

The call to war is justified because of the situation in the Mahabharata where GITA the secret if living got unfolded. In today s world, it is a divine call to man to discard his melancholy dejections in the face of life s challenges and play the “game of life” with determination to strive and win.

We often hear of depression, anxiety attacks, load if stress at different stages in life. What is it? It is the inability to face changes in life, take responsibility or be accountable to your actions. Depression is nothing but a collection of unsorted negative thinking.

Deep grief at times can make you sad but not feel depressed all your life. Stubbornness, rigidity of likes and dislikes, being in the race of technology, feeling of inadequacy, not being wanted are the cause of staying in that state for a long time. Lord here speaks of the outward attitude to life.

Krishna “Now listen to the advice I offer you on your inner attitude while you fight the Battle.”

Divine Gita Chapter 2 Verse 34
June 29, 2021

“People too, will recount your everlasting dishonour; and to one who has been honoured , dishonour is more than death”.

“The great battalion commanders will think that you have withdrawn from the battle through fear ; and you will be looked down upon by them who thought of you as a hero”.

Man who strives to build his conduct and integrity cannot fear his duties. Lord Krishna looks at Arjuna with pity as such a great hero can also be weakened by strong emotions.

Dishonour is the greatest burden man carries in his heart till death. Hence Krishna is trying to make him truthful to his duties and stop himself from being a coward.

It is a crime to do adharmic activities but to stand and support adharmic action is a greater crime. Great warriors like Bhishma commited that crime inspite of his knowledge and wisdom. The claws of ego does not spare anyone.

In today s world, people see what is best for themselves and mould their action out of fear of losing their opportunity in life. I need certain people however adharmic they are in my life to meet my selfish interest.

Who decides who should be with you? Who decides what you should get?

The causes of the effect is already made by you. You have carved your own destiny.

Divine GITA Chapter 2 Verse 33 and 34
June 29, 2021

“If you will not fight this war of Dharma, then having abandoned your own duty and fame, you shall incur sin.”

Lord speaks In case you refuse to engage yourself in your duties and want to forget the purpose of your bring, that is the greatest sin. Your life is an opportunity given to cleanse your vasanas– Catharsis.

Arjuna can run away from the battlefield but there will be no peace in his mind until he finishes the task he is born for. For example — A child with tendencies for art cannot become a businessman. Over anxious parents at times thrust their desire on the child and his personality is damaged. Each one is born with the energy of skills and it has yo be expressed as it was the cause he made.

Hence you find even in spirituality, people run to the forest seeking God and Truth; they carry sensuous vasanas that can be satisfied in the embrace of a family. They will be agitated and run after the followers to give them validation of spirituality.

Ramana Maharishi says ” As long as there is longing for something in your mind, you cannot reach the TRUTH of life. Spirituality is an ability to remain silent in the mind and heart while you are working or doing your karma. You may seem social, chatty, worldly; it is only journey you are destined to take up with a silent mind.

Divine Gita Chapter 2 Verse 32
June 29, 2021

“Happy indeed are the Kshatriyas, O Partha, who are called to fight such battle, that comes of itself as an open door to heaven”.

I am overwhelmed to talk about this subject at the time when our country is trying to understand the ethics of war. Those who defend the country without any personal aggression and help the weak are Kshatriyas. GITA says cold cowardly non resistance is not the true spirit of a Hindu or sanathana Dharma.

We are forced to wage a war on principles of righteousness and one is fortunate to get a chance to serve the country. Such battlefields are open gates to Heaven for the defending heros who fight selflessly on the side of Dharma.

Krishna is giving a logical conclusion from different levels to Arjuna to detach himself from the sorrow. It is very interesting to see how the Lord is paving the way for karma yoga. Each of us are born with some purpose or cause we have made and we have no option but to fulfil those causes. We get in to depression only when we deviate from our purpose

How do you know what is your purpose?

Whatever action is making you comfortable is your karma, do not copy or imitate others and be yourself. For example water mixes with different things and called different names but water never loses its properties. Keep up your own identity the attention and appreciation comes to your door step.

Seeker — Can u please explain how to celebrate Shivarathri tomorrow. About how the fasting has to be done, what to do and what not to do . Which shlokas to be chanted.

There is no exact rules in Hinduism to pray. However Shivarathri is the night when Shiva and Parvathi United for creation. It is a day to celebrate life. Fasting is one of the austerities, chanting his name and focusing on your SELF is an offering to him. He gives the spiritual strength.

Divine GITA Chapter 2 Verse 31
June 29, 2021

“Further, looking at your own duty, you are not to waver, for there is nothing higher for a KSHATRIYA than a righteous war.”

It is indeed strange that we are connecting with is verse at this time when there is a point if war between Dharma and Adharma.

Lord says when you have chosen your life and the karma that has made you take your birth with certain skills; there is no need to waver but to fulfil your duties. Your road to heaven is through your karma in the world.

For example In the modern society there is lot of confusion and conflict on action. Very often people decide not to perform their duties as an house holder but to drift or escape in to the world that teaches them to give up your life so you can enter in to the path of spirituality. Great fallacy

You can be a sansari in the forest or carry the forest in the samsara and live peacefully. Who are we to decide age and time? Live in the present and see what is happening to you. This will enable you to perform your duties and that will open the gates to heaven.

Divine GITA Chapter 2 Verse 30
June 29, 2021

“This, the indweller in the body of everyone is ever indestructible, O Bharatha; and therefore you should not grieve for any creature”

The indweller we talk about is the soul or energy that sustains your life and after. There is no death for that as it is eternal. For example — A pot made of clay looks real but it can be destroyed, then the reality of the pot disappears. The substance clay lives on until someone comes and makes another pot, figure or any other shape. Clay has no death.

The false reality of EGO, anxiety, greed and lust dies along with the body as DEATH strips you of what you are not! The REAL you is alone left forever. Where is the grief Arjuna asks KRISHNA.

Verse 31 “Further looking at your duty, you should not waver, as there is nothing higher for a KSHATRIYA than a righteous war”

You are leader who has to protect the Dharmic people, and the country; there can be nothing nobler than to get a chance to fight for Dharma.

Many people who read GITA without guidance always mistake this verse thinking the Lord is instigating Arjuna to fight. This job could have been done by Krishna in a heart beat instead he becomes the sarathy and leads Arjuna to the path of heaven by making him do his duty without attachment.

Krishna takes it upon himself the thorns of karma in the human form. Such is the compassion of the Almighty who is born again and again to preserve TRUTH and Dharma for us.

Yes we do have few notions and concepts of God and spirituality. Spiritual outlook does not mean denial of life or the visual detachment from material things. Sanyasa, white saffron cloth is a way of life you choose so you have to live accordingly. A sansari can be a gyani may be even more than a sanyasi and the gyani adorns sansaric things but remains a sanyasi in the mind.

Spirituality is a very abused word today. A true gyani does not need validation, followers or money to run anything. He is a wanderer, or home bound doing the duties, but his mind is always set in his goal.

If we need to help people or impart gyan, the energy will drag you to the right person. If we involve ourselves in organizational projects, it will be another violent sansar.

Divine Song Chapter 2 Verse 29
May 27, 2021

“One sees the infinite as a wonder, another speaks of this as wonder, another hears of THIS, having heard none understands!”

The Eternal absolute is all knowing and all blissful. Example – when you play with the toys, you plan and decide how each toy character should be as you are aware of the game plan. The toys do not have any option, here you become the absolute energy. You give life to the toys.

In our ignorance to perceive the TRUTH, we keep knocking different doors and feel that we have understood it all. The difference is like the dreamer and waker.

Man awakened to the SELF glory is GOD; GOD forgetful of his own glory is the deluded man.

EGO cannot cannot perceive the subtle intellect as it recognizes himself to be the SELF and roams around in the forest aimlessly by abandoning his true SELF.

Lord says we keep hearing the name of the Lord in bhajans, intellectual verbose from saints, temple experiences of wonder, and man thinks he is a body with a soul. Hence we feel very enlightened while in the state of a class room and swing right back to the comfortsble EGO energy.

Shravana Manana and nididhyasana have to become integral part of your life. Listening, reflecting on it, and and long contemplation creates awareness and the ability to hold on to the TRUTH.

Meditation and yoga cannot be practiced by everyone although we have brought it down to physical exercise today. What do you meditate upon?

Your weaknesses, mistakes, adharmic actions above all shedding ego centric actions through self awareness is real meditation. Are you ready?

Divine Song Chapter 2 Verse 28
May 27, 2021

“Beings unmanifest in the beginning and unmanifest again in their end seem to be manifest in the middle, O Bharatha what then is there to grieve about?”

Avyakthini Bootani vyaktham adhyani Bharatha.

Lord Krishna has adorned the role of a charioteer to be Arjuna s teacher. The Guru can be in any form as his body and looks are not important, his teachings and the purity of soul without any expectation from the student is the REAL Guru.

Cause and effect theory is the key note in the GITA. The world of effects rises from the world of causes. It is pure science — every action has to have a reaction, every energy motivated cause has to have an effect.

In the timeless space and the cause that is made by us , we do not know when, the effect is enjoyed or suffered by us. The cause is Unmanifest as we don’t know the time of the past and the effect of it in the future. Effect that manifests now, this moment is known to us.

The world that we see did not exist in the same pattern, and this world also will fade away soon in to the unmanifest again. For Example when we dream we do experience pain of missing a child, it is reality for you, it is manifested, the moment you wake up from the dream, it turns unmanifest. Why moan for a child you never had, the unborn dissolved away with your dream.

An infinite, Eternal Truth which is changeless and deathless, in which this whole drama of change occurs. That unmanifest SELF is hard to understand or know unless we seek to remove the veil of ignorance as human beings.

Divine GITA Chapter 2 Verse 27
May 27, 2021

“Indeed, certain is death for the born, and certain is birth for the dead; so over the inevitable, you should not grieve”.

Lord Krishna is giving us the materialistic perspective. We take life to be a constant flood of appearances of forms from nowhere and disappearing. Believers and non believers know on the chain of births and deaths.

To weep and grieve to the extent of giving up on your life is like admitting one s ignorance. Celebrate and enjoy the life given to you, instead of crying over things you have no control on.

Krishna wants to save Arjuna from his delusions, and bring him back to the purpose of life. Everything moves and changes in life as the earth itself is not static, so why grieve for the transiting body?

Divine Song Chapter 2 Verse 25 and 26
May 27, 2021

“The SELF is said to be unmanifest, unthinkable and unchangeable. Therefore knowing this truth, you should not grieve — Arjuna.

The manifest is something that can be perceived through sense organs and that which is beyond perception is called unmanifest. For example — I cannot see, smell, hear, or touch a full grown mango tree in a mango seed and yet I KNOW THAT THE SEED IS THE CAUSE OF THE TREE.

The TREE is said to be in ‘ Unmanifest condition in the seed. When we say there is a hidden truth, it only means we cannot perceive it through sense organs.

There is no death for the soul which is eternal, it adorns the body and leaves at the appropriate time. For example — When the body is young and energetic, you are fine, it does not stay that way, it deteriorates and shrinks; the people around you start praying for your peaceful death. Why Arjuna? They know the soul is eternal and it will assume another body.

“Even if you think of the soul as being constantly born and dying, Arjuna you should not grieve”.

Lord Krishna who is the equaliser of human karma stands there as a Guru in the firm of a charioteer says ” Even if you believe only your perception or a logical eye, still you watch births and deaths around you. One has to accept that things that are born has to die. Life is CHANGE, it is a constant repetition of births and deaths, you do not deserve to grieve on this occassion.

Lord wants Arjuna to be the instrument in establishing justice do he can pave his road to heaven. Not reacting and sama bhavam is for those who are seeking the path of liberation. Here Arjuna spent most of his life wanting to defeat kauravas and 13 Years of life in the forest aggravated his mood of vengeance.

Krishna says ” You have already formed a karma of vengance, you have no option but to fight this war. I am helping you by making you remain calm and develope a mind of evenness while killing the adharmis. You stay with sama bhav even when you are fighting this war as you are finishing your karma.

Non reacting is a cowardly act when your karma is to act for the jankalyan. Being a kshatrya his duty is to protect dharma. Passiveness need not be practiced, it has to happen on its own. We are sansaris and we react to everything around us in our minds; every action in your mind will have a reaction. So Arjuna at that point of time had to act without a doubt with sama bhav.

Chapter 2: Verse 24
May 17, 2021

“This self cannot be cut, nor burnt, it is eternal all pervading, stable immovable and ancient.”

Sometimes in life we meet people and feel they are old souls which emanate aura and positivity. How do you say that? Example – when a person dies, we start calling him or her dead body, no genders, no name, and everyone wants to dispose off the body. What really happens? The soul, energy or air leaves happily leaving the burden of the body. The essence, fragrance of life, the actual Jiva abandons the body to adorn another one.

Lord says give me the benefit of the doubt; I shall explain the materialists point of view.

Divine song GITA Chapter 2 verse 23
May 17, 2021

“Weapons cannot destroy that, fire cannot burn it, water cannot moisten it, wind does not dry it”.

We saw in previous sessions how Lord explains deathless nature of the soul. Just as changing the dress is no pain to the body, so also when the dweller of the body leaves the envolopment there is no pain possible. Changes are only for the mind and intellect.

How can any of these war weapons kill your cousins and Gurus? In the world of change, objects come to their annihilation through instruments of death. Cosmic means that destroy the objects of the world has to be understood.

Chapter 2 Verse 22
May 17, 2021

“Just as man casts off his worn out clothes and outs on new ones, so also the embodied self (soul) casts off its worn out bodies and enters that are new.”

I will touch upon this verse in general today but expound it in detail tomorrow as it needs explanation and understanding.

As long as the individual clings to his Ego identity, shedding of the body induces him to take another body to fulfil his desires. Example we change our clothes to suit the convenience of the occassion; throwing away the worn out clothes to declutter so we can fill our wardrobe with new clothes; the body gets worn out and is unable to help fulfil my desires, it sheds on its own.

However one may ask ” Why do the young ones die? The worn out condition of the body is decided not by age or biological condition, the EGO decides according to the necessity of evolution.

EGO here refers to your identity with the body and mind that creates desires of the world that is anithyam. It prepares itself to take another body to fulfil those desires.

The action gets saved in the memory stick or floppy that we call subconscious mind that goes with the soul. The body is selected accordingly.

Death at young age is the time reality created by man for the body. Soul has no time concept. It keeps evolving in different bodies as per the floppy. If we understand and be aware of our existence and relationships, then there is no cycle of birth and death.

Thoughts to Ponder — WHY DO PEOPLE CRUMBLE UNDER PRESSURE? Collection of unproductive matters and junk in the mind remains unsorted that produces toxins in the body and mind. Example — when the mobile phone cannot take the load of the content, we need to shift to the hard disc so the phone does not crack. There is also need of an adaptor. There is a hard disc that we need to develope from within by shedding ego centric attitude and surrendering to the laws of nature through devotion. Adaptor is the teacher who has learnt this art. Vasantha Vaikunth lifenliving.org

That which is unreal and subject to destruction cannot share your burden. Bhakti and devotion creates that hard disc for you.

Divine Song GITA Chapter 2 Verse 21
May 17, 2021

“Whoever knows HIM the soul or the consciousness that is real, unborn, eternal, How can man slay that O Partha or get slained?”

We spoke extensively on real and unreal, (that which is perishable has existence but no reality as it is subject to destruction. Investing your life and energy on something that is temporary brings in shock and surprises.

Expectation from that which is destructable, causes misery and taking the ownership of action on yourself is total ignorance. For example If Arjuna thinks he is killing his cousins and other Gurus, their bodies that are perishable has to die anyways. If he believes that he is killing their souls; There is no birth or death for the divine souls.

Chapter 2 Verse 20
May 17, 2021

“He is not born, nor does HE ever die; after having been, HE again ceases to be; unborn, eternal changeless and ancient. He is not killed when the body is killed”.

The six changes are common to all, and they are birth, existence, growth, decay, disease and death.

The soul or the consciousness does not get affected by any of the perishable process. For example — waves are born and merge with the ocean, at the same time ocean is not born or die with the waves. They rise as part of the ocean and fade away. Thus the SELF is unborn, eternal and it is known as Nithyam.

For example Gold ornaments, we can make any design out of gold but you can change the designs yet the designs have to merge with Gold which is the substance. Life becomes monotonous and exhausting if you do not realize and understand the substance and the foundation of life.

Divine Song GITA Chapter 2 Verse 19
May 17, 2021

“He who takes SELF to be the slayer and he who thinks HE is slain, neither of these knows. He slays not, nor is HE slain.”

We learnt on the REAL and UNREAL; what causes pain and pleasure. Lord speaks ” there is no birth or death for the soul or consciousness. No one can slay it or get slained. What gets killed and turns in to ashes is the perishable body and we think, worry and stress ourselves to preserve it forever. That is impossible. As the clock ticks, you work your mind to earn, run your life, be successful, compete, expect and suffer. As the time moves, your body and mind moves and perishes with time. SELF remains eternal.

Chapter 2 Divine song GITA verse 18
April 24, 2021

“Perishable have an end, These bodies of the embodied self. The eternal and the incomprehensible is the SELF. Therefore O Bharatha take your weapon in hand that is your instrument of worship and fight ”

Incomprehensible does not mean you can never know the supreme energy. You cannot know them through organs of perception as these organs also are subject to destruction.

The spark of life is your consciousness the source energy which is the foundation that makes you feel the REAL and drop your vasanas and act on time to establish justice.

The words Fight O Bharatha means it is a true call to every human being to discard his defeatist mentality and face the situation in the given field of life. Active resistance to evil.

Lord Krishna gives two Vedic mantras that removes grief and delusion in the following verses.

Chapter 2 Divine GITA verse 17
April 24, 2021

We discussed on real and unreal as revealed by the Lord in a very scientific way. Next verse ” Know that to be indestructible by which all this is pervaded. None can cause the destruction of THAT –the IMPERISHABLE”

The REAL envelops everything that exists, and which is the very stuff and substance of all the world’s of perceptions, which we experience. There is always a foundation or substance for things to exist — for example

Different mud pots, each different in form, shape and colour, they are known according to their purpose. The base of all shapes is MUD. From mud they came, they exist, and forms, names and purpose merge back to become mud.

Similarly the world of finite changes is entirely enveloped by the REAL that which is changeless. There is no destruction for this.


Thought on real and unreal in present day life that connects to Gita

We teach and train our children for everything on material accumulation, success, power in the society that are necessary but none of these are permanent, We need to teach them that awareness as well.

When the REAL is not known, the mind dwells in negativity, collects junk and stores them in the system. Even you encounter reality, your mind refuses to accept it and tries to escape in to the unreal zone.

Whatever we are chasing in life is good as long as the value of it is known and realised. For example we escape in to the world of cults, beliefs and books or Google with a hope to find answers ; the unreal world is in front of you and you are embracing it only for it to slip away over time. It is a futile exercise. Life is made with a purpose of giving out your best to others and knowing that you are only an instrument for actions.you have no right over your life.

Chapter 2 Divine song GITA. Verse 16
April 24, 2021

The unreal has no being; there is no non being of the real; the truth about both these has been seen by the knowers of the TRUTH ( Seers of the essence)

Naastho vidhate bhavo naabhavo vidathe sathah

Real is that which defies all changes and remains the same at all times ; past present and future. The unreal has a very momentary existence but seems very real to your mind that is also fleeting with time.

For example — You see a post in the dark, think of that to be a ghost and scream in fear; it is a hallucination once you discover the truth that it is only a post. In a dream you see children as your own, You want to feed them, until you realize it was only a dream that has no past present or future. Dream children did not exist before, not now and never in the future. It is unreal.

There is constant death of every state of your mind as the new one evolves, Body mind and intellect are ever changing so it cannot be real. We all know there has to be a foundation or a substratum that is changeless and real. LIFE is a sum total of experiences, your consciousness of different stages in life does not change.

That spiritual entity is all pervading unborn and without death. Lord says that men of wisdom is always aware of this consciousness and does not waste their time in these fleeting experiences and moments. It is a mysterious combination and we call it world. Pay attention to your action and the real awareness instead of filling your life with ahankar jealousy logic vasanas and fear of death.

Divine Song GITA Verse 14 and 15
April 8, 2021

“The contacts of senses with objects, O son of Kunthi that causes heat and cold, pleasure and pain, have a beginning and end; they are impermanent, endure them bravely, O Descendant of Bharata.”

“That firm man whom surely, these afflict not, O chief among men, to whom pleasure and pain are the same, is fit for realising the self”.

Lord Krishna looks at Arjuna as a child who is lost in the jungle of sansara. He is showing a sense of direction not only to him but to us from the Kali yuga too who are lost in the jungle of sense gratification.

The perception of objects through your senses alone will not teach the knowledge of the object. For example– same object like a rose flower can be perceived differently by people. Poet writes on the beauty of the rose, priest plucks it for prayers, women take it to adorn themselves or their homes. Mental levels of people are different, and it is not constant; it changes with time and your mood.

How can we pin our faith in something that changes and is in a constant state of flux. The object and your sense organs have no permanent existence. Hence heat is followed by cold, pleasure by pain; we keep witnessing these changes yet we try to cling to the fallacy of existence.

No one suffers endlessly and no one is happy forever. It is a recycle of karma. When you discharge the energy of karma, You want to charge it again which is fine but remember the impermanent world will become a burden on you.

Lord says ” The same object that gives happiness gives pain over time. This inconsistency of existence is known as Anithya. Why do we stick to these changing emotions and search for peace outside. It is the attitude of the wise to go through life, both in joy and sorrow, success and failure with the constant awareness ” Even this will pass away”.

The objects, emotions, temperaments that are transitory, has no reality as it keeps changing with time. Body changes yet we as humans worry and try to hold back the wrinkles which is impossible. You have to let it go. Mind is very unsteady, with technology it even runs faster as it is obviously untrained. Lord Krishna talks about how two impermanent things can search for permanency? The object and the perceiver are bound by time.

That which is has no death. Pursue the energy if your soul with the awareness that all objects around me are perishable.
Verse 15 ” That firm man whom, surely, these afflict not, O chief among men, to whom pleasure and pain are the same, Is fit for realising the immortality of the SELF”.

People try to realise that there is something that is not in our control as pleasure does not seem to stay with us. It is followed by pain without me asking for it. They run everywhere to find a reason or peace from within to endure the opposite emotions.

Each of them find their answers that is suitable for themselves. GITA says the true knowledge and wisdom ; that gives peace and calm is to realise that one should not be afflicted by circumstances of pain and pleasure.

Example — Each experience is born to live with us for a short period and then to die away in us. Everything becomes a memory. However we want to hold on to the moment of happiness but it turns in to a memory. Man somehow has developed a sense of self pity prompted by his EGO and remembers pain and negative emotions hence he suffers.

Ved Vyasa is talking about the very purpose of life which is the attainment of PERFECTION. We have to evolve from every little opportunity we get in this world in the allotted span of life. Life shows heat and cold, success and failure, pain and joy to train us to know the truth of life.

As long as we are in this body, we are unable to ignore the sorrows of the body. Love makes you sacrifice the physical needs, like for example, parents ready to sacrifice anything to give the best to the children. Martyrs sacrifice their lives for the love of the Nation.

Our love for the truth, wisdom and the ALMIGHTY should make us abandon grief and delusion says Lord Krishna.

Divine Song GITA- Verse 13
April 8, 2021

“Just as in this body the embodied (the soul) passes into childhood, youth and old age, so also does he pass into another body; the firm man does not grieve at it.”

The Lord who takes it upon himself to cure Arjuna of egoistic malaise, indicates the theory of reincarnation. It is common in all faith. Buddha made references to his previous births, Solomon’s book of wisdom says ” To be born in sound body with sound limbs is a reward of the virtues of the past lives”. Who does not remember the famous saying of the son of Islam ” I died out of a stone, became a plant, then an animal, and finally became a man. Why should I fear death? I have only gone to better places after every death.”

Are they all eternal in essence?
Dehino asmiyatha dehe kaumaram yavvanam jara.

Just as our consciousness travels with the body in to different phases of life, like childhood, youth, mid age and old age, It passes through different bodies. It has no death. Example youthfulness may be considered as a birth, when childhood has met with its death. We hold it in the memory but do not grieve

People walk in to our lives according to the phase of your evolution; leave us without any reason, You do not understand that change, but we wonder. Everything that grows physically, is bound by time except your soul which is the energy that holds your existence.

Krishna says “wise men do not worry when they leave one body for taking another one”. This sounds very easy but not so, for those who take every incident in life as reality and do not validate its truth. Soul departs after finishing the vasanas to the extent possible and takes another structure from the panchbootas according to the mental impressions and keep seeking bodily fulfilment.

Divine song GITA — Chapter 2 verse 11 and 12
April 5, 2021

When the stunned and confused ego surrenders to the Lord, who is holding five horses perfectly on the chariot. Five horses are 5 senses. When the EGO in dejection sits back in the body (CHARIOT), throwing down all instruments of ego- centric activities (GANDIVA), and the sense organs (Five horses) are held back, by the pulled reins, then the charioteer shall lend the EGO a divine strength and guide it to win over adharma although it may seem stronger.

“Lord Krishna the mentor of his devotees and referred to as the ocean of compassion, speaks for the first time as the ultimate consciousness.

“Lord — you have grieved for those that should not be grieved for ; yet you speak words of wisdom. The wise grieve neither for the living nor for the dead”.

It is not that at any time (in the past), was I not, you and these warriors also existed. It is not that we are all going to perish forever.”

Arjuna s dejection is a normal reaction of mortals. There is a deep anguish and a disease that is plaguing him. Krishna is trying to remove the very source of Arjuna s delusion. The ego- centric- idea that he is conditioned by his own body, mind and intellect is the true seed of his delusion.

We keep enjoying a false relationship with body and thoughts that you can feel and relate to. Hence grief and dejection are the price that delusion demands from the victim.

To rediscover ourselves we are on a journey with Lord Krishna so we could end the sorrows that has been torturing us through false identification. The hysteria that Arjuna experiences on the battlefield truly needs a shock therapy!

Justice or Dharma is timeless, We as humans can change our way of dressing, lifestyle that gives us a high very temporarily, but the emotional needs and the route of justice has remained the same. Modern society revolves around meet and greet with very little depth so it has become insensitive to dharma or true relationship. Half baked information from coaches, Google, and the hyped spiritualists have fed humans with EGO of information.

Lord says ” Body mind sense complex is very basic and time bound, in reality your own desires that get formed in to energy, has to find an outlet to manifest. The soul is eternal, it has no death. For whom are you grieving?

Gita Chapter 2 Verse 9 and 10
April 5, 2021

“Sanjaya said ” Arjuna who was trembling, spoke to Hrishikesa the destroyer of the foes, said to Govinda ” I WILL NOT FIGHT” and became silent”.

“Arjuna who was helpless in the midst of the two armies, Hrishikesa was smiling and Arjuna surrendered to Krishna”

Arjuna as anyone of us stood at cross roads of good and bad. He fumbled for words as his mind was confused and did not know what was his duty.

In life one has to take the responsibility of one s situation and learn the art of dealing with them before we plunge in to living stream. It is so easy to pin our incapacity to our fleeting emotions and ego to suit our condition at that time.

It is even easier to visit psychiatrists, resort to drugs to escape from our inner conflict. What really works is shedding of ego that reflects you as a controller of life in the universe. Arjuna cannot utter such words, he is helpless and he himself wonders at the life skills he has learnt from the masters. What happened?

When the stunned and confused ego surrenders to the Lord, who is holding five horses perfectly on the chariot. Five horses are 5 senses. When the EGO in dejection sits back in the body (CHARIOT), throwing down all instruments of ego- centric activities (GANDIVA), and the sense organs (Five horses) are held back, by the pulled reins, then the charioteer shall lend the EGO a divine strength and guide it to win over adharma although it may seem stronger.

Nothing is a greater obstacle in life than our own EGO identification.

Chapter 2 of the GITA Verse 7
March 27, 2021

“My heart is overpowered by the taint of pity; my mind is confused as to duty. I ask the. Tell me decisively what is good for me. I am your disciple. Instruct me, who have taken refuge in you.”

The word “decisively” is important as we try to ask the power above for guidance when we reach a point of helplessness. We want a definite direction and order from God. When we do have the intellectual ego, We argue of the known and unknown. What is dharma and dharma?

Arjuna does not want to think, he simply wants Krishna to instruct him, but the Lord never instructs or orders; he has given the intellect, sukshama buddhi for you to experience and take appropriate action.

However Lord who knows the past present and future, takes it upon himself to guide Arjuna and the yuga that was to come. We are able to relate to the study of GITA even today only because Krishna set the foundation in Kurukshtra.

The kindness or the karuna of our incarnations are worthy of worship.

The problem of the mind creates impatience and distress and it has to be settled with conviction. Who can give us the guidance on dharma and adharma other than the Lord ALMIGHTY himself?

Verse 4 from the Divine Song GITA

Arjuna ” O Madhusudhana, How shall I fight in this battlefield with arrows against Bhishma and Drona who are fit to be worshipped?

Verse 5 ” Better indeed in this world to eat the bread of ‘ beggery’ than to slay the most noble of teachers. If I kill them, all my enjoyments of wealth and desires will be stained with blood’.

The war is never between individuals, It is a war of justice. Arjuna has to stand with his people who want good governance and not think of respect or disrespect at that your. This is a reflection of the individual ego, he only saw himself as a student and a relative of the kauravas.

I have often asked this question to people and they justify Arjuna s argument. Vyasa thought of resolving this mental issue for the future generations. The more we identify ourselves with I in us, there is confusion and conflict. When we expand ourselves to the cosmic network, a cause, Nation, dharmic existence, We find our moral confusions melting in to nothingness.

Arjuna is setting the foundation stone to get the philoshic guidance and truth from The Lord.

This is a mental rehabilitation course run by the Lord himself.

Verse 5. It is easy to say that you will let go of everything for your close kith and kin; If it was so, why did the Pandavas prepare the nurture the emotion of hatred for 13 long years and waited to fight this battle? Once we misread a situation, our minds take over with irrational arguments. Mind is only a “CLERK”, receives and despatches from the sense organs, it is mechanical. Your validation has to come from the vision of the world, hence you need the study of GITA.

Mind has its own way to take you back to old memories and experiences and puts obstacles on the way of your progress. The shedding of baggage is what Krishna is going to speak on.

Bhagawat Gita
February 20, 2021

Chapter 2 Gyana yoga or yoga of knowledge from the divine song.

Lord Krishna the true witness of our consciousness was patiently watching Arjuna who was overpowered by his circumstances, and became a slave to outer challenges.

Verse 1 Sanjaya talks ” To him who was thus overcome with pity and despondency, with eyes full of tears and agitated, madhusudhana spoke these words.

Verse 2 The Lord said ” when did this dangerous condition come upon you, this dejection, in Aryan like, disgraceful Arjuna the warrior.”

The temperament of an Aryan is to be balanced in all conditions of life and turn the situation in to opportunity. “Kruthastva kashmalamidam vishame Sam upasthitham”. The divine charioteer takes it upon himself to wipe Arjuna s tears and prepare him to perform his duties and live a balanced life. This philosophy or the true smruti is the torch the shows light on the road of life even today.

Arjuna was a mortal when it came to his Ego and attachment and the Lord had to incarnate to make him fight this war as that was the road to heaven for him. Arjuna s karma was to do his duty as a kshathria that he refused to stand up for.

Yes at all times stand with the truth without getting influenced by your relationships. However Lord also shows the way to understand humans and be tactful in reforming people.

Any action that is motivated by selfishness and you justify the means of any kind, Is a road to making a negative karma.

Thoughts on GITA the divine song.
February 20, 2021

Happiness is the key for everyone, but we need it on our terms and whatever satisfies us. The irony of it is the happiness we talk about does not stay with us forever. It is devious and always connected with external gratification.

The space that is within you I mean the aloneness we feel in the mind, body and heart needs to be happy and contented. There is nothing I need to do, accept your life without emotional addictions that comes from our ego identification. We have rehabilitation centre for excessive material addictions, what do I do for emotional addiction? Where is the rehab? GITA talks about it in the 2nd chapter.

Divine Song GITA
January 26, 2021

The chapter one is the description of the army alignment of the kurukshtra and the positions of the warriors. Dhrirashtra the blind king is disturbed at the audacity of the Pandavas who have the nerve to fight this battle when great maharathis like Bhishma Drona and Krupacharya are on the side of Duryodhana.

Arjuna who is rattled by this scene goes in to a mode of psycho neurosis. He is trembling in fear of the after effects of the war. “MY limbs fail, MY mouth parched, MY body shivers and all these are symptoms of anxiety disorder.

“I desire not victory, O Keshava, nor kingdom or pleasures. I do not need anything at the cost of destroying MY relatives and Gurus.

Kauravas are gripped by greed and cruel to to us; but we who know the effects of evil action cannot indulge in this war”.

Arjuna drops his Gandeebam and sits down on the seat of the chariot in deep sorrow and helplessness. Seeds of GITA have to be sown in grief, and in the battlefield. It is also very symbolic as the world today is not competent enough to face the battle of inner consciousness. For example we may have cooked the best food, but not eaten, has no value to gaining knowledge of cooking. Hence there is always a sense of incompleteness even after we hear and read the mahapuranas from various sources as the yoga of such knowledge is not practiced.

Lord Krishna takes it upon himself to purge Arjuna of his Ego and compulsive attachment to his relatives. Above all teach the man of this yuga the Sankhya yoga, in chapter two that we will discuss tomorrow.

Thought for the day on GITA
January 5, 2021

The justice we often talk about that we deserve is due to the ego identity that we nurture over a life time. Dharma is something that everyone needs to enjoy in life. We blame God, destiny and many other known factors except our thoughts and action.

Human beings can stretch to any level of injustice as long as they are not caught and judged. Dhritarashtra the blind king had his eyes open to his children and kept blaming his limited sight. Ghandari woman of substance and power kept her eyes closed so she can blame it on the situation. Both of them suffered from obsessive attachment to their children who were adharmis and kept justice only to themselves.

Divine song GITA
January 5, 2021

Chapter 1 summary: The chapter one is the description of the army alignment of the kurukshtra and the positions of the warriors. Dhrirashtra the blind king is disturbed at the audacity of the Pandavas who have the nerve to fight this battle when great maharathis like Bhishma Drona and Krupacharya are on the side of Duryodhana.

Arjuna who is rattled by this scene goes in to a mode of psycho neurosis. He is trembling in fear of the after effects of the war. “MY limbs fail, MY mouth parched, MY body shivers and all these are symptoms of anxiety disorder.

“I desire not victory, O Keshava, nor kingdom or pleasures. I do not need anything at the cost of destroying MY relatives and Gurus. Says Arjuna.
Kauravas are gripped by greed and cruel to to us; but we who know the effects of evil action cannot indulge in this war”.

Arjuna drops his Gandeebam and sits down on the seat of the chariot in deep sorrow and helplessness. Seeds of GITA have to be sown in grief, and in the battlefield. It is also very symbolic as the world today is not competent enough to face the battle of inner consciousness. For example we may have cooked the best food, but not eaten, has no value to gaining knowledge of cooking. Hence there is always a sense of incompleteness even after we hear and read the mahapuranas from various sources as the yoga of such knowledge is not practiced.

Lord Krishna takes it upon himself to purge Arjuna of his Ego and compulsive attachment to his relatives. Above all teach the man of this yuga the Sankhya yoga, in chapter two that we will discuss tomorrow

December 29, 2020

Chapter one depicts the actual scene of Kurukshetra that became an inevitable war between the good and the evil. The Kauravas hundred in number, represent the negative forces within man with the aspiration to win over the good.

A constant Mahabharata war is being waged within every one of us at crucial moments in life. Negative energy that gets accumulated usually is mightier while the inner divine army is lesser in number.

Arjuna, our hero is in desperation, grief and shows his weakness in acting and living in the moment.

The plot sounds optimistic with a note that even if man supresses his divine impulses, under the guidance of the Supreme incarnation, one can come out victorious and establish justice.

Dhritarashtra “What did the sons of Pandu and MY people do when they assembled together on the holy plain of Kurukshetra, O Sanjaya?”

Those who wish to read the verse in sanskrit can do so from the book on Gita.

The King very clearly shows his meanness when he refers to MY sons and Pandu ‘s sons. Dharmakshetre Kurukshetre, these words refer to the imbalance of the world.

Thought for the day on GITA
December 29, 2020

The justice we often talk about that we deserve is due to the ego identity that we nurture over a life time. Dharma is something that everyone needs to enjoy in life. We blame God, destiny and many other known factors except our thoughts and action.

Human beings can stretch to any level of injustice as long as they are not caught and judged. Dhritarashtra the blind king had his eyes open to his children and kept blaming his limited sight. Ghandari woman of substance and power kept her eyes closed so she can blame it on the situation. Both of them suffered from obsessive attachment to their children who were adharmis and kept justice only to themselves.

Thoughts to understand the divine song GITA
December 26, 2020

There is economic recession, material depletion in the bank, same way we experience mental recession as the energy gets releases in your action. Unless we replenish it with Bhakti, chanting and remember the grace of the Lord, one cannot recharge the energy of the mind.

Any object that needs a recharge is subject to destruction. Body, mind complex is temporary, the experiences you feel in this body will not stay. Krishna says the soul that gets in to delusion due to the impact of the mind suffers in the body. Once it is released, it waits for another body desparately to fulfil the desires mind made.

Once you become aware and awake, you do not need any recharge, you become the power bank for others. Be watchful of the mental recession. Such conditions give us sickness and mental depression.
Example when a child is in pain and cries, he runs to the mother. When there is mental illness captures you, turn to the source energy to get you out of pain.

Thoughts on the divine GITA
December 26, 2020

EGO is a symptom of fear. Where does the fear come from? Why did Arjuna tremble in the battle field when he was supposed to be fighting for his rights and justice?

His attachment and passion towards his relatives, cousins, uncles and Gurus, was giving him withdrawl symptoms. He was addicted to his attachment and compulsive emotion that was driven by his love and values.

There is something beyond your attachment and that is the well being of the world and people. If you belong to the human race, it is everyone ‘s responsibility to preserve justice on the earth. We will find out how the Lord turns around the perception of Arjuna and try to fine tune his EGO.

Thoughts on the divine song GITA
December 26, 2020

I asked the question – Why Vishnu for incarnations? Misconception on representations of Gods have to be cleared. Bhrama, the who came out of nothing after the Pralaya, the energy that manifested itself to create the infrastructure of this universe for us, I mean the chosen earth

Shiva gave the life dhaan to enjoy the the world along with the grahas, and many other supportive space shelter. He only appeared in the form of light and adorned a form to give spiritual knowledge.


The system of karma was installed by Shiva so the lives on the earth remain self-regulated. VISHNU took it upon himself to sustain the theory of karma. He promised to incarnate himself as and when his devotees suffer and the justice gets failed.
Lord Vishnu showed that all lives are same as he started his incarnation as a fish, to boar to turtle to dwarf to humans. He is everywhere and in every life. He needs your devotion and love to be able to incarnate.

Thoughts from the divine song GITA
December 18, 2020

Stress, helplessness, anger emerges from an extremely demanding mind. It has a capacity to swallow all ego related issues. We try to fill the emptiness with money, material things and relationships; these are temporary solutions as mind sees no fulfillment.

Emotional hassles like fear, jealousy, anger, hatred, manipulation, everyone should follow my way are imaginary swords that tear the human mind apart, in reality human nature is to live in Ananda, bliss.

Humans try to mess up their own lives with shadow fights within themselves. Remember each one is as insecure and scared as you are so we get nothing from them and we run after relationships to heal ourselves!

Perception, projection, purity, piousness and perfection are important to reach the goal of happiness. SANSARIC people are confused and directionless like fishes in the water that keeps turning and tossing. There are others who will try to spread the net trap; be in the water, be aware of the net and keep floating.

Thought for the day
December 18, 2020

There is a common question people ask me “why do good people suffer, why honesty is always challenged?”

Sathyam cannot come out without suffering as it is surrounded by energy of asathyam. You have to break through the negativity to achieve the positive. EXAMPLE — Can you consume rice without beating the husk on the floor? Can you drink the sweet coconut water without breaking the hard shell? Yuga is formed by the human energies, Lord Krishna, when he left his body knew what was coming.

He imparted the Gyanam for those deserving souls. We as seekers surrender to his knowledge that is pure and undiluted.

Introduction to the divine song GITA
December 16, 2020

Good and evil are two sides of the same coin for man as the intellect or the sukshama buddhi is given to him due to his good karma. Animals and other species run their lives on basic instincts and their movements are computarized by God. They do not make any karma, as they have no discriminating ability.

Man is awake from within as he is capable of applying his knowledge. He goes to school to learn and retain. He is also taught how to go in the path of righteousness, compassion, serving the poor, application of knowledge.

We still wonder on dharma and adharma, and find excuses for our own evil actions and justify selfish thoughts like “me” mine, my family, my children, my house etc. The awakening of human life is not to identify with only yourself and your family, it is to understand the universal connect and Co existence.

We deviate from our duty and fail to understand the purpose of human life, the world seems evil and we call it kali yuga. The selfishness and the desire to project oneself in wrong ways, secretively wishing bad for people around, wearing a mask of falsehood, unable to see the success of friends are all the other side of good human birth.

In Mahabarath, the most beautiful manual for living skill for human life, shows how the greed and selfishness makes human mind deteorate in trying to take each others lives. Veda Vyas opens the GITA with Dharmakshtra and Kurukshetra, the real conflict of man that destroys the world.

Introduction to the divine song GITA
December 13, 2020

We spoke on holding back the negative thoughts and energy while expelling positive words although false, has a collective impact in the universe. Longing for external things, not able to accept changes in life and body mind sense complex, the compulsive desire to be what you are not are all the hidden enemies that firm a network with the PASSWORD —- UNHAPPINESS.

How to change it? For example – If you are an artist, how will you correct the image on the canvas? If you are a singer or dancer, you will practice till you get it right. If you are a home maker, you improvise by thinking and learning from others keeping your goal of making your home a happy one.

You do adjust in your relationship with other members as you do not want want the family to break down. Same way I am talking about your storage of negative energy. It is YOU the most important entity that should live a happy life. Cleansing of the mind has to happen each day. Sit in solitude, with no baggage of relationships in your mind, see yourself as nothing, empty the mind for that moment (you can pick up the luggage later), force your mind to the knowledge you have gained, ponder over it and the cleansing happens on its own. IT IS AN EVERYDAY PRACTICE.

Just like cooking, working, painting singing dancing, the technique of it all becomes part of you; SKILL OF LIVING LIFE ALSO BECOMES PART OF YOUR NATURE.

December 13, 2020

Keep up. Meditation is something that happens on its own. The real practice is sitting in solitude and let the thoughts wander in the mind. Do not supress it. Your silence will drive away the junk from the mind.

Thoughts on the divine GITA
December 12, 2020

EGO is a symptom of fear. Where does the fear come from? Why did Arjuna tremble in the battle field when he was supposed to be fighting for his rights and justice?

His attachment and passion towards his relatives, cousins, uncles and Gurus, was giving him withdrawl symptoms. He was addicted to his attachment and compulsive emotion that was driven by his love and values.

There is something beyond your attachment and that is the well being of the world and people. If you belong to the human race, it is everyone ‘s responsibility to preserve justice on the earth. We will find out how the Lord turns around the perception of Arjuna and try to fine tune his EGO.

Introduction to the divine song GITA
December 12, 2020

We need to keep our body fresh so we have a shower every day and spray perfumes to keep it going. We keep the stomach intact even before it craves for food or you are concerned that it may cause acidity or the sugar levels can drop etc. What about the mental bath, I mean what are we doing to keep our minds fresh and agile?

We speak anything we want without thinking; in today ‘s world, people speak positive and loving words to others. Positive speech pumps positive energy and the cunning, spiteful thoughts remain as negative energy from within. Example – Air conditioners.

Air is recycled and conditioned same way your thoughts recycle negative energy and condition it to remain in your body, mind system.

All this energy is centralised in the pyramid of your body mind system. Hence the most important step to take towards absorbing knowledge is cleanse your mind by throwing away the negative energy that is stored in the system.

Let go of the past and forgive yourself and try not to speak what you do not mean so you do not have to hold the negative energy inside you. No one cares really what you think in this world, each of them are so self-absorbed, they are looking for false validation.

Introduction to the divine song GITA
December 12, 2020

We spoke on holding back the negative thoughts and energy while expelling positive words although false, has a collective impact in the universe. Longing for external things, not able to accept changes in life and body mind sense complex, the compulsive desire to be what you are not are all the hidden enemies that firm a network with the PASSWORD —- UNHAPPINESS.

How to change it? For example – If you are an artist, how will you correct the image on the canvas? If you are a singer or dancer, you will practice till you get it right. If you are a home maker, you improvise by thinking and learning from others keeping your goal of making your home a happy one.

You do adjust in your relationship with other members as you do not want the family to break down. Same way I am talking about your storage of negative energy. It is YOU the most important entity that should live a happy life. Cleansing of the mind has to happen each day. Sit in solitude, with no baggage of relationships in your mind, see yourself as nothing, empty the mind for that moment (you can pick up the luggage later), force your mind to the knowledge you have gained, ponder over it and the cleansing happens on its own. IT IS AN EVERYDAY PRACTICE.

Just like cooking, working, painting singing dancing, the technique of it all becomes part of you; SKILL OF LIVING LIFE ALSO BECOMES PART OF YOUR NATURE.

December 12, 2020

THOSE Who wish to protect themselves from the negativity in the world KINDLY PONDER ON THIS.

Thoughts to understand the divine song GITA
December 10, 2020

There is economic recession, material depletion in the bank, same way we experience mental recession as the energy gets releases in your action. Unless we replenish it with Bhakti, chanting and remember the grace of the Lord, one cannot recharge the energy of the mind.

Any object that needs a recharge is subject to destruction. Body, mind complex is temporary, the experiences you feel in this body will not stay. Krishna says the soul that gets in to delusion due to the impact of the mind suffers in the body. Once it is released, it waits for another body desperately to fulfil the desires mind made.

Once you become aware and awake, you do not need any recharge, you become the power bank for others. Be watchful of the mental recession. Such conditions give us sickness and mental depression. Example when a child is in pain and cries, he runs to the mother. When there is mental illness captures you, turn to the source energy to get you out of pain.

In Mahabarath, the most beautiful manual for living skill for human life, shows how the greed and selfishness makes human mind deteorate in trying to take each others lives. Veda Vyas opens the GITA with Dharmakshtra and Kurukshetra, the real conflict of man that destroys the world.

I am recapturing the last session. The whole Universe is ONE says the Vedas. The network of karma is not known to anyone; we have formed rules to be compassionate, tolerant and adjust to injustice in the blood related family. If you really think deep, those who care and help in crisis may not be your family members.

It happens at the right time and place when you need. We humans attach ourselves to the world of family and suffer the pain of rejection. There is always a conflict of interest. Is my child different from others? Can my parents be beyond making mistakes? Can my siblings not feel jealous at all?

GITA helps you to rediscover the true network of the universal bonding. Lord takes it upon himself to release the falsehood of relationships. We often hear people say ” my own children spoke these words of hurt, they are my children”. ” my brother or sister is fighting a legal battle with me, all for money”. Where are these statements coming from? Our ignorance in understanding the karmic relationships.

VISHNU incarnated himself on the earth to re establish your knowledge on creation.

Why only VISHNU? Let us see next time.

Vaikunta ekadashi is the day when samudra manthan happened and the Lord himself descended on the earth to distribute nectar to the Devas. This is symbolic of him opening his heart to his devotees who truly surrender at his feet. Bheeshma waited on the bed of arrows to shed his body on this day so you can be released from the birth and death cycle.

Veda Vyas says in the kali yuga to come even if his devotees stay detached with their minds on his feet will be released of karma

Introduction to the divine song GITA
December 8, 2020

Every action has a reaction as it produces energy and goes to the mind. It creates a network, and we keep feeding our mind with greed through this network except we change the password that suits our changing needs. Karma or the floppy of energy we bring as desires have to be fulfilled hence we have the body.

In this process the mind goes out of control and our karmic energy can hold only for example 400 watts of energy, then the energy of greed gets electrocuted. This makes man stressful, anxious and depressed.

What can make your mind strong? Bhakti, compassion and knowledge of the world that surrounds you are the true ayurveda for the mind.

The divine energy that is present in everyone can be felt when the body starts decaying once the prana leaves. If it is only your breath, then your body should decay in the state of coma??? It is the soul that departs at the prescribed time.

Introduction to the divine song Gita
December 8, 2020

Confidence is the most important thing to balance the wheel of life that keeps turning happiness and sorrow. One should know one ‘s capacity before taking the journey of worldly pursuits.

There is only one Universe, one energy, and one soul that gets split for a purpose and gets their names and forms. TIME KAALAM does not wait for man, your own confidence from within helps you cross the ocean of destiny. Confidence is realised by eliminating the inadequacy that says ” I am not good enough, I feel insecure, I need to be someone else.” For example — your blood group does not change, it is permanent; blood diseases keep occurring due to mismanagement of the body. Same way your soul or Athma is forever, diseases are in the mind that needs to be cured to attain confidence.

However know the difference between confidence and EGO.

Confidence is your power from within, when we try to show it to others, it turns in to EGO that becomes cancerous cells in the mind. GITA says destroy such artificially acquired diseases of the mind.

Thoughts from the divine song GITA
December 7, 2020

Stress, helplessness, anger emerges from an extremely demanding mind. It has a capacity to swallow all ego related issues. We try to fill the emptiness with money, material things and relationships; these are temporary solutions as mind sees no fulfillment.

Emotional hassles like fear, jealousy, anger, hatred, manipulation, everyone should follow my way are imaginary swords that tear the human mind apart, in reality human nature is to live in Ananda, bliss.
Humans try to mess up their own lives with shadow fights within themselves. Remember each one is as insecure and scared as you are so we get nothing from them and we run after relationships to heal ourselves!

Perception, projection, purity, piousness and perfection are important to reach the goal of happiness. SANSARIC people are confused and directionless like fishes in the water that keeps turning and tossing. There are others who will try to spread the net trap; be in the water, be aware of the net and keep floating.

Thought for the day
December 7, 2020

There is a common question people ask me “why do good people suffer, why honesty is always challenged?”

Sathyam cannot come out without suffering as it is surrounded by energy of asathyam. You have to break through the negativity to achieve the positive. EXAMPLE — Can you consume rice without beating the husk on the floor? Can you drink the sweet coconut water without breaking the hard shell? Yuga is formed by the human energies, Lord Krishna, when he left his body knew what was coming.

He imparted the Gyanam for those deserving souls. We as seekers surrender to his knowledge that is pure and undiluted

Introduction to the divine song GITA
December 7, 2020

Every action has a reaction as it produces energy and goes to the mind. It creates a network, and we keep feeding our mind with greed through this network except we change the password that suits our changing needs. Karma or the floppy of energy we bring as desires have to be fulfilled hence we have the body.

In this process the mind goes out of control and our karmic energy can hold only for example 400 watts of energy, then the energy of greed gets electrocuted. This makes man stressful, anxious and depressed.: What can make your mind strong? Bhakti, compassion and knowledge of the world that surrounds you are the true ayurveda for the mind.

The divine energy that is present in everyone can be felt when the body starts decaying once the prana leaves. If it is only your breath, then your body should decay in the state of coma??? It is the soul that departs at the prescribed time.

Thoughts for Bhagawath Gita the divine song
December 4, 2020

AMBITION, ASPIRATION, ACTION, ACHIEVEMENT, ACCUMULATION ATTACHMENT and then what? The answers to this question is beautifully woven by the Lord in his revelation to Arjuna who crumbling down in the battlefield.

This is very symbolic of our lives today when we crumble under our own mental pressure and we lose the sight of right and wrong. There is always a conflict of positive and negative thoughts in our heads. Scriptures help you to tide over the obstacles

DESIRE is the cause of your birth. Nothing wrong in it. Pursue it, fulfil it and enjoy the happiness of your achievement. Attachment is inevitable in the process but be aware that expectation along with attachment causes pain. Whatever is meant for you will reach your door step, take the opportunity with total happiness.????

Human mind can never be without thoughts and wanting if it is an untrained mind. So your desires will turn in to an energy that manifests on the earth to get fulfilled. Whether you think of leaving in to God or not; the universal system only works that way. Your surrender to him helps you tide over your obstacles like the anesthesia on the operation table.

Man has to discharge the energy created by him in his mind, as science also says ” every action has a reaction”

Introduction to the divine song GITA
December 4, 2020

Desire that gets formed in the mind is natural like the flower bud that has to bloom. Flower that is bloomed does not have expectation of going only to the feet of the Lord. It can whither away alone, it can be crushed for perfumes, it can adorn somebody’s hair.

Natural law applies to human beings too. You are human so you are aware of the the desire, the result of the desire is not time bound, the attachment to the desire is formed as we need it, expectation from the attachment makes us restless, anxious and competetive. None of these things are in your control but you have already given life to it in your mind.

There is a vacuum and we fill it with whatever comes our way and create more network of problems. GITA says be aware of your desire and enjoy the result of the it NOW. You can keep forming the need all your life.

Example Attachment to the children, it can never go out of your system. However they bring their set of karma and have to act accordingly. Am I as a parent deserve love as a reciprocation? Is my expectation fair? What should I do? Your expectations cannot stand in front of the cycle of karma. Why waste your time on expectations and ego satisfaction? Just go with the flow, see what comes your way, the whole Universe is yours, take what you need from it.

Thoughts on the divine GITA
December 3, 2020

EGO is a symptom of fear. Where does the fear come from? Why did Arjuna tremble in the battle field when he was supposed to be fighting for his rights and justice?

His attachment and passion towards his relatives, cousins, uncles and Gurus, was giving him withdrawl symptoms. He was addicted to his attachment and compulsive emotion that was driven by his love and values.

There is something beyond your attachment and that is the well being of the world and people. If you belong to the human race, it is everyone ‘s responsibility to preserve justice on the earth. We will find out how the Lord turns around the perception of Arjuna and try to fine tune his EGO.

Thoughts on the divine song GITA
December 3, 2020

I asked the question ‘ Why Vishnu for incarnations? Misconception on representations of Gods have to be cleared. Bhrama, the who came out of nothing after the Pralaya, the energy that manifested itself to create the infrastructure of this universe for us, I mean the chosen earth

Shiva gave the life dhaan to enjoy the the world along with the grahas, and many other supportive space shelter. He only appeared in the form of light and adorned a form to give spiritual knowledge.


The system of karma was installed by Shiva so the lives on the earth remain self-regulated. VISHNU took it upon himself to sustain the theory of karma. He promised to incarnate himself as and when his devotees suffer and the justice gets failed.

Lord Vishnu showed that all lives are same as he started his incarnation as a fish, to boar to turtle to dwarf to humans. He is everywhere and in every life. He needs your devotion and love to be able to incarnate.

Introduction to the divine song GITA
December 2, 2020

Good and evil are two sides of the same coin for man as the intellect or the sukshama buddhi is given to him due to his good karma. Animals and other species run their lives on basic instincts and their movements are computarized by God. They do not make any karma, as they have no discriminating ability.
Man is awake from within as he is capable of applying his knowledge. He goes to school to learn and retain. He is also taught how to go in the path of righteousness, compassion, serving the poor, application of knowledge.

We still wonder on dharma and adharma, and find excuses for our own evil actions and justify selfish thoughts like “me” mine, my family, my children, my house etc. The awakening of human life is not to identify with only yourself and your family, it is to understand the universal connect and Co existence.

We deviate from our duty and fail to understand the purpose of human life, the world seems evil and we call it kali yuga. The selfishness and the desire to project oneself in wrong ways, secretively wishing bad for people around, wearing a mask of falsehood, unable to see the success of friends are all the other side of good human birth.

In Mahabarath, the most beautiful manual for living skill for human life, shows how the greed and selfishness makes human mind deteorate in trying to take each others lives. Veda Vyas opens the GITA with Dharmakshtra and Kurukshetra, the real conflict of man that destroys the world..

Divine Song Gita – Chapter 1
December 1, 2020

Vasantha Vaikunth


Chapter one depicts the actual scene of Kurukshetra that became an inevitable war between the good and the evil. The Kauravas hundred in number, represent the negative forces within man with the aspiration to win over the good.

The plot sounds optimistic with a note that even if man supresses his divine impulses, under the guidance of the Supreme incarnation, one can come out victorious and establish justice.

A constant Mahabharata war is being waged within every one of us at crucial moments in life. Negative energy that gets accumulated usually is mightier while the inner divine army is lesser in number.

Arjuna, our hero is in desperation, grief and shows his weakness in acting and living in the moment.

Dhritarashtra ” What did the sons of Pandu and MY people do when they assembled together on the holy plain of Kurukshetra, O Sanjaya?

The King very clearly shows his meanness when he refers to MY sons and Pandu ‘s sons. Dharmakshetre Kurukshetre, these words refer to the imbalance of the world.

Thought for the Day on GITA
December 1, 2020

The justice we often talk about that we deserve is due to the ego identity that we nurture over a life time. Dharma is something that everyone needs to enjoy in life. We blame God, destiny and many other known factors except our thoughts and action.

Human beings can stretch to any level of injustice as long as they are not caught and judged. Dhritarashtra the blind king had his eyes open to his children and kept blaming his limited sight. Ghandari woman of substance and power kept her eyes closed so she can blame it on the situation. Both of them suffered from obsessive attachment to their children who were adharmis and kept justice only to themselves.

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