Life in Your Hands

If you ever find yourself on cross roads, open your smart phone and interact with us; you will find an answer. Our time-tested scriptures hold the gear to our changing speed in life.
Changing life, revolution on relationships, sexuality and corporate functioning have baffled the world. This website is trying to help and answer all day today questions from marriage, parenting, youth mantra, midlife crisis, retirement phobia, education and employment, success, and loneliness in the world of social media and many more.
Kalaimamani Vasantha Vaikunth is the brain behind this futuristic website.
Thoughts To Live By
WORLD SYSTEM functions like business contracts. We sign deals in our minds on networking. Our intelligence works out a plan on give and take with people who are useful to us, hence we have so many networking platforms. These deals do not have the endorsement of our individual destiny. We find our plans and expectations do not come along with our desires.
The FORCED NETWORKING for spot benefit is a waste of time and energy, one has to feel the relationship bonding to achieve results. Setting goals are important and relating to people is more important that network relationships. Universal energy will fulfil your desires through your self made destiny.
~ Vasantha Vaikunth

Very interesting meeting with Honourable Health Minister Dr K. Sudhakar, Government of Karnataka. Many leads to improve mental health in the state. Productive and enriching experience. Discussion on.

Great leap for my online NGO for emotional support to get in to Ramaiya institute of Engineering as part of their curriculum and have kick started the sessions. Work in progress. FEELING BLESSED. will be helping 30000 students in different levels.
Grateful to 2021
– Invited by United Nations to run panel discussion and religious conferences in the department of spirituality.
– IIT Chennai and Ramayia Institute of Technology collaborated with
– Conducted 9 editions of JUST SPEAK on various topics on finance, social issues, politics, cinema, media and mental wellness.

Latest Articles
Recent Posts
- Conserve Energy to Fight the Battles Within You
- Travelling Heals!!!
- Sustainable wellness
- Are we toxic
- Parent - Child Breakups?
- Make a Healthy Foundation
- It’s All In The Mind – Managing Mind’s Fluctuations
- Post COVID 19 Anxiety
- Racing from forty to sixty?
- Teenagers and Relationships
- Living Alone Is a Leading Cause of Depression
- Health Risks of Obesity and How to Prevent Them
- Guidelines for Restarting a Relationship
- Coping with the Stress of Returning to Work
- COVID-19 – The Psychological Consequences
- Keep Challenging your Body and Mind
- Dealing with Return-to-Work Stress